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package com.gmail.nossr50.util;
import com.gmail.nossr50.api.ItemSpawnReason;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.items.McMMOItemSpawnEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PlayerProfileLoadingTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public final class Misc {
private static final @NotNull Random random = new Random();
public static final int TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 1000;
public static final int TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 20;
public static final int PLAYER_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 5;
public static final double SKILL_MESSAGE_MAX_SENDING_DISTANCE = 10.0;
// Sound Pitches & Volumes from CB
/* public static final float ANVIL_USE_PITCH = 0.3F; // Not in CB directly, I went off the place sound values
public static final float ANVIL_USE_VOLUME = 1.0F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); // Not in CB directly, I went off the place sound values
public static final float FIZZ_VOLUME = 0.5F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume();
public static final float POP_VOLUME = 0.2F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume();
public static final float BAT_VOLUME = 1.0F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume();
public static final float BAT_PITCH = 0.6F;
public static final float GHAST_VOLUME = 1.0F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume();
public static final float LEVELUP_PITCH = 0.5F; // Reduced to differentiate between vanilla level-up
public static final float LEVELUP_VOLUME = 0.75F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); // Use max volume always*/
private Misc() {}
* Determines if an entity is an NPC but not a villager
* This method aims to establish compatibility between mcMMO and other plugins which create "NPCs"
* It does this by checking the following
* 1) The entity is not a Villager
* 2) The entity can be considered an NPC
* In this context, an NPC is a bit hard to define. Various plugins determine what an NPC is in different ways.
* @see Misc::isNPCIncludingVillagers
* @param entity target entity
* @return true if the entity is not a Villager and is not a "NPC"
public static boolean isNPCEntityExcludingVillagers(@NotNull Entity entity) {
return (!isVillager(entity)
&& isNPCIncludingVillagers(entity)); //Compatibility with some mod..
public static boolean isNPCClassType(Entity entity) {
return entity instanceof NPC;
public static boolean hasNPCMetadataTag(Entity entity) {
return entity.hasMetadata("NPC");
public static boolean isVillager(Entity entity) {
String entityType = entity.getType().toString();
//This weird code is for 1.13 & 1.14 compatibility
return entityType.equalsIgnoreCase("wandering_trader") || entity instanceof Villager;
public static boolean isNPCIncludingVillagers(@Nullable Entity entity) {
return (entity == null
|| (hasNPCMetadataTag(entity))
|| (isNPCClassType(entity))
|| entity.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cofh.entity.PlayerFake"));
* Determine if two locations are near each other.
* @param first The first location
* @param second The second location
* @param maxDistance The max distance apart
* @return true if the distance between {@code first} and {@code second} is less than {@code maxDistance}, false otherwise
public static boolean isNear(@NotNull Location first, @NotNull Location second, double maxDistance) {
return (first.getWorld() == second.getWorld()) && (first.distanceSquared(second) < (maxDistance * maxDistance) || maxDistance == 0);
* Get the center of the given block.
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block
* @return A {@link Location} lying at the center of the block
public static Location getBlockCenter(BlockState blockState) {
return blockState.getLocation().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
public static void spawnItemsFromCollection(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull Collection<ItemStack> drops, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason) {
for (ItemStack drop : drops) {
spawnItem(location, drop, itemSpawnReason);
* Drops only the first n items in a collection
* Size should always be a positive integer above 0
* @param location target drop location
* @param drops collection to iterate over
* @param sizeLimit the number of drops to process
public static void spawnItemsFromCollection(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull Collection<ItemStack> drops, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason, int sizeLimit) {
ItemStack[] arrayDrops = drops.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeLimit-1; i++) {
spawnItem(location, arrayDrops[i], itemSpawnReason);
* Drop items at a given location.
* @param location The location to drop the items at
* @param is The items to drop
* @param quantity The amount of items to drop
public static void spawnItems(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull ItemStack is, int quantity, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason) {
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
spawnItem(location, is, itemSpawnReason);
* Drop an item at a given location.
* @param location The location to drop the item at
* @param itemStack The item to drop
* @param itemSpawnReason the reason for the item drop
* @return Dropped Item entity or null if invalid or cancelled
public static @Nullable Item spawnItem(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR || location.getWorld() == null) {
return null;
// We can't get the item until we spawn it and we want to make it cancellable, so we have a custom event.
McMMOItemSpawnEvent event = new McMMOItemSpawnEvent(location, itemStack, itemSpawnReason);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return null;
return location.getWorld().dropItem(location, itemStack);
* Drop an item at a given location.
* @param location The location to drop the item at
* @param itemStack The item to drop
* @param itemSpawnReason the reason for the item drop
* @return Dropped Item entity or null if invalid or cancelled
public static @Nullable Item spawnItemNaturally(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR || location.getWorld() == null) {
return null;
// We can't get the item until we spawn it and we want to make it cancellable, so we have a custom event.
