package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import; import; import; import; import; public class Config extends AutoUpdateConfigLoader { private static Config instance; private Config() { super("config.yml"); validate(); } public static Config getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Config(); } return instance; } @Override protected boolean validateKeys() { // Validate all the settings! List reason = new ArrayList(); /* General Settings */ if (getSaveInterval() <= 0) { reason.add("General.Save_Interval should be greater than 0!"); } /* Mob Healthbar */ if (getMobHealthbarTime() == 0) { reason.add("Mob_Healthbar.Display_Time cannot be 0! Set to -1 to disable or set a valid value."); } /* Scoreboards */ if (getMcrankScoreboardTime() != -1 && getMcrankScoreboardTime() <= 0) { reason.add("Scoreboards.Mcrank.Display_Time should be greater than 0 or -1!"); } if (getMcstatsScoreboardTime() != -1 && getMcstatsScoreboardTime() <= 0) { reason.add("Scoreboards.Mcstats.Display_Time should be greater than 0 or -1!"); } if (getMctopScoreboardTime() != -1 && getMctopScoreboardTime() <= 0) { reason.add("Scoreboards.Mctop.Display_Time should be greater than 0 or -1!"); } if (getInspectScoreboardTime() != -1 && getInspectScoreboardTime() <= 0) { reason.add("Scoreboards.Inspect.Display_Time should be greater than 0 or -1!"); } if (getSkillScoreboardTime() != -1 && getSkillScoreboardTime() <= 0) { reason.add("Scoreboards.Skillname.Display_Time should be greater than 0 or -1!"); } /* Database Purging */ if (getPurgeInterval() < -1) { reason.add("Database_Purging.Purge_Interval should be greater than, or equal to -1!"); } if (getOldUsersCutoff() != -1 && getOldUsersCutoff() <= 0) { reason.add("Database_Purging.Old_User_Cutoff should be greater than 0 or -1!"); } /* Hardcore Mode */ if (getHardcoreDeathStatPenaltyPercentage() < 1 || getHardcoreDeathStatPenaltyPercentage() > 100) { reason.add("Hardcore.Death_Stat_Loss_Penalty_Percentage only accepts values from 1 to 100!"); } if (getHardcoreVampirismStatLeechPercentage() < 1 || getHardcoreVampirismStatLeechPercentage() > 100) { reason.add("Hardcore.Death_Stat_Loss_Penalty_Percentage only accepts values from 1 to 100!"); } /* Items */ if (getChimaeraUseCost() < 1 || getChimaeraUseCost() > 64) { reason.add("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Use_Cost only accepts values from 1 to 64!"); } if (getChimaeraRecipeCost() < 1 || getChimaeraRecipeCost() > 9) { reason.add("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Recipe_Cost only accepts values from 1 to 64!"); } if (getChimaeraItemId() < 1) { reason.add("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Item_ID should be at least 1!"); } /* Particles */ if (getLevelUpEffectsTier() < 1) { reason.add("Particles.LevelUp_Tier should be at least 1!"); } /* PARTY SETTINGS */ if (getAutoPartyKickInterval() < -1) { reason.add("Party.AutoKick_Interval should be at least -1!"); } if (getAutoPartyKickTime() < 0) { reason.add("Party.Old_Party_Member_Cutoff should be at least 0!"); } if (getPartyShareBonusBase() <= 0) { reason.add("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_bonus_base should be greater than 0!"); } if (getPartyShareBonusIncrease() < 0) { reason.add("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_bonus_increase should be at least 0!"); } if (getPartyShareBonusCap() <= 0) { reason.add("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_bonus_cap should be greater than 0!"); } if (getPartyShareRange() <= 0) { reason.add("Party.Sharing.Range should be greater than 0!"); } /* Inspect command distance */ if (getInspectDistance() <= 0) { reason.add("Commands.inspect.Max_Distance should be greater than 0!"); } if (getTreeFellerThreshold() <= 0) { reason.add("Abilities.Limits.Tree_Feller_Threshold should be greater than 0!"); } if (getFishingBaseXP() <= 0) { reason.add("Experience.Fishing.Base should be greater than 0!"); } if (getDetonatorItemID() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.Detonator_ID should be at least 1!"); } if (getRepairAnvilId() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.Anvil_ID should be at least 1!"); } if (getSalvageAnvilId() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.Salvage_Anvil_ID should be at least 1!"); } if (getRepairAnvilId() == getSalvageAnvilId()) { reason.add("Cannot use the same item ID for Repair and Salvage anvils!"); } if (getTamingCOTWWolfCost() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Bones_Required should be at least 1!"); } if (getTamingCOTWOcelotCost() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Fish_Required should