package; import; import; import; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class AdvancedConfig extends ConfigLoaderConfigurable { private static AdvancedConfig instance; private AdvancedConfig() { super(mcMMO.p.getDataFolder(), "advanced.yml"); } public static AdvancedConfig getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new AdvancedConfig(); } return instance; } @Override public List validateKeys() { // Validate all the settings! List reason = new ArrayList(); /* GENERAL */ if (getAbilityLength() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.General.Ability.Length..IncreaseLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getEnchantBuff() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.General.Ability.EnchantBuff should be at least 1!"); } /* ACROBATICS */ if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.ACROBATICS_DODGE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Dodge.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.ACROBATICS_DODGE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Dodge.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getDodgeDamageModifier() <= 1) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Dodge.DamageModifier should be greater than 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.ACROBATICS_ROLL) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Roll.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.ACROBATICS_ROLL) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Roll.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getRollDamageThreshold() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Roll.DamageThreshold should be at least 0!"); } if (getGracefulRollDamageThreshold() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.GracefulRoll.DamageThreshold should be at least 0!"); } /* ALCHEMY */ /*if (getCatalysisUnlockLevel() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); } if (getCatalysisMaxBonusLevel() <= getCatalysisUnlockLevel()) { reason.add("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MaxBonusLevel should be greater than Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.UnlockLevel!"); }*/ if (getCatalysisMinSpeed() <= 0) { reason.add("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MinSpeed must be greater than 0!"); } if (getCatalysisMaxSpeed() < getCatalysisMinSpeed()) { reason.add("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MaxSpeed should be at least Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MinSpeed!"); } /*List alchemyTierList = Arrays.asList(Alchemy.Tier.values()); for (Alchemy.Tier tier : alchemyTierList) { if (getConcoctionsTierLevel(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Alchemy.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (tier != Alchemy.Tier.fromNumerical(Alchemy.Tier.values().length)) { Alchemy.Tier nextTier = alchemyTierList.get(alchemyTierList.indexOf(tier) - 1); if (getConcoctionsTierLevel(tier) > getConcoctionsTierLevel(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Alchemy.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Alchemy.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } } }*/ /* ARCHERY */ if (getSkillShotRankDamageMultiplier() <= 0) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.SkillShot.RankDamageMultiplier should be greater than 0!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.ARCHERY_DAZE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.Daze.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.ARCHERY_DAZE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.Daze.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getDazeBonusDamage() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.Daze.BonusDamage should be at least 0!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.ARCHERY_ARROW_RETRIEVAL) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.Retrieve.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.ARCHERY_ARROW_RETRIEVAL) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.Retrieve.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getForceMultiplier() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Archery.ForceMultiplier should be at least 0!"); } /* AXES */ if(getAxeMasteryRankDamageMultiplier() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.AxeMastery.RankDamageMultiplier should be at least 0!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.AXES_CRITICAL_STRIKES) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.CriticalHit.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.AXES_CRITICAL_STRIKES) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.CriticalHit.