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package com.gmail.nossr50;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.ConfigManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.CoreSkillsConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.MainConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience.ExperienceConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.database.ConfigSectionCleaning;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.database.ConfigSectionMySQL;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.party.ConfigSectionPartyExperienceSharing;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.party.ConfigSectionPartyLevel;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.playerleveling.ConfigLeveling;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.scoreboard.ConfigScoreboard;
import com.gmail.nossr50.database.DatabaseManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.database.DatabaseManagerFactory;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.subskills.acrobatics.Roll;
import com.gmail.nossr50.listeners.*;
import com.gmail.nossr50.party.PartyManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.SaveTimerTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.backups.CleanBackupsTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.database.UserPurgeTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.party.PartyAutoKickTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.ClearRegisteredXPGainTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PlayerProfileLoadingTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PowerLevelUpdatingTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.BleedTimerTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.repair.repairables.RepairableManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.salvage.salvageables.SalvageableManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.ChimaeraWing;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.LogFilter;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Misc;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.blockmeta.chunkmeta.ChunkManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.blockmeta.chunkmeta.ChunkManagerFactory;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.commands.CommandRegistrationManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.experience.FormulaManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.scoreboards.ScoreboardManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.RankUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.worldguard.WorldGuardManager;
import net.shatteredlands.shatt.backup.ZipLibrary;
import org.bstats.bukkit.Metrics;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin {
public static final String COMPATIBLE_SERVER_SOFTWARE = "Spigot, Paper";
public static final String INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_SOFTWARE = "CraftBukkit";
public static final String COMPATIBLE_MINECRAFT_VERSIONS = "1.13.2";
/* Managers */
private static ChunkManager placeStore;
private static ConfigManager configManager;
//private static ModManager modManager;
private static DatabaseManager databaseManager;
private static FormulaManager formulaManager;
/*private static HolidayManager holidayManager;*/
//private static UpgradeManager upgradeManager;
/* File Paths */
private static String mainDirectory;
private static String flatFileDirectory;
private static String usersFile;
private static String modDirectory;
public static mcMMO p;
// Jar Stuff
public static File mcmmo;
/* Plugin Checks */
private static boolean healthBarPluginEnabled;
// XP Event Check
private boolean xpEventEnabled;
/* Metadata Values */
public static final String FISH_HOOK_REF_METAKEY = "mcMMO: Fish Hook Tracker";
public static final String CUSTOM_DAMAGE_METAKEY = "mcMMO: Custom Damage";
public final static String entityMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Spawned Entity";
public final static String blockMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Piston Tracking";
public final static String furnaceMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Tracked Furnace";
public final static String tntMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Tracked TNT";
public final static String funfettiMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Funfetti";
public final static String tntsafeMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Safe TNT";
public final static String customNameKey = "mcMMO: Custom Name";
public final static String customVisibleKey = "mcMMO: Name Visibility";
public final static String droppedItemKey = "mcMMO: Tracked Item";
public final static String infiniteArrowKey = "mcMMO: Infinite Arrow";
public final static String bowForceKey = "mcMMO: Bow Force";
public final static String arrowDistanceKey = "mcMMO: Arrow Distance";
public final static String doubleDrops = "mcMMO: Double Drops";
public final static String tripleDrops = "mcMMO: Triple Drops";
//public final static String customDamageKey = "mcMMO: Custom Damage";
public final static String disarmedItemKey = "mcMMO: Disarmed Item";
public final static String playerDataKey = "mcMMO: Player Data";
public final static String greenThumbDataKey = "mcMMO: Green Thumb";
public final static String databaseCommandKey = "mcMMO: Processing Database Command";
public final static String bredMetadataKey = "mcMMO: Bred Animal";
public static FixedMetadataValue metadataValue;
* Things to be run when the plugin is enabled.