McMMOItemSpawnEvent event = new McMMOItemSpawnEvent(location, itemStack, itemSpawnReason);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return null;
return location.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(location, itemStack);
* Drop items at a given location.
* @param fromLocation The location to drop the items at
* @param is The items to drop
* @param speed the speed that the item should travel
* @param quantity The amount of items to drop
public static void spawnItemsTowardsLocation(@NotNull Location fromLocation, @NotNull Location toLocation, @NotNull ItemStack is, int quantity, double speed, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason) {
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
spawnItemTowardsLocation(fromLocation, toLocation, is, speed, itemSpawnReason);
* Drop an item at a given location.
* This method is fairly expensive as it creates clones of everything passed to itself since they are mutable objects
* @param fromLocation The location to drop the item at
* @param toLocation The location the item will travel towards
* @param itemToSpawn The item to spawn
* @param speed the speed that the item should travel
* @return Dropped Item entity or null if invalid or cancelled
public static @Nullable Item spawnItemTowardsLocation(@NotNull Location fromLocation, @NotNull Location toLocation, @NotNull ItemStack itemToSpawn, double speed, @NotNull ItemSpawnReason itemSpawnReason) {
if (itemToSpawn.getType() == Material.AIR) {
return null;
//Work with fresh copies of everything
ItemStack clonedItem = itemToSpawn.clone();
Location spawnLocation = fromLocation.clone();
Location targetLocation = toLocation.clone();
if(spawnLocation.getWorld() == null)
return null;
// We can't get the item until we spawn it and we want to make it cancellable, so we have a custom event.
McMMOItemSpawnEvent event = new McMMOItemSpawnEvent(spawnLocation, clonedItem, itemSpawnReason);
//Something cancelled the event so back out
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return null;
//Use the item from the event
Item spawnedItem = spawnLocation.getWorld().dropItem(spawnLocation, clonedItem);
Vector vecFrom = spawnLocation.clone().toVector().clone();
Vector vecTo = targetLocation.clone().toVector().clone();
//Vector which is pointing towards out target location
Vector direction = vecTo.subtract(vecFrom).normalize();
//Modify the speed of the vector
direction = direction.multiply(speed);
return spawnedItem;
public static void profileCleanup(@NotNull String playerName) {
Player player = mcMMO.p.getServer().getPlayerExact(playerName);
if (player != null) {
new PlayerProfileLoadingTask(player).runTaskLaterAsynchronously(mcMMO.p, 1); // 1 Tick delay to ensure the player is marked as online before we begin loading
public static void printProgress(int convertedUsers, int progressInterval, long startMillis) {
if ((convertedUsers % progressInterval) == 0) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().info(String.format("Conversion progress: %d users at %.2f users/second", convertedUsers, convertedUsers / (double) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis) / TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)));
public static String getModName(@NotNull String materialName) {
for (String mod : modNames) {
if (materialName.contains(mod)) {
return mod;
String[] materialSplit = materialName.split("_");
if (materialSplit.length > 1) {
return materialSplit[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
return "UnknownMods";
* Gets a random location near the specified location
public static Location getLocationOffset(@NotNull Location location, double strength) {
double blockX = location.getBlockX();
double blockZ = location.getBlockZ();
double distance;
distance = strength * random.nextDouble();
blockX = (random.nextBoolean()) ? blockX + (distance) : blockX - (distance);
distance = strength * random.nextDouble();
blockZ = (random.nextBoolean()) ? blockZ + (distance) : blockZ - (distance);
return new Location(location.getWorld(), blockX, location.getY(), blockZ);
public static @NotNull Random getRandom() {
return random;
* Whether or not a player is the party leader of a party
* @param mmoPlayer target player
* @return true if the player is the party leader
public static boolean isPartyLeader(@NotNull McMMOPlayer mmoPlayer) {
return mmoPlayer.getParty().getLeader().getUniqueId().equals(mmoPlayer.getPlayer().getUniqueId());
// public static void spawnExperienceOrb(@NotNull Location location, int orbAmount, int experienceValue) {
// for (int i = 0; i < orbAmount; i++) {
// new SpawnOrbTask(location, experienceValue).runTaskLater(mcMMO.p, 20);
// }
// }
public static void spawnExperienceOrb(@NotNull Location location, int experienceValue) {
if(location.getWorld() == null)
ExperienceOrb experienceOrb = (ExperienceOrb) location.getWorld().spawnEntity(location, EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB);
private static class SpawnOrbTask extends BukkitRunnable {
private final Location location;
private int orbExpValue;
private SpawnOrbTask(Location location, int orbExpValue) {
this.location = location;
this.orbExpValue = orbExpValue;
public void run() {
if(location == null || location.getWorld() == null)
ExperienceOrb experienceOrb = (ExperienceOrb) location.getWorld().spawnEntity(location, EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB);