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package com.gmail.nossr50.util;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience.ExperienceConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.meta.BonusDropMeta;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.repair.Repair;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.salvage.Salvage;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.random.ProbabilityUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Ageable;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
public final class BlockUtils {
public static final String SHORT_GRASS = "SHORT_GRASS";
public static final String GRASS = "GRASS";
private BlockUtils() {
* Mark a block for giving bonus drops, double drops are used if triple is false
* @param blockState target blockstate
* @param triple marks the block to give triple drops
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.2.024")
public static void markDropsAsBonus(BlockState blockState, boolean triple) {
if (triple)
blockState.getBlock().setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, new BonusDropMeta(2, mcMMO.p));
blockState.getBlock().setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, new BonusDropMeta(1, mcMMO.p));
public static void markDropsAsBonus(Block block, boolean triple) {
if (triple)
block.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, new BonusDropMeta(2, mcMMO.p));
block.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, new BonusDropMeta(1, mcMMO.p));
* Util method for compatibility across Minecraft versions, grabs the {@link Material} enum for short_grass
* @return the {@link Material} enum for short_grass
public static Material getShortGrass() {
if (Material.getMaterial(SHORT_GRASS) != null) {
return Material.getMaterial(SHORT_GRASS);
} else if (Material.getMaterial(GRASS) != null) {
return Material.getMaterial(GRASS);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unable to find short grass material");
* Set up the state for a block to be seen as unnatural and cleanup any unwanted metadata from the block
* @param block target block
public static void setUnnaturalBlock(@NotNull Block block) {
// Failsafe against lingering metadata
if (block.hasMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS))
block.removeMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, mcMMO.p);
* Cleans up some block metadata when a block breaks and the metadata is no longer needed
* This also sets the blocks coords to false in our chunk store
* @param block target block
public static void cleanupBlockMetadata(Block block) {
if (block.hasMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_REPLANT)) {
block.removeMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_REPLANT, mcMMO.p);
* Marks a block to drop extra copies of items
* @param blockState target blockstate
* @param amount amount of extra items to drop
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.2.024")
public static void markDropsAsBonus(BlockState blockState, int amount) {
blockState.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, new BonusDropMeta(amount, mcMMO.p));
* Marks a block to drop extra copies of items
* @param block target block
* @param amount the number of extra items to drop
public static void markDropsAsBonus(Block block, int amount) {
block.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_BONUS_DROPS, new BonusDropMeta(amount, mcMMO.p));
* Checks if a player successfully passed the double drop check
* @param blockState the blockstate
* @return true if the player succeeded in the check
* @deprecated Use {@link #checkDoubleDrops(McMMOPlayer, BlockState, SubSkillType)} instead
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.2.010")
public static boolean checkDoubleDrops(Player player, BlockState blockState, PrimarySkillType ignored, SubSkillType subSkillType) {
return checkDoubleDrops(UserManager.getPlayer(player), blockState, subSkillType);
* Checks if a player successfully passed the double drop check
* @param mmoPlayer the player involved in the check
* @param blockState the blockstate of the block
* @param subSkillType the subskill involved
* @return true if the player succeeded in the check
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.2.024")
public static boolean checkDoubleDrops(@Nullable McMMOPlayer mmoPlayer, @NotNull BlockState blockState,
@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillType) {
requireNonNull(blockState, "blockState cannot be null");
requireNonNull(subSkillType, "subSkillType cannot be null");
if (mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getDoubleDropsEnabled(subSkillType.getParentSkill(), blockState.getType())
&& Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(mmoPlayer, subSkillType)) {
return ProbabilityUtil.isSkillRNGSuccessful(subSkillType, mmoPlayer);
return false;
* Checks if a player successfully passed the double drop check
* @param mmoPlayer the player involved in the check
* @param block the block
* @param subSkillType the subskill involved
* @return true if the player succeeded in the check
public static boolean checkDoubleDrops(@Nullable McMMOPlayer mmoPlayer, @NotNull Block block,
@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillType) {
requireNonNull(block, "block cannot be null");
requireNonNull(subSkillType, "subSkillType cannot be null");
if (mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getDoubleDropsEnabled(subSkillType.getParentSkill(), block.getType())
&& Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(mmoPlayer, subSkillType)) {
return ProbabilityUtil.isSkillRNGSuccessful(subSkillType, mmoPlayer);
return false;
* Checks to see if a given block awards XP.
