import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; //===================================================================== //Class: vMinecraftCommands //Use: Encapsulates all commands added by this mod //Author: nos, trapalice, cerevisiae //===================================================================== public class vMinecraftCommands{ //Log output protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); static final int EXIT_FAIL = 0, EXIT_SUCCESS = 1, EXIT_CONTINUE = 2; //The list of commands for vMinecraft public static commandList cl = new commandList(); //===================================================================== //Function: loadCommands //Input: None //Output: None //Use: Imports all the commands into the command list //===================================================================== public static void loadCommands(){ //If we had commands we would add them here. //register: Registers a function for use with a command //String: The command that will be used //String: The name of the function that will be called when // the command is used //String(Optional): The help menu description //Administrative cl.register("/prefix", "prefix", "Set your name color and prefix"); cl.register("/rprefix", "removeTag", "Remove your name color and prefix"); cl.register("/nick", "nickName", "Set your display name"); cl.register("/rnick", "removeNick", "Reset your display name to your account name"); cl.register("/suffix", "suffix", "Set your suffix"); cl.register("/rsuffix", "removeSuffix", "Remove your suffix"); cl.register("/vminecraft", "vminecrafthelp"); cl.register("/reload", "reload"); cl.register("/whois", "whois", "/whois [user]"); cl.register("/say", "say"); cl.register("/a", "adminChatToggle", "Toggle admin chat for every message"); cl.register("/modify", "modify"); cl.register("/rules", "rules", "Displays the rules"); cl.register("/who", "who"); cl.register("/promote", "promote", "Promote a player one rank"); cl.register("/demote", "demote", "Demote a player one rank"); //Movement cl.register("/freeze", "freeze"); cl.register("/tp", "teleport"); cl.register("/tphere", "tphere"); cl.register("/tpback", "tpback"); cl.register("/masstp", "masstp", "Teleports those with lower permissions to you"); //Health cl.register("/ezmodo", "invuln", "Toggle invulnerability"); cl.register("/ezlist", "ezlist", "List invulnerable players"); cl.register("/heal", "heal", "heal yourself or other players"); cl.register("/suicide", "suicide", "Kill yourself... you loser"); cl.register("/slay", "slay", "Kill target player"); //Social cl.register("/colors", "colors", "Set your default chat color: /colors "); cl.register("/me", "me"); cl.register("/fabulous", "fabulous", "makes text SUUUPER"); cl.register("/msg", "message", "Send a message to a player /msg [Player] [Message]"); cl.register("/reply", "reply", "Reply to a player /reply [Message], Alias: /r"); cl.register("/ignore", "addIgnored", "Adds a user to your ignore list"); cl.register("/unignore", "removeIgnored", "Removes a user from your ignore list"); cl.register("/ignorelist", "ignoreList", "Lists the players you have ignored"); //registerAlias: Runs the second command when the first command is called //String: The command that this will be called by //String: The message that will be called when the first is entered // Can be modified with %# to have it insert a player // argument into that position. // EX: Aliased command is // cl.registerAlias("/test", "/i %0 100") // Player uses /test wood // The %0 will be replaced with wood for this instance // and Player will be given 100 wood. cl.registerAlias("/playerlist", "/who"); cl.registerAlias("/vhelp", "/vminecraft"); cl.registerAlias("/r", "/reply"); cl.registerAlias("/t", "/msg"); cl.registerAlias("/tell", "/msg"); cl.registerAlias("/wrists", "/suicide"); cl.registerAlias("/kill", "/suicide"); cl.registerAlias("/ci", "/clearinventory"); //registerMessage: Displays a message whenever a command is used //String: The command it will run on //String: What will be displayed // %p is the player calling the command // %# is the argument number of the command. // %#p is an argument number that will be required to be // an online player //String: The color the message will be //int: The number of arguments required for the message to appear //boolean: If the message should only display for admins cl.registerMessage("/kick", "%p has kicked %0p", Colors.Blue, 1, false); cl.registerMessage("/ban", "%p has banned %0p", Colors.Blue, 1, false); cl.registerMessage("/ipban", "%p has IP banned %0p", Colors.Blue, 1, false); cl.registerMessage("/time", "Time change thanks to %p", Colors.Blue, 1, true); } //===================================================================== //Function: vminecrafthelp (/vhelp or /vminecraft) //Input: Player player: The player using the command //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Displays the current status of most vMinecraft settings // and provides some useful tips. //===================================================================== public static int vminecrafthelp(Player player, String[] args){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Yellow + "Chat Settings"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Admin Chat: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .adminchat()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "FFF turns red: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .FFF()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Greentext After >: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .greentext()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Quake Color Script: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .quakeColors()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Yellow + "Enabled Commands are TRUE, disabled are FALSE"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /ezmodo: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdEzModo()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /fabulous: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdFabulous()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /rules: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdRules()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /heal: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdHeal()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /masstp: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdMasstp()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /say: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdSay()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /suicide: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdSuicide()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /whois: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdWhoIs()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /tp won't work on higher ranked players: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdTp()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /tphere won't work on higher ranked players: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdTphere()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Yellow + "Other Settings"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Command /who: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .cmdWho()); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "COLORED PLAYER LIST IS DEPENDENT ON /who BEING TRUE!"