# # Settings for Concoctions # Last updated on ${project.version}-b${BUILD_NUMBER} ### Concoctions: Tier_One_Ingredients: - BLAZE_POWDER - FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE - GHAST_TEAR - GLOWSTONE_DUST - GOLDEN_CARROT - MAGMA_CREAM - NETHER_STALK - REDSTONE - SPECKLED_MELON - SPIDER_EYE - SUGAR - SULPHUR - WATER_LILY - 'RAW_FISH:3' Tier_Two_Ingredients: - CARROT_ITEM - SLIME_BALL Tier_Three_Ingredients: - QUARTZ - RED_MUSHROOM Tier_Four_Ingredients: - APPLE - ROTTEN_FLESH Tier_Five_Ingredients: - BROWN_MUSHROOM - 'INK_SACK:0' Tier_Six_Ingredients: - 'LONG_GRASS:2' Tier_Seven_Ingredients: - POISONOUS_POTATO Tier_Eight_Ingredients: - 'GOLDEN_APPLE:0' # # Settings for Potions # # : Data value used for identifying this potion # Name: Custom display name for this potion (optional) # Lore: ["lore1","lore2"...] Custom lore for this potion (section is optional) # Children: The potential children of this potion (section is optional) # : The ingredient used, and resultant potion's new data value # Effects: List of strings for the potion's effects (section is optional) # - " [EFFECT_TIER] [DURATION_TICKS]" # # DataValues - These potions follow the normal data value pattern except for bits 8-12: # Bits 0-3: Liquid Color (http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Data_values#Potions) # Bit 4: (Unused) # Bit 5: Power # Bit 6: Extended # Bit 7: (Unused) # Bits 8-12: Custom Status Effect (http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Data_values#Status_effects) # Bit 13: Can become splash # Bit 14: Splash # Bit 15: (Unused) ### Potions: ### NON-EFFECT POTIONS ##################################################### 0: # Water Bottle Children: BLAZE_POWDER: 8192 # Mundane Potion FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 # Potion of Weakness GHAST_TEAR: 8192 # Mundane Potion GLOWSTONE_DUST: 32 # Thick Potion MAGMA_CREAM: 8192 # Mundane Potion NETHER_STALK: 16 # Awkward Potion REDSTONE: 64 # Mundane Potion Extended SPECKLED_MELON: 8192 # Mundane Potion SPIDER_EYE: 8192 # Mundane Potion SUGAR: 8192 # Mundane Potion 16: # Awkward Potion Children: APPLE: 5376 # Potion of Health Boost BLAZE_POWDER: 8201 # Potion of Strength BROWN_MUSHROOM: 2304 # Potion of Nausea CARROT_ITEM: 768 # Potion of Haste FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 # Potion of Weakness GHAST_TEAR: 8193 # Potion of Regeneration 'GOLDEN_APPLE:0': 2816 # Potion of Resistance GOLDEN_CARROT: 8198 # Potion of Night Vision 'INK_SACK:0': 3840 # Potion of Blindness 'LONG_GRASS:2': 5888 # Potion of Saturation MAGMA_CREAM: 8195 # Potion of Fire Resistance POISONOUS_POTATO: 5120 # Potion of Decay QUARTZ: 5632 # Potion of Absorption RED_MUSHROOM: 2048 # Potion of Leaping ROTTEN_FLESH: 4352 # Potion of Hunger SLIME_BALL: 1024 # Potion of Dullness SPECKLED_MELON: 8197 # Potion of Healing SPIDER_EYE: 8196 # Potion of Poison SUGAR: 8194 # Potion of Swiftness WATER_LILY: 8205 # Potion of Water Breathing (Minecraft 1.6) 'RAW_FISH:3': 8205 # Potion of Water Breathing (Minecraft 1.7) 32: # Thick Potion Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 64: # Mundane Potion Extended Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8264 8192: # Mundane Potion Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 SULPHUR: 16384 ### DRINKABLE POTIONS ###################################################### 8194: # Potion of Swiftness Effects: ["SPEED 0 3600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8202 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8226 REDSTONE: 8258 SULPHUR: 16386 8226: # Potion of Swiftness II Effects: ["SPEED 1 1800"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8266 REDSTONE: 8258 SULPHUR: 16418 8258: # Potion of Swiftness Extended Effects: ["SPEED 0 9600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8202 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8226 SULPHUR: 16450 8202: # Potion of Slowness Effects: ["SLOW 0 1800"] Children: REDSTONE: 8266 SULPHUR: 16394 8266: # Potion of Slowness Extended Effects: ["SLOW 0 4800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8202 SULPHUR: 16458 768: # Potion of Haste Effects: ["FAST_DIGGING 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 800 REDSTONE: 832 SULPHUR: 17152 800: # Potion of Haste II Effects: ["FAST_DIGGING 1 1800"] Children: REDSTONE: 832 SULPHUR: 17184 832: # Potion of Haste Extended Effects: ["FAST_DIGGING 0 9600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 800 SULPHUR: 17216 1024: # Potion of Dullness Effects: ["SLOW_DIGGING 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 1056 REDSTONE: 1088 SULPHUR: 17408 1056: # Potion of Dullness II Effects: ["SLOW_DIGGING 1 1800"] Children: REDSTONE: 1088 SULPHUR: 17408 1088: # Potion of Dullness Extended Effects: ["SLOW_DIGGING 0 