be at least 1!"); } if (getTamingCOTWAmount(EntityType.OCELOT) <= 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Ocelot_Amount should be greater than 0!"); } if (getTamingCOTWAmount(EntityType.WOLF) <= 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Wolf_Amount should be greater than 0!"); } if (getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier() <= 0) { reason.add("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.Global should be greater than 0!"); } if (getPlayerVersusPlayerXP() < 0) { reason.add("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.PVP should be at least 0!"); } if (getAnimalsXP() < 0) { reason.add("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.Animals should be at least 0!"); } if (getWitherSkeletonXP() < 0) { reason.add("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.Wither_Skeleton should be at least 0!"); } if (getSpawnedMobXpMultiplier() < 0) { reason.add("Experience.Gains.Mobspawners.Multiplier should be at least 0!"); } return noErrorsInConfig(reason); } @Override protected void loadKeys() {} /* * GENERAL SETTINGS */ /* General Settings */ public String getLocale() { return config.getString("General.Locale", "en_us"); } public boolean getMOTDEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.MOTD_Enabled", true); } public boolean getDonateMessageEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Commands.mcmmo.Donate_Message", true); } public int getSaveInterval() { return config.getInt("General.Save_Interval", 10); } public boolean getStatsTrackingEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.Stats_Tracking", true); } public boolean getUpdateCheckEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.Update_Check", true); } public boolean getPreferBeta() { return config.getBoolean("General.Prefer_Beta", false); } public boolean getEventCallbackEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.Event_Callback", true); } public boolean getBackupsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.Generate_Backups", true); } public boolean getVerboseLoggingEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.Verbose_Logging", false); } public boolean getConfigOverwriteEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("General.Config_Update_Overwrite", true); } public String getPartyChatPrefix() { return config.getString("Commands.p.Chat_Prefix_Format", "[[GREEN]]([[WHITE]]{0}[[GREEN]])"); } public boolean getPartyChatColorLeaderName() { return config.getBoolean("Commands.p.Gold_Leader_Name", true); } public boolean getPartyDisplayNames() { return config.getBoolean("Commands.p.Use_Display_Names", true); } public String getAdminChatPrefix() { return config.getString("Commands.a.Chat_Prefix_Format", "[[AQUA]][[[WHITE]]{0}[[AQUA]]]"); } public boolean getAdminDisplayNames() { return config.getBoolean("Commands.a.Use_Display_Names", true); } /* Mob Healthbar */ public MobHealthbarType getMobHealthbarDefault() { try { return MobHealthbarType.valueOf(config.getString("Mob_Healthbar.Display_Type", "HEARTS").toUpperCase().trim()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { return MobHealthbarType.HEARTS; } } public int getMobHealthbarTime() { return config.getInt("Mob_Healthbar.Display_Time", 3); } /* Scoreboards */ public boolean getMcrankScoreboardEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Scoreboards.Mcrank.Use", true); } public int getMcrankScoreboardTime() { return config.getInt("Scoreboards.Mcrank.Display_Time", 10); } public boolean getMcstatsScoreboardsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Scoreboards.Mcstats.Use", true); } public int getMcstatsScoreboardTime() { return config.getInt("Scoreboards.Mcstats.Display_Time", 10); } public boolean getMctopScoreboardEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Scoreboards.Mctop.Use", true); } public int getMctopScoreboardTime() { return config.getInt("Scoreboards.Mctop.Display_Time", 10); } public boolean getInspectScoreboardEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Scoreboards.Inspect.Use", true); } public int getInspectScoreboardTime() { return config.getInt("Scoreboards.Inspect.Display_Time", 10); } public boolean getSkillScoreboardEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Scoreboards.Skillname.Use", true); } public int getSkillScoreboardTime() { return config.getInt("Scoreboards.Skillname.Display_Time", 10); } public boolean getPowerLevelsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Scoreboards.Power_Level.Use", false); } /* Database Purging */ public int getPurgeInterval() { return config.getInt("Database_Purging.Purge_Interval", -1); } public