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block awards XP, false otherwise
public static boolean shouldBeWatched(BlockState blockState) {
return shouldBeWatched(blockState.getType());
public static boolean shouldBeWatched(Material material) {
return affectedByGigaDrillBreaker(material)
|| affectedByGreenTerra(material)
|| affectedBySuperBreaker(material)
|| hasWoodcuttingXP(material)
|| mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getDoubleDropsEnabled(PrimarySkillType.MINING, material)
|| mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getDoubleDropsEnabled(PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION, material)
|| mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getDoubleDropsEnabled(PrimarySkillType.WOODCUTTING, material)
|| mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getDoubleDropsEnabled(PrimarySkillType.SMELTING, material);
* Check if a given block should allow for the activation of abilities
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block should allow ability activation, false
* otherwise
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.2.024")
public static boolean canActivateAbilities(BlockState blockState) {
return !mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isAbilityActivationBlackListed(blockState.getType());
public static boolean canActivateAbilities(Block block) {
return !mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isAbilityActivationBlackListed(block.getType());
* Check if a given block should allow for the activation of tools
* Activating a tool is step 1 of a 2 step process for super ability activation
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block should allow ability activation, false
* otherwise
public static boolean canActivateTools(BlockState blockState) {
return !mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isToolActivationBlackListed(blockState.getType())
&& blockState.getType() != Repair.anvilMaterial
&& blockState.getType() != Salvage.anvilMaterial;
* Check if a given block is an ore
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block is an ore, false otherwise
public static boolean isOre(BlockState blockState) {
return isOre(blockState.getType());
* Check if a given block is an ore
* @param block The {@link Block} to check
* @return true if the block is an ore, false otherwise
public static boolean isOre(Block block) {
return isOre(block.getType());
* Check if a given material is an ore
* @param material The {@link Material} to check
* @return true if the material is an ore, false otherwise
public static boolean isOre(Material material) {
return MaterialUtils.isOre(material);
* Determine if a given block can be made mossy
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block can be made mossy, false otherwise
@Deprecated(since = "2.2.024")
public static boolean canMakeMossy(BlockState blockState) {
return mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isMossyWhiteListed(blockState.getType());
public static boolean canMakeMossy(Block block) {
return mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isMossyWhiteListed(block.getType());
* Determine if a given block should be affected by Green Terra
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block should affected by Green Terra, false otherwise
public static boolean affectedByGreenTerra(BlockState blockState) {
return affectedByGreenTerra(blockState.getType());
public static boolean affectedByGreenTerra(Block block) {
return affectedByGreenTerra(block.getType());
public static boolean affectedByGreenTerra(Material material) {
return ExperienceConfig.getInstance().doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, material);
public static boolean affectedBySuperBreaker(BlockState blockState) {
return affectedBySuperBreaker(blockState.getType());
* Determine if a given block should be affected by Super Breaker
* @param block The {@link Block} to check
* @return true if the block should affected by Super Breaker, false
* otherwise
public static boolean affectedBySuperBreaker(Block block) {
return affectedBySuperBreaker(block.getType());
public static boolean affectedBySuperBreaker(Material material) {
if (mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isIntendedToolPickaxe(material))
return true;
return ExperienceConfig.getInstance().doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType.MINING, material);
* Determine if a given block should be affected by Giga Drill Breaker
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block should be affected by Giga Drill Breaker, false
* otherwise
public static boolean affectedByGigaDrillBreaker(@NotNull BlockState blockState) {
return affectedByGigaDrillBreaker(blockState.getType());
