package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Sheep; import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton; import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton.SkeletonType; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import org.bukkit.material.Wool; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Fishing { private static Random random = new Random(); static AdvancedConfig advancedConfig = AdvancedConfig.getInstance(); /** * Get the player's current fishing loot tier. * * @param profile * The profile of the player * @return the player's current fishing rank */ public static int getFishingLootTier(PlayerProfile profile) { int level = profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.FISHING); int fishingTier; if (level >= Config.getInstance().getFishingTierLevelsTier5()) { fishingTier = 5; } else if (level >= Config.getInstance().getFishingTierLevelsTier4()) { fishingTier = 4; } else if (level >= Config.getInstance().getFishingTierLevelsTier3()) { fishingTier = 3; } else if (level >= Config.getInstance().getFishingTierLevelsTier2()) { fishingTier = 2; } else { fishingTier = 1; } return fishingTier; } /** * Get item results from Fishing. * * @param player * The player that was fishing * @param event * The event to modify */ private static void getFishingResults(Player player, PlayerFishEvent event) { if (player == null) return; PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); List rewards = new ArrayList(); Item theCatch = (Item) event.getCaught(); switch (getFishingLootTier(profile)) { case 1: rewards = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().fishingRewardsTier1; break; case 2: rewards = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().fishingRewardsTier2; break; case 3: rewards = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().fishingRewardsTier3; break; case 4: rewards = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().fishingRewardsTier4; break; case 5: rewards = TreasuresConfig.getInstance().fishingRewardsTier5; break; default: break; } if (Config.getInstance().getFishingDropsEnabled() && rewards.size() > 0 && Permissions.fishingTreasures(player)) { FishingTreasure treasure = rewards.get(random.nextInt(rewards .size())); int randomChance = 100; if (Permissions.luckyFishing(player)) { randomChance = (int) (randomChance * 0.75); } if (random.nextDouble() * randomChance <= treasure.getDropChance()) { Users.getPlayer(player).addXP(SkillType.FISHING, treasure.getXp()); theCatch.setItemStack(treasure.getDrop()); } } else { theCatch.setItemStack(new ItemStack(Material.RAW_FISH)); } short maxDurability = theCatch.getItemStack().getType() .getMaxDurability(); if (maxDurability > 0) { theCatch.getItemStack().setDurability( (short) (random.nextInt(maxDurability))); // Change // durability to // random value } Skills.xpProcessing(player, profile, SkillType.FISHING, Config .getInstance().getFishingBaseXP()); } /** * Process results from Fishing. * * @param event * The event to modify */ public static void processResults(PlayerFishEvent event) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); if (player == null) return; PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); getFishingResults(player, event); Item theCatch = (Item) event.getCaught(); if (theCatch.getItemStack().getType() != Material.RAW_FISH) { final int ENCHANTMENT_CHANCE = advancedConfig .getFishingEnchantmentChance(); boolean enchanted = false; ItemStack fishingResults = theCatch.getItemStack(); player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Fishing.ItemFound")); if (ItemChecks.isEnchantable(fishingResults)) { int randomChance = 100; if (Permissions.luckyFishing(player)) { randomChance = (int) (randomChance * 0.75); } if (random.nextInt(randomChance) <= ENCHANTMENT_CHANCE && Permissions.fishingMagic(player)) { for (Enchantment newEnchant : Enchantment.values()) { if (newEnchant.canEnchantItem(fishingResults)) { Map resultEnchantments = fishingResults .getEnchantments(); for (Enchantment oldEnchant : resultEnchantments .keySet()) { if (oldEnchant.conflictsWith(newEnchant)) continue; } /* * Actual chance to have an enchantment is related * to your fishing skill */ if (random.nextInt(15) < Fishing .getFishingLootTier(profile)) { enchanted = true; int randomEnchantLevel = random .nextInt(newEnchant.getMaxLevel()) + 1; if (randomEnchantLevel < newEnchant .getStartLevel()) { randomEnchantLevel = newEnchant .getStartLevel(); } if (randomEnchantLevel >= 1000) continue; fishingResults.addEnchantment(newEnchant, randomEnchantLevel); } } } } } if (enchanted) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Fishing.MagicFound")); } } } /** * Shake a mob, have them drop an item. * * @param event * The event to modify */ public static void shakeMob(PlayerFishEvent event) { int randomChance = 100; if (Permissions.luckyFishing(event.getPlayer())) { randomChance = (int) (randomChance * 1.25); } final Player player = event.getPlayer(); final PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); int lootTier = getFishingLootTier(profile); int dropChance = getShakeChance(lootTier); if (Permissions.luckyFishing(player)) { dropChance = (int) (dropChance * 1.25); // With lucky perk on max // level tier, its 100% } final int DROP_CHANCE = random.nextInt(100); final int DROP_NUMBER = random.nextInt(randomChance) + 1; LivingEntity le = (LivingEntity) event.getCaught(); EntityType type = le.getType(); Location location = le.getLocation(); if (DROP_CHANCE < dropChance) { switch (type) { case BLAZE: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.BLAZE_ROD)); break; case CAVE_SPIDER: if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SPIDER_EYE)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.STRING)); } break; case CHICKEN: if (DROP_NUMBER > 66) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.FEATHER)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 33) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.RAW_CHICKEN)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.EGG)); } break; case COW: if (DROP_NUMBER > 95) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.MILK_BUCKET)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.LEATHER)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.RAW_BEEF)); } break; case CREEPER: if (DROP_NUMBER > 97) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (short) 4)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SULPHUR)); } break; case ENDERMAN: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.ENDER_PEARL)); break; case GHAST: if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SULPHUR)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.GHAST_TEAR)); } break; case IRON_GOLEM: if (DROP_NUMBER > 97) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.PUMPKIN)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 85) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.IRON_INGOT)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.RED_ROSE)); } break; case MAGMA_CUBE: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.MAGMA_CREAM)); break; case MUSHROOM_COW: if (DROP_NUMBER > 95) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.MILK_BUCKET)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 90) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.MUSHROOM_SOUP)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 60) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.LEATHER)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 30) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.RAW_BEEF)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.RED_MUSHROOM)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.RED_MUSHROOM), 50, 2); } break; case PIG: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.PORK)); break; case PIG_ZOMBIE: if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_NUGGET)); } break; case SHEEP: final Sheep sheep = (Sheep) le; if (!sheep.isSheared()) { final Wool wool = new Wool(); wool.setColor(sheep.getColor()); final ItemStack theWool = wool.toItemStack(); theWool.setAmount(1 + random.nextInt(6)); Misc.dropItem(location, theWool); sheep.setSheared(true); } break; case SKELETON: if (((Skeleton) le).getSkeletonType() == SkeletonType.WITHER) { if (DROP_NUMBER > 97) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (short) 1)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.BONE)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.COAL)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.COAL), 50, 2); } } else { if (DROP_NUMBER > 97) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.BONE)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.ARROW)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.ARROW), 50, 2); } } break; case SLIME: Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL)); break; case SNOWMAN: if (DROP_NUMBER > 97) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.PUMPKIN)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SNOW_BALL)); Misc.randomDropItems(location, new ItemStack(Material.SNOW_BALL), 50, 4); } break; case SPIDER: if (DROP_NUMBER > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SPIDER_EYE)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.STRING)); } break; case SQUID: ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 0); item.setData(new MaterialData(Material.INK_SACK, (byte) 0x0)); Misc.dropItem(location, item); break; case WITCH: final int DROP_NUMBER_2 = random.nextInt(randomChance) + 1; if (DROP_NUMBER > 95) { if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 66) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.POTION, 1, (short) 8197)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 33) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.POTION, 1, (short) 8195)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.POTION, 1, (short) 8194)); } } else { if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 88) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.GLASS_BOTTLE)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 75) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 63) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SULPHUR)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 50) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 38) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SPIDER_EYE)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 25) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.STICK)); } else if (DROP_NUMBER_2 > 13) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SUGAR)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.POTION)); } } break; case ZOMBIE: if (DROP_NUMBER > 97) { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (short) 2)); } else { Misc.dropItem(location, new ItemStack(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH)); } break; default: break; } } Combat.dealDamage(le, 1); } /** * Gets chance of shake success. * * @param rank * Treasure hunter rank * @return The chance of a successful shake */ public static int getShakeChance(int lootTier) { switch (lootTier) { case 1: return Config.getInstance().getShakeChanceRank1(); case 2: return Config.getInstance().getShakeChanceRank2(); case 3: return Config.getInstance().getShakeChanceRank3(); case 4: return Config.getInstance().getShakeChanceRank4(); case 5: return Config.getInstance().getShakeChanceRank5(); default: return 10; } } }