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "Global Messages: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .globalmessages()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } public static int tpback(Player player, String[] args){ if(player.canUseCommand("/tpback")){ double x = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getTpx(); double y = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getTpy(); double z = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getTpz(); player.teleportTo(x, y, z, 0, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: prefix (/prefix) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The name of the player //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Freezes a player in place //===================================================================== public static int freeze(Player player, String[] args){ if(player.canUseCommand("/freeze") && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().freeze()){ if (args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.gmsg(Colors.Rose + "Usage is /freeze [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if (other == null) { vMinecraftChat.gmsg(Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)){ vMinecraftChat.gmsg(Colors.Rose + "The player you specified has a higher rank than you"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isFrozen(other.getName())){ vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().removeFrozen(other.getName()); vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player.getName() + Colors.Blue + " has unfrozen " + other.getName()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().addFrozen(other.getName()); vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player.getName() + Colors.Blue + " has frozen " + other.getName()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: prefix (/prefix) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The color and the prefix //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Changes your name color and prefix //===================================================================== public static int prefix(Player player, String[] args){ //if the player can prefix others if(player.canUseCommand("/prefixother") && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().prefix()){ //Check if there are enough arguments if(args.length < 2){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /prefix [Player] [Color Code] "); player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Example: /prefix " + player.getName() + " e ^0[^a<3^0]"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "This would produce a name like... " + Colors.Black + "[" + Colors.LightGreen + "<3" + Colors.Black + "]" + Colors.Yellow + player.getName()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player exists Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(other == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if they are a higher rank than the other person if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified is a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the prefix is too long if(vMinecraftChat.msgLength(args[1]) > 60) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The prefix you entered was too long."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(args.length >= 2 && args[0] != null) { other.setPrefix(args[1]); player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Name color changed"); FlatFileSource ffs = new FlatFileSource(); ffs.modifyPlayer(other); } if(args.length >= 3 && args[1] != null) { vMinecraftUsers.players.findProfile(other).setTag(args[2]); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Prefix changed"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //If the player can set their prefix if(!player.canUseCommand("/prefix")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().prefix()){ return EXIT_FAIL; } //Check if there are enough arguments if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /prefix [Color Code] "); player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Example: /prefix e ^0[^a<3^0]"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.DarkPurple + "This would produce a name like... " + Colors.Black + "[" + Colors.LightGreen + "<3" + Colors.Black + "]" + Colors.Yellow + player.getName()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Name color if(args.length >= 1 && args[0] != null){ player.setPrefix(args[0]); player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Name color changed"); } //Prefix if(args.length >= 2 && args[1] != null){ //Check if the prefix is too long if(vMinecraftChat.msgLength(args[1]) > 60) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The prefix you entered was too long."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.players.findProfile(player).setTag(args[1]); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Prefix changed"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: removeTag (/rprefix) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Removes your prefix //===================================================================== public static int removeTag(Player player, String[] args){ //if the player can suffix others if(player.canUseCommand("/prefixother")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().prefix()){ if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /rprefix [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player exists Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(other == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if they are a higher rank than the other person if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified is a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(other).setTag(""); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Prefix Removed"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player can set their own prefix. if(!player.canUseCommand("/prefix")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().prefix()){ return EXIT_FAIL; } if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /rprefix"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setTag(""); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Prefix Removed"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: nickName (/nick) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The color and the prefix //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Changes your name //===================================================================== public static int nickName(Player player, String[] args){ //if the player can nickname others if(player.canUseCommand("/nickother") && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().nick()){ if(args.length < 2){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /nick [Player] [Name]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the nickname is too long if(vMinecraftChat.msgLength(args[1]) > 85) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The nick you entered was too long."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player exists Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(other == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if they are a higher rank than the other person if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified is a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(other).setNick(args[1]); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Nickname Set"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Make sure they can nickname themselves if(!player.canUseCommand("/nick")){ return EXIT_FAIL; } //Check if the nickname is too long if(vMinecraftChat.msgLength(args[1]) > 85) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The nick you entered was too long."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /nick [Name]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setNick(args[0]); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Nickname Set"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: removeNick (/rnick) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Removes your nick //===================================================================== public static int removeNick(Player player, String[] args){ //if the player can nick others if(player.canUseCommand("/nickother")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().nick()){ if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /rnick [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player exists Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(other == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if they are a higher rank than the other person if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified is a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(other).setNick(""); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Nickname Removed"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player can set their own nick. if(!player.canUseCommand("/nick")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().nick()){ return EXIT_FAIL; } if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /rnick"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setNick(""); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Nickname Removed"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: suffix (/suffix) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The color and the suffix //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Changes your suffix //===================================================================== public static int suffix(Player player, String[] args){ //if the player can suffix others if(player.canUseCommand("/suffixother")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().suffix()){ if(args.length < 2){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /suffix [Player] [Name]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the suffix is too long if(vMinecraftChat.msgLength(args[1]) > 60) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The suffix you entered was too long."