package net.knarcraft.placeholdersigns.config; import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.TranslatableMessage; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; /** * Translatable plugin messages */ public enum PlaceholderSignMessage implements TranslatableMessage { /** * The message to display when waiting for a sign selection (edit) */ SUCCESS_CLICK_SIGN_TO_EDIT, /** * The message displayed when a player tries to edit a waxed sign without the necessary permission */ ERROR_WAXED_NO_PERMISSION, /** * The message displayed when a sign line has been successfully changed */ SUCCESS_SIGN_CHANGED, /** * The format used when printing current sign lines */ SUCCESS_SIGN_CONTENTS, /** * The string displayed when a sign property is confirmed */ SIGN_PROPERTY_CONFIRM, /** * The string displayed when a sign property is denied */ SIGN_PROPERTY_DENY, /** * The message displayed when a player command is used from the console */ ERROR_PLAYER_ONLY, /** * The message to display when the player is not looking at a sign, which is required */ ERROR_NOT_LOOKING_AT_SIGN, /** * The message displayed when ready to paste a sign */ SUCCESS_CLICK_SIGN_TO_PASTE, /** * The message displayed when a sign is successfully pasted */ SUCCESS_SIGN_PASTED, /** * The message displayed when a protection plugin cancels the sign change event */ ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_PROTECTION, /** * The message displayed when a sign has been successfully un-waxed */ SUCCESS_SIGN_UN_WAXED, ; @Override public @NotNull TranslatableMessage[] getAllMessages() { return PlaceholderSignMessage.values(); } }