public void onEnable() {
try {
p = this;
getLogger().setFilter(new LogFilter(this));
metadataValue = new FixedMetadataValue(this, true);
PluginManager pluginManager = getServer().getPluginManager();
healthBarPluginEnabled = pluginManager.getPlugin("HealthBar") != null;
//upgradeManager = new UpgradeManager();
//modManager = new ModManager();
if (healthBarPluginEnabled) {
getLogger().info("HealthBar plugin found, mcMMO's healthbars are automatically disabled.");
if (pluginManager.getPlugin("NoCheatPlus") != null && pluginManager.getPlugin("CompatNoCheatPlus") == null) {
getLogger().warning("NoCheatPlus plugin found, but CompatNoCheatPlus was not found!");
getLogger().warning("mcMMO will not work properly alongside NoCheatPlus without CompatNoCheatPlus");
databaseManager = DatabaseManagerFactory.getDatabaseManager();
formulaManager = new FormulaManager();
/*holidayManager = new HolidayManager();*/
for (Player player : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
new PlayerProfileLoadingTask(player).runTaskLaterAsynchronously(mcMMO.p, 1); // 1 Tick delay to ensure the player is marked as online before we begin loading
debug("Version " + getDescription().getVersion() + " is enabled!");
placeStore = ChunkManagerFactory.getChunkManager(); // Get our ChunkletManager
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigParty().getPTP().isPtpWorldBasedPermissions()) {
//Populate Ranked Skill Maps (DO THIS LAST)
//If anonymous statistics are enabled then use them
if(getConfigManager().getConfigMetrics().isAllowAnonymousUsageStatistics()) {
Metrics metrics;
metrics = new Metrics(this);
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("version", () -> getDescription().getVersion()));
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("scaling", () -> "Standard"));
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("scaling", () -> "Retro"));
//Simplified Server Software Tracking
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("Server_software", () -> "Paper"));
else if(Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("spigot") && !Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("paper"))
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("Server_software", () -> "Spigot"));
else if(Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("bukkit"))
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("Server_software", () -> "CraftBukkit"));
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("Server_software", () -> "Unknown"));
catch (Throwable t) {
getLogger().severe("There was an error while enabling mcMMO!");
getLogger().severe("End of error report for mcMMO");
getLogger().info("Please do not replace the mcMMO jar while the server is running.");
/*if(isIncompatibleVersion(Bukkit.getVersion(), Bukkit.getBukkitVersion()))
getLogger().severe("mcMMO is not supported for your current server software and or Minecraft version");
getLogger().severe("mcMMO does not recognize your server software as being compatible!");
getLogger().severe("Compatible Server Software: "+ COMPATIBLE_SERVER_SOFTWARE);
getLogger().severe("Incompatible Server Software: "+ INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_SOFTWARE);
getLogger().severe("mcMMO does not recognize your Minecraft Version as being compatible!");
getLogger().severe("Compatible Minecraft Versions: "+ COMPATIBLE_MINECRAFT_VERSIONS);
getLogger().info("TIP: Paper and Spigot are extensions of CraftBukkit and are completely safe to upgrade to from CraftBukkit, please consider upgrading.");
private boolean isIncompatibleVersion(String serverSoftwareString, String serverVersionString)
if (isServerSoftwareIncompatible(serverSoftwareString))
return true;
if (isServerMinecraftVersionIncompatible(serverVersionString))
return true;
return false;
private boolean isServerMinecraftVersionIncompatible(String serverVersionString) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isServerSoftwareIncompatible(String serverSoftwareString) {
if(!serverSoftwareString.contains("paper") && !serverSoftwareString.contains("spigot"))
return true;
return false;
public void onLoad()
if(getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard") != null)
* Things to be run when the plugin is disabled.
public void onDisable() {
try {
Alchemy.finishAllBrews(); // Finish all partially complete AlchemyBrewTasks to prevent vanilla brewing continuation on restart
UserManager.saveAll(); // Make sure to save player information if the server shuts down
PartyManager.saveParties(); // Save our parties
//TODO: Needed?
placeStore.saveAll(); // Save our metadata
placeStore.cleanUp(); // Cleanup empty metadata stores
catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
debug("Canceling all tasks...");
getServer().getScheduler().cancelTasks(this); // This removes our tasks
debug("Unregister all events...");
HandlerList.unregisterAll(this); // Cancel event registrations
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigAutomatedBackups().isZipBackupsEnabled()) {
// Remove other tasks BEFORE starting the Backup, or we just cancel it straight away.
try {
catch (IOException e) {
catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof NoClassDefFoundError) {
getLogger().severe("Backup class not found!");
getLogger().info("Please do not replace the mcMMO jar while the server is running.");
else {
//Unload configs last
debug("Was disabled."); // How informative!