int getOldUsersCutoff() { return config.getInt("Database_Purging.Old_User_Cutoff", 6); } /* mySQL */ public boolean getUseMySQL() { return config.getBoolean("MySQL.Enabled", false); } public String getMySQLTablePrefix() { return config.getString("MySQL.Database.TablePrefix", "mcmmo_"); } public String getMySQLDatabaseName() { return getStringIncludingInts(config, "MySQL.Database.Name"); } public String getMySQLUserName() { return getStringIncludingInts(config, "MySQL.Database.User_Name"); } public int getMySQLServerPort() { return config.getInt("MySQL.Server.Port", 3306); } public String getMySQLServerName() { return config.getString("MySQL.Server.Address", "localhost"); } public String getMySQLUserPassword() { if (getStringIncludingInts(config, "MySQL.Database.User_Password") != null) { return getStringIncludingInts(config, "MySQL.Database.User_Password"); } return ""; } private static String getStringIncludingInts(ConfigurationSection cfg, String key) { String str = cfg.getString(key); if (str == null) { str = String.valueOf(cfg.getInt(key)); } if (str.equals("0")) { str = "No value set for '" + key + "'"; } return str; } /* Hardcore Mode */ public boolean getHardcoreEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Hardcore.Enabled", false); } public void setHardcoreEnabled(boolean enabled) { config.set("Hardcore.Enabled", enabled); } public double getHardcoreDeathStatPenaltyPercentage() { return config.getDouble("Hardcore.Death_Stat_Loss_Penalty_Percentage", 75.0); } public void setHardcoreDeathStatPenaltyPercentage(double value) { config.set("Hardcore.Death_Stat_Loss_Penalty_Percentage", value); } public double getHardcoreVampirismStatLeechPercentage() { return config.getDouble("Hardcore.Vampirism_Stat_Leech_Percentage", 5.0); } public void setHardcoreVampirismStatLeechPercentage(double value) { config.set("Hardcore.Vampirism_Stat_Leech_Percentage", value); } public boolean getHardcoreVampirismEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Hardcore.Vampirism", false); } public void setHardcoreVampirismEnabled(boolean enabled) { config.set("Hardcore.Vampirism", enabled); } /* SMP Mods */ public boolean getToolModsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Mods.Tool_Mods_Enabled", false); } public boolean getArmorModsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Mods.Tool_Mods_Enabled", false); } public boolean getBlockModsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Mods.Block_Mods_Enabled", false); } public boolean getEntityModsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Mods.Entity_Mods_Enabled", false); } /* Items */ public int getChimaeraUseCost() { return config.getInt("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Use_Cost", 1); } public int getChimaeraRecipeCost() { return config.getInt("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Recipe_Cost", 5); } public int getChimaeraItemId() { return config.getInt("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Item_ID", 288); } public boolean getChimaeraEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Enabled", true); } public boolean getChimaeraPreventUseUnderground() { return config.getBoolean("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Prevent_Use_Underground", true); } public int getChimaeraCooldown() { return config.getInt("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Cooldown", 240); } public int getChimaeraWarmup() { return config.getInt("Items.Chimaera_Wing.Warmup", 5); } public int getChimaeraRecentlyHurtCooldown() { return config.getInt("Items.Chimaera_Wing.RecentlyHurt_Cooldown", 60); } /* Particles */ public boolean getAbilityActivationEffectEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.Ability_Activation", true); } public boolean getAbilityDeactivationEffectEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.Ability_Deactivation", true); } public boolean getDodgeEffectEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.Dodge", true); } public boolean getBleedEffectEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.Bleed", true); } public boolean getGreaterImpactEffectEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.Greater_Impact", true); } public boolean getLevelUpEffectsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.LevelUp_Enabled", true); } public int getLevelUpEffectsTier() { return config.getInt("Particles.LevelUp_Tier", 100); } public boolean getLargeFireworks() { return config.getBoolean("Particles.LargeFireworks", true); } /* PARTY SETTINGS */ public int getAutoPartyKickInterval() { return config.getInt("Party.AutoKick_Interval", 12); } public int