package; import java.util.Random; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.AnimalTamer; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Tameable; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Misc { private static Random random = new Random(); public static int toolDurabilityLoss = Config.getInstance().getAbilityToolDamage(); public static int abilityLengthIncreaseLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getAbilityLength(); public static boolean isSpawnerXPEnabled = Config.getInstance().getExperienceGainsMobspawnersEnabled(); public static final int PLAYER_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 5; public static final int TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 1000; public static final double SKILL_MESSAGE_MAX_SENDING_DISTANCE = 10.0; public static final int NORMAL_SKILL_ACTIVATION_CHANCE = 100; public static final int LUCKY_SKILL_ACTIVATION_CHANCE = 75; /** * Calculate activation chance for a skill. * * @param isLucky true if the player has the appropriate "lucky" perk, false otherwise * @return the activation chance */ public static int calculateActivationChance(boolean isLucky) { if (isLucky) { return LUCKY_SKILL_ACTIVATION_CHANCE; } return NORMAL_SKILL_ACTIVATION_CHANCE; } /** * Check if a player has armor. * * @param player Player whose armor to check * @return true if the player has armor, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasArmor(LivingEntity entity) { for (ItemStack armor : entity.getEquipment().getArmorContents()) { if (armor.getType() != Material.AIR) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isFriendlyPet(Player attacker, Tameable pet) { if (pet.isTamed()) { AnimalTamer tamer = pet.getOwner(); if (tamer instanceof Player) { Player owner = (Player) tamer; if (owner == attacker || PartyManager.getInstance().inSameParty(attacker, owner)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean isNPCEntity(Entity entity) { if (entity == null || entity.hasMetadata("NPC")) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isNPCPlayer(Player player) { if (player == null || Users.getProfile(player) == null || player.hasMetadata("NPC")) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isNPCPlayer(Player player, PlayerProfile profile) { if (player == null || profile == null || player.hasMetadata("NPC")) { return true; } return false; } public static void sendSkillMessage(Player player, String message) { for (Player otherPlayer : player.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (otherPlayer != player && Misc.isNear(player.getLocation(), otherPlayer.getLocation(), Misc.SKILL_MESSAGE_MAX_SENDING_DISTANCE)) { otherPlayer.sendMessage(message); } } } /** * Gets a capitalized version of the target string. * * @param target String to capitalize * @return the capitalized string */ public static String getCapitalized(String target) { String firstLetter = target.substring(0,1); String remainder = target.substring(1); String capitalized = firstLetter.toUpperCase() + remainder.toLowerCase(); return capitalized; } /** * Gets a nicely formatted string version of an item name from a given item ID. * * @param itemID The ID of the item to convert to string. * @return the nicely formatting string */ public static String prettyItemString(int itemID) { String baseString = Material.getMaterial(itemID).toString(); String[] substrings = baseString.split("_"); String prettyString = ""; int size = 1; for (String s : substrings) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(Misc.getCapitalized(s)); if (size < substrings.length) { prettyString = prettyString.concat(" "); } size++; } return prettyString; } /** * Gets the int represented by this string. * * @param string The string to parse * @return the int represented by this string */ public static int getInt(String string) { if (isInt(string)) { return Integer.parseInt(string); } return 0; } /** * Checks to see if an entity is currently invincible. * * @param le The LivingEntity to check * @param event The event the entity is involved in * @return true if the entity is invincible, false otherwise */ public static boolean isInvincible(LivingEntity le, EntityDamageEvent event) { /* * So apparently if you do more damage to a LivingEntity than its last damage int you bypass the invincibility. * So yeah, this is for that. */ if (le.getNoDamageTicks() > le.getMaximumNoDamageTicks() / 2.0F && event.getDamage() <= le.getLastDamage()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Simulate a block break event. * * @param block The block to break * @param player The player breaking the block * @param shouldArmSwing true if an armswing event should be fired, false otherwise * @return true if the event wasn't cancelled, false otherwise */ public static boolean blockBreakSimulate(Block block, Player player, Boolean shouldArmSwing) { //Support for NoCheat if (shouldArmSwing) { FakePlayerAnimationEvent armswing = new FakePlayerAnimationEvent(player); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(armswing); } PluginManager pluginManger = mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager(); FakeBlockDamageEvent damageEvent = new FakeBlockDamageEvent(player, block, player.getItemInHand(), true); pluginManger.callEvent(damageEvent); FakeBlockBreakEvent breakEvent = new FakeBlockBreakEvent(block, player); pluginManger.callEvent(breakEvent); if (!damageEvent.isCancelled() && !breakEvent.isCancelled()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get the upgrade tier of the item in hand. * * @param inHand The item to check the tier of * @return the tier of the item */ public static int getTier(ItemStack inHand) { int tier = 0; if (ItemChecks.isWoodTool(inHand)) { tier = 1; } else if (ItemChecks.isStoneTool(inHand)) { tier = 2; } else if (ItemChecks.isIronTool(inHand)) { tier = 3; } else if (ItemChecks.isGoldTool(inHand)) { tier = 1; } else if (ItemChecks.isDiamondTool(inHand)) { tier = 4; } else if (ModChecks.isCustomTool(inHand)) { tier = ModChecks.getToolFromItemStack(inHand).getTier(); } return tier; } /** * Determine if two locations are near each other. * * @param first The first location * @param second The second location * @param maxDistance The max distance apart * @return true if the distance between first and second is less than maxDistance, false otherwise */ public static boolean isNear(Location first, Location second, double maxDistance) { if (!first.getWorld().equals(second.getWorld())) { return false; } if (first.distanceSquared(second) < (maxDistance * maxDistance)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Determine if a string represents an Integer * * @param string String to check * @return true if the string is an Integer, false otherwise */ public static boolean isInt(String string) { try { Integer.parseInt(string); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nFE) { return false; } } /** * Drop items at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The items to drop * @param quantity The amount of items to drop */ public static void dropItems(Location location, ItemStack is, int quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { dropItem(location, is); } } /** * Randomly drop an item at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The item to drop * @param chance The percentage chance for the item to drop */ public static void randomDropItem(Location location, ItemStack is, int chance) { if (random.nextInt(100) < chance) { dropItem(location, is); } } /** * Randomly drop items at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The item to drop * @param chance The percentage chance for the item to drop * @param quantity The amount of items to drop */ public static void randomDropItems(Location location, ItemStack is, int chance, int quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { randomDropItem(location, is, chance); } } /** * Drop an item at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the item at * @param itemStack The item to drop */ public static void dropItem(Location location, ItemStack itemStack) { if(itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR) return; // We can't get the item until we spawn it and we want to make it cancellable, so we have a custom event. McMMOItemSpawnEvent event = new McMMOItemSpawnEvent(location, itemStack); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; Item newItem = location.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(location, itemStack); ItemStack cloned = itemStack.clone(); cloned.setAmount(newItem.getItemStack().getAmount()); newItem.setItemStack(cloned); } /** * Check if a skill level is higher than the max bonus level of the ability. * * @param skillLevel Skill level to check * @param maxLevel Max level of the ability * @return whichever value is lower */ public static int skillCheck(int skillLevel, int maxLevel) { //TODO: Could we just use Math.min(skillLevel, maxLevel) here? if (skillLevel > maxLevel) { return maxLevel; } return skillLevel; } /** * Get the max power level for a player. * * @return the maximum power level for a player */ public static int getPowerLevelCap() { int levelCap = Config.getInstance().getPowerLevelCap(); if (levelCap > 0) { return levelCap; } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } public static Random getRandom() { return random; } }