package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.TNTPrimed; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier; public class BlastMining { // The order of the values is extremely important, a few methods depend on it to work properly /* public enum Tier { EIGHT(8), SEVEN(7), SIX(6), FIVE(5), FOUR(4), THREE(3), TWO(2), ONE(1); int numerical; private Tier(int numerical) { this.numerical = numerical; } public int toNumerical() { return numerical; } protected int getLevel() { return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getBlastMiningRankLevel(this); } }*/ public static Material detonator = Config.getInstance().getDetonatorItem(); public final static int MAXIMUM_REMOTE_DETONATION_DISTANCE = 100; public static double getBlastRadiusModifier(int rank) { return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getBlastRadiusModifier(rank); } public static double getBlastDamageDecrease(int rank) { return AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getBlastDamageDecrease(rank); } public static int getDemolitionExpertUnlockLevel() { /*List tierList = Arrays.asList(Tier.values()); for (Tier tier : tierList) { if (tier.getBlastDamageDecrease() > 0) { continue; } return tier == Tier.EIGHT ? tier.getLevel() : tierList.get(tierList.indexOf(tier) - 1).getLevel(); }*/ for(int i = 0; i < SubSkillType.MINING_BLAST_MINING.getNumRanks()-1; i++) { if(getBlastDamageDecrease(i+1) > 0) return RankUtils.getRankUnlockLevel(SubSkillType.MINING_BLAST_MINING, i+1); } return 0; } public static int getBiggerBombsUnlockLevel() { /*List tierList = Arrays.asList(Tier.values()); for (Tier tier : tierList) { if (tier.getBlastRadiusModifier() > 1.0) { continue; } return tier == Tier.EIGHT ? tier.getLevel() : tierList.get(tierList.indexOf(tier) - 1).getLevel(); }*/ for(int i = 0; i < SubSkillType.MINING_BLAST_MINING.getNumRanks()-1; i++) { if(getBlastRadiusModifier(i+1) > 0) return RankUtils.getRankUnlockLevel(SubSkillType.MINING_BLAST_MINING, i+1); } return 0; } public static boolean processBlastMiningExplosion(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event, TNTPrimed tnt, Player defender) { if (!tnt.hasMetadata(mcMMO.tntMetadataKey) || !UserManager.hasPlayerDataKey(defender)) { return false; } // We can make this assumption because we (should) be the only ones using this exact metadata Player player = mcMMO.p.getServer().getPlayerExact(tnt.getMetadata(mcMMO.tntMetadataKey).get(0).asString()); if (!player.equals(defender)) { return false; } MiningManager miningManager = UserManager.getPlayer(defender).getMiningManager(); if (!miningManager.canUseDemolitionsExpertise()) { return false; } event.setDamage(DamageModifier.BASE, miningManager.processDemolitionsExpertise(event.getDamage())); if (event.getFinalDamage() == 0) { event.setCancelled(true); return false; } return true; } }