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package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.fishing;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.WeatherType;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Biome;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.Creature;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Fish;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Sheep;
import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton;
import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton.SkeletonType;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.AdvancedConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.Config;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.treasure.TreasureConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.FishingTreasure;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.ShakeTreasure;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.fake.FakePlayerFishEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.fishing.McMMOPlayerFishingTreasureEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.fishing.McMMOPlayerMagicHunterEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.fishing.McMMOPlayerShakeEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.LocaleLoader;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.KrakenAttackTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.SkillManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.fishing.Fishing.Tier;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.ItemUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Misc;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.CombatUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.SkillUtils;
public class FishingManager extends SkillManager {
private final long FISHING_COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 1000L;
private int fishingTries = 0;
private long fishingTimestamp = 0L;
private Location fishingTarget;
public FishingManager(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer) {
super(mcMMOPlayer, SkillType.FISHING);
public boolean canShake(Entity target) {
return target instanceof LivingEntity && getSkillLevel() >= AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getShakeUnlockLevel() && Permissions.shake(getPlayer());
public boolean canMasterAngler() {
return Permissions.masterAngler(getPlayer());
public boolean unleashTheKraken() {
return unleashTheKraken(true);
private boolean unleashTheKraken(boolean forceSpawn) {
if (!forceSpawn && (fishingTries < AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getKrakenTriesBeforeRelease() || fishingTries <= Misc.getRandom().nextInt(200))) {
return false;
Player player = getPlayer();
World world = player.getWorld();
Entity vehicle = player.getVehicle();
if (vehicle != null && vehicle.getType() == EntityType.BOAT) {
player.teleport(player.getTargetBlock(null, 100).getLocation(), TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
Location location = player.getLocation();
if (AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getKrakenGlobalSoundsEnabled()) {
world.playSound(location, Sound.GHAST_SCREAM, Misc.GHAST_VOLUME, Misc.getGhastPitch());
else {
player.playSound(location, Sound.GHAST_SCREAM, Misc.GHAST_VOLUME, Misc.getGhastPitch());
String globalMessage = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getServerUnleashMessage();
if (!globalMessage.isEmpty()) {
mcMMO.p.getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.RED + AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getServerUnleashMessage().replace("(PLAYER)", player.getDisplayName()));
if (player.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.FISHING_ROD) {
Creature kraken = (Creature) world.spawnEntity(player.getEyeLocation(), (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(100) == 0 ? EntityType.CHICKEN : EntityType.SQUID));
if (!kraken.isValid()) {
int attackInterval = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getKrakenAttackInterval() * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
new KrakenAttackTask(kraken, player, player.getLocation()).runTaskTimer(mcMMO.p, attackInterval, attackInterval);
if (!forceSpawn) {
fishingTries = 0;
return true;
int attackInterval = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getKrakenAttackInterval() * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
new KrakenAttackTask(kraken, player).runTaskTimer(mcMMO.p, attackInterval, attackInterval);
if (!forceSpawn) {
fishingTries = 0;
return true;
public boolean exploitPrevention() {
if (!AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getKrakenEnabled()) {
return false;
Block targetBlock = getPlayer().getTargetBlock(null, 100);
if (!targetBlock.isLiquid()) {
return false;
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean hasFished = (currentTime < fishingTimestamp + FISHING_COOLDOWN_SECONDS);
fishingTries = hasFished ? fishingTries + 1 : Math.max(fishingTries - 1, 0);
fishingTimestamp = currentTime;
Location targetLocation = targetBlock.getLocation();
boolean sameTarget = (fishingTarget != null && fishingTarget.equals(targetLocation));
fishingTries = sameTarget ? fishingTries + 1 : Math.max(fishingTries - 1, 0);
fishingTarget = targetLocation;
return unleashTheKraken(false);
public boolean canIceFish(Block block) {
if (getSkillLevel() < AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getIceFishingUnlockLevel()) {
return false;
if (block.getType() != Material.ICE) {
return false;
// Make sure this is a body of water, not just a block of ice.
