package; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager; import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SkillTools { static AdvancedConfig advancedConfig = AdvancedConfig.getInstance(); public static int abilityLengthIncreaseLevel = advancedConfig.getAbilityLength(); public static boolean abilitiesEnabled = Config.getInstance().getAbilitiesEnabled(); public static void handleFoodSkills(Player player, SkillType skill, FoodLevelChangeEvent event, int baseLevel, int maxLevel, int rankChange) { int skillLevel = Users.getProfile(player).getSkillLevel(skill); int currentFoodLevel = player.getFoodLevel(); int newFoodLevel = event.getFoodLevel(); int foodChange = newFoodLevel - currentFoodLevel; for (int i = baseLevel; i <= maxLevel; i+= rankChange) { if (skillLevel >= i) { foodChange++; } } /* Make sure we don't go over the max value */ newFoodLevel = currentFoodLevel + foodChange; if (newFoodLevel > 20) { event.setFoodLevel(20); } else { event.setFoodLevel(newFoodLevel); } } /** * Checks to see if the cooldown for an item or ability is expired. * * @param oldTime The time the ability or item was last used * @param cooldown The amount of time that must pass between uses * @param player The player whose cooldown is being checked * @return true if the cooldown is over, false otherwise */ public static boolean cooldownOver(long oldTime, int cooldown, Player player) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int adjustedCooldown = cooldown; //Reduced Cooldown Donor Perks if (Permissions.cooldownsHalved(player)) { adjustedCooldown = (int) (adjustedCooldown * 0.5); } else if (Permissions.cooldownsThirded(player)) { adjustedCooldown = (int) (adjustedCooldown * 0.66); } else if (Permissions.cooldownsQuartered(player)) { adjustedCooldown = (int) (adjustedCooldown * 0.75); } if (currentTime - oldTime >= (adjustedCooldown * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Calculate the time remaining until the cooldown expires. * * @param deactivatedTimeStamp Time of deactivation * @param cooldown The length of the cooldown * @return the number of seconds remaining before the cooldown expires */ public static int calculateTimeLeft(long deactivatedTimeStamp, int cooldown, Player player) { int adjustedCooldown = cooldown; //Reduced Cooldown Donor Perks if (Permissions.cooldownsHalved(player)) { adjustedCooldown = (int) (adjustedCooldown * 0.5); } else if (Permissions.cooldownsThirded(player)) { adjustedCooldown = (int) (adjustedCooldown * 0.66); } else if (Permissions.cooldownsQuartered(player)) { adjustedCooldown = (int) (adjustedCooldown * 0.75); } return (int) (((deactivatedTimeStamp + (adjustedCooldown * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR); } /** * Sends a message to the player when the cooldown expires. * * @param player The player to send a message to * @param profile The profile of the player * @param ability The ability to watch cooldowns for */ public static void watchCooldown(Player player, PlayerProfile profile, AbilityType ability) { if (player == null || profile == null || ability == null) return; if (!profile.getAbilityInformed(ability) && cooldownOver(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player)) { profile.setAbilityInformed(ability, true); player.sendMessage(ability.getAbilityRefresh()); } } /** * Process activating abilities & readying the tool. * * @param player The player using the ability * @param skill The skill the ability is tied to */ public static void activationCheck(Player player, SkillType skill) { if (Config.getInstance().getAbilitiesOnlyActivateWhenSneaking() && !player.isSneaking()) { return; } PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); AbilityType ability = skill.getAbility(); ToolType tool = skill.getTool(); ItemStack inHand = player.getItemInHand(); if (ModChecks.isCustomTool(inHand) && !ModChecks.getToolFromItemStack(inHand).isAbilityEnabled()) { return; } /* Check if any abilities are active */ if (profile == null) { return; } if (!profile.getAbilityUse()) { return; } for (AbilityType x : AbilityType.values()) { if (profile.getAbilityMode(x)) { return; } } /* Woodcutting & Axes need to be treated differently. * Basically the tool always needs to ready and we check to see if the cooldown is over when the user takes action */ if (ability.getPermissions(player) && tool.inHand(inHand) && !profile.getToolPreparationMode(tool)) { if (skill != SkillType.WOODCUTTING && skill != SkillType.AXES) { if (!profile.getAbilityMode(ability) && !cooldownOver(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player)) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Skills.TooTired", new Object[] { calculateTimeLeft(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player) })); return; } } if (Config.getInstance().getAbilityMessagesEnabled()) { player.sendMessage(tool.getRaiseTool()); } profile.setToolPreparationATS(tool, System.currentTimeMillis()); profile.setToolPreparationMode(tool, true); } } /** * Monitors various things relating to skill abilities. * * @param