9600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 1056 SULPHUR: 17472 8201: # Potion of Strength Effects: ["INCREASE_DAMAGE 0 3600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8233 REDSTONE: 8265 SULPHUR: 16393 8233: # Potion of Strength II Effects: ["INCREASE_DAMAGE 1 1800"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 REDSTONE: 8265 SULPHUR: 16425 8265: # Potion of Strength Extended Effects: ["INCREASE_DAMAGE 0 9600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8264 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8233 SULPHUR: 16457 8197: # Potion of Healing Effects: ["HEAL 0"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8204 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8229 SULPHUR: 16389 8229: # Potion of Healing II Effects: ["HEAL 1"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8236 REDSTONE: 8197 SULPHUR: 16421 8204: # Potion of Harming Effects: ["HARM 0"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8236 SULPHUR: 16396 8236: # Potion of Harming II Effects: ["HARM 1"] Children: REDSTONE: 8204 SULPHUR: 16428 2048: # Potion of Leaping Effects: ["JUMP 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 2080 REDSTONE: 2112 SULPHUR: 18432 2080: # Potion of Leaping II Effects: ["JUMP 1 1800"] Children: REDSTONE: 2112 SULPHUR: 18464 2112: # Potion of Leaping Extended Effects: ["JUMP 0 9600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 2080 SULPHUR: 18496 2304: # Potion of Nausea Effects: ["CONFUSION 0 450"] Children: REDSTONE: 2368 SULPHUR: 18688 2368: # Potion of Nausea Extended Effects: ["CONFUSION 0 1200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 2304 SULPHUR: 18752 8193: # Potion of Regeneration Effects: ["REGENERATION 0 900"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8225 REDSTONE: 8257 SULPHUR: 16385 8225: # Potion of Regeneration II Effects: ["REGENERATION 1 450"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8200 REDSTONE: 8257 SULPHUR: 16417 8257: # Potion of Regeneration Extended Effects: ["REGENERATION 0 2400"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8264 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8225 SULPHUR: 16449 2816: # Potion of Resistance Effects: ["DAMAGE_RESISTANCE 0 450"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 2848 REDSTONE: 2880 SULPHUR: 19200 2848: # Potion of Resistance II Effects: ["DAMAGE_RESISTANCE 1 225"] Children: REDSTONE: 2880 SULPHUR: 19232 2880: # Potion of Resistance Extended Effects: ["DAMAGE_RESISTANCE 0 1200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 2848 SULPHUR: 19264 8195: # Potion of Fire Resistance Effects: ["FIRE_RESISTANCE 0 3600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8202 REDSTONE: 3139 SULPHUR: 16387 3139: # Potion of Fire Resistance Extended Effects: ["FIRE_RESISTANCE 0 9600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8266 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8195 SULPHUR: 16451 8205: # Potion of Water Breathing Effects: ["WATER_BREATHING 0 3600"] Children: REDSTONE: 3405 SULPHUR: 16397 3405: # Potion of Water Breathing Extended Effects: ["WATER_BREATHING 0 9600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8205 SULPHUR: 16461 3598: # Potion of Invisibility Effects: ["INVISIBILITY 0 3600"] Children: REDSTONE: 3662 SULPHUR: 16398 3662: # Potion of Invisibility Extended Effects: ["INVISIBILITY 0 9600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 3598 SULPHUR: 16462 3840: # Potion of Blindness Effects: ["BLINDNESS 0 225"] Children: REDSTONE: 3904 SULPHUR: 20224 3904: # Potion of Blindness Extended Effects: ["BLINDNESS 0 600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 3840 SULPHUR: 20288 8198: # Potion of Night Vision Effects: ["NIGHT_VISION 0 3600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 3598 REDSTONE: 4166 SULPHUR: 16390 4166: # Potion of Night Vision Extended Effects: ["NIGHT_VISION 0 9600"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 3662 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8198 SULPHUR: 16454 4352: # Potion of Hunger Effects: ["HUNGER 0 900"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 4384 REDSTONE: 4416 SULPHUR: 20736 4384: # Potion of Hunger II Effects: ["HUNGER 1 450"] Children: REDSTONE: 4416 SULPHUR: 20768 4416: # Potion of Hunger Extended Effects: ["HUNGER 0 2400"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 4384 SULPHUR: 20800 8200: # Potion of Weakness Effects: ["WEAKNESS 0 1800"] Children: REDSTONE: 8264 SULPHUR: 16392 8264: # Potion of Weakness Extended Effects: ["WEAKNESS 0 4800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8200 SULPHUR: 16456 8196: # Potion of Poison Effects: ["POISON 0 900"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8204 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8228 REDSTONE: 8260 SULPHUR: 16388 8228: # Potion of Poison II Effects: ["POISON 1 450"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8236 REDSTONE: 8260 SULPHUR: 16452 8260: # Potion of Poison Extended Effects: ["POISON 0 2400"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 8204 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 8228 SULPHUR: 16452 5120: # Potion of Decay Effects: ["WITHER 0 450"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5152 REDSTONE: 5184 SULPHUR: 21504 5152: # Potion of Decay II Effects: ["WITHER 1 225"] Children: REDSTONE: 5184 SULPHUR: 21536 5184: # Potion of Decay Extended Effects: ["WITHER 0 1200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5152 SULPHUR: 21568 5376: # Potion of Health Boost Effects: ["HEALTH_BOOST 0 1800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5408 REDSTONE: 5440 SULPHUR: 21760 5408: # Potion of Health Boost II Effects: ["HEALTH_BOOST 1 900"] Children: REDSTONE: 5440 SULPHUR: 21792 5440: # Potion of Health Boost Extended Effects: ["HEALTH_BOOST 0 4800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5408 SULPHUR: 21824 5632: # Potion of Absorption Effects: ["ABSORPTION 0 1800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5664 REDSTONE: 5696 SULPHUR: 22016 5664: # Potion of Absorption II Effects: ["ABSORPTION 1 900"] Children: REDSTONE: 5696 SULPHUR: 22048 5696: # Potion of Absorption Extended Effects: ["ABSORPTION 0 4800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5664 SULPHUR: 22080 5888: # Potion of Saturation Effects: ["SATURATION 0 8"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 5920 SULPHUR: 22272 5920: # Potion of Saturation II Effects: ["SATURATION 1 8"] Children: REDSTONE: 5888 SULPHUR: 22304 ### SPLASH POTIONS ######################################################### 16384: # Splash Mundane Potion Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16392 16386: # Splash Potion of Swiftness Effects: ["SPEED 0 2700"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16394 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16418 REDSTONE: 16450 16418: # Splash Potion of Swiftness II Effects: ["SPEED 1 1350"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16394 REDSTONE: 16450 16450: # Splash Potion of Swiftness Extended Effects: ["SPEED 0 7200"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16394 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16418 16394: # Splash Potion of Slowness Effects: ["SLOW 0 1350"] Children: REDSTONE: 16458 16458: # Splash Potion of Slowness Extended Effects: ["SLOW 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16394 17152: # Splash Potion of Haste Effects: ["FAST_DIGGING 0 2700"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 17184 REDSTONE: 17216 17184: # Splash Potion of Haste II Effects: ["FAST_DIGGING 1 1350"] Children: REDSTONE: 17216 17216: # Splash Potion of Haste Extended Effects: ["FAST_DIGGING 0 7200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 17184 17408: # Splash Potion of Dullness Effects: ["SLOW_DIGGING 0 2700"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 17440 REDSTONE: 17472 17440: # Splash Potion of Dullness II Effects: ["SLOW_DIGGING 1 1350"] Children: REDSTONE: 17472 17472: # Splash Potion of Dullness Extended Effects: ["SLOW_DIGGING 0 7200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 17440 16393: # Splash Potion of Strength Effects: ["INCREASE_DAMAGE 0 2700"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16392 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16425 REDSTONE: 16457 16425: # Splash Potion of Strength II Effects: ["INCREASE_DAMAGE 1 1350"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16392 REDSTONE: 16457 16457: # Splash Potion of Strength Extended Effects: ["INCREASE_DAMAGE 0 7200"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16456 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16425 16389: # Splash Potion of Healing Effects: ["HEAL 0"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16396 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16421 16421: # Splash Potion of Healing II Effects: ["HEAL 1"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16428 REDSTONE: 16389 16396: # Splash Potion of Harming Effects: ["HARM 0"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16428 16428: # Splash Potion of Harming II Effects: ["HARM 1"] Children: REDSTONE: 16396 18432: # Splash Potion of Leaping Effects: ["JUMP 0 2700"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 18464 REDSTONE: 18496 18464: # Splash Potion of Leaping II Effects: ["JUMP 1 1350"] Children: REDSTONE: 18496 18496: # Splash Potion of Leaping Extended Effects: ["JUMP 0 7200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 18464 18688: # Splash Potion of Nausea Effects: ["CONFUSION 0 338"] Children: REDSTONE: 18752 18752: # Splash Potion