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getCriticalStrikesPVPModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.CriticalStrikes.PVP_Modifier should be at least 1!"); } if (getCriticalStrikesPVPModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.CriticalStrikes.PVE_Modifier should be at least 1!"); } if (getGreaterImpactChance() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.GreaterImpact.Chance should be at least 1!"); } if (getGreaterImpactModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.GreaterImpact.KnockbackModifier should be at least 1!"); } if (getGreaterImpactBonusDamage() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.GreaterImpact.BonusDamage should be at least 1!"); } if (getArmorImpactIncreaseLevel() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.ArmorImpact.IncreaseLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getImpactChance() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.ArmorImpact.Chance should be at least 1!"); } if (getArmorImpactMaxDurabilityDamage() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.ArmorImpact.MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage should be at least 1!"); } if (getSkullSplitterModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Axes.SkullSplitter.DamageModifier should be at least 1!"); } /* FISHING */ /*List fishingTierList = Arrays.asList(Fishing.Tier.values()); for (int rank : fishingTierList) { if (getFishingTierLevel(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getShakeChance(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.Shake_Chance.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getFishingVanillaXPModifier(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (tier != Fishing.Tier.EIGHT) { Fishing.Tier nextTier = fishingTierList.get(fishingTierList.indexOf(tier) - 1); if (getFishingTierLevel(tier) > getFishingTierLevel(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Fishing.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getShakeChance(tier) > getShakeChance(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.Shake_Chance.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Fishing.Shake_Chance.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getFishingVanillaXPModifier(tier) > getFishingVanillaXPModifier(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Fishing.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } } }*/ if (getFishermanDietRankChange() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.FishermansDiet.RankChange should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getIceFishingUnlockLevel() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.IceFishing.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); } if (getMasterAnglerUnlockLevel() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.MasterAngler.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getMasterAnglerBoatModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.MasterAngler.BoatModifier should be at least 1!"); } if (getMasterAnglerBiomeModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Fishing.MasterAngler.BiomeModifier should be at least 1!"); } /* HERBALISM */ if (getFarmerDietRankChange() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.FarmersDiet.RankChange should be at least 1!"); } if (getGreenThumbStageChange() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.GreenThumb.StageChange should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_GREEN_THUMB) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.GreenThumb.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_GREEN_THUMB) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.GreenThumb.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_DOUBLE_DROPS) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.DoubleDrops.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_DOUBLE_DROPS) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.DoubleDrops.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_HYLIAN_LUCK) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.HylianLuck.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_HYLIAN_LUCK) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.HylianLuck.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_SHROOM_THUMB) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.ShroomThumb.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.HERBALISM_SHROOM_THUMB) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Herbalism.ShroomThumb.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } /* MINING */ if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.MINING_DOUBLE_DROPS) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.DoubleDrops.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.MINING_DOUBLE_DROPS) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.DoubleDrops.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } /*List blastMiningTierList = Arrays.asList(BlastMining.Tier.values()); for (int rank : blastMiningTierList) { if (getBlastMiningRankLevel(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getBlastDamageDecrease(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastDamageDecrease.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getOreBonus(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.OreBonus.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getDebrisReduction(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DebrisReduction.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getDropMultiplier(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DropMultiplier.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getBlastRadiusModifier(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastRadiusModifier.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (tier != BlastMining.Tier.EIGHT) { BlastMining.Tier nextTier = blastMiningTierList.get(blastMiningTierList.indexOf(tier) - 1); if (getBlastMiningRankLevel(tier) > getBlastMiningRankLevel(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Mining.BlastMining.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getBlastDamageDecrease(tier) > getBlastDamageDecrease(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastDamageDecrease.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastDamageDecrease.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getOreBonus(tier) > getOreBonus(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.OreBonus.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Mining.BlastMining.OreBonus.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getDebrisReduction(tier) > getDebrisReduction(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DebrisReduction.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DebrisReduction.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getDropMultiplier(tier) > getDropMultiplier(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DropMultiplier.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DropMultiplier.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getBlastRadiusModifier(tier) > getBlastRadiusModifier(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastRadiusModifier.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastRadiusModifier.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } } }*/ /* REPAIR */ if (getRepairMasteryMaxBonus() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.RepairMastery.MaxBonusPercentage should be at least 1!"); } if (getRepairMasteryMaxLevel() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.RepairMastery.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.REPAIR_SUPER_REPAIR) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.SuperRepair.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.REPAIR_SUPER_REPAIR) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.SuperRepair.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } /*List arcaneForgingTierList = Arrays.asList(ArcaneForging.Tier.values()); for (ArcaneForging.Tier tier : arcaneForgingTierList) { if (getArcaneForgingRankLevel(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getArcaneForgingDowngradeChance(tier) < 0 || getArcaneForgingDowngradeChance(tier) > 100) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Downgrades.Chance.Rank_" + rank + " only accepts values from 0 to 100!"); } if (getArcaneForgingKeepEnchantsChance(tier) < 0 || getArcaneForgingKeepEnchantsChance(tier) > 100) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Keep_Enchants.Chance.Rank_" + rank + " only accepts values from 0 to 100!"); } if (tier != ArcaneForging.Tier.EIGHT) { ArcaneForging.Tier nextTier = arcaneForgingTierList.get(arcaneForgingTierList.indexOf(tier) - 1); if (getArcaneForgingRankLevel(tier) > getArcaneForgingRankLevel(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getArcaneForgingDowngradeChance(nextTier) > getArcaneForgingDowngradeChance(tier)) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Downgrades.Chance.Rank_" + nextrank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Downgrades.Chance.Rank_" + rank + "!"); } if (getArcaneForgingKeepEnchantsChance(tier) > getArcaneForgingKeepEnchantsChance(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Keep_Enchants.Chance.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Keep_Enchants.Chance.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } } }*/ /* SALVAGE */ /*if (getSalvageMaxPercentage() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.MaxPercentage should be at least 1!"); } if (getSalvageMaxPercentageLevel() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.MaxPercentageLevel should be at least 1!"); }*/ /*if (getAdvancedSalvageUnlockLevel() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.AdvancedSalvage.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ /*List salvageTierList = Arrays.asList(Salvage.Tier.values()); for (Salvage.Tier tier : salvageTierList) { if (getArcaneSalvageRankLevel(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getArcaneSalvageExtractFullEnchantsChance(tier) < 0 || getArcaneSalvageExtractFullEnchantsChance(tier) > 100) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractFullEnchant.Rank_" + rank + " only accepts values from 0 to 100!"); } if (getArcaneSalvageExtractPartialEnchantsChance(tier) < 0 || getArcaneSalvageExtractPartialEnchantsChance(tier) > 100) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractPartialEnchant.Rank_" + rank + " only accepts values from 0 to 100!"); } if (tier != Salvage.Tier.EIGHT) { Salvage.Tier nextTier = salvageTierList.get(salvageTierList.indexOf(tier) - 1); if (getArcaneSalvageRankLevel(tier) > getArcaneSalvageRankLevel(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getArcaneSalvageExtractFullEnchantsChance(tier) > getArcaneSalvageExtractFullEnchantsChance(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractFullEnchant.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractFullEnchant.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getArcaneSalvageExtractPartialEnchantsChance(tier) > getArcaneSalvageExtractPartialEnchantsChance(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractPartialEnchant.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractPartialEnchant.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } } }*/ /* SMELTING */ if (getBurnModifierMaxLevel() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.FuelEfficiency.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.SMELTING_SECOND_SMELT) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.SecondSmelt.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.SMELTING_SECOND_SMELT) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.SecondSmelt.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getFluxMiningUnlockLevel() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.FluxMining.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getFluxMiningChance() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.FluxMining.Chance should be at least 1!"); } /*List smeltingTierList = Arrays.asList(Smelting.Tier.values()); for (int rank : smeltingTierList) { if (getSmeltingRankLevel(tier) < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 0!"); } if (getSmeltingVanillaXPBoostMultiplier(tier) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + rank + " should be at least 1!"); } if (tier != Smelting.Tier.EIGHT) { Smelting.Tier nextTier = smeltingTierList.get(smeltingTierList.indexOf(tier) - 1); if (getSmeltingRankLevel(tier) > getSmeltingRankLevel(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Smelting.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } if (getSmeltingVanillaXPBoostMultiplier(tier) > getSmeltingVanillaXPBoostMultiplier(nextTier)) { reason.add("Skills.Smelting.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + rank + " should be less than or equal to Skills.Smelting.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + nextrank + "!"); } } }*/ /* SWORDS */ if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.SWORDS_RUPTURE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.Rupture.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.SWORDS_RUPTURE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.Rupture.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getRuptureMaxTicks() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.Rupture.MaxTicks should be at least 1!"); } if (getRuptureMaxTicks() < getRuptureBaseTicks()) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.Rupture.MaxTicks should be at least Skills.Swords.Rupture.BaseTicks!"); } if (getRuptureBaseTicks() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.Rupture.BaseTicks should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.SWORDS_COUNTER_ATTACK) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.CounterAttack.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.SWORDS_COUNTER_ATTACK) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.CounterAttack.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getCounterModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.CounterAttack.DamageModifier should be at least 1!"); } if (getSerratedStrikesModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.SerratedStrikes.DamageModifier should be at least 1!"); } if (getSerratedStrikesTicks() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Swords.SerratedStrikes.RuptureTicks should be at least 1!"); } /* TAMING */ if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.TAMING_GORE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Gore.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.TAMING_GORE) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Gore.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getGoreRuptureTicks() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Gore.RuptureTicks should be at least 1!"); }*/ if (getGoreModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.Gore.Modifier should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getFastFoodUnlock() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.FastFood.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getFastFoodChance() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.FastFood.Chance should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getEnviromentallyAwareUnlock() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.EnvironmentallyAware.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ /*if (getThickFurUnlock() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.ThickFur.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getThickFurModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.ThickFur.Modifier should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getHolyHoundUnlock() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.HolyHound.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); } if (getShockProofUnlock() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.ShockProof.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getShockProofModifier() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.ShockProof.Modifier should be at least 1!"); } /*if (getSharpenedClawsUnlock() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.SharpenedClaws.