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player exists Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(other == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if they are a higher rank than the other person if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified is a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(other).setSuffix(args[1]); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Suffix Set"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player can set their own suffix. if(!player.canUseCommand("/suffix")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().suffix()){ return EXIT_FAIL; } if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /suffix [Suffix]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the suffix is too long if(vMinecraftChat.msgLength(args[1]) > 60) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The suffix you entered was too long."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setSuffix(args[0]); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Suffix Set"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: removeSuffix (/rsuffix) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Removes your suffix //===================================================================== public static int removeSuffix(Player player, String[] args){ //if the player can suffix others if(player.canUseCommand("/suffixother")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().suffix()){ if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /rsuffix [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player exists Player other = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(other == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if they are a higher rank than the other person if(player != other && other.hasControlOver(player)) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The player you specified is a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(other).setSuffix(""); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Suffix Removed"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Check if the player can set their own suffix. if(!player.canUseCommand("/suffix")&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().suffix()){ return EXIT_FAIL; } if(args.length < 1){ vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /rsuffix"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setSuffix(""); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightGreen + "Suffix Removed"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: colors (/colors) //Input: Player player: The player using the command //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Displays a list of all colors and color codes //===================================================================== public static int colors(Player player, String[] args){ if(args.length > 0&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().colors()) { vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setColor(args[0]); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "^" + args[0].charAt(0) + "Default chat color set."); } else { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You use these color codes like in quake or MW2."); player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "^4 would make text " + Colors.Red + "red" + Colors.Rose + ", ^a would make it " + Colors.LightGreen + "light green" + Colors.Rose + "."); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Black + "0" + Colors.Navy + "1" + Colors.Green + "2" + Colors.Blue + "3" + Colors.Red + "4" + Colors.Purple + "5" + Colors.Gold + "6" + Colors.LightGray + "7" + Colors.Gray + "8" + Colors.DarkPurple + "9" + Colors.LightGreen + "A" + Colors.LightBlue + "B" + Colors.Rose + "C" + Colors.LightPurple + "D" + Colors.Yellow + "E" + Colors.White + "F" + "^r" + "[R]ainbow"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: me (/me) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Will contain the message the player sends //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: The player uses this to emote, but now its colorful. //===================================================================== public static int me(Player player, String[] args) { String str = etc.combineSplit(0, args, " "); if (args.length < 1) return EXIT_FAIL; vMinecraftChat.emote(player, str); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: message (/msg, /w, /whisper) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Will contain the target player name and // message the player sends //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Send a message to a player //===================================================================== public static int message(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure a player is specified if (args.length < 2) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /msg [player] [message]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Make sure the player exists Player toPlayer = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if (toPlayer == null || args.length < 1) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "No player by the name of " + args[0] + " could be found."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } String msg = etc.combineSplit(1, args, " "); //Send the message to the targeted player and the sender vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, toPlayer, Colors.LightGreen + "[From:" + vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + Colors.LightGreen + "] " + msg); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.LightGreen + "[To:" + vMinecraftChat.getName(toPlayer) + Colors.LightGreen + "] " + msg); //Set the last massager for each player vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setMessage(toPlayer); vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(toPlayer).setMessage(player); //Display the message to the log log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " whispered to " + toPlayer.getName() + ": " + msg); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: reply (/r, /reply) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Will contain the message the player sends //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Send a message to a player //===================================================================== public static int reply(Player player, String[] args) { //If the profile exists for the player if(vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player) == null ) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The person you last message has logged off"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Make sure a message is specified if (args.length < 1) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage is /reply [Message]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Make sure the player they're talking to is online Player toPlayer = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getMessage(); if (toPlayer == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The person you last message has logged off"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } String msg = etc.combineSplit(0, args, " "); //Send the message to the targeted player and the sender vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, toPlayer, Colors.LightGreen + "[From:" + vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + Colors.LightGreen + "] " + msg); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.LightGreen + "[To:" + vMinecraftChat.getName(toPlayer) + Colors.LightGreen + "] " + msg); //Set the last messager for each player vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setMessage(toPlayer); vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(toPlayer).setMessage(player); //Display the message to the log log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " whispered to " + toPlayer.getName() + ": " + msg); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: addIgnored (/ignore) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The name of the player to ignore //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Adds a player to the ignore list //===================================================================== public static int addIgnored(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the player gave you a user to ignore if(args.length < 1 && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ignore()) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage: /ignore [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Find the player and make sure they exist Player ignore = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(ignore == null&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ignore()) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The person you tried to ignore is not logged in."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(!player.hasControlOver(ignore)&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ignore()) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "You can't ignore someone a higher rank than you."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Don't let the player ignore themselves if(ignore.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName())) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "You cannot ignore yourself"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Attempt to ignore the player and report accordingly if(vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).addIgnore(ignore)) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + ignore.getName() + " has been successfuly ignored."); else vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "You are already ignoring " + ignore.getName()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: removeIgnored (/unignore) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The name of the player to stop ignoring //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Removes a player from the ignore list //===================================================================== public static int removeIgnored(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the player gave you a user to ignore if(args.length < 1&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ignore()) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Usage: /unignore [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Find the player and make sure they exist Player ignore = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(ignore == null&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ignore()) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "The person you tried to unignore is not logged in."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Attempt to ignore the player and report accordingly if(vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).removeIgnore(ignore)) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + ignore.getName()+ " has been successfuly " + "unignored."); else vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "You are not currently ignoring " + ignore.getName()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: ignoreList (/ignorelist) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Lists the player you have ignored //===================================================================== public static int ignoreList(Player player, String[] args) { if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ignore()){ //Get the ignore list String[] list = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).listIgnore(); //Find the last page number int lastPage = (int)list.length / 5; if((int)list.length % 5 > 0) lastPage++; //Find the page number the player wants displayed int page = 0; if(args.length > 0 && Integer.valueOf(args[0]) > 0 && Integer.valueOf(args[0]) <= lastPage) page = Integer.valueOf(args[0]) - 1; //Display the header vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Ignore List [" + page + "/" + lastPage + "]"); //Display up to 5 people for(int i = 0; i < 5 && i + (page * 5) < list.length; i++) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + list[i+ (page * 5)]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } return EXIT_FAIL; } //===================================================================== //Function: adminChatToggle (/a) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Toggles the player into admin chat. Every message they // send will be piped to admin chat. //===================================================================== public static int adminChatToggle(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/a")) return EXIT_FAIL; if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().adminChatToggle()) return EXIT_FAIL; //If the player is already toggled for admin chat, remove them if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isAdminToggled(player.getName())) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "Admin Chat Toggle = off"); vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().removeAdminToggled(player.getName()); //Otherwise include them } else { player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Admin Chat Toggled on"); vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().addAdminToggled(player.getName()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: heal (/heal) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The arguments for the command. Should be a // player name or blank //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Heals yourself or a specified player. //===================================================================== public static int heal(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/heal")) return EXIT_FAIL; if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdHeal()) return EXIT_FAIL; //If a target wasn't specified, heal the user. if (args.length < 1){ player.setHealth(20); player.sendMessage("Your health is restored"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //If a target was specified, try to find them and then heal them //Otherwise report the error Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if (playerTarget == null){ player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Couldn't find that player"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } playerTarget.setHealth(20); player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "You have healed " + vMinecraftChat.getName(playerTarget)); playerTarget.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "You have been healed by " + vMinecraftChat.getName(player)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: suicide (/suicide, /wrists) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Kills yourself //===================================================================== public static int suicide(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/suicide")) return EXIT_FAIL; if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdSuicide()) return EXIT_FAIL; //Set your health to 0. Not much to it. player.setHealth(0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: teleport (/tp) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The arguments for the command. Should be a // player name //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Teleports the user to another player //===================================================================== public static int teleport(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/tp")) return EXIT_FAIL; //Get if the command is enabled if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdTp())return EXIT_FAIL; //Make sure a player has been specified and return an error if not if (args.length < 1) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /tp [player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Find the player by name Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); //Target player isn't found if(playerTarget == null) player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + args[0] + "."); //If it's you, return witty message else if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You're already here!"); //If the player is higher rank than you, inform the user else if (!player.hasControlOver(playerTarget)) player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "That player has higher permissions than you."); //If the player exists transport the user to the player else { //Storing their previous location for tpback double x = player.getLocation().x; double y = player.getLocation().y; double z = player.getLocation().z; vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).setTpback(x, y, z); if(player.canUseCommand("/tpback")){ player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Your previous location has been stored, use /tpback to return."); } vMinecraftChat.gmsg( player, vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + Colors.LightBlue + " has teleported to " + vMinecraftChat.getName(playerTarget)); log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " teleported to " + playerTarget.getName()); player.teleportTo(playerTarget); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: masstp (/masstp) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Should be empty or is ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Teleports all players to the user //===================================================================== public static int masstp(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/masstp")) return EXIT_FAIL; //If the command is enabled if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdMasstp())return EXIT_FAIL; //Go through all players and move them to the user for (Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) { if (!p.hasControlOver(player)) { p.teleportTo(player); } } //Inform the user that the command has executed successfully player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Summoning successful."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: tphere (/tphere) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The arguments for the command. Should be a // player name //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Teleports the user to another player //===================================================================== public static int tphere(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/tphere")) return EXIT_FAIL; //Check if the command is enabled. if (!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdTphere())return EXIT_FAIL; //Make sure a player is specified if (args.length < 1) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage" + " is: /tphere [player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Get the player by name Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); //If the target doesn't exist if(playerTarget == null) player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + args[0] + "."); //If the player has a higher rank than the user, return error else if (!player.hasControlOver(playerTarget)) player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "That player has higher" + " permissions than you."); //If the user teleports themselves, mock them else if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Wow look at that! You" + " teleported yourself to yourself!"); //If the target exists, teleport them to the user else { log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " teleported " + player.getName() + " to their self."); playerTarget.teleportTo(player); double x = player.getLocation().x; double y = player.getLocation().y; double z = player.getLocation().z; vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(playerTarget).setTpback(x, y, z); if(playerTarget.canUseCommand("/tpback")) { playerTarget.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Your previous location has been stored, use /tpback to return."); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: reload (/reload) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Reloads the settings for vMinecraft //===================================================================== public static int reload(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/reload")) return EXIT_FAIL; vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().loadSettings(); return EXIT_FAIL; } //===================================================================== //Function: rules (/rules) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Lists the rules //===================================================================== public static int rules(Player player, String[] args) { //If the rules exist if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdRules() && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().getRules().length > 0 && !vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().getRules()[0].isEmpty()) { return EXIT_FAIL; } //Apply QuakeCode Colors to the rules String[] rules = vMinecraftChat.applyColors( vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().getRules()); //Display them for (String str : rules ) { if(!str.isEmpty()) player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + str); else player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "!!!The Rules Have Not Been Set!!!"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: fabulous (/fabulous) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The message to apply the effect to //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Makes the text rainbow colored //===================================================================== public static int fabulous(Player player, String[] args) { //If the command is enabled if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdFabulous()) return EXIT_FAIL; //Make sure a message has been specified if (args.length < 1) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Usage /fabulous [Message]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Format the name String playerName = Colors.White + "<" + vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + Colors.White +"> "; //Merge the message again String str = etc.combineSplit(0, args, " "); //Output for server log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName()+" fabulously said \""+ str+"\""); //Prepend the player name and cut into lines. vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, playerName + vMinecraftChat.rainbow(str)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: whois (/whois) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The player to find info on //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Displays information about the player specified //===================================================================== public static int whois(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/whois")) return EXIT_FAIL; //If the command is enabled if (!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdWhoIs()) return EXIT_FAIL; //If a player is specified if (args.length < 1) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Usage is /whois [player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Get the player by name Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); //If the player exists if (playerTarget == null){ player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose+"Player not found."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Displaying the information player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Whois results for " + vMinecraftChat.getName(playerTarget)); //Group for(String group: playerTarget.getGroups()) player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Groups: " + group); //Only let admins see this info if(player.isAdmin()) { //Admin player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"Admin: " + String.valueOf(playerTarget.isAdmin())); //IP player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"IP: " + playerTarget.getIP()); //Restrictions player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"Can ignore restrictions: " + String.valueOf(playerTarget.canIgnoreRestrictions())); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: who (/who) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Displays the connected players //===================================================================== public static int who(Player player, String[] args) { //If the command is enabled if (!