package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource; import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PoolProperties; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public final class SQLDatabaseManager implements DatabaseManager { private static final String ALL_QUERY_VERSION = "total"; private final String tablePrefix = Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix(); private final Map cachedUserIDs = new HashMap<>(); private DataSource miscPool; private DataSource loadPool; private DataSource savePool; private boolean debug = false; private final ReentrantLock massUpdateLock = new ReentrantLock(); private final String ENCODING = "utf8mb4"; //This is compliant with UTF-8 while "utf8" is not, confusing but this is how it is. protected SQLDatabaseManager() { String connectionString = "jdbc:mysql://" + Config.getInstance().getMySQLServerName() + ":" + Config.getInstance().getMySQLServerPort() + "/" + Config.getInstance().getMySQLDatabaseName(); if(Config.getInstance().getMySQLSSL()) connectionString += "?verifyServerCertificate=false"+ "&useSSL=true"+ "&requireSSL=true"; else connectionString+= "?useSSL=false"; try { // Force driver to load if not yet loaded Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; //throw e; // aborts onEnable() Riking if you want to do this, fully implement it. } debug = Config.getInstance().getMySQLDebug(); PoolProperties poolProperties = new PoolProperties(); poolProperties.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); poolProperties.setUrl(connectionString); poolProperties.setUsername(Config.getInstance().getMySQLUserName()); poolProperties.setPassword(Config.getInstance().getMySQLUserPassword()); poolProperties.setMaxIdle(Config.getInstance().getMySQLMaxPoolSize(PoolIdentifier.MISC)); poolProperties.setMaxActive(Config.getInstance().getMySQLMaxConnections(PoolIdentifier.MISC)); poolProperties.setInitialSize(0); poolProperties.setMaxWait(-1); poolProperties.setRemoveAbandoned(true); poolProperties.setRemoveAbandonedTimeout(60); poolProperties.setTestOnBorrow(true); poolProperties.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1"); poolProperties.setValidationInterval(30000); miscPool = new DataSource(poolProperties); poolProperties = new PoolProperties(); poolProperties.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); poolProperties.setUrl(connectionString); poolProperties.setUsername(Config.getInstance().getMySQLUserName()); poolProperties.setPassword(Config.getInstance().getMySQLUserPassword()); poolProperties.setInitialSize(0); poolProperties.setMaxIdle(Config.getInstance().getMySQLMaxPoolSize(PoolIdentifier.SAVE)); poolProperties.setMaxActive(Config.getInstance().getMySQLMaxConnections(PoolIdentifier.SAVE)); poolProperties.setMaxWait(-1); poolProperties.setRemoveAbandoned(true); poolProperties.setRemoveAbandonedTimeout(60); poolProperties.setTestOnBorrow(true); poolProperties.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1"); poolProperties.setValidationInterval(30000); savePool = new DataSource(poolProperties); poolProperties = new PoolProperties(); poolProperties.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); poolProperties.setUrl(connectionString); poolProperties.setUsername(Config.getInstance().getMySQLUserName()); poolProperties.setPassword(Config.getInstance().getMySQLUserPassword()); poolProperties.setInitialSize(0); poolProperties.setMaxIdle(Config.getInstance().getMySQLMaxPoolSize(PoolIdentifier.LOAD)); poolProperties.setMaxActive(Config.getInstance().getMySQLMaxConnections(PoolIdentifier.LOAD)); poolProperties.setMaxWait(-1); poolProperties.setRemoveAbandoned(true); poolProperties.setRemoveAbandonedTimeout(60); poolProperties.setTestOnBorrow(true); poolProperties.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1"); poolProperties.setValidationInterval(30000); loadPool = new DataSource(poolProperties); checkStructure(); } public void purgePowerlessUsers() { massUpdateLock.lock(); mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purging powerless users..."); Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; int purged = 0; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.createStatement(); purged = statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tablePrefix + "skills WHERE " + "taming = 0 AND mining = 0 AND woodcutting = 0 AND repair = 0 " + "AND unarmed = 0 AND herbalism = 0 AND excavation = 0 AND " + "archery = 0 AND swords = 0 AND axes = 0 AND acrobatics = 0 " + "AND fishing = 0 AND alchemy = 0;"); statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "experience` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` `s` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "experience`.`user_id` = `s`.`user_id`)"); statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "huds` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` `s` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "huds`.`user_id` = `s`.`user_id`)"); statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` `s` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns`.`user_id` = `s`.`user_id`)"); statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` `s` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "users`.`id` = `s`.`user_id`)"); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); massUpdateLock.unlock(); } mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purged " + purged + " users from the database."); } public void purgeOldUsers() { massUpdateLock.lock(); mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purging inactive users older than " + (PURGE_TIME / 2630000000L) + " months..."); Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; int purged = 0; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.createStatement(); purged = statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM u, e, h, s, c USING " + tablePrefix + "users u " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "experience e ON ( = e.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "huds h ON ( = h.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills s ON ( = s.