public static String getMainDirectory() {
return mainDirectory;
public static String getFlatFileDirectory() {
return flatFileDirectory;
public static String getUsersFilePath() {
return usersFile;
public static String getModDirectory() {
return modDirectory;
public boolean isXPEventEnabled() {
return xpEventEnabled;
public void setXPEventEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.xpEventEnabled = enabled;
public void toggleXpEventEnabled() {
xpEventEnabled = !xpEventEnabled;
public void debug(String message) {
getLogger().info("[Debug] " + message);
public static FormulaManager getFormulaManager() {
return formulaManager;
/*public static HolidayManager getHolidayManager() {
return holidayManager;
public static ChunkManager getPlaceStore() {
return placeStore;
public static RepairableManager getRepairableManager() {
return configManager.getRepairableManager();
public static SalvageableManager getSalvageableManager() {
return configManager.getSalvageableManager();
public static DatabaseManager getDatabaseManager() {
return databaseManager;
* Returns settings for MySQL from the users config
* @return settings for MySQL from the users config
public static ConfigSectionMySQL getMySQLConfigSettings()
return configManager.getConfigDatabase().getConfigSectionMySQL();
* Returns settings for Player Leveling from the users config
* @return settings for Player Leveling from the users config
public static ConfigLeveling getPlayerLevelingSettings()
return configManager.getConfigLeveling();
* Returns settings for Database cleaning from the users config
* @return settings for Database cleaning from the users config
public static ConfigSectionCleaning getDatabaseCleaningSettings()
return configManager.getConfigDatabase().getConfigSectionCleaning();
* Returns settings for Party XP sharing from the users config
* @return settings for the Party XP sharing from the users config
public static ConfigSectionPartyExperienceSharing getPartyXPShareSettings()
return configManager.getConfigParty().getPartyXP().getPartyExperienceSharing();
* Returns settings for Party Leveling from the users config
* @return settings for the Party Leveling from the users config
public static ConfigSectionPartyLevel getPartyLevelSettings()
return configManager.getConfigParty().getPartyXP().getPartyLevel();
* Returns settings for Scoreboards from the users config
* @return settings for Scoreboards from the users config
public static ConfigScoreboard getScoreboardSettings()
return configManager.getConfigScoreboard();
/*public static ModManager getModManager() {
return modManager;
/*public static UpgradeManager getUpgradeManager() {
return upgradeManager;
public static void setDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager databaseManager) {
mcMMO.databaseManager = databaseManager;
public static boolean isHealthBarPluginEnabled() {
return healthBarPluginEnabled;
* Setup the various storage file paths
private void setupFilePaths() {
mcmmo = getFile();
mainDirectory = getDataFolder().getPath() + File.separator;
flatFileDirectory = mainDirectory + "flatfile" + File.separator;
usersFile = flatFileDirectory + "mcmmo.users";
modDirectory = mainDirectory + "mods" + File.separator;
private void fixFilePaths() {
File oldFlatfilePath = new File(mainDirectory + "FlatFileStuff" + File.separator);
File oldModPath = new File(mainDirectory + "ModConfigs" + File.separator);
if (oldFlatfilePath.exists()) {
if (!oldFlatfilePath.renameTo(new File(flatFileDirectory))) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to rename FlatFileStuff to flatfile!");
if (oldModPath.exists()) {
if (!oldModPath.renameTo(new File(modDirectory))) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to rename ModConfigs to mods!");
File oldArmorFile = new File(modDirectory + "armor.yml");
File oldBlocksFile = new File(modDirectory + "blocks.yml");
File oldEntitiesFile = new File(modDirectory + "entities.yml");
File oldToolsFile = new File(modDirectory + "tools.yml");
if (oldArmorFile.exists()) {
if (!oldArmorFile.renameTo(new File(modDirectory + "armor.default.yml"))) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to rename armor.yml to armor.default.yml!");
if (oldBlocksFile.exists()) {
if (!oldBlocksFile.renameTo(new File(modDirectory + "blocks.default.yml"))) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to rename blocks.yml to blocks.default.yml!");
if (oldEntitiesFile.exists()) {
if (!oldEntitiesFile.renameTo(new File(modDirectory + "entities.default.yml"))) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to rename entities.yml to entities.default.yml!");
if (oldToolsFile.exists()) {
if (!oldToolsFile.renameTo(new File(modDirectory + "tools.default.yml"))) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to rename tools.yml to tools.default.yml!");
