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# Advanced configuration
# Last updated on ${project.version}-b${BUILD_NUMBER}
# For advanced users only! There is no need to change anything here.
# You can customize almost every aspect of every skill here.
# Its mainly here if you've customized the experience formula.
# Configure at what level you get better with certain abilities.
# Settings for the Skills
# IncreaseLevel: This setting will determine when the length of every ability gets longer with 1 second
# EnchantBuff: This setting determines how many enchant levels to use when buffing Super Breaker & Giga Drill Breaker
IncreaseLevel: 50
EnchantBuff: 5
# Settings for Acrobatics
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of dodging when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level or higher, the dodge chance will not go higher than <ChanceMax>
# DamageModifier: Dodge damage will be divided by this modifier
ChanceMax: 20.0
MaxBonusLevel: 800
DamageModifier: 2.0
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of rolling when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level or higher, the roll chance will not go higher than <ChanceMax>
# DamageThreshold: The max damage a player can negate with a roll
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
DamageThreshold: 7.0
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of graceful rolling when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level or higher, the graceful roll chance will not go higher than <ChanceMax>
# DamageThreshold: The max damage a player can negate with a graceful roll
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 500
DamageThreshold: 14.0
# Settings for Alchemy
# UnlockLevel: Alchemy level when the Catalysis ability unlocks
# MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level of Catalysis, when a player reaches this level his brewing speed will be <MaxSpeed>
# MinSpeed: Minimum brewing speed allowed when at <UnlockLevel> or lower
# MaxSpeed: Maximum brewing speed allowed when at <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
UnlockLevel: 100
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
MinSpeed: 1.0
MaxSpeed: 4.0
# Rank_Levels: Alchemy level where rank gets unlocked
Rank_1: 0
Rank_2: 125
Rank_3: 250
Rank_4: 375
Rank_5: 500
Rank_6: 625
Rank_7: 750
Rank_8: 875
# Settings for Archery
# IncreaseLevel: Every <IncreaseLevel> the skillshot bonus will go up by <IncreasePercentage>
# IncreasePercentage: This is a percentage value, 0.1 = 10%
# MaxBonus: When the <MaxBonus> has been reached, the bonus percentage will not go up anymore. 2.0 = 200%
IncreaseLevel: 50
IncreasePercentage: 0.1
MaxBonus: 2.0
MaxDamage: 9.0
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of causing daze to opponents when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level of Daze, when a player reaches this level his chance of causing a daze will be <ChanceMax>
# Modifier: Extra damage for arrows that cause a daze (2 damage = 1 heart)
ChanceMax: 50.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
Modifier: 4.0
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of retrieving arrows when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level for Arrow retrieval, at this level the chance of retrieving arrows from mobs is <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ForceMultiplier: Multiply the force of the bow by this for an XP boost.
ForceMultiplier: 2.0
# Settings for Axes
# MaxBonus: Maximum bonus damage when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Level where <MaxBonus> is reached
MaxBonus: 4.0
MaxBonusLevel: 200
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of causing a critical hit when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Level where <ChanceMax> of causing critical hits is reached
ChanceMax: 37.50
MaxBonusLevel: 750
# Damage modifier of critical hits for PVP / PVE, when causing a critical hit the damage gets multiplied by the modifier
PVP_Modifier: 1.5
PVE_Modifier: 2.0
# Chance: Chance of hitting with GreaterImpact, mobs are knocked backwards when successful
# KnockbackModifier: Velocity modifier of GreaterImpact hits, this determines how great the knockback is
# BonusDamage: Extra damage for GreaterImpact hits
Chance: 25.0
KnockbackModifier: 1.5
BonusDamage: 2.0
# IncreaseLevel: Every <IncreaseLevel> the durability damage goes up with 1
# Chance: Chance of hitting with ArmorImpact
# MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage: Durability damage cap for ArmorImpact, 20% means that you can never destroy a piece of armor in less than 5 hits
IncreaseLevel: 50
Chance: 25.0
MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage: 20.0
# DamageModifier: Damage will get divided by this modifier
DamageModifier: 2.0
# Settings for Fishing
# Rank_Levels: Fishing level where rank gets unlocked
Rank_1: 0
Rank_2: 125
Rank_3: 250
Rank_4: 375
Rank_5: 500
Rank_6: 625
Rank_7: 700
Rank_8: 875
Rank_1: 15.0
Rank_2: 15.0
Rank_3: 25.0
Rank_4: 35.0
Rank_5: 45.0
Rank_6: 55.0
Rank_7: 65.0
Rank_8: 75.0
# VanillaXPMultiplier: Vanilla XP gained from fishing is multiplied by these values.
Rank_1: 1
Rank_2: 2
Rank_3: 3
Rank_4: 3
Rank_5: 4
Rank_6: 4
Rank_7: 5
Rank_8: 5
# This determines when Fisherman's Diet adds extra hunger recovery to food
RankChange: 200
# UnlockLevel: Fishing level when the Ice Fishing ability unlocks
UnlockLevel: 50
# UnlockLevel: Fishing level when the Master Angler ability unlocks
# BoatMultiplier: Catch rate is multiplied by this modifier
# BiomeModifier: Catch rate is multiplied by this modifier
UnlockLevel: 125
BoatModifier: 2.0
BiomeModifier: 2.0
# Settings for Herbalism
# This determines when Farmers Diet adds extra hunger recovery to food
RankChange: 200
# StageChange: Level value when the GreenThumb stage rank goes up
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of GreenThumb when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, GreenThumb chance will be <ChanceMax>
StageChange: 200
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1500
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of receiving double drops when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when <ChanceMax> of receiving double drops is reached
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of Hylian Luck when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, Hylian Luck chance will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 10.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of ShroomThumb when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, ShroomThumb chance will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 50.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1500
# Settings for Mining
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of receiving double drops when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when <ChanceMax> of receiving double drops is reached
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# BlastMining_Rank: BlastMining rank unlocks
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
# BlastDamageDecrease Ranks: % of damage reduced from TNT explosions
Rank_1: 0.0
Rank_2: 0.0
Rank_3: 0.0
Rank_4: 25.0
Rank_5: 25.0
Rank_6: 50.0
Rank_7: 50.0
Rank_8: 100.0
# OreBonus Ranks: % of extra ores received when Blast Mining
Rank_1: 35.0
Rank_2: 40.0
Rank_3: 45.0
Rank_4: 50.0
Rank_5: 55.0
Rank_6: 60.0
Rank_7: 65.0
Rank_8: 70.0
# DebrisReduction_Rank: % of fewer non-ores received when Blast Mining
Rank_1: 10.0
Rank_2: 20.0
Rank_3: 30.0
Rank_4: 30.0
Rank_5: 30.0
Rank_6: 30.0
Rank_7: 30.0
Rank_8: 30.0
# DropMultiplier Ranks: # of times each ore will drop
Rank_1: 1
Rank_2: 1
Rank_3: 1
Rank_4: 1
Rank_5: 2
Rank_6: 2
Rank_7: 3
Rank_8: 3
# BlastRadiusModifier Ranks: Increases the blast radius by this amount
Rank_1: 1.0
Rank_2: 1.0
Rank_3: 2.0
Rank_4: 2.0
Rank_5: 3.0
Rank_6: 3.0
Rank_7: 4.0
Rank_8: 4.0
# Settings for Repair
# MaxBonusPercentage: Maximum bonus percentage for Repair Mastery
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the maximum bonus is reached
MaxBonusPercentage: 200.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of Super Repair when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, Super Repair chance will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
