package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Herbalism { public static int farmersDietRankLevel1 = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getFarmerDietRankChange(); public static int farmersDietRankLevel2 = farmersDietRankLevel1 * 2; public static int farmersDietMaxLevel = farmersDietRankLevel1 * 5; public static int greenThumbStageChangeLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getGreenThumbStageChange(); public static int greenThumbStageMaxLevel = greenThumbStageChangeLevel * 4; public static double greenThumbMaxChance = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getGreenThumbChanceMax(); public static int greenThumbMaxLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getGreenThumbMaxLevel(); public static double doubleDropsMaxChance = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getHerbalismDoubleDropsChanceMax(); public static int doubleDropsMaxLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getHerbalismDoubleDropsMaxLevel(); public static boolean doubleDropsDisabled = Config.getInstance().herbalismDoubleDropsDisabled(); public static double hylianLuckMaxChance = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getHylianLuckChanceMax(); public static int hylianLuckMaxLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getHylianLucksMaxLevel(); public static boolean greenTerraWalls = Config.getInstance().getHerbalismGreenThumbCobbleWallToMossyWall(); public static boolean greenTerraSmoothBrick = Config.getInstance().getHerbalismGreenThumbSmoothbrickToMossy(); public static boolean greenTerraDirt = Config.getInstance().getHerbalismGreenThumbDirtToGrass(); public static boolean greenTerraCobble = Config.getInstance().getHerbalismGreenThumbCobbleToMossy(); /** * Handle the farmers diet skill. * * @param player The player to activate the skill for * @param rankChange The # of levels to change rank for the food * @param event The actual FoodLevelChange event */ public static void farmersDiet(Player player, int rankChange, FoodLevelChangeEvent event) { if (!Permissions.farmersDiet(player)) { return; } SkillTools.handleFoodSkills(player, SkillType.HERBALISM, event, farmersDietRankLevel1, farmersDietMaxLevel, rankChange); } /** * Activate the Green Terra ability. * * @param player The player activating the ability * @param block The block to be changed by Green Terra */ public static void greenTerra(Player player, Block block) { PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); boolean hasSeeds = inventory.contains(Material.SEEDS); if (!hasSeeds) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Herbalism.Ability.GTe.NeedMore")); return; } inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS)); player.updateInventory(); // Needed until replacement available greenTerraConvert(player, block); } public static void greenTerraConvert(Player player, Block block) { if (Misc.blockBreakSimulate(block, player, false)) { Material type = block.getType(); switch (type) { case SMOOTH_BRICK: if (greenTerraSmoothBrick && block.getData() == 0x0) { block.setData((byte) 0x1); } return; case DIRT: if (greenTerraDirt) { block.setType(Material.GRASS); } return; case COBBLESTONE: if (greenTerraCobble) { block.setType(Material.MOSSY_COBBLESTONE); } return; case COBBLE_WALL: if (greenTerraWalls && block.getData() == 0x0) { block.setData((byte) 0x1); } return; default: return; } } } private static int calculateCatciAndSugarDrops(Block block) { Material blockType = block.getType(); int dropAmount = 0; for (int y = 0; y <= 2; y++) { Block relativeBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP, y); if (relativeBlock.getType().equals(blockType) && !mcMMO.placeStore.isTrue(relativeBlock)) { dropAmount++; } } return dropAmount; } /** * Check for extra Herbalism drops. * * @param block The block to check for extra drops * @param mcMMOPlayer The player getting extra drops * @param event The event to use for Green Thumb * @param plugin mcMMO plugin instance */ public static void herbalismProcCheck(final Block block, McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer, BlockBreakEvent event, mcMMO plugin) { Player player = mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(); if (Config.getInstance().getHerbalismAFKDisabled() && player.isInsideVehicle()) { return; } PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); int herbLevel = profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM); Material blockType = block.getType(); HerbalismBlock herbalismBlock = HerbalismBlock.getHerbalismBlock(blockType); CustomBlock customBlock = null; int xp = 0; int dropAmount = 1; ItemStack dropItem = null; if (herbalismBlock != null) { if (blockType == Material.CACTUS || blockType == Material.SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK) { dropItem = herbalismBlock.getDropItem(); dropAmount = calculateCatciAndSugarDrops(block); xp = herbalismBlock.getXpGain() * dropAmount; } else if (herbalismBlock.hasGreenThumbPermission(player)){ dropItem = herbalismBlock.getDropItem(); xp = herbalismBlock.getXpGain(); greenThumbWheat(block, player, event, plugin); } else { if (!mcMMO.placeStore.isTrue(block)) { dropItem = herbalismBlock.getDropItem(); xp = herbalismBlock.getXpGain(); } } } else { customBlock = ModChecks.getCustomBlock(block); dropItem = customBlock.getItemDrop(); xp = customBlock.getXpGain(); } if (Permissions.herbalismDoubleDrops(player)) { int activationChance = Misc.calculateActivationChance(Permissions.luckyHerbalism(player)); double chance = (doubleDropsMaxChance / doubleDropsMaxLevel) * Misc.skillCheck(herbLevel, doubleDropsMaxLevel); if (chance > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance)) { Location location = block.getLocation(); if (herbalismBlock != null && herbalismBlock.canDoubleDrop()) { Misc.dropItems(location, dropItem, dropAmount); } else if (customBlock != null){ int minimumDropAmount = customBlock.getMinimumDropAmount(); int maximumDropAmount = customBlock.getMaximumDropAmount(); if (minimumDropAmount != maximumDropAmount) { Misc.randomDropItems(location, dropItem, 50, maximumDropAmount - minimumDropAmount); } Misc.dropItems(location, dropItem, minimumDropAmount); } } } mcMMOPlayer.addXp(SkillType.HERBALISM, xp); } /** * Apply the Green Thumb ability to crops. * * @param block The block to apply the ability to * @param player The player using the ability * @param event The event triggering the ability * @param plugin mcMMO plugin instance */ private static void greenThumbWheat(Block block, Player player, BlockBreakEvent event, mcMMO plugin) { PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); int herbLevel = profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM); PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); boolean hasSeeds = false; Location location = block.getLocation(); Material type = block.getType(); switch(type) { case CROPS: hasSeeds = inventory.contains(Material.SEEDS); break; case COCOA: try { hasSeeds = inventory.containsAtLeast(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, DyeColor.BROWN.getDyeData()), 1); } catch(Exception e) { hasSeeds = inventory.containsAtLeast(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3), 1); } catch(NoSuchMethodError e) { hasSeeds = inventory.containsAtLeast(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3), 1); } break; case CARROT: hasSeeds = inventory.contains(Material.CARROT_ITEM); break; case POTATO: hasSeeds = inventory.contains(Material.POTATO_ITEM); break; case NETHER_WARTS: hasSeeds = inventory.contains(Material.NETHER_STALK); break; default: break; } int activationChance = Misc.calculateActivationChance(Permissions.luckyHerbalism(player)); float chance = (float) ((greenThumbMaxChance / greenThumbMaxLevel) * herbLevel); if (chance > greenThumbMaxChance) chance = (float) greenThumbMaxChance; if (hasSeeds && profile.getAbilityMode(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA) || hasSeeds && (chance > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance))) { event.setCancelled(true); switch(type) { case CROPS: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.WHEAT)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS), 50, 3); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS)); break; case COCOA: try { Misc.dropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, DyeColor.BROWN.getDyeData()), 3); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, DyeColor.BROWN.getDyeData())); } catch(Exception e) { Misc.dropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3), 3); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3)); } catch(NoSuchMethodError e) { Misc.dropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3), 3); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3)); } break; case CARROT: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.CARROT_ITEM)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.CARROT_ITEM), 50, 3); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.CARROT_ITEM)); break; case POTATO: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.POTATO_ITEM)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.POTATO_ITEM), 50, 3); Misc.randomDropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.POISONOUS_POTATO), 2); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.POTATO_ITEM)); break; case NETHER_WARTS: Misc.dropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STALK), 2); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STALK), 50, 2); inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STALK)); break; default: break; } plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new GreenThumbTimer(block, profile, type), 1); player.updateInventory(); // Needed until replacement available } } /** * Apply the Green Thumb ability to blocks. * * @param is The item in the player's hand * @param player The player activating the ability * @param block The block being used in the ability */ public static void greenThumbBlocks(ItemStack is, Player player, Block block) { PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); int skillLevel = profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM); int seeds = is.getAmount(); player.setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS, seeds - 1)); int activationChance = Misc.calculateActivationChance(Permissions.luckyHerbalism(player)); float chance = (float) ((greenThumbMaxChance / greenThumbMaxLevel) * skillLevel); if (chance > greenThumbMaxChance) chance = (float) greenThumbMaxChance; if (chance > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance)) { greenTerraConvert(player, block); } else { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail")); } } public static void hylianLuck(Block block, Player player, BlockBreakEvent event) { int skillLevel = Users.getProfile(player).getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM); double chance = (hylianLuckMaxChance / hylianLuckMaxLevel) * Misc.skillCheck(skillLevel, hylianLuckMaxLevel); int activationChance = Misc.calculateActivationChance(Permissions.luckyHerbalism(player)); if (chance > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance)) { List treasures = new ArrayList(); switch (block.getType()) { case DEAD_BUSH: case LONG_GRASS: case SAPLING: treasures = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().hylianFromBushes; break; case RED_ROSE: case YELLOW_FLOWER: if (mcMMO.placeStore.isTrue(block)) { mcMMO.placeStore.setFalse(block); return; } treasures = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().hylianFromFlowers; break; case FLOWER_POT: treasures = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().hylianFromPots; break; default: return; } int dropNumber = Misc.getRandom().nextInt(treasures.size()); ItemStack item = treasures.get(dropNumber + 1).getDrop(); Location location = block.getLocation(); event.setCancelled(true); event.getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); Misc.dropItem(location, item); player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Herbalism.HylianLuck")); } } }