import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; //===================================================================== //Class: vMinecraftListener //Use: The listener to catch incoming chat and commands //Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae //===================================================================== public class vMinecraftListener extends PluginListener { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); //===================================================================== //Function: disable //Input: None //Output: None //Use: Disables vMinecraft, but why would you want to do that? ;) //===================================================================== public void disable() { log.log(Level.INFO, "vMinecraft disabled"); } public void onPlayerMove(Player player, Location from, Location to) { if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isFrozen(player.getName())){ player.teleportTo(from); } } //===================================================================== //Function: onChat //Input: Player player: The player calling the command // String message: The message to color //Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command // and it is enabled //Use: Checks for quote, rage, and colors //===================================================================== public boolean onChat(Player player, String message){ //Quote (Greentext) if (message.startsWith("@") || vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isAdminToggled(player.getName())) return vMinecraftChat.adminChat(player, message); else if (message.startsWith(">")) return vMinecraftChat.quote(player, message); //Rage (FFF) else if (message.startsWith("FFF")) return vMinecraftChat.rage(player, message); //Send through quakeColors otherwise else return vMinecraftChat.quakeColors(player, message); } //===================================================================== //Function: onCommand //Input: Player player: The player calling the command // String[] split: The arguments //Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command // and it is enabled //Use: Checks for exploits and runs the commands //===================================================================== public boolean onCommand(Player player, String[] split) { //Copy the arguments into their own array. String[] args = new String[split.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(split, 1, args, 0, args.length); //Return the results of the command int exitCode =[0], player, args); if(exitCode == 0) return false; else if(exitCode == 1) return true; else return false; } //===================================================================== //Function: onHealthChange //Input: Player player: The player calling the command // int oldValue: The old health value; // int newValue: The new health value //Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command // and it is enabled //Use: Checks for exploits and runs the commands //===================================================================== public boolean onHealthChange(Player player,int oldValue,int newValue){ if (player.getHealth() > 1){ vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).isDead(false); } return false; } public void onLogin(Player player){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "There are currently " + etc.getServer().getPlayerList().size() + " players online."); vMinecraftUsers.addUser(player); } public void onDisconnect(Player player){ vMinecraftUsers.removeUser(player); } public boolean onIgnite(Block block, Player player) { if(vMinecraftSettings.stopFire){ if(block.getStatus() == 3 || block.getStatus() == 1){ return true; } if(block.getStatus() == 2 && !player.isAdmin()){ return true; } } return false; } public boolean onDamage(PluginLoader.DamageType type, BaseEntity attacker, BaseEntity defender, int amount) { Player defend = null; if(defender != null && defender.isPlayer()) { defend = defender.getPlayer(); if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isEzModo(defend.getName())) { return true; } if (defend.getHealth() > 0) return false; if (vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(defend).isDead()) return false; vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(defend).isDead(true); Player attack = null; if(attacker != null && attacker.isPlayer()) attack = attacker.getPlayer(); if(attack != null) { vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + " was slain by " + attack.getName()); } if (type == type.CREEPER_EXPLOSION) { vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + Colors.Rose + " was blown to bits by a creeper"); } else if(type == type.FALL){ vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + Colors.Rose + " fell to death!"); } else if(type == type.FIRE){ vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + Colors.Rose + " was incinerated"); } else if (type == type.FIRE_TICK){ vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + Colors.Rose + " Stop drop and roll, not scream, run, and burn "); } else if (type == type.LAVA){ vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + Colors.Rose + " drowned in lava"); } else if (type == type.WATER){ log.log(Level.INFO, "Water"); vMinecraftChat.gmsg(defend.getName() + Colors.Rose + " should've attended that swimming class"); } else { vMinecraftChat.gmsg(Colors.Gray + defend.getName() + " " + vMinecraftSettings.randomDeathMsg()); } } return false; } }