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package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.fishing;
import com.gmail.nossr50.core.MetadataConstants;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.XPGainReason;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.behaviours.FishingBehaviour;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.SkillManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.sounds.SoundType;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.util.BoundingBox;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class FishingManager extends SkillManager {
private long fishingRodCastTimestamp;
private long fishHookSpawnTimestamp;
private long lastWarned;
private long lastWarnedExhaust;
public final int FISHING_ROD_CAST_CD_MILLISECONDS = 100;
private final long FISHING_COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 1000L;
private FishHook fishHookReference;
private BoundingBox lastFishingBoundingBox;
private Location hookLocation;
private int fishCaughtCounter;
private int overFishCount;
private FishingBehaviour fishingBehaviour;
public FishingManager(mcMMO pluginRef, McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer) {
super(pluginRef, mcMMOPlayer, PrimarySkillType.FISHING);
fishingBehaviour = pluginRef.getDynamicSettingsManager().getSkillBehaviourManager().getFishingBehaviour();
fishCaughtCounter = 1;
public boolean canShake(Entity target) {
return target instanceof LivingEntity && pluginRef.getRankTools().hasUnlockedSubskill(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_SHAKE) && pluginRef.getPermissionTools().isSubSkillEnabled(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_SHAKE);
public boolean canMasterAngler() {
return getSkillLevel() >= pluginRef.getRankTools().getUnlockLevel(SubSkillType.FISHING_MASTER_ANGLER) && pluginRef.getPermissionTools().isSubSkillEnabled(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_MASTER_ANGLER);
public void setFishingRodCastTimestamp() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Only track spam casting if the fishing hook is fresh
if (currentTime > fishHookSpawnTimestamp + 1000)
if (currentTime < fishingRodCastTimestamp + fishingBehaviour.getFishingRodCastCdMilliseconds()) {
getPlayer().setFoodLevel(Math.max(getPlayer().getFoodLevel() - 1, 0));
getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInMainHand().setDurability((short) (getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getDurability() + 5));
if (lastWarnedExhaust + (1000) < currentTime) {
lastWarnedExhaust = currentTime;
pluginRef.getSoundManager().sendSound(getPlayer(), getPlayer().getLocation(), SoundType.TIRED);
fishingRodCastTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void setFishHookReference(FishHook fishHook) {
if (fishHook.getMetadata(MetadataConstants.FISH_HOOK_REF_METAKEY).size() > 0)
fishHook.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.FISH_HOOK_REF_METAKEY, MetadataConstants.metadataValue);
fishHookSpawnTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
fishingRodCastTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
public boolean isFishingTooOften() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long fishHookSpawnCD = fishHookSpawnTimestamp + 1000;
boolean hasFished = (currentTime < fishHookSpawnCD);
if (hasFished && (lastWarned + (1000) < currentTime)) {
lastWarned = System.currentTimeMillis();
return hasFished;
public boolean isExploitingFishing(Vector centerOfCastVector) {
/*Block targetBlock = getPlayer().getTargetBlock(BlockUtils.getTransparentBlocks(), 100);
if (!targetBlock.isLiquid()) {
return false;
int overfishLimit = fishingBehaviour.getOverfishLimit();
BoundingBox newCastBoundingBox = makeBoundingBox(centerOfCastVector);
boolean sameTarget = lastFishingBoundingBox != null && lastFishingBoundingBox.overlaps(newCastBoundingBox);
if (sameTarget)
fishCaughtCounter = 1;
if (fishCaughtCounter + 1 == overfishLimit) {
getPlayer().sendMessage(pluginRef.getLocaleManager().getString("Fishing.LowResourcesTip", pluginRef.getConfigManager().getConfigExploitPrevention().getOverFishingAreaSize() * 2));
//If the new bounding box does not intersect with the old one, then update our bounding box reference
if (!sameTarget)
lastFishingBoundingBox = newCastBoundingBox;
if (sameTarget && fishCaughtCounter >= overfishLimit) {
} else
overFishCount = 0;
if (overFishCount == 2) {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (player.isOp() || pluginRef.getPermissionTools().adminChat(player)) {
player.sendMessage(pluginRef.getLocaleManager().getString("Fishing.OverFishingDetected", getPlayer().getDisplayName()));
return sameTarget && fishCaughtCounter >= overfishLimit;
public BoundingBox makeBoundingBox(Vector centerOfCastVector) {
double boundingBoxSize = fishingBehaviour.getBoundingBoxSize();
return BoundingBox.of(centerOfCastVector, boundingBoxSize, boundingBoxSize, boundingBoxSize);
public void setFishingTarget() {
getPlayer().getTargetBlock(pluginRef.getBlockTools().getTransparentBlocks(), 100);
public boolean canIceFish(Block block) {
if (getSkillLevel() < pluginRef.getRankTools().getUnlockLevel(SubSkillType.FISHING_ICE_FISHING)) {
return false;
if (block.getType() != Material.ICE) {
return false;
// Make sure this is a body of water, not just a block of ice.
if (!fishingBehaviour.getIceFishingBiomes().contains(block.getBiome()) && (block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN, 3).getType() != Material.WATER)) {
return false;
Player player = getPlayer();
if (!pluginRef.getPermissionTools().isSubSkillEnabled(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_ICE_FISHING)) {
return false;
return pluginRef.getEventManager().simulateBlockBreak(block, player, false);
* Gets the loot tier
* @return the loot tier
public int getLootTier() {
return pluginRef.getRankTools().getRank(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_TREASURE_HUNTER);
// public double getShakeChance() {
// return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getShakeChance(getLootTier());
// }
// public double getShakeChance() {
// return pluginRef.getConfigManager().getFishingTreasureConfig().getShakeChance(getLootTier());
// }
public int getInnerPeaceMultiplier() {
return pluginRef.getConfigManager().getConfigFishing().getVanillaXPMultInnerPeace(pluginRef.getRankTools().getRank(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_INNER_PEACE));
* Gets the Shake Mob probability
* @return Shake Mob probability
// public double getShakeProbability() {
// return getShakeChance();
// }
* Handle the Fisherman's Diet ability
* @param eventFoodLevel The initial change in hunger from the event
* @return the modified change in hunger for the event
public int handleFishermanDiet(int eventFoodLevel) {
return pluginRef.getSkillTools().handleFoodSkills(getPlayer(), eventFoodLevel, SubSkillType.FISHING_FISHERMANS_DIET);
public void iceFishing(FishHook hook, Block block) {
// Make a hole
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
Block relative = block.getRelative(x, 0, z);
if (relative.getType() == Material.ICE) {
// Recast in the new spot
pluginRef.getEventManager().callFakeFishEvent(getPlayer(), hook);
public void masterAngler(FishHook hook) {
Player player = getPlayer();
Location location = hook.getLocation();
double biteChance = hook.getBiteChance();
hookLocation = location;
// if (fishingBehaviour.getMasterAnglerBiomes().contains(location.getBlock().getBiome())) {
// biteChance = biteChance * AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getMasterAnglerBiomeModifier();
// }
// if (player.isInsideVehicle() && player.getVehicle().getType() == EntityType.BOAT) {
// biteChance = biteChance * AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getMasterAnglerBoatModifier();
// }
hook.setBiteChance(Math.min(biteChance, 1.0));
public boolean isMagicHunterEnabled() {
return pluginRef.getRankTools().hasUnlockedSubskill(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_MAGIC_HUNTER)
&& pluginRef.getRankTools().hasUnlockedSubskill(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_TREASURE_HUNTER)
&& pluginRef.getPermissionTools().isSubSkillEnabled(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_TREASURE_HUNTER);
* Process the results from a successful fishing trip
* @param fishingCatch The {@link Item} initially caught
public void handleFishing(Item fishingCatch) {
int fishXp = fishingBehaviour.getFishXPValue(fishingCatch.getItemStack().getType());
int treasureXp = 0;
Player player = getPlayer();
// FishingTreasure treasure = null;
if (pluginRef.getConfigManager().getConfigFishing().isAllowCustomDrops()
&& pluginRef.getPermissionTools().isSubSkillEnabled(player, SubSkillType.FISHING_TREASURE_HUNTER)) {
// treasure = getFishingTreasure();
// if (treasure != null) {
// ItemStack treasureDrop = treasure.getDrop().clone(); // Not cloning is bad, m'kay?
// Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchants = new HashMap<>();
// if (isMagicHunterEnabled()
// && pluginRef.getItemTools().isEnchantable(treasureDrop)) {
// enchants = handleMagicHunter(treasureDrop);
// }
// McMMOPlayerFishingTreasureEvent event = pluginRef.getEventManager().callFishingTreasureEvent(player, treasureDrop, treasure.getXp(), enchants);
// if (!event.isCancelled()) {
// treasureDrop = event.getTreasure();
// treasureXp = event.getXp();
// } else {
// treasureDrop = null;
// treasureXp = 0;
// }
// // Drop the original catch at the feet of the player and set the treasure as the real catch
// if (treasureDrop != null) {
// boolean enchanted = false;
// if (!enchants.isEmpty()) {
// treasureDrop.addUnsafeEnchantments(enchants);
// enchanted = true;
// }
// if (enchanted) {
// pluginRef.getNotificationManager().sendPlayerInformation(player, NotificationType.SUBSKILL_MESSAGE, "Fishing.Ability.TH.MagicFound");
// }
// if (pluginRef.getConfigManager().getConfigFishing().isAlwaysCatchFish()) {
// /*Misc.dropItem(player.getEyeLocation(), fishingCatch.getItemStack());*/
// Misc.dropItem(fishingCatch.getLocation(), fishingCatch.getItemStack()).setVelocity(fishingCatch.getVelocity());
// }
// fishingCatch.setItemStack(treasureDrop);
// }
// }
applyXpGain(fishXp + treasureXp, XPGainReason.PVE);
* Handle the vanilla XP boost for Fishing
* @param experience The amount of experience initially awarded by the event
* @return the modified event damage
public int addInnerPeaceVanillaXPBoost(int experience) {
return experience * getInnerPeaceMultiplier();
public Location getHookLocation() {
return hookLocation;
* Handle the Shake ability
* @param target The {@link LivingEntity} affected by the ability
// public void shakeCheck(LivingEntity target) {
// if (pluginRef.getRandomChanceTools().checkRandomChanceExecutionSuccess(new RandomChanceSkillStatic(getShakeChance(), getPlayer(), SubSkillType.FISHING_SHAKE))) {
// List<ShakeTreasure> possibleDrops = fishingBehaviour.findPossibleDrops(target);
// if (possibleDrops == null || possibleDrops.isEmpty()) {
// return;
// }
// ItemStack drop = fishingBehaviour.chooseDrop(possibleDrops);
// // It's possible that chooseDrop returns null if the sum of probability in possibleDrops is inferior than 100
// if (drop == null) {
// return;
// }
// // Extra processing depending on the mob and drop type
// switch (target.getType()) {
// case PLAYER:
// Player targetPlayer = (Player) target;
// switch (drop.getType()) {
// case PLAYER_HEAD:
// drop.setDurability((short) 3);
// SkullMeta skullMeta = (SkullMeta) drop.getItemMeta();
// skullMeta.setOwningPlayer(targetPlayer);
// drop.setItemMeta(skullMeta);
// break;
// case BEDROCK:
// if (FishingTreasureConfig.getInstance().getInventoryStealEnabled()) {
// PlayerInventory inventory = targetPlayer.getInventory();
// int length = inventory.getContents().length;
// int slot = Misc.getRandom().nextInt(length);
// drop = inventory.getItem(slot);
// if (drop == null) {
// break;
// }
// if (FishingTreasureConfig.getInstance().getInventoryStealStacks()) {
// inventory.setItem(slot, null);
// } else {
// inventory.setItem(slot, (drop.getAmount() > 1) ? new ItemStack(drop.getType(), drop.getAmount() - 1) : null);
// drop.setAmount(1);
// }
// targetPlayer.updateInventory();
// }
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// break;
// case SHEEP:
// Sheep sheep = (Sheep) target;
// if (drop.getType().name().endsWith("WOOL")) {
// if (sheep.isSheared()) {
// return;
// }
// sheep.setSheared(true);
// }
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// McMMOPlayerShakeEvent shakeEvent = new McMMOPlayerShakeEvent(getPlayer(), drop);
// drop = shakeEvent.getDrop();
// if (shakeEvent.isCancelled() || drop == null) {
// return;
// }
// Misc.dropItem(target.getLocation(), drop);
// pluginRef.getCombatTools().dealDamage(target, Math.min(Math.max(target.getMaxHealth() / 4, 1), 10), EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CUSTOM, getPlayer()); // Make it so you can shake a mob no more than 4 times.
// applyXpGain(pluginRef.getConfigManager().getConfigExperience().getShakeXP(), XPGainReason.PVE);
// }
// }
* Process the Treasure Hunter ability for Fishing
* @return The {@link FishingTreasure} found, or null if no treasure was found.