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns c ON ( = c.user_id) " + "WHERE ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - lastlogin) > " + PURGE_TIME + ")"); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); massUpdateLock.unlock(); } mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purged " + purged + " users from the database."); } public boolean removeUser(String playerName, UUID uuid) { boolean success = false; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM u, e, h, s, c " + "USING " + tablePrefix + "users u " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "experience e ON ( = e.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "huds h ON ( = h.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills s ON ( = s.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns c ON ( = c.user_id) " + "WHERE u.user = ?"); statement.setString(1, playerName); success = statement.executeUpdate() != 0; } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } if (success) { if(uuid != null) cleanupUser(uuid); Misc.profileCleanup(playerName); } return success; } public void cleanupUser(UUID uuid) { cachedUserIDs.remove(uuid); } public boolean saveUser(PlayerProfile profile) { boolean success = true; PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.SAVE); int id = getUserID(connection, profile.getPlayerName(), profile.getUniqueId()); if (id == -1) { id = newUser(connection, profile.getPlayerName(), profile.getUniqueId()); if (id == -1) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Failed to create new account for " + profile.getPlayerName()); return false; } } statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "users SET lastlogin = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id = ?"); statement.setInt(1, id); success &= (statement.executeUpdate() != 0); statement.close(); if (!success) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Failed to update last login for " + profile.getPlayerName()); return false; } statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "skills SET " + " taming = ?, mining = ?, repair = ?, woodcutting = ?" + ", unarmed = ?, herbalism = ?, excavation = ?" + ", archery = ?, swords = ?, axes = ?, acrobatics = ?" + ", fishing = ?, alchemy = ?, total = ? WHERE user_id = ?"); statement.setInt(1, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.TAMING)); statement.setInt(2, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.MINING)); statement.setInt(3, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.REPAIR)); statement.setInt(4, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.WOODCUTTING)); statement.setInt(5, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.UNARMED)); statement.setInt(6, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM)); statement.setInt(7, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION)); statement.setInt(8, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.ARCHERY)); statement.setInt(9, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.SWORDS)); statement.setInt(10, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.AXES)); statement.setInt(11, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.ACROBATICS)); statement.setInt(12, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.FISHING)); statement.setInt(13, profile.getSkillLevel(PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY)); int total = 0; for (PrimarySkillType primarySkillType : PrimarySkillType.NON_CHILD_SKILLS) total += profile.getSkillLevel(primarySkillType); statement.setInt(14, total); statement.setInt(15, id); success &= (statement.executeUpdate() != 0); statement.close(); if (!success) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Failed to update skills for " + profile.getPlayerName()); return false; } statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "experience SET " + " taming = ?, mining = ?, repair = ?, woodcutting = ?" + ", unarmed = ?, herbalism = ?, excavation = ?" + ", archery = ?, swords = ?, axes = ?, acrobatics = ?" + ", fishing = ?, alchemy = ? WHERE user_id = ?"); statement.setInt(1, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.TAMING)); statement.setInt(2, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.MINING)); statement.setInt(3, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.REPAIR)); statement.setInt(4, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.WOODCUTTING)); statement.setInt(5, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.UNARMED)); statement.setInt(6, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM)); statement.setInt(7, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION)); statement.setInt(8, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.ARCHERY)); statement.setInt(9, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.SWORDS)); statement.setInt(10, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.AXES)); statement.setInt(11, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.ACROBATICS)); statement.setInt(12, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.FISHING)); statement.setInt(13, profile.getSkillXpLevel(PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY)); statement.setInt(14, id); success &= (statement.executeUpdate() != 0); statement.close(); if (!success) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Failed to update experience for " + profile.getPlayerName()); return false; } statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns SET " + " mining = ?, woodcutting = ?, unarmed = ?" + ", herbalism = ?, excavation = ?, swords = ?" + ", axes = ?, blast_mining = ?, chimaera_wing = ? WHERE user_id = ?"); statement.setLong(1, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER)); statement.setLong(2, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.TREE_FELLER)); statement.setLong(3, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.BERSERK)); statement.setLong(4, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.GREEN_TERRA)); statement.setLong(5, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER)); statement.setLong(6, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES)); statement.setLong(7, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.SKULL_SPLITTER)); statement.setLong(8, profile.getAbilityDATS(SuperAbilityType.BLAST_MINING)); statement.setLong(9, profile.getUniqueData(UniqueDataType.CHIMAERA_WING_DATS)); statement.setInt(10, id); success = (statement.executeUpdate() != 0); statement.close(); if (!success) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Failed to update cooldowns for " + profile.getPlayerName()); return false; } statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "huds SET mobhealthbar = ?, scoreboardtips = ? WHERE user_id = ?"); statement.setString(1, profile.getMobHealthbarType() == null ? Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault().name() : profile.getMobHealthbarType().name()); statement.setInt(2, profile.getScoreboardTipsShown()); statement.setInt(3, id); success = (statement.executeUpdate() != 0); statement.close(); if (!success) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Failed to update hud settings for " + profile.getPlayerName()); return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } return success; } public @NotNull List readLeaderboard(@Nullable PrimarySkillType skill, int pageNumber, int statsPerPage) throws InvalidSkillException { List stats = new ArrayList<>(); //Fix for a plugin that people are using that is throwing SQL errors if(skill != null && skill.isChildSkill()) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("A plugin hooking into mcMMO is being naughty with our database commands, update all plugins that hook into mcMMO and contact their devs!"); throw new InvalidSkillException("A plugin hooking into mcMMO that you are using is attempting to read leaderboard skills for child skills, child skills do not have leaderboards! This is NOT an mcMMO error!"); } String query = skill == null ? ALL_QUERY_VERSION :; ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT " + query + ", user FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON (user_id = id) WHERE " + query + " > 0 AND NOT user = '\\_INVALID\\_OLD\\_USERNAME\\_' ORDER BY " + query + " DESC, user LIMIT ?, ?"); statement.setInt(1, (pageNumber * statsPerPage) - statsPerPage); statement.setInt(2, statsPerPage); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { ArrayList column = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { column.add(resultSet.getString(i)); } stats.add(new PlayerStat(column.get(1), Integer.parseInt(column.get(0)))); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } return stats; } public Map readRank(String playerName) { Map skills = new HashMap<>(); ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); for (PrimarySkillType primarySkillType : PrimarySkillType.NON_CHILD_SKILLS) { String skillName =; // Get count of all users with higher skill level than player String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'rank' FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id WHERE " + skillName + " > 0 " + "AND " + skillName + " > (SELECT " + skillName + " FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id " + "WHERE user = ?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setString(1, playerName); resultSet = statement.executeQuery();; int rank = resultSet.getInt("rank"); // Ties are settled by alphabetical order sql = "SELECT user, " + skillName + " FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id WHERE " + skillName + " > 0 " + "AND " + skillName + " = (SELECT " + skillName + " FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id " + "WHERE user = '" + playerName + "') ORDER BY user"; resultSet.close(); statement.close(); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { if (resultSet.getString("user").equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) { skills.put(primarySkillType, rank + resultSet.getRow()); break; } } resultSet.close(); statement.close(); } String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'rank' FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id " + "WHERE " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " > 0 " + "AND " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " > " + "(SELECT " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " " + "FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id WHERE user = ?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setString(1, playerName); resultSet = statement.executeQuery();; int rank = resultSet.getInt("rank"); resultSet.close(); statement.close(); sql = "SELECT user, " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " " + "FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id " + "WHERE " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " > 0 " + "AND " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " = " + "(SELECT " + ALL_QUERY_VERSION + " " + "FROM " + tablePrefix + "users JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills ON user_id = id WHERE user = ?) ORDER BY user"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setString(1, playerName); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { if (resultSet.getString("user").equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) { skills.put(null, rank + resultSet.getRow()); break; } } resultSet.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } return skills; } public void newUser(String playerName, UUID uuid) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); newUser(connection, playerName, uuid); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(connection); } } private int newUser(Connection connection, String playerName, UUID uuid) { ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `" + tablePrefix + "users` " + "SET user = ? " + "WHERE user = ?"); statement.setString(1, "_INVALID_OLD_USERNAME_"); statement.setString(2, playerName); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "users (user, uuid, lastlogin) VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); statement.setString(1, playerName); statement.setString(2, uuid != null ? uuid.toString() : null); statement.executeUpdate(); resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Unable to create new user account in DB"); return -1; } writeMissingRows(connection, resultSet.getInt(1)); return resultSet.