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getSharpenedClawsBonus() < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.SharpenedClaws.Bonus should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxHorseJumpStrength() < 0 || getMaxHorseJumpStrength() > 2) { reason.add("Skills.Taming.CallOfTheWild.MaxHorseJumpStrength should be between 0 and 2!"); } /* UNARMED */ if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.UNARMED_DISARM) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Unarmed.Disarm.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.UNARMED_DISARM) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Unarmed.Disarm.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.UNARMED_ARROW_DEFLECT) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Unarmed.ArrowDeflect.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.UNARMED_ARROW_DEFLECT) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Unarmed.ArrowDeflect.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.UNARMED_IRON_GRIP) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Unarmed.IronGrip.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.UNARMED_IRON_GRIP) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Unarmed.IronGrip.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } /* WOODCUTTING */ /*if (getLeafBlowUnlockLevel() < 0) { reason.add("Skills.Woodcutting.LeafBlower.UnlockLevel should be at least 0!"); }*/ if (getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType.WOODCUTTING_HARVEST_LUMBER) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Woodcutting.HarvestLumber.ChanceMax should be at least 1!"); } if (getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType.WOODCUTTING_HARVEST_LUMBER) < 1) { reason.add("Skills.Woodcutting.HarvestLumber.MaxBonusLevel should be at least 1!"); } /* KRAKEN */ if (getKrakenTriesBeforeRelease() < 1) { reason.add("Kraken.Tries_Before_Release should be at least 1!"); } if (getKrakenHealth() < 1) { reason.add("Kraken.Health should be at least 1!"); } if (getKrakenAttackInterval() < 1) { reason.add("Kraken.Attack_Interval_Seconds should be at least 1!"); } if (getKrakenAttackDamage() < 1) { reason.add("Kraken.Attack_Damage should be at least 1!"); } return reason; } /* GENERAL */ public int getStartingLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.General.StartingLevel", 1); } /** * This returns the maximum level at which superabilities will stop lengthening from scaling alongside skill level. * It returns a different value depending on whether or not the server is in retro mode * @return the level at which abilities stop increasing in length */ public int getAbilityLengthCap() { if(!mcMMO.isRetroModeEnabled()) return config.getInt("Skills.General.Ability.Length.Standard.CapLevel", 50); else return config.getInt("Skills.General.Ability.Length.RetroMode.CapLevel", 500); } /** * This returns the frequency at which abilities will increase in length * It returns a different value depending on whether or not the server is in retro mode * @return the number of levels required per ability length increase */ public int getAbilityLength() { if(!mcMMO.isRetroModeEnabled()) return config.getInt("Skills.General.Ability.Length.Standard.IncreaseLevel", 5); else return config.getInt("Skills.General.Ability.Length.RetroMode.IncreaseLevel", 50); } public int getEnchantBuff() { return config.getInt("Skills.General.Ability.EnchantBuff", 5); } /** * Grabs the max bonus level for a skill used in RNG calculations * All max level values in the config are multiplied by 10 if the server is in retro mode as the values in the config are based around the new 1-100 skill system scaling * A value of 10 in the file will be returned as 100 for retro mode servers to accommodate the change in scaling * @param subSkillType target subskill * @return the level at which this skills max benefits will be reached on the curve */ public int getMaxBonusLevel(SubSkillType subSkillType) { String keyPath = subSkillType.getAdvConfigAddress() + ".MaxBonusLevel."; return mcMMO.isRetroModeEnabled() ? config.getInt(keyPath+"RetroMode", 1000) : config.getInt(keyPath+"Standard", 100); } public int getMaxBonusLevel(AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill) { return getMaxBonusLevel(abstractSubSkill.getSubSkillType()); } public double getMaximumProbability(SubSkillType subSkillType) { double maximumProbability = config.getDouble(subSkillType.getAdvConfigAddress() + ".ChanceMax", 100.0D); return maximumProbability; } public double getMaximumProbability(AbstractSubSkill abstractSubSkill) { return getMaximumProbability(abstractSubSkill.getSubSkillType()); } /* Notification Settings */ public boolean doesSkillCommandSendBlankLines() { return config.getBoolean("Feedback.SkillCommand.BlankLinesAboveHeader", true); } public boolean doesNotificationUseActionBar(NotificationType notificationType) { return config.getBoolean("Feedback.ActionBarNotifications."+notificationType.toString()+".Enabled", true); } public boolean doesNotificationSendCopyToChat(NotificationType notificationType) { return config.getBoolean("Feedback.ActionBarNotifications."