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdWho()) return EXIT_FAIL; //Loop through all players counting them and adding to the list int count=0; String tempList = ""; for( Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) { if(p != null){ if(count == 0) tempList += vMinecraftChat.getName(p); else tempList += Colors.White + ", " + vMinecraftChat.getName(p); count++; } } //Get the max players from the config PropertiesFile server = new PropertiesFile(""); try { server.load(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int maxPlayers = server.getInt("max-players"); //Output the player list vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Player List (" + count + "/" + maxPlayers +"): " + tempList); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: say (/say) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The message to apply the effect to //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Announces the message to all players //===================================================================== public static int say(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/say")) return EXIT_FAIL; //Check if the command is enabled if (!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdSay()) return EXIT_FAIL; //Make sure a message is supplied or output an error if (args.length < 1) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Usage is /say [message]"); } //Display the message globally vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, Colors.Yellow + etc.combineSplit(0, args, " ")); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: slay (/slay) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The target for the command //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Kill the target player //===================================================================== public static int slay(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/slay")) return EXIT_FAIL; //Check if the command is enabled if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdEzModo()) return EXIT_FAIL; //Get the player by name Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); //If the player doesn't exist don't run if(playerTarget == null) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Usage is /slay [Player]"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //If the player isn't invulnerable kill them if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance() .isEzModo(playerTarget.getName())) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That player is currently in" + " ezmodo! Hahahaha"); } playerTarget.setHealth(0); vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + Colors.LightBlue + " has slain " + vMinecraftChat.getName(playerTarget)); //Otherwise output error to the user return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: invuln (/ezmodo) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: The target for the command //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Kill the target player //===================================================================== public static int invuln(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/ezmodo")) return EXIT_FAIL; //If the command is enabled if (!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdEzModo()) return EXIT_FAIL; //If the player is already invulnerable, turn ezmodo off. if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isEzModo(player.getName())) { player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "ezmodo = off"); vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().removeEzModo(player.getName()); //Otherwise make them invulnerable } else { player.sendMessage(Colors.LightBlue + "eh- maji? ezmodo!?"); player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "kimo-i"); player.sendMessage(Colors.LightBlue + "Easy Mode ga yurusareru" + " no wa shougakusei made dayo ne"); player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "**Laughter**"); vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().addEzModo(player.getName()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: ezlist (/ezlist) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Ignored //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: List all invulnerable players //===================================================================== public static int ezlist(Player player, String[] args) { //Make sure the user has access to the command if(!player.canUseCommand("/ezmodo")) return EXIT_FAIL; //If the feature is enabled list the players if(!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdEzModo()) return EXIT_FAIL; player.sendMessage("Ezmodo: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ezModoList()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: modify (/modify) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Player, Command, Arguments //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Display help for modifying features of players //===================================================================== public static int modify(Player player, String[] args) { if(player.canUseCommand("/prefixother")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/prefix [Player]" + " [Color] (Tag) - Set a players prefix and tag."); else if(player.canUseCommand("/prefix")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/prefix [Color]" + " (Tag) - Set your prefix and tag."); if(player.canUseCommand("/nickother")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/nick [Player]" + " [Nickname] - Set a players nickname."); else if(player.canUseCommand("/nick")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/nick [Nick]" + " - Set your nickname."); if(player.canUseCommand("/suffixother")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/suffix [Player]" + " [Suffix] - Set a players suffix."); else if(player.canUseCommand("/suffix")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/suffix [Suffix]" + " - Set your suffix."); if(player.canUseCommand("/suffixother")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/suffix [Player]" + " [Suffix] - Set a players suffix."); else if(player.canUseCommand("/suffix")) vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/suffix [Suffix]" + " - Set your suffix."); if(player.canUseCommand("/vranks")) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/promote [Player]" + " - Promotes a player one rank"); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, "/demote [Player]" + " - Demotes a player one rank"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: promote (/promote) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Player to promote //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Attempt to promote a player one rank //===================================================================== public static int promote(Player player, String[] args) { //Check if they can promote if(!player.canUseCommand("/promote")) return EXIT_FAIL; //Check if they specified a player if(args.length < 1) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "Usage: /promote [Player] (Rank)"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Try to find the player Player target = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(target == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "The player specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Get the list of ranks String[] ranks = vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().getRanks(); //Find the targets current rank number String[] tarGroups = target.getGroups(); int tarRank = 0, tarPos = 0; boolean leave = false; for(String rank : ranks) { for(String group : tarGroups) { if(rank.equalsIgnoreCase(group)) { leave = true; break; } else tarPos++; } if(leave) break; tarRank++; tarPos = 0; } if(!leave) { tarRank = 0; tarPos = 0; if(tarGroups != null) { String[] tempGroups = new String[tarGroups.