May_Lose_Enchants: true
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
Rank_1: 10.0
Rank_2: 20.0
Rank_3: 30.0
Rank_4: 40.0
Rank_5: 50.0
Rank_6: 50.0
Rank_7: 60.0
Rank_8: 60.0
Downgrades_Enabled: true
Rank_1: 75.0
Rank_2: 50.0
Rank_3: 40.0
Rank_4: 30.0
Rank_5: 25.0
Rank_6: 20.0
Rank_7: 15.0
Rank_8: 10.0
# Settings for Salvage
# MaxPercentage: Maximum percentage of materials to be returned when Salvaging
# MaxPercentageLevel: On this level, the Salvage percentage will be <MaxPercentage>
MaxPercentage: 100.0
MaxPercentageLevel: 1000
# AdvancedSalvage_UnlockLevel: The level at which Advance Salvage become available
UnlockLevel: 350
# EnchantLossEnabled: When salvaging enchanted items, the enchants may be lost
# EnchantDowngradeEnabled: When salvaging enchanted items, the enchants may be downgraded
EnchantLossEnabled: true
EnchantDowngradeEnabled: true
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
# ExtractFullEnchant: Chance to extract the full enchant at each ArcaneSalvage rank
Rank_1: 2.5
Rank_2: 5.0
Rank_3: 7.5
Rank_4: 10.0
Rank_5: 12.5
Rank_6: 17.5
Rank_7: 25.0
Rank_8: 32.5
# ExtractPartialEnchant: Chance to extract the partial enchant at each ArcaneSalvage rank
Rank_1: 2.0
Rank_2: 2.5
Rank_3: 5.0
Rank_4: 7.5
Rank_5: 10.0
Rank_6: 12.5
Rank_7: 15.0
Rank_8: 17.5
# Settings for Smelting
# Multiplier: The furnace burn time will be multiplied by this value.
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the efficiency multiplier will stop increasing
Multiplier: 3.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering Second Smelt
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to cause Second Smelt will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# UnlockLevel: Level when Flux Mining becomes available
# Chance: Chance for Flux Mining to activate
UnlockLevel: 250
Chance: 33.0
# Rank_Levels: Smelting level where rank gets unlocked
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
# VanillaXPMultiplier: Vanilla XP gained from smelting ores is multiplied by these values.
Rank_1: 1
Rank_2: 2
Rank_3: 3
Rank_4: 3
Rank_5: 4
Rank_6: 4
Rank_7: 5
Rank_8: 5
# Settings for Swords
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering bleeding
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to cause Bleeding will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 75.0
MaxBonusLevel: 750
# These settings determine how long the Bleeding effect lasts
MaxTicks: 3
BaseTicks: 2
# RequiresBlock: Determines if blocking is required to trigger counter attack
RequiresBlock: true
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering a counter attack
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to Counter will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 30.0
MaxBonusLevel: 600
# DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager
DamageModifier: 2.0
# DamageModifier: Damage will get divided by this modifier
# BleedTicks: This determines how long the bleeding effect of SerratedStrikes lasts
DamageModifier: 4.0
BleedTicks: 5
# Settings for Taming
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering gore
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to cause Gore will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# BleedTicks: Determines the length of the bleeding effect
# Modifier: Damage will get multiplied by this modifier
BleedTicks: 2
Modifier: 2.0
# UnlockLevel: Level when FastFood unlocks
# Chance: The chance for wolves to heal hp when inflicting damage
UnlockLevel: 50
Chance: 50.0
# UnlockLevel: Level when EnvironmentallyAware unlocks
UnlockLevel: 100
# UnlockLevel: Level when ThickFur unlocks
# Modifier: Damage will get divided by this modifier
UnlockLevel: 250
Modifier: 2.0
# UnlockLevel: Level when HolyHound unlocks
UnlockLevel: 375
# UnlockLevel: Level when ShockProof unlocks
# Modifier: Damage will get divided by this modifier
UnlockLevel: 500
Modifier: 6.0
# UnlockLevel: Level when SharpenedClaws unlocks
# Bonus: This bonus will get added to the damage caused
UnlockLevel: 750
Bonus: 2.0
# MinHorseJumpStrength: The minimum jump strength a summoned horse must have
# MaxHorseJumpStrength: The maximum jump strength a summoned horse can have
MinHorseJumpStrength: 0.7
MaxHorseJumpStrength: 2.0
# Settings for Unarmed
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of disarming other players
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to disarm is reached
# AntiTheft: Determines if only the disarmed player can retrieve disarmed items
ChanceMax: 33.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
AntiTheft: false
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of deflecting arrows
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to deflect is reached
ChanceMax: 50.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of preventing being disarmed
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to prevent being disarmed is reached
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# BonusMin: Minimum bonus damage for unarmed
# BonusMax: Maximum bonus damage for unarmed
# IncreaseLevel: Bonus damage increases every increase level
BonusMin: 3.0
BonusMax: 8.0
IncreaseLevel: 50
# Settings for Woodcutting
# UnlockLevel: At this level, the passive ability LeafBlower unlocks
UnlockLevel: 100
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of receiving double drops
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance of receiving double drops is reached
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# Customize the kraken!
Enabled: true
Tries_Before_Release: 50
Health: 50.0
Name: The Kraken
Attack_Interval_Seconds: 1
Attack_Damage: 1.0
Global_Effects: false
Allow_Escaping: false
Server: (PLAYER) has unleashed the kraken!
Escape: You have escaped from the kraken!
Killed: You have slain the kraken!