package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.NPC; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; public final class Misc { private static Random random = new Random(); public static final int TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 1000; public static final int TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 20; public static final int PLAYER_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 5; public static final double SKILL_MESSAGE_MAX_SENDING_DISTANCE = 10.0; // Sound Pitches & Volumes from CB /* public static final float ANVIL_USE_PITCH = 0.3F; // Not in CB directly, I went off the place sound values public static final float ANVIL_USE_VOLUME = 1.0F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); // Not in CB directly, I went off the place sound values public static final float FIZZ_VOLUME = 0.5F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); public static final float POP_VOLUME = 0.2F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); public static final float BAT_VOLUME = 1.0F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); public static final float BAT_PITCH = 0.6F; public static final float GHAST_VOLUME = 1.0F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); public static final float LEVELUP_PITCH = 0.5F; // Reduced to differentiate between vanilla level-up public static final float LEVELUP_VOLUME = 0.75F * Config.getInstance().getMasterVolume(); // Use max volume always*/ public static final Set modNames = ImmutableSet.of("LOTR", "BUILDCRAFT", "ENDERIO", "ENHANCEDBIOMES", "IC2", "METALLURGY", "FORESTRY", "GALACTICRAFT", "RAILCRAFT", "TWILIGHTFOREST", "THAUMCRAFT", "GRAVESTONEMOD", "GROWTHCRAFT", "ARCTICMOBS", "DEMONMOBS", "INFERNOMOBS", "SWAMPMOBS", "MARICULTURE", "MINESTRAPPOLATION"); private Misc() {}; public static boolean isNPCEntity(Entity entity) { return (entity == null || entity.hasMetadata("NPC") || entity instanceof NPC || entity.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cofh.entity.PlayerFake")); } /** * Determine if two locations are near each other. * * @param first The first location * @param second The second location * @param maxDistance The max distance apart * @return true if the distance between {@code first} and {@code second} is less than {@code maxDistance}, false otherwise */ public static boolean isNear(Location first, Location second, double maxDistance) { return (first.getWorld() == second.getWorld()) && (first.distanceSquared(second) < (maxDistance * maxDistance) || maxDistance == 0); } /** * Get the center of the given block. * * @param blockState The {@link BlockState} of the block * @return A {@link Location} lying at the center of the block */ public static Location getBlockCenter(BlockState blockState) { return blockState.getLocation().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); } public static void dropItems(Location location, Collection drops) { for (ItemStack drop : drops) { dropItem(location, drop); } } /** * Drop items at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The items to drop * @param quantity The amount of items to drop */ public static void dropItems(Location location, ItemStack is, int quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { dropItem(location, is); } } /** * Drop an item at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the item at * @param itemStack The item to drop * @return Dropped Item entity or null if invalid or cancelled */ public static Item dropItem(Location location, ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR) { return null; } // We can't get the item until we spawn it and we want to make it cancellable, so we have a custom event. McMMOItemSpawnEvent event = new McMMOItemSpawnEvent(location, itemStack); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return null; } return location.getWorld().dropItem(location, itemStack); } public static void profileCleanup(String playerName) { Player player = mcMMO.p.getServer().getPlayerExact(playerName); if (player != null) { UserManager.remove(player); new PlayerProfileLoadingTask(player).runTaskLaterAsynchronously(mcMMO.p, 1); // 1 Tick delay to ensure the player is marked as online before we begin loading } } public static void printProgress(int convertedUsers, int progressInterval, long startMillis) { if ((convertedUsers % progressInterval) == 0) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info(String.format("Conversion progress: %d users at %.2f users/second", convertedUsers, convertedUsers / (double) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis) / TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR))); } } public static String getModName(String materialName) { for (String mod : modNames) { if (materialName.contains(mod)) { return mod; } } String[] materialSplit = materialName.split("_"); if (materialSplit.length > 1) { return materialSplit[0].toLowerCase(); } return "UnknownMods"; } /** * Gets a random location near the specified location */ public static Location getLocationOffset(Location location, double strength) { double blockX = location.getBlockX(); double blockZ = location.getBlockZ(); double distance; distance = strength * random.nextDouble(); blockX = (random.nextBoolean()) ? blockX + (distance) : blockX - (distance); distance = strength * random.nextDouble(); blockZ = (random.nextBoolean()) ? blockZ + (distance) : blockZ - (distance); return new Location(location.getWorld(), blockX, location.getY(), blockZ); } public static Random getRandom() { return random; } }