+notificationType.toString()+".SendCopyOfMessageToChat", false); } public boolean useTitlesForXPEvent() { return config.getBoolean("Feedback.Events.XP.SendTitles", true); } /* * JSON Style Settings */ /*public ChatColor getJSONStatHoverElementColor(StatType statType, boolean isPrefix) { String keyAddress = isPrefix ? "Prefix" : "Value"; String keyLocation = "Style.JSON.Hover.Details." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(statType.toString()) +"."+keyAddress+".Color"; return getChatColorFromKey(keyLocation); }*/ /** * Used to color our details header in our JSON Hover Object tooltips * @return the ChatColor for this element */ /*public ChatColor getJSONStatHoverDetailsColor() { String keyLocation = "Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Header.Color"; return getChatColorFromKey(keyLocation); } public boolean isJSONDetailsHeaderBold() { return config.getBoolean("Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Header.Bold"); } public boolean isJSONDetailsHeaderItalic() { return config.getBoolean("Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Header.Italics"); } public boolean isJSONDetailsHeaderUnderlined() { return config.getBoolean("Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Header.Underlined"); } public ChatColor getJSONStatHoverDescriptionColor() { String keyLocation = "Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Description.Color"; return getChatColorFromKey(keyLocation); } public boolean isJSONDetailsDescriptionBold() { return config.getBoolean("Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Description.Bold"); } public boolean isJSONDetailsDescriptionItalic() { return config.getBoolean("Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Description.Italics"); } public boolean isJSONDetailsDescriptionUnderlined() { return config.getBoolean("Style.JSON.Hover.Details.Description.Underlined"); } public ChatColor getJSONActionBarColor(NotificationType notificationType) { return getChatColor(config.getString("Style.JSON.Notification."+notificationType.toString()+".Color")); }*/ private ChatColor getChatColorFromKey(String keyLocation) { String colorName = config.getString(keyLocation); return getChatColor(colorName); } private ChatColor getChatColor(String configColor) { for (ChatColor chatColor : ChatColor.values()) { if (configColor.equalsIgnoreCase(chatColor.getName())) return chatColor; } //Invalid Color System.out.println("[mcMMO] " + configColor + " is an invalid color value"); return ChatColor.WHITE; } /*public boolean isJSONStatHoverElementBold(StatType statType, boolean isPrefix) { String keyAddress = isPrefix ? "Prefix" : "Value"; String keyLocation = "Style.JSON.Hover.Details." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(statType.toString()) +"."+keyAddress+".Bold"; return config.getBoolean(keyLocation); } public boolean isJSONStatHoverElementItalic(StatType statType, boolean isPrefix) { String keyAddress = isPrefix ? "Prefix" : "Value"; String keyLocation = "Style.JSON.Hover.Details." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(statType.toString()) +"."+keyAddress+".Italics"; return config.getBoolean(keyLocation); } public boolean isJSONStatHoverElementUnderlined(StatType statType, boolean isPrefix) { String keyAddress = isPrefix ? "Prefix" : "Value"; String keyLocation = "Style.JSON.Hover.Details." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(statType.toString()) +"."+keyAddress+".Underline"; return config.getBoolean(keyLocation); }*/ /** * Some SubSkills have the ability to retain classic functionality * @param subSkillType SubSkillType with classic functionality * @return true if the subskill is in classic mode */ public boolean isSubSkillClassic(SubSkillType subSkillType) { return config.getBoolean(subSkillType.getAdvConfigAddress()+".Classic"); } /* ACROBATICS */ public double getDodgeDamageModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Acrobatics.Dodge.DamageModifier", 2.0D); } public double getRollDamageThreshold() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Acrobatics.Roll.DamageThreshold", 7.0D); } public double getGracefulRollDamageThreshold() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Acrobatics.GracefulRoll.DamageThreshold", 14.0D); } /* ALCHEMY */ /*public int getCatalysisUnlockLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.UnlockLevel", 100); }*/ public int getCatalysisMaxBonusLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MaxBonusLevel", 1000); } public double getCatalysisMinSpeed() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MinSpeed", 1.0D); } public double getCatalysisMaxSpeed() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Alchemy.Catalysis.MaxSpeed", 4.0D); } //public int getConcoctionsTierLevel(Alchemy.Tier tier) { return config.getInt("Skills.Alchemy.