player The player using the skill * @param profile The profile of the player * @param curTime The current system time * @param skill The skill being monitored */ public static void monitorSkill(Player player, PlayerProfile profile, long curTime, SkillType skill) { final int FOUR_SECONDS = 4000; ToolType tool = skill.getTool(); AbilityType ability = skill.getAbility(); if (profile == null) { return; } if (profile.getToolPreparationMode(tool) && curTime - (profile.getToolPreparationATS(tool) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR) >= FOUR_SECONDS) { profile.setToolPreparationMode(tool, false); if (Config.getInstance().getAbilityMessagesEnabled()) { player.sendMessage(tool.getLowerTool()); } } if (ability.getPermissions(player)) { if (profile.getAbilityMode(ability) && (profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR) <= curTime) { if (ability == AbilityType.BERSERK) { player.setCanPickupItems(true); } profile.setAbilityMode(ability, false); profile.setAbilityInformed(ability, false); player.sendMessage(ability.getAbilityOff()); Misc.sendSkillMessage(player, ability.getAbilityPlayerOff(player)); } } } /** * Check the XP of a skill. * * @param skillType The skill to check * @param player The player whose skill to check * @param profile The profile of the player whose skill to check */ public static void xpCheckSkill(SkillType skillType, Player player, PlayerProfile profile) { int skillups = 0; if (profile.getSkillXpLevel(skillType) >= profile.getXpToLevel(skillType)) { while (profile.getSkillXpLevel(skillType) >= profile.getXpToLevel(skillType)) { if ((skillType.getMaxLevel() >= profile.getSkillLevel(skillType) + 1) && (Misc.getPowerLevelCap() >= Users.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel() + 1)) { profile.removeXP(skillType, profile.getXpToLevel(skillType)); skillups++; profile.skillUp(skillType, 1); McMMOPlayerLevelUpEvent eventToFire = new McMMOPlayerLevelUpEvent(player, skillType); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(eventToFire); } else { profile.addLevels(skillType, 0); } } String capitalized = Misc.getCapitalized(skillType.toString()); /* Spout Stuff */ if (mcMMO.spoutEnabled) { SpoutPlayer spoutPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(player); if (spoutPlayer != null && spoutPlayer.isSpoutCraftEnabled()) { SpoutTools.levelUpNotification(skillType, spoutPlayer); /* Update custom titles */ if (SpoutConfig.getInstance().getShowPowerLevel()) { spoutPlayer.setTitle(LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.Title", new Object[] {spoutPlayer.getName(), Users.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel()} )); } } else { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString(capitalized + ".Skillup", new Object[] {String.valueOf(skillups), profile.getSkillLevel(skillType)})); } } else { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString(capitalized + ".Skillup", new Object[] {String.valueOf(skillups), profile.getSkillLevel(skillType)})); } } if (mcMMO.spoutEnabled) { SpoutPlayer spoutPlayer = (SpoutPlayer) player; if (spoutPlayer != null && spoutPlayer.isSpoutCraftEnabled()) { if (SpoutConfig.getInstance().getXPBarEnabled()) { profile.getSpoutHud().updateXpBar(); } } } } /** * Check XP of all skills. * * @param player The player to check XP for. * @param profile The profile of the player whose skill to check */ public static void xpCheckAll(Player player, PlayerProfile profile) { for (SkillType skillType : SkillType.values()) { //Don't want to do anything with this one if (skillType == SkillType.ALL || skillType.isChildSkill()) { continue; } xpCheckSkill(skillType, player, profile); } } /** * Get the skill represented by the given string * * @param skillName The name of the skill * @return the SkillType if it exists, null otherwise */ public static SkillType getSkillType(String skillName) { for (SkillType x : SkillType.values()) { if (x.toString().equals(skillName.toUpperCase())) { return x; } } return null; } /** * Checks if the given string represents a valid skill * * @param skillName The name of the skill to check * @return true if this is a valid skill, false otherwise */ public static boolean isSkill(String skillName) { if (getSkillType(skillName) != null) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isLocalizedSkill(String skillName) { for (SkillType skill : SkillType.values()) { if (skillName.equalsIgnoreCase(LocaleLoader.getString(Misc.getCapitalized(skill.toString() + ".SkillName")))) { return true; } } return false; } public static String translateLocalizedSkill(String skillName) { for (SkillType skill : SkillType.values()) { if (skillName.equalsIgnoreCase(LocaleLoader.getString(Misc.getCapitalized(skill.toString() + ".SkillName")))) { return skill.toString(); } } return null; } public static String localizeSkillName(SkillType skill) { return Misc.getCapitalized(LocaleLoader.getString(Misc.