// private FishingTreasure getFishingTreasure() {
// double diceRoll = Misc.getRandom().nextDouble() * 100;
// int luck;
// if (getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getType() == Material.FISHING_ROD) {
// luck = getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.LUCK);
// }
// else {
// // We know something was caught, so if the rod wasn't in the main hand it must be in the offhand
// luck = getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInOffHand().getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.LUCK);
// }
// // Rather than subtracting luck (and causing a minimum 3% chance for every drop), scale by luck.
// diceRoll *= (1.0 - luck * Config.getInstance().getFishingLureModifier() / 100);
// FishingTreasure treasure = null;
// for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) {
// double dropRate = TreasureConfig.getInstance().getItemDropRate(getLootTier(), rarity);
// if (diceRoll <= dropRate) {
// /*if (rarity == Rarity.TRAP) {
// handleTraps();
// break;
// }*/
// List<FishingTreasure> fishingTreasures = TreasureConfig.getInstance().fishingRewards.get(rarity);
// if (fishingTreasures.isEmpty()) {
// return null;
// }
// treasure = fishingTreasures.get(Misc.getRandom().nextInt(fishingTreasures.size()));
// break;
// }
// diceRoll -= dropRate;
// }
// if (treasure == null) {
// return null;
// }
// ItemStack treasureDrop = treasure.getDrop().clone();
// short maxDurability = treasureDrop.getType().getMaxDurability();
// if (maxDurability > 0) {
// treasureDrop.setDurability((short) (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(maxDurability)));
// }
// //TODO: Add option to randomize the amount rewarded
// /*if (treasureDrop.getAmount() > 1) {
// treasureDrop.setAmount(Misc.getRandom().nextInt(treasureDrop.getAmount()) + 1);
// }*/
// treasure.setDrop(treasureDrop);
// return treasure;
// }
* Process the Magic Hunter ability
* @param treasureDrop The {@link ItemStack} to enchant
* @return true if the item has been enchanted
// private Map<Enchantment, Integer> handleMagicHunter(ItemStack treasureDrop) {
// Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchants = new HashMap<>();
// List<EnchantmentTreasure> fishingEnchantments = null;
// double diceRoll = Misc.getRandom().nextDouble() * 100;
// for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) {
// if (rarity == Rarity.RECORD) {
// continue;
// }
// double dropRate = FishingTreasureConfig.getInstance().getEnchantmentDropRate(getLootTier(), rarity);
// if (diceRoll <= dropRate) {
// // Make sure enchanted books always get some kind of enchantment. --hoorigan
// if (treasureDrop.getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) {
// diceRoll = dropRate + 1;
// continue;
// }
// fishingEnchantments = FishingTreasureConfig.getInstance().fishingEnchantments.get(rarity);
// break;
// }
// diceRoll -= dropRate;
// }
// if (fishingEnchantments == null) {
// return enchants;
// }
// List<Enchantment> validEnchantments = getPossibleEnchantments(treasureDrop);
// List<EnchantmentTreasure> possibleEnchants = new ArrayList<>();
// for (EnchantmentTreasure enchantmentTreasure : fishingEnchantments) {
// if (validEnchantments.contains(enchantmentTreasure.getEnchantment())) {
// possibleEnchants.add(enchantmentTreasure);
// }
// }
// if (possibleEnchants.isEmpty()) {
// return enchants;
// }
// // This make sure that the order isn't always the same, for example previously Unbreaking had a lot more chance to be used than any other enchant
// Collections.shuffle(possibleEnchants, Misc.getRandom());
// int specificChance = 1;
// for (EnchantmentTreasure enchantmentTreasure : possibleEnchants) {
// Enchantment possibleEnchantment = enchantmentTreasure.getEnchantment();
// if (treasureDrop.getItemMeta().hasConflictingEnchant(possibleEnchantment) || Misc.getRandom().nextInt(specificChance) != 0) {
// continue;
// }
// enchants.put(possibleEnchantment, enchantmentTreasure.getLevel());
// specificChance *= 2;
// }
// return enchants;
// }
private List<Enchantment> getPossibleEnchantments(ItemStack treasureDrop) {
Material dropType = treasureDrop.getType();
if (fishingBehaviour.getEnchantableCache().containsKey(dropType)) {
return fishingBehaviour.getEnchantableCache().get(dropType);
List<Enchantment> possibleEnchantments = new ArrayList<>();
for (Enchantment enchantment : Enchantment.values()) {
if (enchantment.canEnchantItem(treasureDrop)) {
fishingBehaviour.getEnchantableCache().put(dropType, possibleEnchantments);
return possibleEnchantments;
} |