# MiniGames This plugin adds several mini-games. To create a dropper arena, simply use `/droppercreate `, where \ is simply the name used to differentiate and recognize the arena. Your location will be used as the spawn location for anyone joining the dropper arena. To start playing, simply use `/dropperjoin `, where \ is the same as you specified upon creation. To modify the arena, use `/dropperedit `. To create a parkour arena, simply use `/parkourcreate `, where \ is simply the name used to differentiate and recognize the arena. Your location will be used as the spawn location for anyone joining the dropper arena. To start playing, simply use `/parkourjoin `, where \ is the same as you specified upon creation. To modify the arena, use `/parkouredit `. Use `/parkouredit checkpointAdd here` to add a checkpoint at your current location. Special Parkour behavior: If a lever is toggled while in a parkour arena, that lever is saved, and automatically turned off once the last arena player leaves, or the last arena player restarts. This allows parkour arenas where lever toggles are required for progression. It is however possible to cheat by having one player go first, toggling required levers, and then going through much faster. ## Permissions The only permission normal players will need is `minigames.join` which is set to true by default. | Node | Description | |--------------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | minigames.admin | Gives all permissions. | | minigames.dropper | Gives all dropper-related permissions. | | minigames.parkour | Gives all parkour-related permissions. | | minigames.join | Allows a player to participate in mini-game arenas. | | minigames.join.dropper | Allows a player to participate in dropper arenas. | | minigames.join.parkour | Allows a player to participate in parkour arenas. | | minigames.create | Allows a player to create a new mini-game arena. | | minigames.create.dropper | Allows a player to create a new dropper arena. | | minigames.create.parkour | Allows a player to create a new parkour arena. | | minigames.edit | Allows a player to edit an existing mini-game arena. | | minigames.edit.dropper | Allows a player to edit an existing dropper arena. | | minigames.edit.parkour | Allows a player to edit an existing parkour arena. | | minigames.remove | Allows a player to remove a mini-game arena. | | minigames.remove.dropper | Allows a player to remove a dropper arena. | | minigames.remove.parkour | Allows a player to remove a parkour arena. | ## Commands | Command | Alias | Arguments | Description | |----------------------------------------|----------|------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | /miniGamesReload | /mreload | | Reloads all data from disk. | | /miniGamesLeave | /mleave | | Leaves the current mini-game. | | /miniGamesMenu | /mmenu | | Shows a menu of actions if used while in an arena | | [/miniGamesReward](#minigamesreward) | /mreward | [See this](#minigamesreward) | Adds or removes rewards for an arena | | /dropperList | /dlist | | Lists available dropper arenas. | | [/dropperJoin](#dropperjoin) | /djoin | \ \[mode] | Joins the selected arena. | | /dropperCreate | /dcreate | \ | Creates a new dropper arena with the given name. The spawn is set to your location. | | /dropperRemove | /dremove | \ | Removes the specified dropper arena. | | [/dropperEdit](#dropperedit) | /dedit | \ \