/* This file is part of mcMMO. mcMMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mcMMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mcMMO. If not, see . */ package com.gmail.nossr50.skills; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import com.gmail.nossr50.Users; import com.gmail.nossr50.m; import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO; import com.gmail.nossr50.config.LoadProperties; import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile; import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.SkillType; import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.mcLocale; public class Herbalism { public static void greenTerraCheck(Player player, Block block) { PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player); if(m.isHoe(player.getItemInHand())) { if(block != null) { if(!m.abilityBlockCheck(block)) return; } if(PP.getHoePreparationMode()) { PP.setHoePreparationMode(false); } int ticks = 2; int x = PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM); while(x >= 50) { x-=50; ticks++; } if(!PP.getGreenTerraMode() && Skills.cooldownOver(player, PP.getGreenTerraDeactivatedTimeStamp(), LoadProperties.greenTerraCooldown)) { player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("Skills.GreenTerraOn")); for(Player y : player.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if(y != null && y != player && m.getDistance(player.getLocation(), y.getLocation()) < 10) y.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("Skills.GreenTerraPlayer", new Object[] {player.getName()})); } PP.setGreenTerraActivatedTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); PP.setGreenTerraDeactivatedTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + (ticks * 1000)); PP.setGreenTerraMode(true); } } } public static void greenTerraWheat(Player player, Block block, BlockBreakEvent event, mcMMO plugin) { if(block.getType() == Material.WHEAT && block.getData() == (byte) 0x07) { event.setCancelled(true); PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player); Material mat = Material.getMaterial(296); Location loc = block.getLocation(); ItemStack is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mwheat, player); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); //DROP SOME SEEDS mat = Material.SEEDS; is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); herbalismProcCheck(block, player, event, plugin); herbalismProcCheck(block, player, event, plugin); block.setData((byte) 0x03); } } public static void greenTerra(Player player, Block block){ if(block.getType() == Material.COBBLESTONE || block.getType() == Material.DIRT){ if(!hasSeeds(player)) player.sendMessage("You need more seeds to spread Green Terra"); if(hasSeeds(player) && block.getType() != Material.WHEAT) { removeSeeds(player); if(block.getType() == Material.SMOOTH_BRICK) block.setData((byte)1); if(block.getType() == Material.DIRT) block.setType(Material.GRASS); if(LoadProperties.enableCobbleToMossy && block.getType() == Material.COBBLESTONE) block.setType(Material.MOSSY_COBBLESTONE); } } } public static Boolean canBeGreenTerra(Block block){ int t = block.getTypeId(); return t == 103 || t == 4 || t == 3 || t == 59 || t == 81 || t == 83 || t == 91 || t == 86 || t == 39 || t == 46 || t == 37 || t == 38; } public static boolean hasSeeds(Player player){ ItemStack[] inventory = player.getInventory().getContents(); for(ItemStack x : inventory){ if(x != null && x.getTypeId() == 295){ return true; } } return false; } public static void removeSeeds(Player player){ ItemStack[] inventory = player.getInventory().getContents(); for(ItemStack x : inventory){ if(x != null && x.getTypeId() == 295){ if(x.getAmount() == 1){ x.setTypeId(0); x.setAmount(0); player.getInventory().setContents(inventory); } else{ x.setAmount(x.getAmount() - 1); player.getInventory().setContents(inventory); } return; } } } public static void herbalismProcCheck(Block block, Player player, BlockBreakEvent event, mcMMO plugin) { PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player); int type = block.getTypeId(); Location loc = block.getLocation(); ItemStack is = null; Material mat = null; if(plugin.misc.blockWatchList.contains(block)) { return; } //Wheat if(type == 59 && block.getData() == (byte) 0x7) { mat = Material.getMaterial(296); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mwheat, player); if(player != null) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } //GREEN THUMB if(Math.random() * 1500 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { event.setCancelled(true); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); //DROP SOME SEEDS mat = Material.SEEDS; is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); block.setData((byte) 0x1); //Change it to first stage //Setup the