2013-07-11 13:03:38 -04:00

63 lines
7.4 KiB

Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Akrobatian taito nousi {0} tasolla. Kokonaism\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4 ({1})
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Jousiammuntataito kehittyi {0} tasoa. Kokonaistaso: ({1})
Axes.Skills.SS.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] on k\u00e4ytt\u00e4nyt [[RED]] Kallonhalkaisijaa!
Fishing.ItemFound=[[GRAY]]Treasure found!
Fishing.MagicFound=[[GRAY]]You feel a touch of magic with this catch...
Mining.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**VALMISTAUDUT ISKEM\u00c4\u00c4N HAKULLASI**
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Sinun [[YELLOW]Superrikkomis [[GREEN]]-taito on uudelleenlatautunut!
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Louhimistaito kasvoi {0} tasolla. Kokonaism\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4 ({1})
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Sinun [[YELLOW] R\u00e4j\u00e4ht\u00e4v\u00e4 Kaivuu [[GREEN]]-kyky on uudelleenlatautunut!
Repair.Listener.Anvil=[[DARK_RED]]Olet asettanut alasimen paikalleen, voit korjata ty\u00f6kalusi ja haarniskasi sill\u00e4.
Repair.Skills.AdeptGold=[[DARK_RED]]Et ole tarpeeksi taitava korjataksesi kultaa.
Repair.Arcane.Fail=[[RED]]Taikavoima on h\u00e4ipynyt esineest\u00e4 pysyv\u00e4sti.
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped=[[GRAY]]Verenvuodatus on [[GREEN]]loppunut[[GRAY]]!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding=[[GREEN]]**Vihollinen vuotaa verta**
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Off=[[RED]]**Berserkki on deaktivoitunut**
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] on k\u00e4ytt\u00e4nyt [[RED]]berserkki\u00e4!
Woodcutting.Ability.1=Puhaltaa lehti\u00e4 pois
Combat.ArrowDeflect=[[WHITE]]**NUOLI TORJUTTU**
Combat.BeastLore=[[GREEN]]**BEAST LORE**
Combat.BeastLoreHealth=[[DARK_AQUA]]Health ([[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/{1})
Combat.BeastLoreOwner=[[DARK_AQUA]]Owner ([[RED]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Combat.StruckByGore=[[RED]]**SINUA ON PISTETTY**
Combat.TargetDazed=Kohde [[DARK_RED]]tyrm\u00e4tty
Combat.TouchedFuzzy=[[DARK_RED]]T\u00f6kk\u00e4sit P\u00f6rr\u00f6\u00e4. Tunsit huimauksen.
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Ainoastaan Yll\u00e4pit\u00e4jien keskustelu [[RED]]pois p\u00e4\u00e4lt\u00e4
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Muokkaa kohdetta
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
Commands.Party.Kick=[[RED]]Sinut on potkittu ryhm\u00e4st\u00e4 {0}!
Commands.PowerLevel=[[DARK_RED]]Voimataso: [[GREEN]]{0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Locked=[[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.NotInYourParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
Party.Password.Set=[[GREEN]]Party password set to {0}
Party.Unlocked=[[GRAY]]Party is unlocked
Commands.XPGain.Excavation=Kaivaminen ja aarteidenl\u00f6yt\u00e4minen
Commands.XPGain.Herbalism=Yrttien sadonkorjuu
Commands.XPGain.Mining=Kiven ja malmin kaivaminen
Commands.XPGain.Taming=El\u00e4inten kesytt\u00e4minen tai taisteleminen susiesi kanssa.
Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
Commands.xprate.over=[[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
XPRate.Event=[[GOLD]]mcMMO is currently in an XP rate event! XP rate is {0}x!
Guides.Axes=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
Inspect.Stats=[[GREEN]]mcMMO Stats for [[YELLOW]]{0}
Inspect.TooFar=[[RED]]You are too far away to inspect that player!
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]Sinut on riisuttu aseista!
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.