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank); } /* ARCHERY */ public double getSkillShotRankDamageMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Archery.SkillShot.RankDamageMultiplier", 10.0D); } public double getSkillShotDamageMax() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Archery.SkillShot.MaxDamage", 9.0D); } public double getDazeBonusDamage() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Archery.Daze.BonusDamage", 4.0D); } public double getForceMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Archery.ForceMultiplier", 2.0D); } /* AXES */ public double getAxeMasteryRankDamageMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.AxeMastery.RankDamageMultiplier", 1.0D); } public double getCriticalStrikesPVPModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.CriticalStrikes.PVP_Modifier", 1.5D); } public double getCriticalStrikesPVEModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.CriticalStrikes.PVE_Modifier", 2.0D); } public double getGreaterImpactChance() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.GreaterImpact.Chance", 25.0D); } public double getGreaterImpactModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.GreaterImpact.KnockbackModifier", 1.5D); } public double getGreaterImpactBonusDamage() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.GreaterImpact.BonusDamage", 2.0D); } public int getArmorImpactIncreaseLevel() { int increaseLevel = config.getInt("Skills.Axes.ArmorImpact.IncreaseLevel", 5); if(mcMMO.isRetroModeEnabled()) return increaseLevel * 10; return increaseLevel; } public double getImpactChance() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.ArmorImpact.Chance", 25.0D); } public double getArmorImpactMaxDurabilityDamage() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.ArmorImpact.MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage", 20.0D); } public double getSkullSplitterModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Axes.SkullSplitter.DamageModifier", 2.0D); } /* EXCAVATION */ //Nothing to configure, everything is already configurable in config.yml /* FISHING */ //public int getFishingTierLevel(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Fishing.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank); } public double getShakeChance(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Fishing.ShakeChance.Rank_" + rank); } public int getFishingVanillaXPModifier(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Fishing.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + rank); } public int getFishermanDietRankChange() { return config.getInt("Skills.Fishing.FishermansDiet.RankChange", 200); } /*public int getIceFishingUnlockLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Fishing.IceFishing.UnlockLevel", 50); } public int getMasterAnglerUnlockLevel() {return config.getInt("Skills.Fishing.MasterAngler.UnlockLevel", 125); }*/ public double getMasterAnglerBoatModifier() {return config.getDouble("Skills.Fishing.MasterAngler.BoatModifier", 2.0); } public double getMasterAnglerBiomeModifier() {return config.getDouble("Skills.Fishing.MasterAngler.BiomeModifier", 2.0); } /* HERBALISM */ public int getFarmerDietRankChange() { return config.getInt("Skills.Herbalism.FarmersDiet.RankChange", 200); } public int getGreenThumbStageChange() { return config.getInt("Skills.Herbalism.GreenThumb.StageChange", 200); } /* MINING */ public boolean getDoubleDropSilkTouchEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Mining.DoubleDrops.SilkTouch", true); } public int getBlastMiningRankLevel(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank); } public double getBlastDamageDecrease(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastDamageDecrease.Rank_" + rank); } public double getOreBonus(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.OreBonus.Rank_" + rank); } public double getDebrisReduction(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DebrisReduction.Rank_" + rank); } public int getDropMultiplier(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.DropMultiplier.Rank_" + rank); } public double getBlastRadiusModifier(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Mining.BlastMining.BlastRadiusModifier.Rank_" + rank); } /* REPAIR */ public double getRepairMasteryMaxBonus() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Repair.RepairMastery.MaxBonusPercentage", 200.0D); } public int getRepairMasteryMaxLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Repair.RepairMastery.MaxBonusLevel", 100); } /* Arcane Forging */ //public int getArcaneForgingRankLevel(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank); } public boolean getArcaneForgingEnchantLossEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.May_Lose_Enchants", true); } public double getArcaneForgingKeepEnchantsChance(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Keep_Enchants_Chance.Rank_" + rank); } public boolean getArcaneForgingDowngradeEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Downgrades_Enabled", true); } public double getArcaneForgingDowngradeChance(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Repair.ArcaneForging.Downgrades_Chance.Rank_" + rank); } /* SALVAGE */ //public double getSalvageMaxPercentage() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Salvage.MaxPercentage", 100.0D); } //public int getSalvageMaxPercentageLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Salvage.MaxPercentageLevel", 1000); } public boolean getArcaneSalvageEnchantDowngradeEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.EnchantDowngradeEnabled", true); } public boolean getArcaneSalvageEnchantLossEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.EnchantLossEnabled", true); } //public int getArcaneSalvageRankLevel(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank); } public double