package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.material.Dye; import org.bukkit.potion.Potion; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TreasureConfig extends ConfigLoader { private static TreasureConfig instance; public List excavationFromDirt = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromGrass = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromSand = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromGravel = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromClay = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromMycel = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromSoulSand = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromSnow = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromRedSand = new ArrayList(); public List excavationFromPodzol = new ArrayList(); public List hylianFromBushes = new ArrayList(); public List hylianFromFlowers = new ArrayList(); public List hylianFromPots = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromBlaze = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromCaveSpider = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromSpider = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromChicken = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromCow = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromCreeper = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromEnderman = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromGhast = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromHorse = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromIronGolem = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromMagmaCube = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromMushroomCow = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromPig = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromPigZombie = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromPlayer = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromSheep = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromSkeleton = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromSlime = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromSnowman = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromSquid = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromWitch = new ArrayList(); public List shakeFromZombie = new ArrayList(); public HashMap> fishingRewards = new HashMap>(); public HashMap> fishingEnchantments = new HashMap>(); private TreasureConfig() { super("treasures.yml"); loadKeys(); validate(); } public static TreasureConfig getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new TreasureConfig(); } return instance; } @Override protected boolean validateKeys() { // Validate all the settings! List reason = new ArrayList(); for (String tier : config.getConfigurationSection("Enchantment_Drop_Rates").getKeys(false)) { double totalEnchantDropRate = 0; double totalItemDropRate = 0; for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) { double enchantDropRate = config.getDouble("Enchantment_Drop_Rates." + tier + "." + rarity.toString()); double itemDropRate = config.getDouble("Item_Drop_Rates." + tier + "." + rarity.toString()); if ((enchantDropRate < 0.0 || enchantDropRate > 100.0) && rarity != Rarity.TRAP && rarity != Rarity.RECORD) { reason.add("The enchant drop rate for " + tier + " items that are " + rarity.toString() + "should be between 0.0 and 100.0!"); } if (itemDropRate < 0.0 || itemDropRate > 100.0) { reason.add("The item drop rate for " + tier + " items that are " + rarity.toString() + "should be between 0.0 and 100.0!"); } totalEnchantDropRate += enchantDropRate; totalItemDropRate += itemDropRate; } if (totalEnchantDropRate < 0 || totalEnchantDropRate > 100.0) { reason.add("The total enchant drop rate for " + tier + " should be between 0.0 and 100.0!"); } if (totalItemDropRate < 0 || totalItemDropRate > 100.0) { reason.add("The total item drop rate for " + tier + " should be between 0.0 and 100.0!"); } } return noErrorsInConfig(reason); } @Override protected void loadKeys() { if (config.getConfigurationSection("Treasures") != null) { backup(); return; } loadTreaures("Fishing"); loadTreaures("Excavation"); loadTreaures("Hylian_Luck"); loadEnchantments(); for (EntityType entity : EntityType.values()) { if (entity.isAlive()) { loadTreaures("Shake." + entity.toString()); } } } private void loadTreaures(String type) { boolean isFishing = type.equals("Fishing"); boolean isShake = type.contains("Shake"); boolean isExcavation = type.equals("Excavation"); boolean isHylian = type.equals("Hylian_Luck"); ConfigurationSection treasureSection = config.getConfigurationSection(type); if (treasureSection == null) { return; } // Initialize fishing HashMap for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) { if (!fishingRewards.containsKey(rarity)) { fishingRewards.put(rarity, (new ArrayList())); } } for (String treasureName : treasureSection.getKeys(false)) { // Validate all the things! List reason = new ArrayList(); String[] treasureInfo = treasureName.split("[|]"); String materialName = treasureInfo[0]; /* * Material, Amount, and Data */ Material material; if (materialName.contains("POTION")) { material = Material.POTION; } else if (materialName.contains("INK_SACK")) { material = Material.INK_SACK; } else if (materialName.contains("INVENTORY")) { // Use magic material BED_BLOCK to know that we're grabbing something from the inventory and not a normal treasure shakeFromPlayer.add(new ShakeTreasure(new ItemStack(Material.BED_BLOCK, 1, (byte) 0), 1, getInventoryStealDropChance(), getInventoryStealDropLevel())); continue; } else { material = Material.matchMaterial(materialName); } int amount = config.getInt(type + "." + treasureName + ".Amount"); short data = (treasureInfo.length == 2) ? Short.parseShort(treasureInfo[1]) : (short) config.getInt(type + "." + treasureName + ".Data"); if (material == null) { reason.add("Invalid material: " + materialName); } if (amount <= 0) { reason.add("Amount of " + treasureName + " must be greater than 0! " + amount); } if (material != null && material.isBlock() && (data > 127 || data < -128)) { reason.add("Data of " + treasureName + " is invalid! " + data); } /* * XP, Drop Chance, and Drop Level */ int xp = config.getInt(type + "." + treasureName + ".XP"); double dropChance = config.getDouble(type + "." + treasureName + ".Drop_Chance"); int dropLevel = config.getInt(type + "." + treasureName + ".Drop_Level"); if (xp < 0) { reason.add(treasureName + " has an invalid XP value: " + xp); } if (dropChance < 0.0D) { reason.add(treasureName + " has an invalid Drop_Chance: " + dropChance); } if (dropLevel < 0) { reason.add(treasureName + " has an invalid Drop_Level: " + dropLevel); } /* * Specific Types */ Rarity rarity = null; if (isFishing) { rarity = Rarity.getRarity(config.getString(type + "." + treasureName + ".Rarity")); if (rarity == null) { reason.add("Invalid Rarity for item: " + treasureName); } } /* * Itemstack */ ItemStack item = null; if (materialName.contains("POTION")) { String potionType = materialName.substring(7); try { item = new Potion(PotionType.valueOf(potionType.toUpperCase().trim())).toItemStack(amount); if (config.contains(type + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")) { ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', config.getString(type + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name"))); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } if (config.contains(type + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) { ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); List lore = new ArrayList(); for (String s : config.getStringList(type + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) { lore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s)); } itemMeta.setLore(lore); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { reason.add("Invalid Potion_Type: " + potionType); } } else if (materialName.contains("INK_SACK")) { String color = materialName.substring(9); try { Dye dye = new Dye(); dye.setColor(DyeColor.valueOf(color.toUpperCase().trim())); item = dye.toItemStack(amount); if (config.contains(type + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")) { ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', config.getString(type + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name"))); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } if (config.contains(type + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) { ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); List lore = new ArrayList(); for (String s : config.getStringList(type + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) { lore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s)); } itemMeta.setLore(lore); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { reason.add("Invalid Dye_Color: " + color); } } else if (material != null) { item = new ItemStack(material, amount, data); if (config.contains(type + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")) { ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', config.getString(type + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name"))); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } if (config.contains(type + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) { ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta(); List lore = new ArrayList(); for (String s : config.getStringList(type + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) { lore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s)); } itemMeta.setLore(lore); item.setItemMeta(itemMeta); } } if (noErrorsInConfig(reason)) { if (isFishing) { fishingRewards.get(rarity).add(new FishingTreasure(item, xp)); } else if (isShake) { ShakeTreasure shakeTreasure = new ShakeTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel); if (type.equals("Shake.BLAZE")) { shakeFromBlaze.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.CAVE_SPIDER")) { shakeFromCaveSpider.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.CHICKEN")) { shakeFromChicken.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.COW")) { shakeFromCow.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.CREEPER")) { shakeFromCreeper.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.ENDERMAN")) { shakeFromEnderman.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.GHAST")) { shakeFromGhast.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.HORSE")) { shakeFromHorse.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.IRON_GOLEM")) { shakeFromIronGolem.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.MAGMA_CUBE")) { shakeFromMagmaCube.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.MUSHROOM_COW")) { shakeFromMushroomCow.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.PIG")) { shakeFromPig.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.PIG_ZOMBIE")) { shakeFromPigZombie.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.PLAYER")) { shakeFromPlayer.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.SHEEP")) { shakeFromSheep.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.SKELETON")) { shakeFromSkeleton.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.SLIME")) { shakeFromSlime.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.SPIDER")) { shakeFromSpider.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.SNOWMAN")) { shakeFromSnowman.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.SQUID")) { shakeFromSquid.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.WITCH")) { shakeFromWitch.add(shakeTreasure); } else if (type.equals("Shake.ZOMBIE")) { shakeFromZombie.add(shakeTreasure); } } else if (isExcavation) { ExcavationTreasure excavationTreasure = new ExcavationTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel); List dropList = config.getStringList(type + "." + treasureName + ".Drops_From"); if (dropList.contains("Dirt")) { excavationFromDirt.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Grass")) { excavationFromGrass.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Sand")) { excavationFromSand.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Gravel")) { excavationFromGravel.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Clay")) { excavationFromClay.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Mycelium")) { excavationFromMycel.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Soul_Sand")) { excavationFromSoulSand.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Snow")) { excavationFromSnow.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Red_Sand")) { excavationFromRedSand.add(excavationTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Podzol")) { excavationFromPodzol.add(excavationTreasure); } } else if (isHylian) { HylianTreasure hylianTreasure = new HylianTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel); List dropList = config.getStringList(type + "." + treasureName + ".Drops_From"); if (dropList.contains("Bushes")) { hylianFromBushes.add(hylianTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Flowers")) { hylianFromFlowers.add(hylianTreasure); } if (dropList.contains("Pots")) { hylianFromPots.add(hylianTreasure); } } } } } private void loadEnchantments() { for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) { if (rarity == Rarity.TRAP || rarity == Rarity.RECORD) { continue; } if (!fishingEnchantments.containsKey(rarity)) { fishingEnchantments.put(rarity, (new ArrayList())); } ConfigurationSection enchantmentSection = config.getConfigurationSection("Enchantments_Rarity." + rarity.toString()); if (enchantmentSection == null) { return; } for (String enchantmentName : enchantmentSection.getKeys(false)) { int level = config.getInt("Enchantments_Rarity." + rarity.toString() + "." + enchantmentName); Enchantment enchantment = EnchantmentUtils.getByName(enchantmentName); if (enchantment == null) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Skipping invalid enchantment in treasures.yml: " + enchantmentName); continue; } fishingEnchantments.get(rarity).add(new EnchantmentTreasure(enchantment, level)); } } } public boolean getInventoryStealEnabled() { return config.contains("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY"); } public boolean getInventoryStealStacks() { return config.getBoolean("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Whole_Stacks"); } public double getInventoryStealDropChance() { return config.getDouble("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Drop_Chance"); } public int getInventoryStealDropLevel() { return config.getInt("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Drop_Level"); } public double getItemDropRate(int tier, Rarity rarity) { return config.getDouble("Item_Drop_Rates.Tier_" + tier + "." + rarity.toString()); } public double getEnchantmentDropRate(int tier, Rarity rarity) { return config.getDouble("Enchantment_Drop_Rates.Tier_" + tier + "." + rarity.toString()); } }