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synced 2025-03-30 08:16:25 +02:00

General Added Crossbows Skill, this skill is a WIP and feedback on discord is appreciated. Added Tridents Skill, this skill is a WIP and feedback on discord is appreciated. Added the "endgame" triple drop subskill 'Mother Lode' to Mining Added the "endgame" triple drop subskill 'Clean Cuts' to Woodcutting Added the "endgame" triple drop subskill 'Verdant Bounty' to Herbalism Added /mmopower command which simply shows your power level (aliases /mmopowerlevel /powerlevel) Config Added 'Send_To_Console' settings to chat.yml to toggle sending party or admin chat messages to console. Replaced 'Experience_Formula.Modifier' in experience.yml with 'Experience_Formula.Skill_Multiplier' which is easier to understand and less prone to divide by zero bugs. child.yml config is gone now, feel free to delete it. Tweaks Tree Feller now drops 90% less non-wood block rewards (leaves/etc) on average from Knock on Wood. Treasure drop rate from Shake, Fishing, Hylian, and Excavation now benefit from the Luck perk. Updated advanced.yml with entries for the new skills Permission nodes Added 'mcmmo.commands.mmopower' permission node for the new /mmopower command Added 'mcmmo.commands.crossbows' permission node Added 'mcmmo.ability.crossbows.crossbowslimitbreak' permission node Added 'mcmmo.ability.crossbows.trickshot' permission node Added 'mcmmo.ability.herbalism.verdantbounty' permission node Added 'mcmmo.ability.mining.motherlode' permission node Added 'mcmmo.ability.woodcutting.cleancuts' permission node Locale Added locale entries for motherlode, cleancuts, and verdant bounty. Codebase Major rewrite for how random chance was handled in the code. Many skills with RNG elements now send out a SubSkillEvent (which can be used to modify probability or cancel the results), some skills without RNG still send out this event when activated, this event is cancellable so it can be used to make a skill fail. A lot of new unit tests were added to help keep mcMMO stable as part of this update, of course, more could always be added. NOTES: One feature of this update is to provide an endgame benefits to some skills that you can grind for a long time, ideally for a long while. I will likely expand upon this idea in future updates. A few skills have these endgame-oriented subskills, these new subskills provide a small benefit at first that grows and scales up to level 10,000 (or 1,000 for Standard mode which no one uses) and does not have ranks (other than the initial rank to unlock it). These endgame sub skills unlock at level 1000 for users with default mcMMO settings, or 100 for those using the optional Standard scaling. You can tweak the benefits of these skills in advanced.yml, the default settings are meant to be a good starting point. Crossbows and Tridents are WIP skills, I would like feedback on discord about them. More info on the new Triple Drop skills (Mother Lode, Clean Cuts, Verdant Bounty): Currently these start at about 5% chance and can reach a maximum 50% chance if a player acquired 10,000 skill, you can adjust this in advanced.yml These skills respect double drop settings from config.yml just like the corresponding Double Drop skills do, if a double drop is disabled for an item, then it's disabled for triple drops too. I added a new Power Level Command, for now this just shows you your current power level. If I ever add features based on power level, this command will likely display output related to those features. Regarding Maces, I will likely add that as a WIP skill when the next Minecraft update drops.
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package com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.BukkitConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.FormulaType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.MaterialType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.PotionStage;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.text.StringUtils;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ExperienceConfig extends BukkitConfig {
private static ExperienceConfig instance;
private ExperienceConfig() {
public static ExperienceConfig getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ExperienceConfig();
return instance;
protected void loadKeys() {
protected boolean validateKeys() {
List<String> reason = new ArrayList<>();
/* Curve values */
if (getMultiplier(FormulaType.EXPONENTIAL) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Exponential_Values.multiplier should be greater than 0!");
if (getMultiplier(FormulaType.LINEAR) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Linear_Values.multiplier should be greater than 0!");
if (getExponent(FormulaType.EXPONENTIAL) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Exponential_Values.exponent should be greater than 0!");
/* Global modifier */
if (getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier() <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.Global should be greater than 0!");
/* PVP modifier */
if (getPlayerVersusPlayerXP() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.PVP should be at least 0!");
/* Spawned Mob modifier */
if (getSpawnedMobXpMultiplier() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Mobspawners.Multiplier should be at least 0!");
/* Bred Mob modifier */
if (getBredMobXpMultiplier() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Breeding.Multiplier should be at least 0!");
/* Conversion */
if (getExpModifier() <= 0) {
reason.add("Conversion.Exp_Modifier should be greater than 0!");
/* Alchemy */
for (PotionStage potionStage : PotionStage.values()) {
if (getPotionXP(potionStage) < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Alchemy.Potion_Stage_" + potionStage.toNumerical() + " should be at least 0!");
/* Archery */
if (getArcheryDistanceMultiplier() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Archery.Distance_Multiplier should be at least 0!");
/* Combat XP Multipliers */
if (getAnimalsXP() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier.Animals should be at least 0!");
if (getDodgeXPModifier() < 0) {
reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Dodge_XP_Modifier should be at least 0!");
if (getRollXPModifier() < 0) {
reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Roll_XP_Modifier should be at least 0!");
if (getFallXPModifier() < 0) {
reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Fall_XP_Modifier should be at least 0!");
/* Fishing */
// TODO: Add validation for each fish type once enum is available.
