Replaces the converter abstract class with an interface
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,515 +1,17 @@
package net.knarcraft.ffmpegconverter.converter;
import net.knarcraft.ffmpegconverter.streams.AudioStream;
import net.knarcraft.ffmpegconverter.streams.StreamObject;
import net.knarcraft.ffmpegconverter.streams.SubtitleStream;
import net.knarcraft.ffmpegconverter.streams.VideoStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Implements all methods which can be usefull for any implementation of a converter.
* This interface describes a file converter
public abstract class Converter {
String ffprobePath;
String ffmpegPath;
boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
private static final String PROBE_SPLIT_CHARACTER = "øæåÆØå";
public abstract String[] getValidFormats();
public abstract void convert(File file) throws IOException;
final String[] AUDIO_FORMATS = new String[] {".3gp", ".aa", ".aac", ".aax", ".act", ".aiff", ".amr", ".ape", ".au",
".awb", ".dct", ".dss", ".dvf", ".flac", ".gsm", ".iklax", ".ivs", ".m4a", ".m4b", ".m4p", ".mmf", ".mp3",
".mpc", ".msv", ".ogg", ".oga", ".mogg", ".opus", ".ra", ".rm", ".raw", ".sln", ".tta", ".vox", ".wav",
".wma", ".wv", ".webm", ".8svx"};
final String[] VIDEO_FORMATS = new String[] {".avi", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".mkv", ".wmv", ".flv", ".webm", ".3gp",
".rmvb", ".3gpp", ".mts", ".m4v", ".mov", ".rm", ".asf", ".mp4", ".vob", ".ogv", ".drc", ".qt", ".yuv",
".asm", ".m4p", ".mp2", ".mpe", ".mpv", ".m2v", ".svi", ".3g2", ".roq", ".nsv"};
public interface Converter {
* Gets streams from a file
* @param ffprobePath <p>The path/command to ffprobe.</p>
* @param file <p>The file to probe.</p>
* @return <p>A list of StreamObjects.</p>
* @throws IOException <p>If the process can't be read.</p>
* Converts the given file
* @param file <p>The file to convert.</p>
* @throws IOException <p>If the file cannot be converted.</p>
static List<StreamObject> probeFile(String ffprobePath, File file) throws IOException {
ProcessBuilder builderProbe = new ProcessBuilder(
print("Probe command: ");
Process processProbe = builderProbe.start();
BufferedReader readerProbe = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(processProbe.getInputStream()));
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
while (processProbe.isAlive()) {
String read = read(readerProbe, PROBE_SPLIT_CHARACTER);
if (!read.equals("")) {
return parseStreams(stringBetween(output.toString(), "[STREAM]", "[/STREAM]"));
* Adds parentheses with an integer if the output file already exists
* @param targetPath <p>The path the file should ideally be saved at.</p>
* @param extension <p>The extension of the target file.</p>
* @return <p>A filename guaranteed not to collide with other files.</p>
static String fileCollisionPrevention(String targetPath, String extension) {
File newFile = new File(targetPath);
String fileName = stripExtension(targetPath);
int i = 1;
while (newFile.exists()) {
newFile = new File(fileName + "(" + i++ + ")" + "." + extension);
return newFile.toString();
* Starts and prints output of a process
* @param process <p>The process to run.</p>
* @param folder <p>The folder the process should run in.</p>
* @throws IOException <p>If the process can't be read.</p>
static void convertProcess(ProcessBuilder process, File folder) throws IOException {
print("Command to be run: ");
Process processConvert = process.start();
BufferedReader readerConvert = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(processConvert.getInputStream()));
while (processConvert.isAlive()) {
String read = read(readerConvert, "\n");
if (!read.equals("")) {
printl("Process is finished.");
* Reads from a process reader
* @param reader <p>The reader of a process.</p>
* @return <p>The output from the read.</p>
* @throws IOException <p>On reader failure.</p>
private static String read(BufferedReader reader, String spacer) throws IOException {
String line;
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
while (reader.ready() && (line = reader.readLine()) != null && !line.equals("") && !line.equals("\n")) {
return text.toString().trim();
* Creates a list containing all required arguments for converting a video to a web playable video
* @param executable <p>The executable to use (ffmpeg/ffprobe).</p>
