package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.TNTPrimed; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class BlastMining { private static AdvancedConfig advancedConfig = AdvancedConfig.getInstance(); private static Random random = new Random(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_1 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank1(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_2 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank2(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_3 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank3(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_4 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank4(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_5 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank5(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_6 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank6(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_7 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank7(); public final static int BLAST_MINING_RANK_8 = advancedConfig.getBlastMiningRank8(); /** * Detonate TNT for Blast Mining * * @param event The PlayerInteractEvent * @param player Player detonating the TNT * @param plugin mcMMO plugin instance */ public static void detonate(PlayerInteractEvent event, Player player, mcMMO plugin) { if(player == null) return; PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); if (profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.MINING) < 125) return; Block block = event.getClickedBlock(); if (block == null || block.getType() != Material.TNT) { final byte SNOW = 78; final byte AIR = 0; final int BLOCKS_AWAY = 100; HashSet transparent = new HashSet(); transparent.add(SNOW); transparent.add(AIR); block = player.getTargetBlock(transparent, BLOCKS_AWAY); if (block.getType() != Material.TNT) { return; } } else if (block.getType() == Material.TNT) { event.setCancelled(true); // This is the only way I know to avoid the original TNT to be triggered (in case the player is close to it) } if (!Misc.blockBreakSimulate(block, player, true)) { return; } final double MAX_DISTANCE_AWAY = 10.0; final int TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 1000; AbilityType ability = AbilityType.BLAST_MINING; /* Check Cooldown */ if (!Skills.cooldownOver(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player)) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Skills.TooTired") + ChatColor.YELLOW + " (" + Skills.calculateTimeLeft(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player) + "s)"); return; } /* Send message to nearby players */ for (Player y : player.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (y != player && Misc.isNear(player.getLocation(), y.getLocation(), MAX_DISTANCE_AWAY)) { y.sendMessage(ability.getAbilityPlayer(player)); } } player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Mining.Blast.Boom")); /* Create the TNT entity */ // TNTPrimed tnt = (TNTPrimed) player.getWorld().spawnEntity(block.getLocation(), EntityType.PRIMED_TNT); TNTPrimed tnt = player.getWorld().spawn(block.getLocation(), TNTPrimed.class); plugin.addToTNTTracker(tnt.getEntityId(), player.getName()); tnt.setFuseTicks(0); /* Disable the original one */ block.setType(Material.AIR); profile.setSkillDATS(ability, System.currentTimeMillis()); //Save DATS for Blast Mining profile.setAbilityInformed(ability, false); } protected static Random getRandom() { return random; } }