package; import; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile; import; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin { private final mcPlayerListener playerListener = new mcPlayerListener(this); private final mcBlockListener blockListener = new mcBlockListener(this); private final mcEntityListener entityListener = new mcEntityListener(this); public HashMap aliasMap = new HashMap(); //Alias - Command public HashMap arrowTracker = new HashMap(); public HashMap tntTracker = new HashMap(); public static File versionFile; public static Database database; public static mcMMO p; //Config file stuff LoadProperties config; LoadTreasures config2; //Jar stuff public static File mcmmo; //File Paths public static String mainDirectory; public static String flatFileDirectory; public static String usersFile; public static String leaderboardDirectory; /** * Things to be run when the plugin is enabled. */ public void onEnable() { p = this; mcmmo = getFile(); versionFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "VERSION"); mainDirectory = getDataFolder().getPath() + File.separator; flatFileDirectory = mainDirectory + "FlatFileStuff" + File.separator; leaderboardDirectory = flatFileDirectory + "Leaderboards" + File.separator; usersFile = flatFileDirectory + "mcmmo.users"; if (!versionFile.exists()) { updateVersion(); } else { String vnum = readVersion(); //This will be changed to whatever version preceded when we actually need updater code. //Version 1.0.48 is the first to implement this, no checking before that version can be done. if (vnum.equalsIgnoreCase("1.0.48")) { updateFrom(1); } //Just add in more else if blocks for versions that need updater code. Increment the updateFrom age int as we do so. //Catch all for versions not matching and no specific code being needed else if (!vnum.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getDescription().getVersion())) { updateFrom(-1); } } this.config = new LoadProperties(this); this.config.load(); this.config2 = new LoadTreasures(this); this.config2.load(); new Party(this).loadParties(); if (!LoadProperties.useMySQL) { Users.loadUsers(); } PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager(); //Register events pm.registerEvents(playerListener, this); pm.registerEvents(blockListener, this); pm.registerEvents(entityListener, this); PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = this.getDescription(); //Setup the leaderboards if (LoadProperties.useMySQL) { database = new Database(this); database.createStructure(); } else { Leaderboard.makeLeaderboards(); } for (Player player : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { Users.addUser(player); //In case of reload add all users back into PlayerProfile } System.out.println(pdfFile.getName() + " version " + pdfFile.getVersion() + " is enabled!" ); BukkitScheduler scheduler = getServer().getScheduler(); //Schedule Spout Activation 1 second after start-up scheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new SpoutStart(this), 20); //Periodic save timer (Saves every 10 minutes) scheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new mcSaveTimer(this), 0, LoadProperties.saveInterval * 1200); //Regen & Cooldown timer (Runs every second) scheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new mcTimer(this), 0, 20); //Bleed timer (Runs every two seconds) scheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new mcBleedTimer(this), 0, 40); registerCommands(); if (LoadProperties.statsTracking) { //Plugin Metrics running in a new thread new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // create a new metrics object Metrics metrics = new Metrics(); // 'this' in this context is the Plugin object metrics.beginMeasuringPlugin(p); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to submit stats."); } } }).start(); } } /** * Get profile of the player. *
* This function is designed for API usage. * * @param player Player whose profile to get * @return the PlayerProfile object */ public PlayerProfile getPlayerProfile(Player player) { return Users.getProfile(player); } /** * Get profile of the player by name. *
* This function is designed for API usage. * * @param playerName Name of player whose profile to get * @return the PlayerProfile object */ public PlayerProfile getPlayerProfileByName(String playerName) { return Users.getProfileByName(playerName); } /** * Get profile of the offline player. *
* This function is designed for API usage. * * @param player Offline player whose profile to get * @return the PlayerProfile object */ public PlayerProfile getOfflinePlayerProfile(OfflinePlayer player) { return Users.getProfile(player); } /** * Things to be run when the plugin is disabled. */ public void onDisable() { //Make sure to save player information if the server shuts down for (PlayerProfile x : Users.getProfiles().values()) {; } this.getServer().getScheduler().cancelTasks(this); //This removes our tasks System.out.println("mcMMO was disabled."); //How informative! } /** * Register the commands. */ private void registerCommands() { //Register aliases with the aliasmap (used in the playercommandpreprocessevent to ugly alias them to actual commands) //Skills commands aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Acrobatics.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "acrobatics"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Archery.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "archery"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Axes.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "axes"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Excavation.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "excavation"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Fishing.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "fishing"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Herbalism.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "herbalism"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Mining.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "mining"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Repair.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "repair"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Swords.