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); } return -1; } @Deprecated public PlayerProfile loadPlayerProfile(String playerName, boolean create) { return loadPlayerProfile(playerName, null, false, true); } public PlayerProfile loadPlayerProfile(UUID uuid) { return loadPlayerProfile("", uuid, false, true); } public PlayerProfile loadPlayerProfile(String playerName, UUID uuid, boolean create) { return loadPlayerProfile(playerName, uuid, create, true); } private PlayerProfile loadPlayerProfile(String playerName, UUID uuid, boolean create, boolean retry) { PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.LOAD); int id = getUserID(connection, playerName, uuid); if (id == -1) { // There is no such user if (create) { id = newUser(connection, playerName, uuid); create = false; if (id == -1) { return new PlayerProfile(playerName, false); } } else { return new PlayerProfile(playerName, false); } } // There is such a user writeMissingRows(connection, id); statement = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT " + "s.taming, s.mining,, s.woodcutting, s.unarmed, s.herbalism, s.excavation, s.archery, s.swords, s.axes, s.acrobatics,, s.alchemy, " + "e.taming, e.mining,, e.woodcutting, e.unarmed, e.herbalism, e.excavation, e.archery, e.swords, e.axes, e.acrobatics,, e.alchemy, " + "c.taming, c.mining,, c.woodcutting, c.unarmed, c.herbalism, c.excavation, c.archery, c.swords, c.axes, c.acrobatics, c.blast_mining, c.chimaera_wing, " + "h.mobhealthbar, h.scoreboardtips, u.uuid, u.user " + "FROM " + tablePrefix + "users u " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills s ON ( = s.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "experience e ON ( = e.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns c ON ( = c.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "huds h ON ( = h.user_id) " + "WHERE = ?"); statement.setInt(1, id); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { try { PlayerProfile profile = loadFromResult(playerName, resultSet); String name = resultSet.getString(42); // TODO: Magic Number, make sure it stays updated resultSet.close(); statement.close(); if (!playerName.isEmpty() && !playerName.equalsIgnoreCase(name) && uuid != null) { statement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `" + tablePrefix + "users` " + "SET user = ? " + "WHERE user = ?"); statement.setString(1, "_INVALID_OLD_USERNAME_"); statement.setString(2, name); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); statement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `" + tablePrefix + "users` " + "SET user = ?, uuid = ? " + "WHERE id = ?"); statement.setString(1, playerName); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); statement.setInt(3, id); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); } return profile; } catch (SQLException e) { printErrors(e); } } resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } // Problem, nothing was returned // return unloaded profile if (!retry) { return new PlayerProfile(playerName, false); } // Retry, and abort on re-failure return loadPlayerProfile(playerName, uuid, create, false); } public void convertUsers(DatabaseManager destination) { PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT " + "s.taming, s.mining,, s.woodcutting, s.unarmed, s.herbalism, s.excavation, s.archery, s.swords, s.axes, s.acrobatics,, s.alchemy, " + "e.taming, e.mining,, e.woodcutting, e.unarmed, e.herbalism, e.excavation, e.archery, e.swords, e.axes, e.acrobatics,, e.alchemy, " + "c.taming, c.mining,, c.woodcutting, c.unarmed, c.herbalism, c.excavation, c.archery, c.swords, c.axes, c.acrobatics, c.blast_mining, c.chimaera_wing, " + "h.mobhealthbar, h.scoreboardtips, u.uuid " + "FROM " + tablePrefix + "users u " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "skills s ON ( = s.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "experience e ON ( = e.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns c ON ( = c.user_id) " + "JOIN " + tablePrefix + "huds h ON ( = h.user_id) " + "WHERE u.user = ?"); List usernames = getStoredUsers(); int convertedUsers = 0; long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String playerName : usernames) { statement.setString(1, playerName); try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery();; destination.saveUser(loadFromResult(playerName, resultSet)); resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { printErrors(e); // Ignore } convertedUsers++; Misc.printProgress(convertedUsers, progressInterval, startMillis); } } catch (SQLException e) { printErrors(e); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } } public boolean saveUserUUID(String userName, UUID uuid) { PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `" + tablePrefix + "users` SET " + " uuid = ? WHERE user = ?"); statement.setString(1, uuid.toString()); statement.setString(2, userName); statement.execute(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); return false; } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } } public boolean saveUserUUIDs(Map fetchedUUIDs) { PreparedStatement statement = null; int count = 0; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "users SET uuid = ? WHERE user = ?"); for (Map.Entry entry : fetchedUUIDs.entrySet()) { statement.setString(1, entry.getValue().toString()); statement.setString(2, entry.getKey()); statement.addBatch(); count++; if ((count % 500) == 0) { statement.executeBatch(); count = 0; } } if (count != 0) { statement.executeBatch(); } return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); return false; } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } } public List getStoredUsers() { ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); Statement statement = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT user FROM " + tablePrefix + "users"); while ( { users.add(resultSet.getString("user")); } } catch (SQLException e) { printErrors(e); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } return users; } /** * Checks that the database structure is present and correct */ private void checkStructure() { PreparedStatement statement = null; Statement createStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES" + " WHERE table_schema = ?" + " AND table_name = ?"); statement.setString(1, Config.getInstance().getMySQLDatabaseName()); statement.setString(2, tablePrefix + "users"); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if (! { createStatement = connection.createStatement(); createStatement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tablePrefix + "users` (" + "`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "`user` varchar(40) NOT NULL," + "`uuid` varchar(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL," + "`lastlogin` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)," + "INDEX(`user`(20) ASC)," + "UNIQUE