package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe; import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe; import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SkillUtils { public static final DecimalFormat percent = new DecimalFormat("##0.00%"); public static final DecimalFormat decimal = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); public static void applyXpGain(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer, PrimarySkillType skill, float xp, XPGainReason xpGainReason) { mcMMOPlayer.beginXpGain(skill, xp, xpGainReason); } /* * Skill Stat Calculations */ public static String[] calculateAbilityDisplayValues(double chance, boolean isLucky) { String[] displayValues = new String[2]; displayValues[0] = percent.format(Math.min(chance, 100.0D) / 100.0D); displayValues[1] = isLucky ? percent.format(Math.min(chance * 1.3333D, 100.0D) / 100.0D) : null; return displayValues; } public static String[] calculateAbilityDisplayValues(float skillValue, SubSkillType subSkillType, boolean isLucky) { int maxBonusLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getMaxBonusLevel(subSkillType); if(Config.getInstance().getIsRetroMode()) maxBonusLevel = maxBonusLevel * 10; return calculateAbilityDisplayValues((AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getMaxChance(subSkillType) / maxBonusLevel) * Math.min(skillValue, maxBonusLevel), isLucky); } public static String[] calculateAbilityDisplayValuesCustom(float skillValue, SubSkillType subSkillType, boolean isLucky, int maxBonusLevel, double maxChance) { if(Config.getInstance().getIsRetroMode()) maxBonusLevel = maxBonusLevel * 10; return calculateAbilityDisplayValues((maxChance / maxBonusLevel) * Math.min(skillValue, maxBonusLevel), isLucky); } public static String[] calculateLengthDisplayValues(Player player, float skillValue, PrimarySkillType skill) { int maxLength = skill.getAbility().getMaxLength(); int abilityLengthVar = Config.getInstance().getIsRetroMode() ? AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getAbilityLengthRetro() : AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getAbilityLengthStandard(); int length = 2 + (int) (skillValue / abilityLengthVar); int enduranceLength = PerksUtils.handleActivationPerks(player, length, maxLength); if (maxLength != 0) { length = Math.min(length, maxLength); } return new String[] { String.valueOf(length), String.valueOf(enduranceLength) }; } /* * Others */ public static int handleFoodSkills(Player player, int eventFoodLevel, SubSkillType subSkillType) { int curRank = RankUtils.getRank(player, subSkillType); int currentFoodLevel = player.getFoodLevel(); int foodChange = eventFoodLevel - currentFoodLevel; foodChange+=curRank; return currentFoodLevel + foodChange; } /** * Calculate the time remaining until the cooldown expires. * * @param deactivatedTimeStamp Time of deactivation * @param cooldown The length of the cooldown * @param player The Player to check for cooldown perks * * @return the number of seconds remaining before the cooldown expires */ public static int calculateTimeLeft(long deactivatedTimeStamp, int cooldown, Player player) { return (int) (((deactivatedTimeStamp + (PerksUtils.handleCooldownPerks(player, cooldown) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR); } /** * Check if the cooldown has expired. * This does NOT account for cooldown perks! * * @param deactivatedTimeStamp Time of deactivation in seconds * @param cooldown The length of the cooldown in seconds * * @return true if the cooldown is expired */ public static boolean cooldownExpired(long deactivatedTimeStamp, int cooldown) { return System.currentTimeMillis() >= (deactivatedTimeStamp + cooldown) * Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR; } /** * Checks if the given string represents a valid skill * * @param skillName The name of the skill to check * @return true if this is a valid skill, false otherwise */ public static boolean isSkill(String skillName) { return Config.getInstance().getLocale().equalsIgnoreCase("en_US") ? PrimarySkillType.getSkill(skillName) != null : isLocalizedSkill(skillName); } public static void sendSkillMessage(Player player, NotificationType notificationType, String key) { Location location = player.getLocation(); for (Player otherPlayer : player.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (otherPlayer != player && Misc.isNear(location, otherPlayer.getLocation(), Misc.SKILL_MESSAGE_MAX_SENDING_DISTANCE)) { NotificationManager.sendNearbyPlayersInformation(player, notificationType, key); } } } public static void handleAbilitySpeedIncrease(Player player) { if (HiddenConfig.getInstance().useEnchantmentBuffs()) { ItemStack heldItem = player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand(); if (heldItem == null || heldItem.getType() == Material.AIR) { return; } int efficiencyLevel = heldItem.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED); ItemMeta itemMeta = heldItem.getItemMeta(); List itemLore = new ArrayList(); if (itemMeta.hasLore()) { itemLore = itemMeta.getLore(); } itemLore.add("mcMMO Ability Tool"); itemMeta.addEnchant(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED, efficiencyLevel + AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getEnchantBuff(), true); itemMeta.setLore(itemLore); heldItem.