package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatMessageType; import; import org.bukkit.*; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class NotificationManager { /** * Sends players notifications from mcMMO * This does this by sending out an event so other plugins can cancel it * @param player target player * @param notificationType notifications defined type * @param key the locale key for the notifications defined message */ public static void sendPlayerInformation(Player player, NotificationType notificationType, String key) { if(UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null || !UserManager.getPlayer(player).useChatNotifications()) return; ChatMessageType destination = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().doesNotificationUseActionBar(notificationType) ? ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR : ChatMessageType.SYSTEM; TextComponent message = TextComponentFactory.getNotificationTextComponentFromLocale(key, notificationType); McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent customEvent = checkNotificationEvent(player, notificationType, destination, message); sendNotification(player, customEvent); } public static boolean doesPlayerUseNotifications(Player player) { if(UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null) return false; else return UserManager.getPlayer(player).useChatNotifications(); } /** * Sends players notifications from mcMMO * This does this by sending out an event so other plugins can cancel it * This event in particular is provided with a source player, and players near the source player are sent the information * @param targetPlayer the recipient player for this message * @param notificationType type of notification * @param key Locale Key for the string to use with this event * @param values values to be injected into the locale string */ public static void sendNearbyPlayersInformation(Player targetPlayer, NotificationType notificationType, String key, String... values) { sendPlayerInformation(targetPlayer, notificationType, key, values); } public static void sendPlayerInformation(Player player, NotificationType notificationType, String key, String... values) { if(UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null || !UserManager.getPlayer(player).useChatNotifications()) return; ChatMessageType destination = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().doesNotificationUseActionBar(notificationType) ? ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR : ChatMessageType.SYSTEM; TextComponent message = TextComponentFactory.getNotificationMultipleValues(key, notificationType, values); McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent customEvent = checkNotificationEvent(player, notificationType, destination, message); sendNotification(player, customEvent); } private static void sendNotification(Player player, McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent customEvent) { if (customEvent.isCancelled()) return; //If the message is being sent to the action bar we need to check if the copy if a copy is sent to the chat system if(customEvent.getChatMessageType() == ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR) { player.spigot().sendMessage(customEvent.getChatMessageType(), customEvent.getNotificationTextComponent()); if(customEvent.isMessageAlsoBeingSentToChat()) { //Send copy to chat system player.spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.SYSTEM, customEvent.getNotificationTextComponent()); } } else { player.spigot().sendMessage(customEvent.getChatMessageType(), customEvent.getNotificationTextComponent()); } } private static McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent checkNotificationEvent(Player player, NotificationType notificationType, ChatMessageType destination, TextComponent message) { //Init event McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent customEvent = new McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent(player, notificationType, message, destination, AdvancedConfig.getInstance().doesNotificationSendCopyToChat(notificationType)); //Call event Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(customEvent); return customEvent; } /** * Handles sending level up notifications to a mcMMOPlayer * @param mcMMOPlayer target mcMMOPlayer * @param skillName skill that leveled up * @param newLevel new level of that skill */ public static void sendPlayerLevelUpNotification(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer, PrimarySkillType skillName, int levelsGained, int newLevel) { if(!mcMMOPlayer.useChatNotifications()) return; ChatMessageType destination = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().doesNotificationUseActionBar(NotificationType.LEVEL_UP_MESSAGE) ? ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR : ChatMessageType.SYSTEM; TextComponent levelUpTextComponent = TextComponentFactory.getNotificationLevelUpTextComponent(skillName, levelsGained, newLevel); McMMOPlayerNotificationEvent customEvent = checkNotificationEvent(mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(), NotificationType.LEVEL_UP_MESSAGE, destination, levelUpTextComponent); sendNotification(mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(), customEvent); } public static void broadcastTitle(Server server, String title, String subtitle, int i1, int i2, int i3) { for(Player player : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { player.sendTitle(title, subtitle, i1, i2, i3); } } public static void sendPlayerUnlockNotification(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer, SubSkillType subSkillType) { if(!mcMMOPlayer.useChatNotifications()) return; //CHAT MESSAGE mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().spigot().sendMessage(TextComponentFactory.getSubSkillUnlockedNotificationComponents(mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(), subSkillType)); //Unlock Sound Effect SoundManager.sendCategorizedSound(mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(), mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().getLocation(), SoundType.SKILL_UNLOCKED, SoundCategory.MASTER); //ACTION BAR MESSAGE /*if(AdvancedConfig.getInstance().doesNotificationUseActionBar(NotificationType.SUBSKILL_UNLOCKED)) mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR, new TextComponent(LocaleLoader.getString("JSON.SkillUnlockMessage", subSkillType.getLocaleName(), String.valueOf(RankUtils.getRank(mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(), subSkillType)))));*/ } /** * Sends a message to all admins with the admin notification formatting from the locale * Admins are currently players with either Operator status or Admin Chat permission * @param msg message fetched from locale */ private static void sendAdminNotification(String msg) { //If its not enabled exit if(!Config.getInstance().adminNotifications()) return; for(Player player : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if(player.isOp() || Permissions.adminChat(player)) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.Format.Others", msg)); } } //Copy it out to Console too mcMMO.p.getLogger().info(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.Format.Others", msg)); } /** * Sends a confirmation message to the CommandSender who just executed an admin command * @param commandSender target command sender * @param msg message fetched from locale */ private static void sendAdminCommandConfirmation(CommandSender commandSender, String msg) { commandSender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.Format.Self", msg)); } /** * Convenience method to report info about a command sender using a sensitive command * @param commandSender the command user * @param sensitiveCommandType type of command issued */ public static void processSensitiveCommandNotification(CommandSender commandSender, SensitiveCommandType sensitiveCommandType, String... args) { /* * Determine the 'identity' of the one who executed the command to pass as a parameters */ String senderName = LocaleLoader.getString("Server.ConsoleName"); if(commandSender instanceof Player) { senderName = ((Player) commandSender).getDisplayName() + ChatColor.RESET + "-" + ((Player) commandSender).getUniqueId(); } //Send the notification switch(sensitiveCommandType) { case XPRATE_MODIFY: sendAdminNotification(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.XPRate.Start.Others", addItemToFirstPositionOfArray(senderName, args))); sendAdminCommandConfirmation(commandSender, LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.XPRate.Start.Self", args)); break; case XPRATE_END: sendAdminNotification(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.XPRate.End.Others", addItemToFirstPositionOfArray(senderName, args))); sendAdminCommandConfirmation(commandSender, LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.XPRate.End.Self", args)); break; } } /** * Takes an array and an object, makes a new array with object in the first position of the new array, * and the following elements in this new array being a copy of the existing array retaining their order * @param itemToAdd the string to put at the beginning of the new array * @param existingArray the existing array to be copied to the new array at position [0]+1 relative to their original index * @return the new array combining itemToAdd at the start and existing array elements following while retaining their order */ public static String[] addItemToFirstPositionOfArray(String itemToAdd, String... existingArray) { String[] newArray = new String[existingArray.length + 1]; newArray[0] = itemToAdd; System.arraycopy(existingArray, 0, newArray, 1, existingArray.length); return newArray; } }