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(tarGroups, 0, tempGroups, 1, tarGroups.length); tarGroups = tempGroups; } else tarGroups = new String[1]; } leave = false; //Get the player's rank String[] myGroups = player.getGroups(); int myRank = 0; for(String rank : ranks) { for(String group : myGroups) if(rank.equalsIgnoreCase(group)) { leave = true; break; } if(leave) break; myRank++; } if(!leave) myRank = 0; //Make sure they're not promoting to their rank or higher if(myRank <= tarRank + 1) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "You cannot promote someone to" + " your rank or higher."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } tarGroups[tarPos] = ranks[tarRank + 1]; target.setGroups(tarGroups); //Make sure the player is in the files FlatFileSource ffs = new FlatFileSource(); if(!ffs.doesPlayerExist(target.getName())) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "Adding player."); ffs.addPlayer(target); } else { ffs.modifyPlayer(target); } vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + target.getName() + " has been promoted to " + ranks[tarRank + 1] + "."); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(target, Colors.Rose + "You have been promoted to " + ranks[tarRank + 1] + "."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: demote (/demote) //Input: Player player: The player using the command // String[] args: Player to promote //Output: int: Exit Code //Use: Attempt to promote a player one rank //===================================================================== public static int demote(Player player, String[] args) { //Check if they can demote if(!player.canUseCommand("/demote")) return EXIT_FAIL; //Check if they specified a player if(args.length < 1) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "Usage: /demote [Player] (Rank)"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Try to find the player Player target = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if(target == null) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "The player specified could not be found"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //Get the list of ranks String[] ranks = vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().getRanks(); //Find the targets current rank number String[] tarGroups = target.getGroups(); int tarRank = 0, tarPos = 0; boolean leave = false; for(String rank : ranks) { for(String group : tarGroups) { if(rank.equalsIgnoreCase(group)) { leave = true; break; } else tarPos++; } if(leave) break; tarRank++; tarPos = 0; } if(!leave) { tarRank = 0; tarPos = 0; if(tarGroups != null) { String[] tempGroups = new String[tarGroups.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(tarGroups, 0, tempGroups, 1, tarGroups.length); tarGroups = tempGroups; } else tarGroups = new String[1]; } leave = false; //Get the player's rank String[] myGroups = player.getGroups(); int myRank = 0; for(String rank : ranks) { for(String group : myGroups) if(rank.equalsIgnoreCase(group)) { leave = true; break; } if(leave) break; myRank++; } if(!leave) { myRank = 0; } //Make sure they're not demoting to their rank or higher if(myRank <= tarRank) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "You cannot demote someone who is" + " your rank or higher."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(tarRank - 1 < 0) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + target.getName() + " is already the" + " lowest rank."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } tarGroups[tarPos] = ranks[tarRank - 1]; target.setGroups(tarGroups); //Make sure the player is in the files FlatFileSource ffs = new FlatFileSource(); if(!ffs.doesPlayerExist(target.getName())) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + "Adding player."); ffs.addPlayer(target); } else { ffs.modifyPlayer(target); } vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, Colors.Rose + target.getName() + " has been demoted to " + ranks[tarRank - 1] + "."); vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(target, Colors.Rose + "You have been demoted to " + ranks[tarRank - 1] + "."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } //===================================================================== //Class: commandList //Use: The list of commands that will be checked for //Author: cerevisiae //===================================================================== class commandList { ArrayList commands; protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); static final int EXIT_FAIL = 0, EXIT_SUCCESS = 1, EXIT_CONTINUE = 2; //===================================================================== //Function: commandList //Input: None //Output: None //Use: Initialize the array of commands //===================================================================== public commandList(){ commands = new ArrayList(); } //===================================================================== //Function: register //Input: String name: The name of the command // String func: The function to be called //Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not //Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later //===================================================================== public boolean register(String name, String func) { //Check to make sure the command doesn't already exist for(command temp : commands) if(temp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return false; //Add the new function to the list commands.add(new command(name, func)); //exit successfully return true; } //===================================================================== //Function: register //Input: String name: The name of the command // String func: The function to be called // String info: The information for the command to put in help //Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not //Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later //===================================================================== public boolean register(String name, String func, String info){ //Add to the /help list etc.getInstance().addCommand(name, info); //Finish registering return register(name, func); } //===================================================================== //Function: register //Input: String name: The name of the command // String func: The function to be called //Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not //Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later //===================================================================== public boolean registerAlias(String name, String com) { //Check to make sure the command doesn't already exist for(command temp : commands) if(temp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return false; //Add the new function to the list commands.add(new commandRef(name, com)); //exit successfully return true; } //===================================================================== //Function: registerMessage //Input: String name: The name of the command // String msg: The message to be displayed // boolean admin: If the message is displayed to admins only //Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not //Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later //===================================================================== public boolean registerMessage(String name, String msg, String clr, int args, boolean admin) { //Check to make sure the command doesn't already exist for(command temp : commands) if(temp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return false; //Add the new function to the list commands.add(new commandAnnounce(name, msg, clr, args, admin)); //exit successfully return true; } //===================================================================== //Function: call //Input: String name: The name of the command to be run // Player player: The player calling the command // String[] arg: The arguments being input for the command //Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully //Use: Attempts to call a command //===================================================================== public int call(String name, Player player, String[] arg){ //Search for the command for(command cmd : commands) { //When found if(cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { try { //Call the command and return results return, arg); } catch (SecurityException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while running command", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "The Command Entered Doesn't Exist", e); return EXIT_FAIL; } } } //Something went wrong return EXIT_FAIL; } //===================================================================== //Function: toString //Input: None //Output: String: A string representation of the aliases in the list //Use: Displays all the aliases in thel ist //===================================================================== public String toString() { String temp = ""; int i = 0; for(command comm : commands) { temp += comm.toString(); if(i < commands.size() - 1) temp +=","; } return temp; } //===================================================================== //Class: command //Use: The specific command //Author: cerevisiae //===================================================================== private class command { private String commandName; private String function; //===================================================================== //Function: command //Input: None //Output: None //Use: Initialize the command //===================================================================== public command(String name, String func){ commandName = name; function = func; } //===================================================================== //Function: getName //Input: None //Output: String: The command name //Use: Returns the command name //===================================================================== public String getName(){return commandName;} //===================================================================== //Function: call //Input: String[] arg: The arguments for the command //Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully //Use: Attempts to call the command //===================================================================== int call(Player player, String[] arg) { Method m; try { m = vMinecraftCommands.class.getMethod(function, Player.class, String[].class); m.setAccessible(true); return (Integer) m.invoke(null, player, arg); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 1; } //===================================================================== //Function: toString //Input: None //Output: String: null //Use: Returns null //===================================================================== public String toString() { return null; } } //===================================================================== //Class: commandRef //Use: A command referencing another command //Author: cerevisiae //===================================================================== private class commandRef extends command { private String reference; private String[] args; //===================================================================== //Function: command //Input: String name: The command name // String com: The command to run //Output: None //Use: Initialize the command //===================================================================== public commandRef(String name, String com){ super(name, ""); //Get the reference name String[]temp = com.split(" "); reference = temp[0]; //Get the arguments args = new String[temp.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(temp, 1, args, 0, temp.length - 1); } //===================================================================== //Function: call //Input: String[] arg: The arguments for the command //Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully //Use: Attempts to call the command //===================================================================== int call(Player player, String[] arg) { String[] temp = new String[0]; int lastSet = 0, argCount = 0; //If there are args set with the function if(args != null && args.length > 0) { temp = new String[args.length]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, temp, 0, args.length); //Insert the arguments into the pre-set arguments for(String argument : temp) { if(argument.startsWith("%") && argument.length() > 1) { int argNum = Integer.parseInt(argument.substring(1)); if( argNum < arg.length ) { temp[lastSet] = arg[argNum]; argCount++; } } lastSet++; } } //If there are args being input if(arg.length > 0) { //Append the rest of the arguments to the argument array if(lastSet < temp.length + arg.length - argCount) { String[] temp2 = new String[temp.length + arg.length - argCount]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, temp2, 0, temp.length); System.arraycopy(arg, argCount, temp2, temp.length, arg.length - argCount); temp = temp2; } log.log(Level.INFO, reference + " " + etc.combineSplit(0, temp, " ")); //Call the referenced command player.command(reference + " " + etc.combineSplit(0, temp, " ")); } else player.command(reference); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } //===================================================================== //Function: toString //Input: None //Output: String: A string representation of this command. // command@referencedcommand arg1 arg2 argn //Use: Returns the string representation of the alias //===================================================================== public String toString() { String temp = getName(); temp += '@'; temp += reference; temp += etc.combineSplit(0, args, " "); return temp; } } //===================================================================== //Class: commandAnnounce //Use: Announces when a command is used //Author: cerevisiae //===================================================================== private class commandAnnounce extends command { private String message; private boolean admin; private int minArgs; private String color; //===================================================================== //Function: commandAnnounce //Input: String name: The command name // String msg: The message to announce //Output: None //Use: Initialize the command //===================================================================== public commandAnnounce(String name, String msg, String clr, int args, boolean admn){ super(name, ""); message = msg; admin = admn; minArgs = args; color = clr; } //===================================================================== //Function: call //Input: String[] arg: The arguments for the command //Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully //Use: Attempts to call the command //===================================================================== int call(Player player, String[] arg) { //Make sure the player can use the command first if(!player.canUseCommand(super.commandName)) return EXIT_FAIL; //Make sure the command is long enough to fire if(minArgs < arg.length) return EXIT_FAIL; if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().globalmessages()) { //Split up the message String[] temp = message.split(" "); //Insert the arguments into the message int i = 0; for(String argument : temp) { if(argument.startsWith("%") && argument.length() > 1) { char position = argument.charAt(1); //Replace %p with the player name if(position == 'p') temp[i] = vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + color; else if( Character.isDigit(position) && Character.getNumericValue(position) < arg.length ) { //If the argument is specified to be a player insert it if the //player is found or exit if they aren't if(argument.length() > 2 && argument.charAt(2) == 'p') { Player targetName = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(arg[Character.getNumericValue(position)]); if(targetName != null) temp[i] = vMinecraftChat.getName(targetName) + color; else return EXIT_FAIL; } //Replace %# with the argument at position # else temp[i] = arg[Character.getNumericValue(position)]; } } i++; } message = etc.combineSplit(0, temp, " "); //If it's an admin message only if(admin) { for (Player p: etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) { //If p is not null if (p != null) { //And if p is an admin or has access to adminchat send message if (p.isAdmin()) { vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, p, color + message); } } } } else vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, message); } return EXIT_FAIL; } //===================================================================== //Function: toString //Input: None //Output: String: null //Use: Returns null //===================================================================== public String toString() { return null; } } }