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } else { int duration = 0; int amplifier = 0; if (player.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING)) { for (PotionEffect effect : player.getActivePotionEffects()) { if (effect.getType() == PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING) { duration = effect.getDuration(); amplifier = effect.getAmplifier(); break; } } } McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer = UserManager.getPlayer(player); PrimarySkillType skill = mcMMOPlayer.getAbilityMode(SuperAbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER) ? PrimarySkillType.MINING : PrimarySkillType.EXCAVATION; int abilityLengthVar = Config.getInstance().getIsRetroMode() ? AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getAbilityLengthRetro() : AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getAbilityLengthStandard(); int ticks = PerksUtils.handleActivationPerks(player, 2 + (mcMMOPlayer.getSkillLevel(skill) / abilityLengthVar), skill.getAbility().getMaxLength()) * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR; PotionEffect abilityBuff = new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING, duration + ticks, amplifier + 10); player.addPotionEffect(abilityBuff, true); } } public static void handleAbilitySpeedDecrease(Player player) { if (!HiddenConfig.getInstance().useEnchantmentBuffs()) { return; } for (ItemStack item : player.getInventory().getContents()) { removeAbilityBuff(item); } } public static void removeAbilityBuff(ItemStack item) { if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR || (!ItemUtils.isPickaxe(item) && !ItemUtils.isShovel(item)) || !item.containsEnchantment(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED)) { return; } ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); if (itemMeta.hasLore()) { List itemLore = itemMeta.getLore(); if (itemLore.remove("mcMMO Ability Tool")) { int efficiencyLevel = item.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED); if (efficiencyLevel <= AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getEnchantBuff()) { itemMeta.removeEnchant(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED); } else { itemMeta.addEnchant(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED, efficiencyLevel - AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getEnchantBuff(), true); } itemMeta.setLore(itemLore); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } } } public static void handleDurabilityChange(ItemStack itemStack, int durabilityModifier) { handleDurabilityChange(itemStack, durabilityModifier, 1.0); } /** * Modify the durability of an ItemStack. * * @param itemStack The ItemStack which durability should be modified * @param durabilityModifier the amount to modify the durability by * @param maxDamageModifier the amount to adjust the max damage by */ public static void handleDurabilityChange(ItemStack itemStack, int durabilityModifier, double maxDamageModifier) { if (itemStack.hasItemMeta() && itemStack.getItemMeta().isUnbreakable()) { return; } Material type = itemStack.getType(); short maxDurability = mcMMO.getRepairableManager().isRepairable(type) ? mcMMO.getRepairableManager().getRepairable(type).getMaximumDurability() : type.getMaxDurability(); durabilityModifier = (int) Math.min(durabilityModifier / (itemStack.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DURABILITY) + 1), maxDurability * maxDamageModifier); itemStack.setDurability((short) Math.min(itemStack.getDurability() + durabilityModifier, maxDurability)); } /** * Checks whether or not the given skill succeeds * @param subSkillType The ability corresponding to this check * @param player The player whose skill levels we are checking against * @param skillLevel The skill level of the corresponding skill * @param activationChance used to determine activation chance * @param maxChance maximum chance * @param maxLevel maximum skill level bonus * @return true if random chance succeeds and the event isn't cancelled */ private static boolean performRandomSkillCheck(SubSkillType subSkillType, Player player, int skillLevel, int activationChance, double maxChance, int maxLevel) { if(Config.getInstance().getIsRetroMode()) maxLevel = maxLevel * 10; double chance = (maxChance / maxLevel) * Math.min(skillLevel, maxLevel) / activationChance; return performRandomSkillCheckStatic(subSkillType, player, activationChance, chance); } /* NEW VERSION */ private static boolean performRandomSkillCheck(AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill, Player player, int skillLevel, int activationChance, double maxChance, int maxLevel) { if(Config.getInstance().getIsRetroMode()) maxLevel = maxLevel * 10; double chance = (maxChance / maxLevel) * Math.min(skillLevel, maxLevel) / activationChance; return performRandomSkillCheckStatic(abstractSubSkill, player, activationChance, chance); } /** * This method is the final step in determining if a Sub-Skill / Secondary Skill in mcMMO successfully activates either from chance or otherwise * * There are 4 types of Sub-Skill / Secondary Skill activations in mcMMO * 1) Random Chance with a linear increase to 100% (At 100 Skill Level) * 2) Random Chance with a linear increase to 100% at 100 Skill Level but caps out earlier in the curve (At x/100 Skill Level) * 3) Random Chance