of Nausea Extended Effects: ["CONFUSION 0 900"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 18688 16385: # Splash Potion of Regeneration Effects: ["REGENERATION 0 675"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16392 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16417 REDSTONE: 16449 16417: # Splash Potion of Regeneration II Effects: ["REGENERATION 1 338"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16392 REDSTONE: 16449 16449: # Splash Potion of Regeneration Extended Effects: ["REGENERATION 0 1800"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16456 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16417 19200: # Splash Potion of Resistance Effects: ["DAMAGE_RESISTANCE 0 338"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 19232 REDSTONE: 19264 19232: # Splash Potion of Resistance II Effects: ["DAMAGE_RESISTANCE 1 169"] Children: REDSTONE: 19264 19264: # Splash Potion of Resistance Extended Effects: ["DAMAGE_RESISTANCE 0 900"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 19232 16387: # Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Effects: ["FIRE_RESISTANCE 0 2700"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16394 REDSTONE: 16451 16451: # Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Extended Effects: ["FIRE_RESISTANCE 0 7200"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16458 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16387 16397: # Splash Potion of Water Breathing Effects: ["WATER_BREATHING 0 2700"] Children: REDSTONE: 16461 16461: # Splash Potion of Water Breathing Extended Effects: ["WATER_BREATHING 0 7200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16397 16398: # Splash Potion of Invisibility Effects: ["INVISIBILITY 0 2700"] Children: REDSTONE: 16462 16462: # Splash Potion of Invisibility Extended Effects: ["INVISIBILITY 0 7200"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16398 20224: # Splash Potion of Blindness Effects: ["BLINDNESS 0 169"] Children: REDSTONE: 20288 20288: # Splash Potion of Blindness Extended Effects: ["BLINDNESS 0 450"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 20224 16390: # Splash Potion of Night Vision Effects: ["NIGHT_VISION 0 2700"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16398 REDSTONE: 16454 16454: # Splash Potion of Night Vision Extended Effects: ["NIGHT_VISION 0 7200"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16462 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16390 20736: # Splash Potion of Hunger Effects: ["HUNGER 0 675"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 20768 REDSTONE: 20800 20768: # Splash Potion of Hunger II Effects: ["HUNGER 1 338"] Children: REDSTONE: 20800 20800: # Splash Potion of Hunger Extended Effects: ["HUNGER 0 1800"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 20768 16392: # Splash Potion of Weakness Effects: ["WEAKNESS 0 1350"] Children: REDSTONE: 16456 16456: # Splash Potion of Weakness Extended Effects: ["WEAKNESS 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16392 16388: # Splash Potion of Poison Effects: ["POISON 0 675"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16396 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16452 REDSTONE: 16452 16452: # Splash Potion of Poison II Effects: ["POISON 1 338"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16428 REDSTONE: 16452 16452: # Splash Potion of Poison Extended Effects: ["POISON 0 1800"] Children: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 16396 GLOWSTONE_DUST: 16452 21504: # Splash Potion of Decay Effects: ["WITHER 0 338"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 21536 REDSTONE: 21568 21536: # Splash Potion of Decay II Effects: ["WITHER 1 169"] Children: REDSTONE: 21568 21568: # Splash Potion of Decay Extended Effects: ["WITHER 0 900"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 21536 21760: # Splash Potion of Health Boost Effects: ["HEALTH_BOOST 0 1350"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 21792 REDSTONE: 5440 21792: # Splash Potion of Health Boost II Effects: ["HEALTH_BOOST 1 675"] Children: REDSTONE: 21824 21824: # Splash Potion of Health Boost Extended Effects: ["HEALTH_BOOST 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 21792 22016: # Splash Potion of Absorption Effects: ["ABSORPTION 0 1350"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 22048 REDSTONE: 22080 22048: # Splash Potion of Absorption II Effects: ["ABSORPTION 1 675"] Children: REDSTONE: 22080 22080: # Splash Potion of Absorption Extended Effects: ["ABSORPTION 0 3600"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 22048 22272: # Splash Potion of Saturation Effects: ["SATURATION 0 6"] Children: GLOWSTONE_DUST: 22304 22304: # Splash Potion of Saturation II Effects: ["SATURATION 1 6"] Children: REDSTONE: 22272