package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class Fishing { static final AdvancedConfig ADVANCED_CONFIG = AdvancedConfig.getInstance(); // The order of the values is extremely important, a few methods depend on it to work properly protected enum Tier { FIVE(5) { @Override public int getLevel() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingTierLevelsTier5();} @Override public int getShakeChance() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getShakeChanceRank5();} @Override public int getVanillaXPBoostModifier() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingVanillaXPModifierRank5();}}, FOUR(4) { @Override public int getLevel() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingTierLevelsTier4();} @Override public int getShakeChance() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getShakeChanceRank4();} @Override public int getVanillaXPBoostModifier() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingVanillaXPModifierRank4();}}, THREE(3) { @Override public int getLevel() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingTierLevelsTier3();} @Override public int getShakeChance() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getShakeChanceRank3();} @Override public int getVanillaXPBoostModifier() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingVanillaXPModifierRank3();}}, TWO(2) { @Override public int getLevel() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingTierLevelsTier2();} @Override public int getShakeChance() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getShakeChanceRank2();} @Override public int getVanillaXPBoostModifier() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingVanillaXPModifierRank2();}}, ONE(1) { @Override public int getLevel() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingTierLevelsTier1();} @Override public int getShakeChance() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getShakeChanceRank1();} @Override public int getVanillaXPBoostModifier() {return ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingVanillaXPModifierRank1();}}; int numerical; private Tier(int numerical) { this.numerical = numerical; } public int toNumerical() { return numerical; } abstract protected int getLevel(); abstract protected int getShakeChance(); abstract protected int getVanillaXPBoostModifier(); } // TODO: Get rid of that public static int fishermansDietRankLevel1 = ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishermanDietRankChange(); public static int fishermansDietRankLevel2 = fishermansDietRankLevel1 * 2; public static int fishermansDietMaxLevel = fishermansDietRankLevel1 * 5; private Fishing() {} /** * Begins Fisherman's Diet ability * * @param player Player using the ability * @param rankChange ??? * @param event Event to process */ public static void beginFishermansDiet(Player player, int rankChange, FoodLevelChangeEvent event) { // TODO: The permission should probably not be checked here // TODO: Also I don't like the idea of moving event around if (!Permissions.fishermansDiet(player)) { return; } SkillTools.handleFoodSkills(player, SkillType.FISHING, event, fishermansDietRankLevel1, fishermansDietMaxLevel, rankChange); } /** * Begins Shake Mob ability * * @param player Player using the ability * @param mob Targeted mob * @param skillLevel Fishing level of the player */ public static void beginShakeMob(Player player, LivingEntity mob, int skillLevel) { ShakeMob.process(player, mob, skillLevel); } /** * Begins Fishing * * @param mcMMOPlayer Player fishing * @param skillLevel Fishing level of the player * @param event Event to process */ public static void beginFishing(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer, int skillLevel, PlayerFishEvent event) { int treasureXp = 0; Player player = mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(); FishingTreasure treasure = checkForTreasure(player, skillLevel); if (treasure != null) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Fishing.ItemFound")); treasureXp = treasure.getXp(); ItemStack treasureDrop = treasure.getDrop(); if (Permissions.fishingMagic(player) && beginMagicHunter(player, skillLevel, treasureDrop, player.getWorld().hasStorm())) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Fishing.MagicFound")); } // Drop the original catch at the feet of the player and set the treasure as the real catch Item caught = (Item) event.getCaught(); Misc.dropItem(player.getEyeLocation(), caught.getItemStack()); caught.setItemStack(treasureDrop); } mcMMOPlayer.beginXpGain(SkillType.FISHING, Config.getInstance().getFishingBaseXP() + treasureXp); event.setExpToDrop(event.getExpToDrop() * getVanillaXpMultiplier(skillLevel)); } /** * Checks for treasure * * @param player Player fishing * @param skillLevel Fishing level of the player * @return Chosen treasure */ private static FishingTreasure checkForTreasure(Player player, int skillLevel) { if (!Config.getInstance().getFishingDropsEnabled() || !Permissions.fishingTreasures(player)) { return null; } List rewards = new ArrayList(); for (FishingTreasure treasure : TreasuresConfig.getInstance().fishingRewards) { int maxLevel = treasure.getMaxLevel(); if (treasure.getDropLevel() <= skillLevel && (maxLevel >= skillLevel || maxLevel <= 0)) { rewards.add(treasure); } } if (rewards.isEmpty()) { return null; } FishingTreasure treasure = rewards.get(Misc.getRandom().nextInt(rewards.size())); ItemStack treasureDrop = treasure.getDrop(); int activationChance = Misc.calculateActivationChance(Permissions.luckyFishing(player)); if (Misc.getRandom().nextDouble() * activationChance > treasure.getDropChance()) { return null; } short maxDurability = treasureDrop.getType().getMaxDurability(); if (maxDurability > 0) { treasureDrop.setDurability((short) (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(maxDurability))); } return treasure; } /** * Processes for treasure * * @param player Player fishing * @param skillLevel Fishing level of the player * @param itemStack ItemStack to enchant * @param storm World's weather * @return True if the ItemStack has been enchanted */ private static boolean beginMagicHunter(Player player, int skillLevel, ItemStack itemStack, boolean storm) { if (!ItemChecks.isEnchantable(itemStack)) { return false; } int activationChance = Misc.calculateActivationChance(Permissions.luckyFishing(player)); if (storm) { activationChance = (int) (activationChance * 0.909); } if (Misc.getRandom().nextInt(activationChance) > getLootTier(skillLevel) * ADVANCED_CONFIG.getFishingMagicMultiplier()) { return false; } List possibleEnchantments = new ArrayList(); for (Enchantment enchantment : Enchantment.values()) { if (enchantment.canEnchantItem(itemStack)) { possibleEnchantments.add(enchantment); } } // This make sure that the order isn't always the same, for example previously Unbreaking had a lot more chance to be used than any other enchant Collections.shuffle(possibleEnchantments, Misc.getRandom()); boolean enchanted = false; int specificChance = 1; for (Enchantment possibleEnchantment : possibleEnchantments) { boolean conflicts = false; for (Enchantment currentEnchantment : itemStack.getEnchantments().keySet()) { conflicts = currentEnchantment.conflictsWith(possibleEnchantment); if (conflicts) { break; } } if (!conflicts && Misc.getRandom().nextInt(specificChance) == 0) { itemStack.addEnchantment(possibleEnchantment, Misc.getRandom().nextInt(possibleEnchantment.getMaxLevel()) + 1); specificChance++; enchanted = true; } } return enchanted; } /** * Gets the loot tier for a given skill level * * @param skillLevel Fishing skill level * @return Loot tier */ public static int getLootTier(int skillLevel) { for (Tier tier : Tier.values()) { if (skillLevel >= tier.getLevel()) { return tier.toNumerical(); } } return 0; } /** * Gets the vanilla xp multiplier for a given skill level * * @param skillLevel Fishing skill level * @return Shake Mob probability */ public static int getVanillaXpMultiplier(int skillLevel) { for (Tier tier : Tier.values()) { if (skillLevel >= tier.getLevel()) { return tier.getVanillaXPBoostModifier(); } } return 0; } }