if (getFishingShakeXP() <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Fishing.Shake should be greater than 0!");
/* Repair */
if (getRepairXPBase() <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Repair.Base should be greater than 0!");
/* Taming */
if (getTamingXP(EntityType.WOLF) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Taming.Animal_Taming.Wolf should be greater than 0!");
if (getTamingXP(EntityType.OCELOT) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Taming.Animal_Taming.Ocelot should be greater than 0!");
return noErrorsInConfig(reason);
public boolean isEarlyGameBoostEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("EarlyGameBoost.Enabled", true);
public boolean isSnowExploitPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.SnowGolemExcavation", true);
public boolean isEndermanEndermiteFarmingPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.EndermanEndermiteFarms", true);
public boolean isPistonCheatingPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.PistonCheating", true);
public boolean isPistonExploitPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Pistons", false);
public boolean allowUnsafeEnchantments() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.UnsafeEnchantments", false);
public boolean isCOTWBreedingPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.COTWBreeding", true);
public boolean isNPCInteractionPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.PreventPluginNPCInteraction", true);
public boolean isFishingExploitingPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Fishing", true);
public int getFishingExploitingOptionMoveRange() {
return config.getInt("Fishing_ExploitFix_Options.MoveRange", 3);
public int getFishingExploitingOptionOverFishLimit() {
return config.getInt("Fishing_ExploitFix_Options.OverFishLimit", 10);
public boolean isAcrobaticsExploitingPrevented() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Acrobatics", true);
public boolean isTreeFellerXPReduced() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.TreeFellerReducedXP", true);
/* Curve settings */
public FormulaType getFormulaType() {
return FormulaType.getFormulaType(config.getString("Experience_Formula.Curve"));
public boolean getCumulativeCurveEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Formula.Cumulative_Curve", false);
/* Curve values */
public double getMultiplier(FormulaType type) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(type.toString()) + "_Values.multiplier");
public int getBase(FormulaType type) {
return config.getInt("Experience_Formula." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(type.toString()) + "_Values.base");
public double getExponent(FormulaType type) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(type.toString()) + "_Values.exponent");
/* Global modifier */
public double getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.Global", 1.0);
public void setExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier(double value) {
config.set("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.Global", value);
/* PVP modifier */
public double getPlayerVersusPlayerXP() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.PVP", 1.0);
/* Spawned Mob modifier */
public double getSpawnedMobXpMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Mobspawners.Multiplier", 0.0);
public double getEggXpMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Eggs.Multiplier", 0.0);
public double getTamedMobXpMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Player_Tamed.Multiplier", 0.0);
public double getNetherPortalXpMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Nether_Portal.Multiplier", 0.0);
public double getBredMobXpMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Breeding.Multiplier", 1.0);
/* Skill modifiers */
public double getFormulaSkillModifier(PrimarySkillType skill) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Modifier." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()), 1);
/* Custom XP perk */
public double getCustomXpPerkBoost() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Custom_XP_Perk.Boost", 1.25);
/* Diminished Returns */
public float getDiminishedReturnsCap() {
return (float) config.getDouble("Dimished_Returns.Guaranteed_Minimum_Percentage", 0.05D);
public boolean getDiminishedReturnsEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("Diminished_Returns.Enabled", false);
public int getDiminishedReturnsThreshold(PrimarySkillType skill) {
return config.getInt("Diminished_Returns.Threshold." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()), 20000);
public int getDiminishedReturnsTimeInterval() {
return config.getInt("Diminished_Returns.Time_Interval", 10);
/* Conversion */
public double getExpModifier() {
return config.getDouble("Conversion.Exp_Modifier", 1);
/* General Settings */
public boolean getExperienceGainsPlayerVersusPlayerEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Values.PVP.Rewards", true);
/* Combat XP Multipliers */
public double getCombatXP(String entity) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + entity);
public double getCombatXP(EntityType entity) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_"));
public double getAnimalsXP(EntityType entity) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_"), getAnimalsXP());
public double getAnimalsXP() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier.Animals", 1.0);
public boolean hasCombatXP(EntityType entity) {