* @param fileName <p>The name of the file to execute on.</p>
* @return <p>A base list of ffmpeg commands for converting a video for web</p>
static List<String> ffmpegWebVideo(String executable, String fileName) {
List<String> command = generalFile(executable, fileName);
return command;
* Creates a list containing command line arguments for a general file
* @param executable <p>The executable to use (ffmpeg/ffprobe).</p>
* @param fileName <p>The name of the file to execute on.</p>
* @return <p>A base list of ffmpeg commands for converting a file.</p>
static List<String> generalFile(String executable, String fileName) {
List<String> command = new ArrayList<>();
return command;
* Adds debugging parameters for only converting parts of a file
* @param command <p>The list containing the command to run.</p>
* @param start <p>The offset before converting.</p>
* @param length <p>The offset for stopping the conversion.</p>
static void addDebug(List<String> command, int start, int length) {
command.add("" + start);
command.add("" + length);
* Lists all indexes fulfilling a predicate
* @param list <p>A list of ffprobe indexes.</p>
* @return <p>An integer list containing just the wanted indexes</p>
private static List<Integer> listIndexes(String[] list, Predicate<String> p) {
List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
for (String str : list) {
if (p.test(str)) {
indexes.add(Integer.parseInt(stringBetweenSingle(str, "index=", PROBE_SPLIT_CHARACTER)));
return indexes;
* Tests a predicate on a list
* @param list <p>A list.</p>
* @param p <p>A predicate</p>
* @param <T> <p>The type of the list and the predicate.</p>
* @return True if the list have an element for which the predicate is true
private static <T> boolean testPredicate(T[] list, Predicate<T> p) {
for (T o : list) {
if (p.test(o)) {
return true;
return false;
* Finds all substrings between two substrings in a string
* @param string <p>The string containing the substrings.</p>
* @param start <p>The substring before the wanted substring.</p>
* @param end <p>The substring after the wanted substring.</p>
* @return <p>A list of all occurrences of the substring.</p>
private static String[] stringBetween(String string, String start, String end) {
int startPos = string.indexOf(start) + start.length();
if (!string.contains(start) || string.indexOf(end, startPos) < startPos) {
return new String[]{};
int endPos = string.indexOf(end, startPos);
String outString = string.substring(startPos, endPos).trim();
String nextString = string.substring(endPos + end.length());
return concatenate(new String[]{outString}, stringBetween(nextString, start, end));
* Finds a substring between two substrings in a string
* @param string <p>The string containing the substrings.</p>
* @param start <p>The substring before the wanted substring.</p>
* @param end <p>The substring after the wanted substring.</p>
* @return <p>The wanted substring.</p>
private static String stringBetweenSingle(String string, String start, String end) {
int startPos = string.indexOf(start) + start.length();
if (!string.contains(start) || string.indexOf(end, startPos) < startPos) {
return "";
return string.substring(startPos, string.indexOf(end, startPos));
* Gets filename without extension from File object
* @param file <p>A file object.</p>
* @return <p>A filename.</p>
static String stripExtension(File file) {
return file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().lastIndexOf('.'));
* Removes the extension from a file name
* @param file <p>A filename.</p>
* @return <p>A filename without its extension.</p>
static String stripExtension(String file) {
return file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf('.'));
* Combines two arrays to one
* @param listA <p>The first array.</p>
* @param listB <p>The second array.</p>
* @param <T> <p>The type of the two lists.</p>
* @return <p>A new array containing all elements from the two arrays.</p>
public static <T> T[] concatenate(T[] listA, T[] listB) {
int listALength = listA.length;
int listBLength = listB.length;
T[] resultList = (T[]) Array.newInstance(listA.getClass().getComponentType(), listALength + listBLength);
System.arraycopy(listA, 0, resultList, 0, listALength);
System.arraycopy(listB, 0, resultList, listALength, listBLength);