bonuses int bonus = 0; if(PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM) >= 200) bonus++; if(PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM) >= 400) bonus++; if(PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM) >= 600) bonus++; //Change wheat to be whatever stage based on the bonus if(bonus == 1) block.setData((byte) 0x2); if(bonus == 2) block.setData((byte) 0x3); if(bonus == 3) block.setData((byte) 0x4); } } //Nether Wart if(type == 115 && block.getData() == (byte) 0x3) { mat = Material.getMaterial(372); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mnetherwart, player); if(player != null) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(loc, is); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } } /* * We need to check not-wheat and not-netherwart stuff for if it was placed by the player or not */ if(block.getData() != (byte) 5) { //Cactus if(type == 81){ //Setup the loop World world = block.getWorld(); Block[] blockArray = new Block[3]; blockArray[0] = block; blockArray[1] = world.getBlockAt(block.getX(), block.getY()+1, block.getZ()); blockArray[2] = world.getBlockAt(block.getX(), block.getY()+2, block.getZ()); Material[] materialArray = new Material[3]; materialArray[0] = blockArray[0].getType(); materialArray[1] = blockArray[1].getType(); materialArray[2] = blockArray[2].getType(); byte[] byteArray = new byte[3]; byteArray[0] = blockArray[0].getData(); byteArray[1] = blockArray[0].getData(); byteArray[2] = blockArray[0].getData(); int x = 0; for(Block target : blockArray) { if(materialArray[x] == Material.CACTUS) { is = new ItemStack(Material.CACTUS, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(byteArray[x] != (byte) 5) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(target.getLocation(), is); } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mcactus, player); } } x++; } } //Sugar Canes if(type == 83) { //Setup the loop World world = block.getWorld(); Block[] blockArray = new Block[3]; blockArray[0] = block; blockArray[1] = world.getBlockAt(block.getX(), block.getY()+1, block.getZ()); blockArray[2] = world.getBlockAt(block.getX(), block.getY()+2, block.getZ()); Material[] materialArray = new Material[3]; materialArray[0] = blockArray[0].getType(); materialArray[1] = blockArray[1].getType(); materialArray[2] = blockArray[2].getType(); byte[] byteArray = new byte[3]; byteArray[0] = blockArray[0].getData(); byteArray[1] = blockArray[0].getData(); byteArray[2] = blockArray[0].getData(); int x = 0; for(Block target : blockArray) { if(materialArray[x] == Material.SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK) { is = new ItemStack(Material.SUGAR_CANE, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); //Check for being placed by the player if(byteArray[x] != (byte) 5) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(target.getLocation(), is); } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.msugar, player); } } x++; } } //Pumpkins if((type == 91 || type == 86)) { mat = Material.getMaterial(block.getTypeId()); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(player != null) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mpumpkin, player); } //Melon if(type == 103) { mat = Material.getMaterial(360); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(player != null) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(loc, is); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); if(Math.random() * 10 > 5) m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mmelon, player); } //Mushroom if(type == 39 || type == 40) { mat = Material.getMaterial(block.getTypeId()); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(player != null) { if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)) { m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mmushroom, player); } //Flower if(type == 37 || type == 38){ mat = Material.getMaterial(block.getTypeId()); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(player != null){ if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)){ m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mflower, player); } //Lily Pads if(type == 111) { mat = Material.getMaterial(block.getTypeId()); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(player != null){ if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)){ m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mlilypad, player); } //Vines if(type == 106){ mat = Material.getMaterial(block.getTypeId()); is = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, (byte)0); if(player != null){ if(Math.random() * 1000 <= PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)){ m.mcDropItem(loc, is); } } PP.addXP(SkillType.HERBALISM, LoadProperties.mvines, player); } } Skills.XpCheckSkill(SkillType.HERBALISM, player); } }