getArcaneSalvageExtractFullEnchantsChance(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractFullEnchant.Rank_" + rank); } public double getArcaneSalvageExtractPartialEnchantsChance(int rank) { return config.getDouble("Skills.Salvage.ArcaneSalvage.ExtractPartialEnchant.Rank_" + rank); } /* SMELTING */ public int getBurnModifierMaxLevel() { if(mcMMO.isRetroModeEnabled()) return config.getInt("Skills.Smelting.FuelEfficiency.RetroMode.MaxBonusLevel", 1000); else return config.getInt("Skills.Smelting.FuelEfficiency.Standard.MaxBonusLevel", 100); } /*public int getFluxMiningUnlockLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Smelting.FluxMining.UnlockLevel", 250); }*/ public double getFluxMiningChance() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Smelting.FluxMining.Chance", 33.0D); } public int getSmeltingRankLevel(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Smelting.Rank_Levels.Rank_" + rank); } public int getSmeltingVanillaXPBoostMultiplier(int rank) { return config.getInt("Skills.Smelting.VanillaXPMultiplier.Rank_" + rank); } /* SWORDS */ public double getRuptureDamagePlayer() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Swords.Rupture.DamagePlayer", 1.0); } public double getRuptureDamageMobs() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Swords.Rupture.DamageMobs", 2.0); } public int getRuptureMaxTicks() { return config.getInt("Skills.Swords.Rupture.MaxTicks", 8); } public int getRuptureBaseTicks() { return config.getInt("Skills.Swords.Rupture.BaseTicks", 2); } public double getCounterModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Swords.CounterAttack.DamageModifier", 2.0D); } public double getSerratedStrikesModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Swords.SerratedStrikes.DamageModifier", 4.0D); } public int getSerratedStrikesTicks() { return config.getInt("Skills.Swords.SerratedStrikes.RuptureTicks", 5); } /* TAMING */ //public int getGoreRuptureTicks() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.Gore.RuptureTicks", 2); } public double getGoreModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.Gore.Modifier", 2.0D); } /*public int getFastFoodUnlock() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.FastFood.UnlockLevel", 50); }*/ public double getFastFoodChance() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.FastFoodService.Chance", 50.0D); } public double getPummelChance() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.Pummel.Chance", 10.0D); } //public int getEnviromentallyAwareUnlock() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.EnvironmentallyAware.UnlockLevel", 100); } /*public int getThickFurUnlock() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.ThickFur.UnlockLevel", 250); }*/ public double getThickFurModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.ThickFur.Modifier", 2.0D); } /*public int getHolyHoundUnlock() {return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.HolyHound.UnlockLevel", 375); }*/ /*public int getShockProofUnlock() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.ShockProof.UnlockLevel", 500); }*/ public double getShockProofModifier() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.ShockProof.Modifier", 6.0D); } /*public int getSharpenedClawsUnlock() { return config.getInt("Skills.Taming.SharpenedClaws.UnlockLevel", 750); }*/ public double getSharpenedClawsBonus() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.SharpenedClaws.Bonus", 2.0D); } public double getMinHorseJumpStrength() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.CallOfTheWild.MinHorseJumpStrength", 0.7D); } public double getMaxHorseJumpStrength() { return config.getDouble("Skills.Taming.CallOfTheWild.MaxHorseJumpStrength", 2.0D); } /* UNARMED */ public boolean getDisarmProtected() { return config.getBoolean("Skills.Unarmed.Disarm.AntiTheft", false); } /* WOODCUTTING */ /*public int getLeafBlowUnlockLevel() { return config.getInt("Skills.Woodcutting.LeafBlower.UnlockLevel", 100); }*/ /* KRAKEN STUFF */ public boolean getKrakenEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Kraken.Enabled", true); } public int getKrakenTriesBeforeRelease() { return config.getInt("Kraken.Tries_Before_Release", 50); } public double getKrakenHealth() { return config.getDouble("Kraken.Health", 50.0D); } public String getKrakenName() { return config.getString("Kraken.Name", "The Kraken"); } public int getKrakenAttackInterval() { return config.getInt("Kraken.Attack_Interval_Seconds", 1); } public double getKrakenAttackDamage() { return config.getDouble("Kraken.Attack_Damage", 1.0D); } public boolean getKrakenGlobalEffectsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Kraken.Global_Effects", false); } public boolean getKrakenEscapeAllowed() { return config.getBoolean("Kraken.Allow_Escaping", false); } public String getServerUnleashMessage() { return config.getString("Kraken.Unleashed_Message.Server", ""); } public String getPlayerUnleashMessage() { return config.getString("Kraken.Unleashed_Message.Player", ""); } public String getPlayerDefeatMessage() { return config.getString("Kraken.Defeated_Message.Killed", ""); } public String getPlayerEscapeMessage() { return config.getString("Kraken.Defeated_Message.Escape", ""); } }