KEY `uuid` (`uuid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=" + ENCODING + " AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"); tryClose(createStatement); } tryClose(resultSet); statement.setString(1, Config.getInstance().getMySQLDatabaseName()); statement.setString(2, tablePrefix + "huds"); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if (! { createStatement = connection.createStatement(); createStatement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tablePrefix + "huds` (" + "`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`mobhealthbar` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '" + Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault() + "'," + "`scoreboardtips` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)) " + "DEFAULT CHARSET=" + ENCODING + ";"); tryClose(createStatement); } tryClose(resultSet); statement.setString(1, Config.getInstance().getMySQLDatabaseName()); statement.setString(2, tablePrefix + "cooldowns"); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if (! { createStatement = connection.createStatement(); createStatement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` (" + "`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`taming` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`mining` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`woodcutting` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`repair` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`unarmed` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`herbalism` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`excavation` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`archery` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`swords` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`axes` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`acrobatics` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`blast_mining` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`chimaera_wing` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)) " + "DEFAULT CHARSET=" + ENCODING + ";"); tryClose(createStatement); } tryClose(resultSet); statement.setString(1, Config.getInstance().getMySQLDatabaseName()); statement.setString(2, tablePrefix + "skills"); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if (! { String startingLevel = "'" + AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getStartingLevel() + "'"; String totalLevel = "'" + (AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getStartingLevel() * (PrimarySkillType.values().length - PrimarySkillType.CHILD_SKILLS.size())) + "'"; createStatement = connection.createStatement(); createStatement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tablePrefix + "skills` (" + "`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`taming` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`mining` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`woodcutting` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`repair` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`unarmed` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`herbalism` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`excavation` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`archery` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`swords` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`axes` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`acrobatics` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`fishing` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`alchemy` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+startingLevel+"," + "`total` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "+totalLevel+"," + "PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)) " + "DEFAULT CHARSET=" + ENCODING + ";"); tryClose(createStatement); } tryClose(resultSet); statement.setString(1, Config.getInstance().getMySQLDatabaseName()); statement.setString(2, tablePrefix + "experience"); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if (! { createStatement = connection.createStatement(); createStatement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tablePrefix + "experience` (" + "`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`taming` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`mining` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`woodcutting` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`repair` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`unarmed` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`herbalism` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`excavation` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`archery` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`swords` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`axes` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`acrobatics` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`fishing` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`alchemy` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)) " + "DEFAULT CHARSET=" + ENCODING + ";"); tryClose(createStatement); } tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); for (UpgradeType updateType : UpgradeType.values()) { checkDatabaseStructure(connection, updateType); } if (Config.getInstance().getTruncateSkills()) { for (PrimarySkillType skill : PrimarySkillType.NON_CHILD_SKILLS) { int cap = Config.getInstance().getLevelCap(skill); if (cap != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` SET `" + + "` = " + cap + " WHERE `" + + "` > " + cap); statement.executeUpdate(); tryClose(statement); } } } mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Killing orphans"); createStatement = connection.createStatement(); createStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "experience` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` `u` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "experience`.`user_id` = `u`.`id`)"); createStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "huds` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` `u` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "huds`.`user_id` = `u`.`id`)"); createStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` `u` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns`.