return resultList;
* Filters parsed streams into one of the stream types
* @param streams <p>A list of stream objects.</p>
* @param codecType <p>The codec type of the streams to select.</p>
* @param <G> <p>The correct object type for the streams with the selected codec type.</p>
* @return <p>A potentially shorter list of streams.</p>
static <G extends StreamObject> List<G> filterStreamsByType(List<StreamObject> streams, String codecType) {
Iterator<StreamObject> i = streams.iterator();
List<G> newStreams = new ArrayList<>();
while (i.hasNext()) {
StreamObject next =;
if (next.getCodecType().equals(codecType)) {
newStreams.add((G) next);
return newStreams;
* Filters and sorts audio streams according to chosen languages
* @param audioStreams <p>A list of audio streams.</p>
* @param audioLanguages <p>A list of languages.</p>
* @return <p>A list containing just audio tracks of chosen languages, sorted in order of languages.</p>
static List<AudioStream> filterAudioStreams(List<AudioStream> audioStreams, String[] audioLanguages) {
List<AudioStream> filtered = new ArrayList<>();
for (String language : audioLanguages) {
for (AudioStream stream : audioStreams) {
if ((stream.getLanguage() != null && stream.getLanguage().equals(language)) || language.equals("*")) {
//Tries to reduce execution time from n^2
return filtered;
* Filters and sorts subtitle streams according to chosen languages
* @param subtitleStreams <p>A list of subtitle streams.</p>
* @param subtitleLanguages <p>A list of languages.</p>
* @param preventSignsAndSongs <p>Whether partial subtitles should be avoided.</p>
* @return <p>A list containing just subtitles of chosen languages, sorted in order of languages.</p>
static List<SubtitleStream> filterSubtitleStreams(List<SubtitleStream> subtitleStreams, String[] subtitleLanguages,
boolean preventSignsAndSongs) {
List<SubtitleStream> filtered = new ArrayList<>();
//Go through languages. Select all subtitles of the language
for (String language : subtitleLanguages) {
for (SubtitleStream stream : subtitleStreams) {
String streamLanguage = stream.getLanguage();
if (((streamLanguage != null && streamLanguage.equals(language)) || language.equals("*")) &&
(!preventSignsAndSongs || stream.getIsFullSubtitle())) {
//Tries to reduce execution time from n^2
return filtered;
* Takes a list of all streams and parses each stream into one of three objects
* @param streams <p>A list of all streams for the current file.</p>
* @return <p>A list of StreamObjects.</p>
private static List<StreamObject> parseStreams(String[] streams) {
List<StreamObject> parsedStreams = new ArrayList<>();
int relativeAudioIndex = 0;
int relativeVideoIndex = 0;
int relativeSubtitleIndex = 0;
for (String stream : streams) {
String[] streamParts = stream.split(PROBE_SPLIT_CHARACTER);
if (stream.contains("codec_type=video")) {
parsedStreams.add(parseVideoStream(streamParts, relativeVideoIndex++));
} else if (stream.contains("codec_type=audio")) {
parsedStreams.add(parseAudioStream(streamParts, relativeAudioIndex++));
} else if (stream.contains("codec_type=subtitle")) {
parsedStreams.add(parseSubtitleStream(streamParts, relativeSubtitleIndex++));
return parsedStreams;
* Parses a list of video stream parameters to a video stream object
* @param streamParts <p>A list of parameters belonging to an video stream.</p>
* @param relativeIndex <p>The relative index of the video stream.</p>
* @return <p>A SubtitleStream object.</p>
* @throws NumberFormatException <p>If codec index contains a non-numeric value.</p>
private static VideoStream parseVideoStream(String[] streamParts, int relativeIndex) throws NumberFormatException {
String codec = null;
int absoluteIndex = -1;
for (String streamPart : streamParts) {
if (streamPart.contains("codec_name=")) {
codec = streamPart.replace("codec_name=", "");
} else if (streamPart.contains("index=")) {
absoluteIndex = Integer.parseInt(streamPart.replace("index=", ""));
return new VideoStream(codec, absoluteIndex, relativeIndex);
* Parses a list of audio stream parameters to an audio stream object
* @param streamParts <p>A list of parameters belonging to an audio stream.</p>
* @param relativeIndex <p>The relative index of the audio stream.</p>
* @return <p>A SubtitleStream object.</p>