Biome biome = block.getBiome();
boolean isFrozenBiome = (biome == Biome.FROZEN_OCEAN || biome == Biome.FROZEN_RIVER || biome == Biome.TAIGA || biome == Biome.TAIGA_HILLS || biome == Biome.ICE_PLAINS || biome == Biome.ICE_MOUNTAINS);
if (!isFrozenBiome && (block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN, 3).getType() != Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) {
return false;
return Permissions.iceFishing(getPlayer());
* Gets the loot tier
* @return the loot tier
public int getLootTier() {
int skillLevel = getSkillLevel();
for (Tier tier : Tier.values()) {
if (skillLevel >= tier.getLevel()) {
return tier.toNumerical();
return 0;
* Gets the Shake Mob probability
* @return Shake Mob probability
public int getShakeProbability() {
int skillLevel = getSkillLevel();
for (Tier tier : Tier.values()) {
if (skillLevel >= tier.getLevel()) {
return tier.getShakeChance();
return 0;
* Handle the Fisherman's Diet ability
* @param rankChange The # of levels to change rank for the food
* @param eventFoodLevel The initial change in hunger from the event
* @return the modified change in hunger for the event
public int handleFishermanDiet(int rankChange, int eventFoodLevel) {
return SkillUtils.handleFoodSkills(getPlayer(), skill, eventFoodLevel, Fishing.fishermansDietRankLevel1, Fishing.fishermansDietMaxLevel, rankChange);
public void iceFishing(Fish hook, Block block) {
// Make a hole
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
Block relative = block.getRelative(x, 0, z);
if (relative.getType() == Material.ICE) {
// Recast in the new spot
mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new FakePlayerFishEvent(getPlayer(), null, hook, PlayerFishEvent.State.FISHING));
public void masterAngler(Fish hook) {
Player player = getPlayer();
Biome biome = player.getLocation().getBlock().getBiome();
double biteChance = Math.min(hook.getBiteChance() * Math.max((getSkillLevel() / 200.0), 1.0), 1.0);
if (biome == Biome.RIVER || biome == Biome.OCEAN) {
biteChance = biteChance * 2.0;
if (player.isInsideVehicle() && player.getVehicle().getType() == EntityType.BOAT) {
biteChance = biteChance * 2.0;
* Process the results from a successful fishing trip
* @param fishingCatch The {@link Item} initially caught
public void handleFishing(Item fishingCatch) {
int treasureXp = 0;
Player player = getPlayer();
FishingTreasure treasure = null;
if (Config.getInstance().getFishingDropsEnabled() && Permissions.fishingTreasureHunter(player)) {
treasure = getFishingTreasure();
if (treasure != null) {
treasureXp = treasure.getXp();
ItemStack treasureDrop = treasure.getDrop().clone(); // Not cloning is bad, m'kay?
McMMOPlayerFishingTreasureEvent event;
Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchants = new HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>();
if (Permissions.magicHunter(player) && ItemUtils.isEnchantable(treasureDrop)) {
enchants = handleMagicHunter(treasureDrop);
event = new McMMOPlayerMagicHunterEvent(player, treasureDrop, treasureXp, enchants);
else {
event = new McMMOPlayerFishingTreasureEvent(player, treasureDrop, treasureXp);
treasureDrop = event.getTreasure();
treasureXp = event.getXp();
if (event.isCancelled()) {
treasureDrop = null;
treasureXp = 0;
// Drop the original catch at the feet of the player and set the treasure as the real catch
if (treasureDrop != null) {
boolean enchanted = false;
if (!enchants.isEmpty()) {
enchanted = true;
if (enchanted) {
Misc.dropItem(player.getEyeLocation(), fishingCatch.getItemStack());
applyXpGain(Config.getInstance().getFishingBaseXP() + treasureXp);
* Handle the vanilla XP boost for Fishing
* @param experience The amount of experience initially awarded by the event
* @return the modified event damage
public int handleVanillaXpBoost(int experience) {
return experience * getVanillaXpMultiplier();
* Handle the Shake ability
* @param mob The {@link LivingEntity} affected by the ability
public void shakeCheck(LivingEntity target) {
fishingTries--; // Because autoclicking to shake is OK.