`user_id` = `u`.`id`)"); createStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` `u` WHERE `" + tablePrefix + "skills`.`user_id` = `u`.`id`)"); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(createStatement); tryClose(connection); } } private Connection getConnection(PoolIdentifier identifier) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; switch (identifier) { case LOAD: connection = loadPool.getConnection(); break; case MISC: connection = miscPool.getConnection(); break; case SAVE: connection = savePool.getConnection(); break; } if (connection == null) { throw new RuntimeException("getConnection() for " + + " pool timed out. Increase max connections settings."); } return connection; } /** * Check database structure for necessary upgrades. * * @param upgrade Upgrade to attempt to apply */ private void checkDatabaseStructure(Connection connection, UpgradeType upgrade) { if (!mcMMO.getUpgradeManager().shouldUpgrade(upgrade)) { mcMMO.p.debug("Skipping " + + " upgrade (unneeded)"); return; } Statement statement = null; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); switch (upgrade) { case ADD_FISHING: checkUpgradeAddFishing(statement); break; case ADD_BLAST_MINING_COOLDOWN: checkUpgradeAddBlastMiningCooldown(statement); break; case ADD_SQL_INDEXES: checkUpgradeAddSQLIndexes(statement); break; case ADD_MOB_HEALTHBARS: checkUpgradeAddMobHealthbars(statement); break; case DROP_SQL_PARTY_NAMES: checkUpgradeDropPartyNames(statement); break; case DROP_SPOUT: checkUpgradeDropSpout(statement); break; case ADD_ALCHEMY: checkUpgradeAddAlchemy(statement); break; case ADD_UUIDS: checkUpgradeAddUUIDs(statement); return; case ADD_SCOREBOARD_TIPS: checkUpgradeAddScoreboardTips(statement); return; case DROP_NAME_UNIQUENESS: checkNameUniqueness(statement); return; case ADD_SKILL_TOTAL: checkUpgradeSkillTotal(connection); break; case ADD_UNIQUE_PLAYER_DATA: checkUpgradeAddUniqueChimaeraWing(statement); break; default: break; } mcMMO.getUpgradeManager().setUpgradeCompleted(upgrade); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); } } private void writeMissingRows(Connection connection, int id) { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tablePrefix + "experience (user_id) VALUES (?)"); statement.setInt(1, id); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tablePrefix + "skills (user_id) VALUES (?)"); statement.setInt(1, id); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns (user_id) VALUES (?)"); statement.setInt(1, id); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tablePrefix + "huds (user_id, mobhealthbar, scoreboardtips) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); statement.setInt(1, id); statement.setString(2, Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault().name()); statement.setInt(3, 0); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); } } private PlayerProfile loadFromResult(String playerName, ResultSet result) throws SQLException { Map skills = new EnumMap<>(PrimarySkillType.class); // Skill & Level Map skillsXp = new EnumMap<>(PrimarySkillType.class); // Skill & XP Map skillsDATS = new EnumMap<>(SuperAbilityType.class); // Ability & Cooldown Map uniqueData = new EnumMap<>(UniqueDataType.class); //Chimaera wing cooldown and other misc info MobHealthbarType mobHealthbarType; UUID uuid; int scoreboardTipsShown; final int OFFSET_SKILLS = 0; // TODO update these numbers when the query // changes (a new skill is added) final int OFFSET_XP = 13; final int OFFSET_DATS = 26; final int OFFSET_OTHER = 39; skills.put(PrimarySkillType.TAMING, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 1)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.MINING, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 2)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.REPAIR, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 3)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.WOODCUTTING, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 4)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.UNARMED, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 5)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 6)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 7)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.ARCHERY, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 8)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.SWORDS, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 9)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.AXES, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 10)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.ACROBATICS, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 11)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.FISHING, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 12)); skills.put(PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY, result.getInt(OFFSET_SKILLS + 13)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.TAMING, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 1)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.MINING, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 2)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.REPAIR, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 3)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.WOODCUTTING, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 4)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.UNARMED, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 5)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 6)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 7)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.ARCHERY, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 8)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.SWORDS, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 9)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.AXES, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 10)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.ACROBATICS, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 11)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.FISHING, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 12)); skillsXp.put(PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY, result.getFloat(OFFSET_XP + 13)); // Taming - Unused - result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 1) skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 2)); // Repair - Unused - result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 3) skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.TREE_FELLER, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 4)); skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.BERSERK, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 5)); skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.GREEN_TERRA, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 6)); skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 7)); // Archery - Unused - result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 8) skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 9)); skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.SKULL_SPLITTER, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 10)); // Acrobatics - Unused - result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 11) skillsDATS.put(SuperAbilityType.BLAST_MINING, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 12)); uniqueData.put(UniqueDataType.CHIMAERA_WING_DATS, result.getInt(OFFSET_DATS + 13)); try { mobHealthbarType = MobHealthbarType.valueOf(result.getString(OFFSET_OTHER + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { mobHealthbarType = Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault(); } try { scoreboardTipsShown = result.getInt(OFFSET_OTHER + 2); } catch (Exception e) { scoreboardTipsShown = 0; } try { uuid = UUID.fromString(result.getString(OFFSET_OTHER + 3)); } catch (Exception e) { uuid = null; } return new PlayerProfile(playerName, uuid, skills, skillsXp, skillsDATS, mobHealthbarType, scoreboardTipsShown, uniqueData); } private void printErrors(SQLException ex) { if (debug) { ex.printStackTrace(); } StackTraceElement element = ex.getStackTrace()[0]; mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Location: " + element.getClassName() + " " + element.getMethodName() + " " + element.getLineNumber()); mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage()); mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState()); mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode()); } public DatabaseType getDatabaseType() { return DatabaseType.SQL; } private void checkNameUniqueness(final Statement statement) { ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SHOW INDEXES " + "FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` " + "WHERE Column_name='user' " + " AND NOT Non_unique"); if (! { return; } resultSet.close(); mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables to drop name uniqueness..."); statement.execute("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "users` " + "DROP INDEX `user`," + "ADD INDEX `user` (`user`(20) ASC)"); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); } } private void checkUpgradeAddAlchemy(final Statement statement) throws SQLException { try { statement.executeQuery("SELECT `alchemy` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException ex) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables for Alchemy..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` ADD `alchemy` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "experience` ADD `alchemy` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); } } private void checkUpgradeAddBlastMiningCooldown(final Statement statement) throws SQLException { try { statement.executeQuery("SELECT `blast_mining` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException ex) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables for Blast Mining..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` ADD `blast_mining` int(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); } } private void checkUpgradeAddUniqueChimaeraWing(final Statement statement) throws SQLException { try { statement.executeQuery("SELECT `chimaera_wing` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException ex) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables for Chimaera Wing..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "cooldowns` ADD `chimaera_wing` int(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); } } private void checkUpgradeAddFishing(final Statement statement) throws SQLException { try { statement.executeQuery("SELECT `fishing` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException ex) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables for Fishing..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` ADD `fishing` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "experience` ADD `fishing` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); } } private void checkUpgradeAddMobHealthbars(final Statement statement) throws SQLException { try { statement.executeQuery("SELECT `mobhealthbar` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "huds` LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException ex) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables for mob healthbars..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "huds` ADD `mobhealthbar` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '" + Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault() + "'"); } } private void checkUpgradeAddScoreboardTips(final Statement statement) throws SQLException { try { statement.executeQuery("SELECT `scoreboardtips` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "huds` LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException ex) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Updating mcMMO MySQL tables for scoreboard tips..