* @throws NumberFormatException <p>If codec index contains a non-numeric value.</p>
private static AudioStream parseAudioStream(String[] streamParts, int relativeIndex) throws NumberFormatException {
String codec = null;
int absoluteIndex = -1;
String language = null;
int channels = 0;
String title = "";
for (String streamPart : streamParts) {
if (streamPart.contains("codec_name=")) {
codec = streamPart.replace("codec_name=", "");
} else if (streamPart.contains("index=")) {
absoluteIndex = Integer.parseInt(streamPart.replace("index=", ""));
} else if (streamPart.contains("TAG:language=")) {
language = streamPart.replace("TAG:language=", "");
} else if (streamPart.contains("channels=")) {
channels = Integer.parseInt(streamPart.replace("channels=", ""));
} else if (streamPart.contains("TAG:title=")) {
title = streamPart.replace("TAG:title=", "");
return new AudioStream(codec, absoluteIndex, relativeIndex, language, title, channels);
* Parses a list of subtitle stream parameters to a subtitle stream object
* @param streamParts <p>A list of parameters belonging to a subtitle stream.</p>
* @param relativeIndex <p>The relative index of the subtitle.</p>
* @return <p>A SubtitleStream object.</p>
* @throws NumberFormatException <p>If codec index contains a non-numeric value.</p>
private static SubtitleStream parseSubtitleStream(String[] streamParts, int relativeIndex)
throws NumberFormatException {
String codecName = null;
int absoluteIndex = -1;
String language = null;
String title = "";
for (String streamPart : streamParts) {
if (streamPart.contains("codec_name=")) {
codecName = streamPart.replace("codec_name=", "");
} else if (streamPart.contains("index=")) {
absoluteIndex = Integer.parseInt(streamPart.replace("index=", ""));
} else if (streamPart.contains("TAG:language=")) {
language = streamPart.replace("TAG:language=", "");
} else if (streamPart.contains("TAG:title=")) {
title = streamPart.replace("TAG:title=", "");
return new SubtitleStream(codecName, absoluteIndex, relativeIndex, language, title);
* Escapes special characters which can cause trouble for ffmpeg
* @param fileName <p>The filename to escape.</p>
* @return <p>A filename with known special characters escaped.</p>
static String escapeSpecialCharactersInFileName(String fileName) {
return fileName.replace("'", "\\\\\\'")
.replace(",", "\\\\\\,")
.replace(";", "\\;")
.replace("]", "\\]")
.replace("[", "\\[");
* Prints something to the commandline efficiently
* @param input <p>The text to print.</p>
* @throws IOException <p>If a write is not possible.</p>
private static void print(String input) throws IOException {
if (!input.equals("")) {
* Prints something and a newline to the commandline efficiently
* @param input <p>The text to print.</p>
* @throws IOException <p>If a write is not possible.</p>
static void printl(String input) throws IOException {
if (!input.equals("")) {
* Prints a newline
* @throws IOException <p>If a write is not possible.</p>
static void printl() throws IOException {
* Checks whether there exists an external image subtitle with the same filename as the file
* @param directory <p>The directory containing the file.</p>
* @param file <p>The file to be converted.</p>
* @return <p>The extension of the subtitle or empty if no subtitle was found.</p>
String hasExternalImageSubtitle(String directory, String file) {
String path = stripExtension(file);
for (String subtitleExtension : new String[] {".idx", ".sub"}) {
if (new File(directory + File.separator + path + subtitleExtension).exists()) {
return path + subtitleExtension;
return "";
* Checks whether there exists an external subtitle with the same filename as the file
* @param directory <p>The directory containing the file.</p>
* @param file <p>The file to be converted.</p>
* @return <p>The extension of the subtitle or empty if no subtitle was found.</p>
String hasExternalSubtitle(String directory, String file) {
String path = stripExtension(file);
for (String subtitleExtension : new String[] {".srt", ".ass"}) {
System.out.println(directory + File.separator + path + subtitleExtension);
if (new File(directory + File.separator + path + subtitleExtension).exists()) {
return path + subtitleExtension;
return "";
void convert(File file) throws IOException;
Reference in New Issue
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