File currentFlatfilePath = new File(flatFileDirectory);
private void loadConfigFiles() {
configManager = new ConfigManager();
private void registerEvents() {
PluginManager pluginManager = getServer().getPluginManager();
// Register events
pluginManager.registerEvents(new PlayerListener(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new BlockListener(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new EntityListener(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new InventoryListener(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new SelfListener(this), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new WorldListener(this), this);
* Registers core skills
* This enables the skills in the new skill system
private void registerCoreSkills() {
* Acrobatics skills
System.out.println("[mcMMO]" + " enabling Acrobatics Skills");
//TODO: Should do this differently
Roll roll = new Roll();
InteractionManager.registerSubSkill(new Roll());
private void registerCustomRecipes() {
getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, () -> {
if (MainConfig.getInstance().getChimaeraEnabled()) {
}, 40);
private void scheduleTasks() {
// Periodic save timer (Saves every 10 minutes by default)
long saveIntervalTicks = Math.max(1200, (getConfigManager().getConfigAutomatedBackups().getSaveIntervalMinutes() * 1200));
new SaveTimerTask().runTaskTimer(this, saveIntervalTicks, saveIntervalTicks);
// Cleanup the backups folder
new CleanBackupsTask().runTaskAsynchronously(mcMMO.p);
// Bleed timer (Runs every 0.5 seconds)
new BleedTimerTask().runTaskTimer(this, 1 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR, 1 * (Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR / 2));
// Old & Powerless User remover
long purgeIntervalTicks = getConfigManager().getConfigDatabase().getConfigSectionCleaning().getPurgeInterval() * 60L * 60L * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
if (mcMMO.getDatabaseCleaningSettings().isOnlyPurgeAtStartup()) {
new UserPurgeTask().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); // Start 2 seconds after startup.
else if (purgeIntervalTicks > 0) {
new UserPurgeTask().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, purgeIntervalTicks, purgeIntervalTicks);
//Party System Stuff
// Automatically remove old members from parties
long kickIntervalTicks = getConfigManager().getConfigParty().getPartyCleanup().getPartyAutoKickHoursInterval() * 60L * 60L * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
if (kickIntervalTicks == 0) {
new PartyAutoKickTask().runTaskLater(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); // Start 2 seconds after startup.
else if (kickIntervalTicks > 0) {
new PartyAutoKickTask().runTaskTimer(this, kickIntervalTicks, kickIntervalTicks);
// Update power level tag scoreboards
new PowerLevelUpdatingTask().runTaskTimer(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR);
/*if (getHolidayManager().nearingAprilFirst()) {
new CheckDateTask().runTaskTimer(this, 10L * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR, 1L * 60L * 60L * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR);
// Clear the registered XP data so players can earn XP again
if (ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getDiminishedReturnsEnabled()) {
new ClearRegisteredXPGainTask().runTaskTimer(this, 60, 60);
/*private void checkModConfigs() {
if (!MainConfig.getInstance().getToolModsEnabled()) {
getLogger().warning("Cauldron implementation found, but the custom tool config for mcMMO is disabled!");
getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Tool_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml.");
if (!MainConfig.getInstance().getArmorModsEnabled()) {
getLogger().warning("Cauldron implementation found, but the custom armor config for mcMMO is disabled!");
getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Armor_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml.");
if (!MainConfig.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled()) {
getLogger().warning("Cauldron implementation found, but the custom block config for mcMMO is disabled!");
getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Block_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml.");
if (!MainConfig.getInstance().getEntityModsEnabled()) {
getLogger().warning("Cauldron implementation found, but the custom entity config for mcMMO is disabled!");
getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Entity_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml.");
* Checks if this plugin is using retro mode
* Retro mode is a 0-1000 skill system
* Standard mode is scaled for 1-100
* @return true if retro mode is enabled
public static boolean isRetroModeEnabled() {
return configManager.isRetroMode();
public static ConfigManager getConfigManager() {
return configManager;