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "swords"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Taming.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "taming"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("Unarmed.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "unarmed"); aliasMap.put(mcLocale.getString("WoodCutting.SkillName").toLowerCase(), "woodcutting"); //Register commands //Skills commands getCommand("acrobatics").setExecutor(new AcrobaticsCommand()); getCommand("archery").setExecutor(new ArcheryCommand()); getCommand("axes").setExecutor(new AxesCommand()); getCommand("excavation").setExecutor(new ExcavationCommand()); getCommand("fishing").setExecutor(new FishingCommand()); getCommand("herbalism").setExecutor(new HerbalismCommand()); getCommand("mining").setExecutor(new MiningCommand()); getCommand("repair").setExecutor(new RepairCommand()); getCommand("swords").setExecutor(new SwordsCommand()); getCommand("taming").setExecutor(new TamingCommand()); getCommand("unarmed").setExecutor(new UnarmedCommand()); getCommand("woodcutting").setExecutor(new WoodcuttingCommand()); //mc* commands if (LoadProperties.mcremoveEnable) { getCommand("mcremove").setExecutor(new McremoveCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.mcabilityEnable) { getCommand("mcability").setExecutor(new McabilityCommand()); } if (LoadProperties.mccEnable) { getCommand("mcc").setExecutor(new MccCommand()); } if (LoadProperties.mcgodEnable) { getCommand("mcgod").setExecutor(new McgodCommand()); } if (LoadProperties.mcmmoEnable) { getCommand("mcmmo").setExecutor(new McmmoCommand()); } if (LoadProperties.mcrefreshEnable) { getCommand("mcrefresh").setExecutor(new McrefreshCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.mctopEnable) { getCommand("mctop").setExecutor(new MctopCommand()); } if (LoadProperties.mcstatsEnable) { getCommand("mcstats").setExecutor(new McstatsCommand()); } //Party commands if (LoadProperties.acceptEnable) { getCommand("accept").setExecutor(new AcceptCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.aEnable) { getCommand("a").setExecutor(new ACommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.inviteEnable) { getCommand("invite").setExecutor(new InviteCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.partyEnable) { getCommand("party").setExecutor(new PartyCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.pEnable) { getCommand("p").setExecutor(new PCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.ptpEnable) { getCommand("ptp").setExecutor(new PtpCommand(this)); } //Other commands if (LoadProperties.addxpEnable) { getCommand("addxp").setExecutor(new AddxpCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.addlevelsEnable) { getCommand("addlevels").setExecutor(new AddlevelsCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.mmoeditEnable) { getCommand("mmoedit").setExecutor(new MmoeditCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.inspectEnable) { getCommand("inspect").setExecutor(new InspectCommand(this)); } if (LoadProperties.xprateEnable) { getCommand("xprate").setExecutor(new XprateCommand(this)); } getCommand("mmoupdate").setExecutor(new MmoupdateCommand(this)); //Spout commands if (LoadProperties.xplockEnable) { getCommand("xplock").setExecutor(new XplockCommand()); } getCommand("mchud").setExecutor(new MchudCommand(this)); } /** * Update mcMMO from a given version *

* It is important to always assume that you are updating from the lowest possible version. * Thus, every block of updater code should be complete and self-contained; finishing all * SQL transactions and closing all file handlers, such that the next block of updater code * if called will handle updating as expected. * * @param age Specifies which updater code to run */ public void updateFrom(int age) { //No updater code needed, just update the version. if (age == -1) { updateVersion(); return; } //Updater code from age 1 goes here if (age <= 1) { //Since age 1 is an example for now, we will just let it do nothing. } //If we are updating from age 1 but we need more to reach age 2, this will run too. if (age <= 2) { } updateVersion(); } /** * Update the version file. */ public void updateVersion() { try { versionFile.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter vout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(versionFile)); vout.write(this.getDescription().getVersion()); vout.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Get the current mcMMO version. * * @return a String representing the current mcMMO version */ public String readVersion() { byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) versionFile.length()]; BufferedInputStream f = null; try { f = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(versionFile));; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (f != null) { try { f.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } } return new String(buffer); } /* * Boilerplate Custom Config Stuff */ private FileConfiguration treasuresConfig = null; private File treasuresConfigFile = null; /** * Reload the Treasures.yml file. */ public void reloadTreasuresConfig() { if (treasuresConfigFile == null) { treasuresConfigFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "treasures.yml"); } treasuresConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(treasuresConfigFile); InputStream defConfigStream = getResource("treasures.yml"); // Look for defaults in the jar if (defConfigStream != null) { YamlConfiguration defConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(defConfigStream); treasuresConfig.setDefaults(defConfig); } } /** * Get the Treasures config information. * * @return the configuration object for treasures.yml */ public FileConfiguration getTreasuresConfig() { if (treasuresConfig == null) { reloadTreasuresConfig(); } return treasuresConfig; } /** * Save the Treasures config informtion. */ public void saveTreasuresConfig() { if (treasuresConfig == null || treasuresConfigFile == null) { return; } try {; } catch (IOException ex) { this.getLogger().severe("Could not save config to " + treasuresConfigFile + ex.toString()); } } }