getAutoPartyKickTime() { return config.getInt("Party.Old_Party_Member_Cutoff", 7); } public boolean getExpShareEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_enabled", true); } public double getPartyShareBonusBase() { return config.getDouble("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_bonus_base", 1.1); } public double getPartyShareBonusIncrease() { return config.getDouble("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_bonus_increase", 0.05); } public double getPartyShareBonusCap() { return config.getDouble("Party.Sharing.ExpShare_bonus_cap", 1.5); } public boolean getItemShareEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Party.Sharing.ItemShare_enabled", true); } public double getPartyShareRange() { return config.getDouble("Party.Sharing.Range", 75.0); } /* Party Teleport Settings */ public int getPTPCommandCooldown() { return config.getInt("Commands.ptp.Cooldown", 120); } public int getPTPCommandWarmup() { return config.getInt("Commands.ptp.Warmup", 5); } public int getPTPCommandRecentlyHurtCooldown() { return config.getInt("Commands.ptp.RecentlyHurt_Cooldown", 60); } public int getPTPCommandTimeout() { return config.getInt("Commands.ptp.Request_Timeout", 300); } public boolean getPTPCommandConfirmRequired() { return config.getBoolean("Commands.ptp.Confirm_Required", true); } public boolean getPTPCommandWorldPermissions() { return config.getBoolean("Commands.ptp.World_Based_Permissions", false); } /* Inspect command distance */ public double getInspectDistance() { return config.getDouble("Commands.inspect.Max_Distance", 30); } /* * ABILITY SETTINGS */ /* General Settings */ public boolean getAbilityMessagesEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Abilities.Messages", true); } public boolean getAbilitiesEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Abilities.Enabled", true); } public boolean getAbilitiesOnlyActivateWhenSneaking() { return config.getBoolean("Abilities.Activation.Only_Activate_When_Sneaking", false); } public int getCooldown(AbilityType ability) { return config.getInt("Abilities.Cooldowns." + ability.toString()); } public int getMaxTicks(AbilityType ability) { return config.getInt("Abilities.Max_Seconds." + ability.toString()); } /* Durability Settings */ public int getAbilityToolDamage() { return config.getInt("Abilities.Tools.Durability_Loss", 2); } /* Thresholds */ public int getTreeFellerThreshold() { return config.getInt("Abilities.Limits.Tree_Feller_Threshold", 500); } /* * SKILL SETTINGS */ public int getXp(SkillType skill, Material material) { return config.getInt("Experience." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + "." + StringUtils.getPrettyItemString(material).replace(" ", "_")); } public boolean getDoubleDropsEnabled(SkillType skill, Material material) { return config.getBoolean("Double_Drops." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + "." + StringUtils.getPrettyItemString(material).replace(" ", "_")); } public boolean getDoubleDropsDisabled(SkillType skill) { String skillName = StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()); ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("Double_Drops." + skillName); Set keys = section.getKeys(false); boolean disabled = true; for (String key : keys) { if (config.getBoolean("Double_Drops." + skillName + "." + key)) { disabled = false; break; } } return disabled; } /* Acrobatics */ public boolean getDodgeLightningDisabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Acrobatics.Prevent_Dodge_Lightning", false); } public boolean getPreventXPAfterTeleport() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Acrobatics.Prevent_XP_After_Teleport", true); } /* Fishing */ public int getFishingBaseXP() { return config.getInt("Experience.Fishing.Base", 800); } public boolean getFishingDropsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Fishing.Drops_Enabled", true); } /* Mining */ public int getDetonatorItemID() { return config.getInt("Skills.Mining.Detonator_ID", 259); } /* Repair */ public double getRepairXPBase() { return config.getDouble("Experience.Repair.Base", 1000.0); } public double getRepairXP(RepairMaterialType repairMaterialType) { return config.getDouble("Experience.Repair." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(repairMaterialType.toString())); } public boolean getRepairAnvilMessagesEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Repair.Anvil_Messages", true); } public int getRepairAnvilId() { return config.getInt("Skills.Repair.Anvil_ID", 42); } public int getSalvageAnvilId() { return config.getInt("Skills.Repair.Salvage_Anvil_ID", 41); } public boolean getSalvageTools() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Repair.Salvage_tools", true); } public boolean getSalvageArmor() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Repair.Salvage_armor", true); } public boolean getRepairConfirmRequired() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Repair.Confirm_Required", true); } /* Unarmed */ public boolean getUnarmedBlockCrackerSmoothbrickToCracked() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Unarmed.Block_Cracker.SmoothBrick_To_CrackedBrick", true); } /* Taming */ public int getTamingXPWolf() { return config.getInt("Experience.Taming.Animal_Taming.Wolf", 250); } public int getTamingXPOcelot() { return config.getInt("Experience.Taming.Animal_Taming.Ocelot", 500); } public int getTamingCOTWWolfCost() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Bones_Required", 10); } public int getTamingCOTWOcelotCost() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Fish_Required", 10); } public double getTamingCOTWRange() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Range", 40); } public int getTamingCOTWAmount(EntityType type) { switch (type) { case OCELOT: return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Ocelot_Amount", 1); case WOLF: return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Wolf_Amount", 1); default: return 1; } } /* Woodcutting */ public int getWoodcuttingXPOak() { return config.getInt("Experience.Woodcutting.Oak", 70); } public int getWoodcuttingXPBirch() { return config.getInt("Experience.Woodcutting.Birch", 90); } public int getWoodcuttingXPSpruce() { return config.getInt("Experience.Woodcutting.Spruce", 80); } public int getWoodcuttingXPJungle() { return config.getInt("Experience.Woodcutting.Jungle", 100); } public int getWoodcuttingXPHugeBrownMushroom() { return config.getInt("Experience.Woodcutting.Huge_Mushroom_Brown", 70); } public int getWoodcuttingXPHugeRedMushroom() { return config.getInt("Experience.Woodcutting.Huge_Mushroom_Red", 70); } public boolean getOakDoubleDropsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Double_Drops.Woodcutting.Oak", true); } public boolean getBirchDoubleDropsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Double_Drops.Woodcutting.Birch", true); } public boolean getSpruceDoubleDropsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Double_Drops.Woodcutting.Spruce", true); } public boolean getJungleDoubleDropsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Double_Drops.Woodcutting.Jungle", true); } /* AFK Leveling */ public boolean getAcrobaticsAFKDisabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Acrobatics.Prevent_AFK_Leveling", true); } public boolean getHerbalismAFKDisabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Herbalism.Prevent_AFK_Leveling", true); } /* Level Caps */ public int getPowerLevelCap() { int cap = config.getInt("General.Power_Level_Cap", 0); return (cap <= 0) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : cap; } public int getLevelCap(SkillType skill) { int cap = config.getInt("Skills." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".Level_Cap"); return (cap <= 0) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : cap; } /* PVP & PVE Settings */ public boolean getPVPEnabled(SkillType skill) { return config.getBoolean("Skills." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".Enabled_For_PVP", true); } public boolean getPVEEnabled(SkillType skill) { return config.getBoolean("Skills." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".Enabled_For_PVE", true); } /* * XP SETTINGS */ /* General Settings */ public boolean getExperienceGainsPlayerVersusPlayerEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Experience.PVP.Rewards", true); } public double getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.Global", 1.0); } public void setExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier(double value) { config.set("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.Global", value); } /* Combat XP Multipliers */ public double getPlayerVersusPlayerXP() { return config.getDouble("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.PVP", 1.0); } public double getCombatXP(EntityType entity) { return config.getDouble("Experience.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_")); } public double getAnimalsXP() { return config.getDouble("Experience.Combat.Multiplier.Animals", 1.0); } public double getWitherSkeletonXP() { return config.getDouble("Experience.Combat.Multiplier.Wither_Skeleton", 4.0); } public double getSpawnedMobXpMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Experience.Gains.Mobspawners.Multiplier", 0.0); } }