public static boolean affectedByGigaDrillBreaker(@NotNull Block block) {
return affectedByGigaDrillBreaker(block.getType());
public static boolean affectedByGigaDrillBreaker(@NotNull Material material) {
return ExperienceConfig.getInstance().doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION, material);
* Check if a given block is a log
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block is a log, false otherwise
public static boolean hasWoodcuttingXP(@NotNull BlockState blockState) {
return hasWoodcuttingXP(blockState.getType());
public static boolean hasWoodcuttingXP(@NotNull Block block) {
return hasWoodcuttingXP(block.getType());
public static boolean hasWoodcuttingXP(@NotNull Material material) {
return ExperienceConfig.getInstance().doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType.WOODCUTTING, material);
* Check if a given block is a leaf
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block is a leaf, false otherwise
public static boolean isNonWoodPartOfTree(@NotNull BlockState blockState) {
return isNonWoodPartOfTree(blockState.getType());
public static boolean isNonWoodPartOfTree(@NotNull Block block) {
return isNonWoodPartOfTree(block.getType());
public static boolean isNonWoodPartOfTree(@NotNull Material material) {
return mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isTreeFellerDestructible(material);
// /**
// * Determine if a given block should be affected by Flux Mining
// *
// * @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
// * @return true if the block should affected by Flux Mining, false otherwise
// */
// public static boolean affectedByFluxMining(BlockState blockState) {
// switch (blockState.getType()) {
// case IRON_ORE:
// case GOLD_ORE:
// return true;
// default:
// return false;
// }
// }
* Determine if a given block can activate Herbalism abilities
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block can be activate Herbalism abilities, false
* otherwise
public static boolean canActivateHerbalism(BlockState blockState) {
return mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isHerbalismAbilityWhiteListed(blockState.getType());
* Determine if a given block should be affected by Block Cracker
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block should affected by Block Cracker, false
* otherwise
public static boolean affectedByBlockCracker(BlockState blockState) {
return affectedByBlockCracker(blockState.getType());
public static boolean affectedByBlockCracker(Block block) {
return affectedByBlockCracker(block.getType());
public static boolean affectedByBlockCracker(Material material) {
return mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isBlockCrackerWhiteListed(material);
* Determine if a given block can be made into Mycelium
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block can be made into Mycelium, false otherwise
public static boolean canMakeShroomy(BlockState blockState) {
return mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isShroomyWhiteListed(blockState.getType());
* Determine if a given block is an mcMMO anvil
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block to check
* @return true if the block is an mcMMO anvil, false otherwise
public static boolean isMcMMOAnvil(BlockState blockState) {
Material type = blockState.getType();
return type == Repair.anvilMaterial || type == Salvage.anvilMaterial;
public static boolean isPistonPiece(BlockState blockState) {
Material type = blockState.getType();
return type == Material.MOVING_PISTON || type == Material.AIR;
* Get a HashSet containing every transparent block
* @return HashSet with the IDs of every transparent block
public static HashSet<Material> getTransparentBlocks() {
HashSet<Material> transparentBlocks = new HashSet<>();
for (Material material : Material.values()) {
if (material.isTransparent()) {
return transparentBlocks;
public static boolean isFullyGrown(BlockState blockState) {
BlockData data = blockState.getBlockData();
if (data.getMaterial() == Material.CACTUS || data.getMaterial() == Material.SUGAR_CANE) {
return true;
if (data instanceof Ageable ageable) {
return ageable.getAge() == ageable.getMaximumAge();
return true;
public static boolean isPartOfTree(Block block) {
return hasWoodcuttingXP(block.getState()) || isNonWoodPartOfTree(block.getType());
* Checks to see if a Block is within the world bounds
* Prevent processing blocks from other plugins (or perhaps odd spigot anomalies) from sending blocks that can't exist within the world
* @param block
* @return
public static boolean isWithinWorldBounds(@NotNull Block block) {
World world = block.getWorld();
//World min height = inclusive | World max height = exclusive
return block.getY() >= world.getMinHeight() && block.getY() < world.getMaxHeight();