with a pre-determined activation roll and threshold roll * 4) Skills that are not chance based * * Random skills check for success based on numbers and then fire a cancellable event, if that event is not cancelled they succeed * All other skills just fire the cancellable event and succeed if it is not cancelled * * @param subSkillType The identifier for this specific sub-skill * @param player The owner of this sub-skill * @param skill The identifier for the parent of our sub-skill * @param activationChance This is the value that we roll against, 100 is normal, and 75 is for lucky perk * @param skillActivationType this value represents what kind of activation procedures this sub-skill uses * @return returns true if all conditions are met and they event is not cancelled */ public static boolean isActivationSuccessful(SkillActivationType skillActivationType, SubSkillType subSkillType, Player player, PrimarySkillType skill, int skillLevel, int activationChance) { //Maximum chance to succeed double maxChance = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getMaxChance(subSkillType); //Maximum roll we can make int maxBonusLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getMaxBonusLevel(subSkillType); switch(skillActivationType) { //100 Skill = Guaranteed case RANDOM_LINEAR_100_SCALE_NO_CAP: return performRandomSkillCheck(subSkillType, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, skill), 100.0D, 100); case RANDOM_LINEAR_100_SCALE_WITH_CAP: return performRandomSkillCheck(subSkillType, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, skill), maxChance, maxBonusLevel); case RANDOM_STATIC_CHANCE: //Grab the static activation chance of this skill double staticRoll = getSecondaryAbilityStaticChance(subSkillType) / activationChance; return performRandomSkillCheckStatic(subSkillType, player, activationChance, staticRoll); case ALWAYS_FIRES: SubSkillEvent event = EventUtils.callSubSkillEvent(player, subSkillType); return !event.isCancelled(); default: return false; } } /** * This method is for running a random success check with custom maxChance and maxBonusLevel values * Mostly used for RNG effects that can't be directly associated with a specific AbstractSubSkill * @param player target player * @param abstractSubSkill this abstract subskill * @param maxChance custom max chance * @param maxBonusLevel custom max bonus level * @return true if activation was successful */ public static boolean isActivationSuccessfulCustom(Player player, AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill, double maxChance, int maxBonusLevel) { int skillLevel = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getSkillLevel(abstractSubSkill.getPrimarySkill()); return performRandomSkillCheck(abstractSubSkill, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, abstractSubSkill.getPrimarySkill()), maxChance, maxBonusLevel); } public static double getChanceOfSuccess(int skillLevel, double maxLevelBonus, double curve) { return getChanceOfSuccess((double) skillLevel, maxLevelBonus, curve); } public static double getChanceOfSuccess(double skillLevel, double maxLevelBonus, double curve) { if(skillLevel > maxLevelBonus) return maxLevelBonus / curve; return skillLevel / curve; } /* NEW VERSION */ public static boolean isActivationSuccessful(SkillActivationType skillActivationType, AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill, Player player, double maxChance, int maxBonusLevel) { int skillLevel = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getSkillLevel(abstractSubSkill.getPrimarySkill()); PrimarySkillType skill = abstractSubSkill.getPrimarySkill(); switch(skillActivationType) { //100 Skill = Guaranteed case RANDOM_LINEAR_100_SCALE_NO_CAP: return performRandomSkillCheck(abstractSubSkill, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, skill), 100.0D, 100); case RANDOM_LINEAR_100_SCALE_WITH_CAP: return performRandomSkillCheck(abstractSubSkill, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, skill), maxChance, maxBonusLevel); case RANDOM_STATIC_CHANCE: //TODO: Add this in for the new system //Grab the static activation chance of this skill //double staticRoll = getSecondaryAbilityStaticChance(subSkillType) / activationChance; //return performRandomSkillCheckStatic(subSkillType, player, activationChance, staticRoll); return false; case ALWAYS_FIRES: SubSkillEvent event = EventUtils.callSubSkillEvent(player, abstractSubSkill); return !event.isCancelled(); default: return false; } } public static boolean isActivationSuccessful(SkillActivationType skillActivationType, AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill, Player player) { //Maximum chance to succeed RandomChance randomChance = (RandomChance) abstractSubSkill; double maxChance = randomChance.getRandomChanceMaxChance(); //Maximum roll we can make int maxBonusLevel = randomChance.getRandomChanceMaxBonus(); int skillLevel = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getSkillLevel(abstractSubSkill.getPrimarySkill()); PrimarySkillType skill = abstractSubSkill.getPrimarySkill(); switch(skillActivationType) { //100 Skill = Guaranteed case RANDOM_LINEAR_100_SCALE_NO_CAP: return performRandomSkillCheck(abstractSubSkill, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, skill), 100.0D, 100); case RANDOM_LINEAR_100_SCALE_WITH_CAP: return performRandomSkillCheck(abstractSubSkill, player, skillLevel, PerksUtils.handleLuckyPerks(player, skill), maxChance, maxBonusLevel); case RANDOM_STATIC_CHANCE: //TODO: Add this in for the new system //Grab the static activation chance of this skill //double staticRoll = getSecondaryAbilityStaticChance(subSkillType) / activationChance; //return performRandomSkillCheckStatic(subSkillType, player, activationChance, staticRoll); return false; case ALWAYS_FIRES: SubSkillEvent event = EventUtils.callSubSkillEvent(player, abstractSubSkill); return !event.isCancelled(); default: return false; } } /** * Grabs static activation rolls for Secondary Abilities * @param subSkillType The secondary ability to grab properties of * @return The static activation roll involved in the RNG calculation */ public static double getSecondaryAbilityStaticChance(SubSkillType subSkillType) { switch(subSkillType) { case AXES_ARMOR_IMPACT: return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getImpactChance(); case AXES_GREATER_IMPACT: return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getGreaterImpactChance(); case TAMING_FAST_FOOD_SERVICE: return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getFastFoodChance(); default: return 100.0D; } } /** * Used to determine whether or not a sub-skill activates from random chance (using static values) * @param subSkillType The identifier for this specific sub-skill * @param player The owner of this sub-skill * @param activationChance This is the value that we roll against, 100 is normal, and 75 is for lucky perk * @param chance This is the static modifier for our random calculations * @return true if random chance was successful and the event wasn't cancelled */ private static boolean performRandomSkillCheckStatic(SubSkillType subSkillType, Player player, int activationChance, double chance) { SubSkillWeightedActivationCheckEvent event = new SubSkillWeightedActivationCheckEvent(player, subSkillType, chance); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return (event.getChance() * activationChance) > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance) && !event.isCancelled(); } /* NEW VERSION */ private static boolean performRandomSkillCheckStatic(AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill, Player player, int activationChance, double chance) { SubSkillWeightedActivationCheckEvent event = new SubSkillWeightedActivationCheckEvent(player, abstractSubSkill, chance); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return (event.getChance() * activationChance) > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance) && !event.isCancelled(); } public static boolean treasureDropSuccessful(Player player, double dropChance, int activationChance) { SubSkillWeightedActivationCheckEvent event = new SubSkillWeightedActivationCheckEvent(player, SubSkillType.EXCAVATION_TREASURE_HUNTER, dropChance / activationChance); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return (event.getChance() * activationChance) > (Misc.getRandom().nextDouble() * activationChance) && !event.isCancelled(); } private static boolean isLocalizedSkill(String skillName) { for (PrimarySkillType skill : PrimarySkillType.values()) { if (skillName.equalsIgnoreCase(LocaleLoader.getString(StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".SkillName"))) { return true; } } return false; } protected static Material getRepairAndSalvageItem(ItemStack inHand) { if (ItemUtils.isDiamondTool(inHand) || ItemUtils.isDiamondArmor(inHand)) { return Material.DIAMOND; } else if (ItemUtils.isGoldTool(inHand) || ItemUtils.isGoldArmor(inHand)) { return Material.GOLD_INGOT; } else if (ItemUtils.isIronTool(inHand) || ItemUtils.isIronArmor(inHand)) { return Material.IRON_INGOT; } else if (ItemUtils.isStoneTool(inHand)) { return Material.COBBLESTONE; } else if (ItemUtils.isWoodTool(inHand)) { return Material.OAK_WOOD; } else if (ItemUtils.isLeatherArmor(inHand)) { return Material.LEATHER; } else if (ItemUtils.isStringTool(inHand)) { return Material.STRING; } else { return null; } } public static int getRepairAndSalvageQuantities(ItemStack item) { return getRepairAndSalvageQuantities(item, getRepairAndSalvageItem(item), (byte) -1); } public static int getRepairAndSalvageQuantities(ItemStack item, Material repairMaterial, byte repairMetadata) { // Workaround for Bukkit bug where damaged items would not return any recipes item = item.clone(); item.setDurability((short) 0); int quantity = 0; List recipes = mcMMO.p.getServer().getRecipesFor(item); if (recipes.isEmpty()) { return quantity; } Recipe recipe = recipes.get(0); if (recipe instanceof ShapelessRecipe) { for (ItemStack ingredient : ((ShapelessRecipe) recipe).getIngredientList()) { if (ingredient != null && (repairMaterial == null || ingredient.getType() == repairMaterial) && (repairMetadata == -1 || ingredient.getType().equals(repairMaterial))) { quantity += ingredient.getAmount(); } } } else if (recipe instanceof ShapedRecipe) { for (ItemStack ingredient : ((ShapedRecipe) recipe).getIngredientMap().values()) { if (ingredient != null && (repairMaterial == null || ingredient.getType() == repairMaterial) && (repairMetadata == -1 || ingredient.getType().equals(repairMaterial))) { quantity += ingredient.getAmount(); } } } return quantity; } }