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "huds` ADD `scoreboardtips` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;"); } } private void checkUpgradeAddSQLIndexes(final Statement statement) { ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SHOW INDEX FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` WHERE `Key_name` LIKE 'idx\\_%'"); resultSet.last(); if (resultSet.getRow() != PrimarySkillType.NON_CHILD_SKILLS.size()) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Indexing tables, this may take a while on larger databases"); for (PrimarySkillType skill : PrimarySkillType.NON_CHILD_SKILLS) { String skill_name =; try { statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` ADD INDEX `idx_" + skill_name + "` (`" + skill_name + "`) USING BTREE"); } catch (SQLException ex) { // Ignore } } } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); } } private void checkUpgradeAddUUIDs(final Statement statement) { ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` LIMIT 1"); ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = resultSet.getMetaData(); boolean column_exists = false; for (int i = 1; i <= rsmeta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (rsmeta.getColumnName(i).equalsIgnoreCase("uuid")) { column_exists = true; break; } } if (!column_exists) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Adding UUIDs to mcMMO MySQL user table..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "users` ADD `uuid` varchar(36) NULL DEFAULT NULL"); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "users` ADD UNIQUE INDEX `uuid` (`uuid`) USING BTREE"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); } new GetUUIDUpdatesRequired().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(mcMMO.p, 100); // wait until after first purge } private class GetUUIDUpdatesRequired extends BukkitRunnable { public void run() { massUpdateLock.lock(); List names = new ArrayList<>(); Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { try { connection = miscPool.getConnection(); statement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT `user` FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` WHERE `uuid` IS NULL"); while ( { names.add(resultSet.getString("user")); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } if (!names.isEmpty()) { UUIDUpdateAsyncTask updateTask = new UUIDUpdateAsyncTask(mcMMO.p, names); updateTask.start(); updateTask.waitUntilFinished(); } } finally { massUpdateLock.unlock(); } } } private void checkUpgradeDropPartyNames(final Statement statement) { ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "users` LIMIT 1"); ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = resultSet.getMetaData(); boolean column_exists = false; for (int i = 1; i <= rsmeta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (rsmeta.getColumnName(i).equalsIgnoreCase("party")) { column_exists = true; break; } } if (column_exists) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Removing party name from users table..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "users` DROP COLUMN `party`"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); } } private void checkUpgradeSkillTotal(final Connection connection) throws SQLException { ResultSet resultSet = null; Statement statement = null; try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); statement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "skills` LIMIT 1"); ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = resultSet.getMetaData(); boolean column_exists = false; for (int i = 1; i <= rsmeta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (rsmeta.getColumnName(i).equalsIgnoreCase("total")) { column_exists = true; break; } } if (!column_exists) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Adding skill total column to skills table..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` ADD COLUMN `total` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); statement.executeUpdate("UPDATE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` SET `total` = (taming+mining+woodcutting+repair+unarmed+herbalism+excavation+archery+swords+axes+acrobatics+fishing+alchemy)"); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "skills` ADD INDEX `idx_total` (`total`) USING BTREE"); connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { connection.setAutoCommit(true); tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); } } private void checkUpgradeDropSpout(final Statement statement) { ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + tablePrefix + "huds` LIMIT 1"); ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = resultSet.getMetaData(); boolean column_exists = false; for (int i = 1; i <= rsmeta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (rsmeta.getColumnName(i).equalsIgnoreCase("hudtype")) { column_exists = true; break; } } if (column_exists) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Removing Spout HUD type from huds table..."); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + "huds` DROP COLUMN `hudtype`"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); } } private int getUserID(final Connection connection, final String playerName, final UUID uuid) { if (uuid == null) return getUserIDByName(connection, playerName); if (cachedUserIDs.containsKey(uuid)) return cachedUserIDs.get(uuid); ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT id, user FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE uuid = ? OR (uuid IS NULL AND user = ?)"); statement.setString(1, uuid.toString()); statement.setString(2, playerName); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { int id = resultSet.getInt("id"); cachedUserIDs.put(uuid, id); return id; } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); } return -1; } private int getUserIDByName(final Connection connection, final String playerName) { ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT id, user FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE user = ?"); statement.setString(1, playerName); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { return resultSet.getInt("id"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(resultSet); tryClose(statement); } return -1; } private void tryClose(AutoCloseable closeable) { if (closeable != null) { try { closeable.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } } } @Override public void onDisable() { mcMMO.p.debug("Releasing connection pool resource..."); miscPool.close(); loadPool.close(); savePool.close(); } public enum PoolIdentifier { MISC, LOAD, SAVE } public void resetMobHealthSettings() { PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC); statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "huds SET mobhealthbar = ?"); statement.setString(1, Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault().toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { printErrors(ex); } finally { tryClose(statement); tryClose(connection); } } }