return config.contains("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_"));
/* Materials */
public int getXp(PrimarySkillType skill, Material material) {
return getXpHelper(skill, StringUtils.getExplicitConfigMaterialString(material),
public int getXp(PrimarySkillType skill, BlockState blockState) {
Material material = blockState.getType();
return getXp(skill, material);
public int getXp(PrimarySkillType skill, Block block) {
Material material = block.getType();
return getXp(skill, material);
public int getXp(PrimarySkillType skill, BlockData data) {
return getXpHelper(skill, StringUtils.getExplicitConfigBlockDataString(data),
private int getXpHelper(PrimarySkillType skill, String explicitString, String friendlyString, String wildcardString) {
if (explicitString.equalsIgnoreCase("LILY_PAD")) {
return 0;
String baseString = "Experience_Values." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".";
String[] configStrings = {explicitString, friendlyString, wildcardString};
for (String configString : configStrings) {
String fullPath = baseString + configString;
if (config.contains(fullPath)) {
return config.getInt(fullPath);
return 0;
public boolean doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType skill, Material material) {
return doesBlockGiveSkillXPHelper(skill, StringUtils.getExplicitConfigMaterialString(material),
public boolean doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType skill, BlockData data) {
return doesBlockGiveSkillXPHelper(skill, StringUtils.getExplicitConfigBlockDataString(data),
private boolean doesBlockGiveSkillXPHelper(PrimarySkillType skill, String explicitString, String friendlyString, String wildcardString) {
String baseString = "Experience_Values." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".";
String[] configStrings = {explicitString, friendlyString, wildcardString};
for (String configString : configStrings) {
String fullPath = baseString + configString;
if (config.contains(fullPath)) {
return true;
return false;
* Experience Bar Stuff
public boolean isPartyExperienceBarsEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.Update.Party", true);
public boolean isPassiveGainsExperienceBarsEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.Update.Passive", true);
public boolean getDoExperienceBarsAlwaysUpdateTitle() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained.Enable", false) || getAddExtraDetails();
public boolean getAddExtraDetails() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained.ExtraDetails", false);
public boolean useCombatHPCeiling() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Combat.XPCeiling.Enabled", true);
public int getCombatHPCeiling() {
return config.getInt("ExploitFix.Combat.XPCeiling.HP_Modifier_Limit", 100);
public boolean isExperienceBarsEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.Enable", true);
public boolean isExperienceBarEnabled(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(primarySkillType.toString()) + ".Enable", true);
public BarColor getExperienceBarColor(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
String colorValueFromConfig = config.getString("Experience_Bars." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(primarySkillType.toString()) + ".Color");
for (BarColor barColor : BarColor.values()) {
if (barColor.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(colorValueFromConfig))
return barColor;
//In case the value is invalid
return BarColor.WHITE;
public BarStyle getExperienceBarStyle(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
String colorValueFromConfig = config.getString("Experience_Bars." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(primarySkillType.toString()) + ".BarStyle");
for (BarStyle barStyle : BarStyle.values()) {
if (barStyle.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(colorValueFromConfig))
return barStyle;
//In case the value is invalid
return BarStyle.SOLID;
/* Acrobatics */
public int getDodgeXPModifier() {
return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.Dodge", 120);
public int getRollXPModifier() {
return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.Roll", 80);
public int getFallXPModifier() {
return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.Fall", 120);
public double getFeatherFallXPModifier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.FeatherFall_Multiplier", 2.0);
/* Alchemy */
public double getPotionXP(PotionStage stage) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Alchemy.Potion_Stage_" + stage.toNumerical(), 10D);
/* Archery */
public double getArcheryDistanceMultiplier() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Archery.Distance_Multiplier", 0.025);
public int getFishingShakeXP() {
return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Fishing.Shake", 50);
/* Repair */
public double getRepairXPBase() {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Repair.Base", 1000.0);
public double getRepairXP(MaterialType repairMaterialType) {
return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Repair." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(repairMaterialType.toString()));
/* Taming */
public int getTamingXP(EntityType type) {
return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Taming.Animal_Taming." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(type));
public boolean preventStoneLavaFarming() {
return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.LavaStoneAndCobbleFarming", true);