package net.knarcraft.minigames.config; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * The configuration keeping track of dropper settings */ public class DropperConfiguration extends MiniGameConfiguration { private final static String rootNode = "dropper."; private double verticalVelocity; private float horizontalVelocity; private int randomlyInvertedTimer; private boolean mustDoGroupedInSequence; private boolean ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce; private boolean mustDoNormalModeFirst; private boolean makePlayersInvisible; private boolean disableHitCollision; private boolean blockSneaking; private boolean blockSprinting; private Set blockWhitelist; /** * Instantiates a new dropper configuration * * @param configuration

The YAML configuration to use internally

*/ public DropperConfiguration(FileConfiguration configuration) { super(configuration); } /** * Gets the default vertical velocity * * @return

The default vertical velocity

*/ public double getVerticalVelocity() { return this.verticalVelocity; } /** * Gets the default horizontal velocity * * @return

The default horizontal velocity

*/ public float getHorizontalVelocity() { return this.horizontalVelocity; } /** * Gets the number of seconds before the randomly inverted game-mode toggles * * @return

Number of seconds before the inversion toggles

*/ public int getRandomlyInvertedTimer() { return this.randomlyInvertedTimer; } /** * Gets whether grouped arenas must be done in the set sequence * * @return

Whether grouped arenas must be done in sequence

*/ public boolean mustDoGroupedInSequence() { return this.mustDoGroupedInSequence; } /** * Gets whether the normal/default mode must be beaten before playing another game-mode * * @return

Whether the normal game-mode must be beaten first

*/ public boolean mustDoNormalModeFirst() { return this.mustDoNormalModeFirst; } /** * Gets the types of block which should not trigger a loss * * @return

The materials that should not trigger a loss

*/ public Set getBlockWhitelist() { return new HashSet<>(this.blockWhitelist); } /** * Gets whether records should be discarded, unless the player has already beaten all arenas in the group * * @return

Whether to ignore records on the first play-through

*/ public boolean ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce() { return this.ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce; } /** * Gets whether players should be made invisible while in an arena * * @return

Whether players should be made invisible

*/ public boolean makePlayersInvisible() { return this.makePlayersInvisible; } /** * Gets whether entity hit-collision of players in an arena should be disabled * * @return

Whether to disable hit collision

*/ public boolean disableHitCollision() { return this.disableHitCollision; } /** * Gets whether players trying to sneak while in a dropper arena to increase their downwards speed should be blocked * * @return

Whether to block sneak to speed up

*/ public boolean blockSneaking() { return blockSneaking; } /** * Gets whether players trying to sprint to improve their horizontal speed while in a dropper arena should be blocked * * @return

Whether to block sprint to speed up

*/ public boolean blockSprinting() { return this.blockSprinting; } @Override protected void load() { this.verticalVelocity = configuration.getDouble(rootNode + "verticalVelocity", 1.0); this.horizontalVelocity = (float) configuration.getDouble(rootNode + "horizontalVelocity", 1.0); this.randomlyInvertedTimer = configuration.getInt(rootNode + "randomlyInvertedTimer", 7); this.mustDoGroupedInSequence = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "mustDoGroupedInSequence", true); this.ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce", false); this.mustDoNormalModeFirst = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "mustDoNormalModeFirst", true); this.makePlayersInvisible = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "makePlayersInvisible", false); this.disableHitCollision = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "disableHitCollision", true); this.blockSprinting = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "blockSprinting", true); this.blockSneaking = configuration.getBoolean(rootNode + "blockSneaking", true); this.blockWhitelist = loadMaterialList(rootNode + "blockWhitelist"); sanitizeValues(); } /** * Sanitizes configuration values to ensure they are within expected bounds */ private void sanitizeValues() { if (this.horizontalVelocity > 1 || this.horizontalVelocity <= 0) { this.horizontalVelocity = 1; } if (this.verticalVelocity <= 0 || this.verticalVelocity > 75) { this.verticalVelocity = 1; } if (this.randomlyInvertedTimer <= 0 || this.randomlyInvertedTimer > 3600) { this.randomlyInvertedTimer = 7; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( "Current configuration:" + "\n" + "Vertical velocity: " + verticalVelocity + "\n" + "Horizontal velocity: " + horizontalVelocity + "\n" + "Randomly inverted timer: " + randomlyInvertedTimer + "\n" + "Must do groups in sequence: " + mustDoGroupedInSequence + "\n" + "Ignore records until group beaten once: " + ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce + "\n" + "Must do normal mode first: " + mustDoNormalModeFirst + "\n" + "Make players invisible: " + makePlayersInvisible + "\n" + "Disable hit collision: " + disableHitCollision + "\n" + "Block whitelist: "); for (Material material : blockWhitelist) { builder.append("\n - ").append(; } return builder.toString(); } }