package net.knarcraft.minecraftserverlauncher.utility; import; import; import; import; import net.knarcraft.minecraftserverlauncher.userinterface.GUI; import javax.swing.*; import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import static net.knarcraft.minecraftserverlauncher.Main.getApplicationWorkDirectory; import static net.knarcraft.minecraftserverlauncher.utility.CommonFunctions.downloadFile; import static net.knarcraft.minecraftserverlauncher.utility.CommonFunctions.getResourceAsScanner; import static net.knarcraft.minecraftserverlauncher.utility.CommonFunctions.readFile; /** * A utility used for updating the software */ public final class Updater { /** * Checks if a newer version is available * * @param updateURL

The URL used for checking for updates

* @param updateChannel

The release channel to use

* @param gui

The GUI to use for output

* @throws IOException

If the update data cannot be read

*/ public static void checkForUpdate(String updateURL, String updateChannel, GUI gui) throws IOException { Scanner file = getResourceAsScanner("currentversion.csv"); if (!file.hasNextLine()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File currentversion.csv is invalid"); } String oldType = file.nextLine(); if (!file.hasNextLine()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File currentversion.csv is invalid"); } String oldVer = file.nextLine(); file.close(); String data = readFile(updateURL); JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(data).getAsJsonObject(); String latest = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("latest").get(updateChannel).getAsString(); if (!oldType.equals(updateChannel) || !oldVer.equals(latest)) { String dir = getApplicationWorkDirectory() + File.separator; JsonArray versionList = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("versions"); String url = ""; for (JsonElement elem : versionList) { JsonObject obj = elem.getAsJsonObject(); String ver = obj.get("id").getAsString(); String type = obj.get("type").getAsString(); if (ver.equals(latest) && type.equals(updateChannel)) { url = obj.get("url").getAsString(); } } if (downloadFile(url, new File(dir + "update.jar").toPath())) { doUpdate(dir, gui); } else { gui.showError("Update available", "An update is available, but could not be downloaded."); } } } /** * Asks the user whether to update and downloads the new update * * @param dir

The directory to save the updated file to

* @param gui

The GUI to write output to

*/ public static void doUpdate(String dir, GUI gui) { int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "An update is available. Do you want to update?", "Update available", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) { if (new File(dir + "Minecraft-Server-Launcher.jar").renameTo(new File(dir + "Old.jar"))) { if (new File(dir + "update.jar").renameTo(new File(dir + "Minecraft-Server-Launcher.jar"))) { if (new File(dir + "Old.jar").delete()) { gui.showMessage("Update complete", "Update finished. Please run the software again."); System.exit(0); } } else { if (!new File(dir + "Old.jar").renameTo(new File(dir + "Minecraft-Server-Launcher.jar"))) { System.out.println("Shit"); } } } gui.showError("Update failed", "Could not replace the main .jar with the downloaded .jar."); } } }