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".SkillName")); } /** * Check if the player has any combat skill permissions. * * @param player The player to check permissions for * @return true if the player has combat skills, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasCombatSkills(Player player) { if (Permissions.axes(player) || Permissions.archery(player) || Permissions.swords(player) || Permissions.taming(player) || Permissions.unarmed(player)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the player has any gathering skill permissions. * * @param player The player to check permissions for * @return true if the player has gathering skills, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasGatheringSkills(Player player) { if (Permissions.excavation(player) || || Permissions.herbalism(player) || Permissions.mining(player) || Permissions.woodcutting(player)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the player has any misc skill permissions. * * @param player The player to check permissions for * @return true if the player has misc skills, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasMiscSkills(Player player) { if (Permissions.acrobatics(player) || { return true; } return false; } /** * Handle tool durability loss from abilities. * * @param inHand The item to damage * @param durabilityLoss The durability to remove from the item */ public static void abilityDurabilityLoss(ItemStack inHand, int durabilityLoss) { if (Config.getInstance().getAbilitiesDamageTools()) { if (inHand.containsEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY)) { int level = inHand.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DURABILITY); if (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(level + 1) > 0) { return; } } inHand.setDurability((short) (inHand.getDurability() + durabilityLoss)); } } /** * Check to see if an ability can be activated. * * @param player The player activating the ability * @param type The skill the ability is based on */ public static void abilityCheck(Player player, SkillType type) { PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); ToolType tool = type.getTool(); AbilityType ability = type.getAbility(); profile.setToolPreparationMode(tool, false); /* Axes and Woodcutting are odd because they share the same tool. * We show them the too tired message when they take action. */ if (type == SkillType.WOODCUTTING || type == SkillType.AXES) { if (!profile.getAbilityMode(ability) && !cooldownOver(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player)) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Skills.TooTired", new Object[] { calculateTimeLeft(profile.getSkillDATS(ability) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR, ability.getCooldown(), player) })); return; } } int ticks = 2 + (profile.getSkillLevel(type) / abilityLengthIncreaseLevel); if (Permissions.activationTwelve(player)) { ticks = ticks + 12; } else if (Permissions.activationEight(player)) { ticks = ticks + 8; } else if (Permissions.activationFour(player)) { ticks = ticks + 4; } int maxTicks = ability.getMaxTicks(); if (maxTicks != 0 && ticks > maxTicks) { ticks = maxTicks; } if (!profile.getAbilityMode(ability) && cooldownOver(profile.getSkillDATS(ability), ability.getCooldown(), player)) { player.sendMessage(ability.getAbilityOn()); Misc.sendSkillMessage(player, ability.getAbilityPlayer(player)); profile.setSkillDATS(ability, System.currentTimeMillis() + (ticks * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)); profile.setAbilityMode(ability, true); if (ability == AbilityType.BERSERK) { player.setCanPickupItems(false); } } } /** * Check to see if ability should be triggered. * * @param player The player using the ability * @param block The block modified by the ability * @param ability The ability to check * @return true if the ability should activate, false otherwise */ public static boolean triggerCheck(Player player, Block block, AbilityType ability) { boolean activate = true; switch (ability) { case BERSERK: case GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER: case SUPER_BREAKER: case LEAF_BLOWER: if (!ability.blockCheck(block)) { activate = false; break; } if (!Misc.blockBreakSimulate(block, player, true)) { activate = false; break; } break; case GREEN_TERRA: if (!ability.blockCheck(block)) { activate = false; break; } break; default: activate = false; break; } return activate; } /** * Handle the processing of XP gain from individual skills. * * @param player The player that gained XP * @param profile The profile of the player gaining XP * @param type The type of skill to gain XP from * @param xp the amount of XP to gain */ public static void xpProcessing(Player player, PlayerProfile profile, SkillType type, int xp) { if ((type.getMaxLevel() < profile.getSkillLevel(type) + 1) || (Misc.getPowerLevelCap() < Users.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel() + 1)) { return; } if (profile.inParty()) { xp = (int) ShareHandler.checkXpSharing(xp, player, profile.getParty()); ShareHandler.handleEqualExpShare(xp, player, profile.getParty(), type); } Users.getPlayer(player).addXP(type, xp); xpCheckSkill(type, player, profile); } }