if (getShakeProbability() > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(getActivationChance())) {
List<ShakeTreasure> possibleDrops = Fishing.findPossibleDrops(target);
if (possibleDrops == null || possibleDrops.isEmpty()) {
ItemStack drop = Fishing.chooseDrop(possibleDrops);
// It's possible that chooseDrop returns null if the sum of probability in possibleDrops is inferior than 100
if (drop == null) {
// Extra processing depending on the mob and drop type
switch (target.getType()) {
case SHEEP:
Sheep sheep = (Sheep) target;
if (drop.getType() == Material.WOOL) {
if (sheep.isSheared()) {
Skeleton skeleton = (Skeleton) target;
if (skeleton.getSkeletonType() == SkeletonType.WITHER) {
switch (drop.getType()) {
drop.setDurability((short) 1);
case ARROW:
McMMOPlayerShakeEvent event = new McMMOPlayerShakeEvent(getPlayer(), drop);
drop = event.getDrop();
if (event.isCancelled() || drop == null) {
Misc.dropItem(target.getLocation(), drop);
CombatUtils.dealDamage(target, Math.max(target.getMaxHealth() / 4, 1)); // Make it so you can shake a mob no more than 4 times.
* Process the Treasure Hunter ability for Fishing
* @return The {@link FishingTreasure} found, or null if no treasure was found.
private FishingTreasure getFishingTreasure() {
List<FishingTreasure> rewards = new ArrayList<FishingTreasure>();
int skillLevel = getSkillLevel();
for (FishingTreasure treasure : TreasureConfig.getInstance().fishingRewards) {
int maxLevel = treasure.getMaxLevel();
if (treasure.getDropLevel() <= skillLevel && (maxLevel >= skillLevel || maxLevel <= 0)) {
if (rewards.isEmpty()) {
return null;
FishingTreasure treasure = rewards.get(Misc.getRandom().nextInt(rewards.size()));
ItemStack treasureDrop = treasure.getDrop();
if (!SkillUtils.treasureDropSuccessful(treasure.getDropChance(), activationChance)) {
return null;
short maxDurability = treasureDrop.getType().getMaxDurability();
if (maxDurability > 0) {
treasureDrop.setDurability((short) (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(maxDurability)));
return treasure;
* Process the Magic Hunter ability
* @param treasureDrop The {@link ItemStack} to enchant
* @return true if the item has been enchanted
private Map<Enchantment, Integer> handleMagicHunter(ItemStack treasureDrop) {
Player player = getPlayer();
int activationChance = this.activationChance;
if (player.getWorld().hasStorm()) {
activationChance *= Fishing.STORM_MODIFIER;
Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchants = new HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>();
if (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance) > getLootTier() * AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getFishingMagicMultiplier()) {
return enchants;
List<Enchantment> possibleEnchantments = getPossibleEnchantments(treasureDrop);
// This make sure that the order isn't always the same, for example previously Unbreaking had a lot more chance to be used than any other enchant
Collections.shuffle(possibleEnchantments, Misc.getRandom());
int specificChance = 1;
for (Enchantment possibleEnchantment : possibleEnchantments) {
if (treasureDrop.getItemMeta().hasConflictingEnchant(possibleEnchantment) || Misc.getRandom().nextInt(specificChance) != 0) {
enchants.put(possibleEnchantment, Math.max(Misc.getRandom().nextInt(possibleEnchantment.getMaxLevel()) + 1, possibleEnchantment.getStartLevel()));
return enchants;
private List<Enchantment> getPossibleEnchantments(ItemStack treasureDrop) {
Material dropType = treasureDrop.getType();
if (Fishing.ENCHANTABLE_CACHE.containsKey(dropType)) {
return Fishing.ENCHANTABLE_CACHE.get(dropType);
List<Enchantment> possibleEnchantments = new ArrayList<Enchantment>();
for (Enchantment enchantment : Enchantment.values()) {
if (enchantment.canEnchantItem(treasureDrop)) {
Fishing.ENCHANTABLE_CACHE.put(dropType, possibleEnchantments);
return possibleEnchantments;
* Gets the vanilla XP multiplier
* @return the vanilla XP multiplier
private int getVanillaXpMultiplier() {
int skillLevel = getSkillLevel();
for (Tier tier : Tier.values()) {
if (skillLevel >= tier.getLevel()) {
return tier.getVanillaXPBoostModifier();
return 0;