/* This file is part of mcMMO. mcMMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mcMMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mcMMO. If not, see . */ package com.gmail.nossr50; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.*; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import com.gmail.nossr50.config.*; import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile; import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.FakeBlockBreakEvent; import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.SkillType; public class m { public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); /* * I'm storing my misc functions/methods in here in an unorganized manner. Spheal with it. * This is probably the most embarrassing part of my code for mcMMO * I really should find an organized place for these things! */ public static String getCapitalized(String target) { String firstLetter = target.substring(0,1); String remainder = target.substring(1); String capitalized = firstLetter.toUpperCase() + remainder.toLowerCase(); return capitalized; } public static int getInt(String string) { if(isInt(string)) { return Integer.parseInt(string); } else { return 0; } } public static Double getDouble(String string) { if(isDouble(string)) { return Double.parseDouble(string); } else { return (double) 0; } } public static boolean isDouble(String string) { try { Double.parseDouble(string); } catch(NumberFormatException nFE) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean shouldBeWatched(Block block) { int id = block.getTypeId(); return id == 103 || id == 82 || id == 16 || id == 73 || id == 49 || id == 81 || id == 83 || id == 86 || id == 91 || id == 1 || id == 17 || id == 42 || id == 87 || id == 89 || id == 2 || id == 3 || id == 12 || id == 13 || id == 21 || id == 15 || id == 14 || id == 56 || id == 38 || id == 37 || id == 39 || id == 40 || id == 24; } public static int getPowerLevel(Player player) { PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player); int x = 0; if(mcPermissions.getInstance().taming(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.TAMING); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().mining(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.MINING); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().woodcutting(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.WOODCUTTING); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().unarmed(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.UNARMED); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().herbalism(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().excavation(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.EXCAVATION); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().archery(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.ARCHERY); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().swords(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.SWORDS); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().axes(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.AXES); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().acrobatics(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.ACROBATICS); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().repair(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.REPAIR); if(mcPermissions.getInstance().fishing(player)) x+=PP.getSkillLevel(SkillType.FISHING); return x; } public static boolean blockBreakSimulate(Block block, Player player) { FakeBlockBreakEvent event = new FakeBlockBreakEvent(block, player); if(block != null && player != null){ Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if(!event.isCancelled()) { return true; //Return true if not cancelled } else { return false; //Return false if cancelled } } else { return false; //Return false if something went wrong } } public static void damageTool(Player player, short damage) { if(player.getItemInHand().getTypeId() == 0) return; player.getItemInHand().setDurability((short) (player.getItemInHand().getDurability() + damage)); if(player.getItemInHand().getDurability() >= getMaxDurability(getTier(player), player.getItemInHand())) { ItemStack[] inventory = player.getInventory().getContents(); for(ItemStack x : inventory) { if(x != null && x.getTypeId() == player.getItemInHand().getTypeId() && x.getDurability() == player.getItemInHand().getDurability()){ x.setTypeId(0); x.setAmount(0); player.getInventory().setContents(inventory); return; } } } } public static Integer getTier(Player player) { int i = player.getItemInHand().getTypeId(); if(i == 268 || i == 269 || i == 270 || i == 271 || i == 290){ return 1; //WOOD } else if (i == 272 || i == 273 || i == 274 || i == 275 || i == 291){ return 2; //STONE } else if (i == 256 || i == 257 || i == 258 || i == 267 || i == 292){ return 3; //IRON } else if (i == 283 || i == 284 || i == 285 || i == 286 || i == 294){ return 1; //GOLD } else if (i == 276 || i == 277 || i == 278 || i == 279 || i == 293){ return 4; //DIAMOND } else { return 1; //UNRECOGNIZED } } public static Integer getMaxDurability(Integer tier, ItemStack item) { int id = item.getTypeId(); if(tier == 1){ if((id == 276 || id == 277 || id == 278 || id == 279 || id == 293)){ return 33; } else { return 60; } } else if (tier == 2){ return 132; } else if (tier == 3){ return 251; } else if (tier == 4){ return 1562; } else { return 0; } } public static double getDistance(Location loca, Location locb) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(loca.getX() - locb.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(loca.getY() - locb.getY(), 2) + Math.pow(loca.getZ() - locb.getZ(), 2)); } public static boolean abilityBlockCheck(Block block) { int i = block.getTypeId(); if(i == 96 || i == 68 || i == 355 || i == 26 || i == 323 || i == 25 || i == 54 || i == 69 || i == 92 || i == 77 || i == 58 || i == 61 || i == 62 || i == 42 || i == 71 || i == 64 || i == 84 || i == 324 || i == 330){ return false; } else { return true; } } public static boolean isBlockAround(Location loc, Integer radius, Integer typeid) { Block blockx = loc.getBlock(); int ox = blockx.getX(); int oy = blockx.getY(); int oz = blockx.getZ(); for (int cx = -radius; cx <= radius; cx++) { for (int cy = -radius; cy <= radius; cy++) { for (int cz = -radius; cz <= radius; cz++) { Block block = loc.getWorld().getBlockAt(ox + cx, oy + cy, oz + cz); if (block.getTypeId() == typeid) { return true; } } } } return false; } public static Integer calculateHealth(Integer health, Integer newvalue){ if((health + newvalue) > 20){ return 20; } else { return health+newvalue; } } public Integer calculateMinusHealth(Integer health, Integer newvalue){ if((health - newvalue) < 1){ return 0; } else { return health-newvalue; } } public static boolean isInt(String string) { try { Integer.parseInt(string); } catch(NumberFormatException nFE) { return false; } return true; } public static void mcDropItem(Location loc, int id) { if(loc != null) { Material mat = Material.getMaterial(id); byte damage = 0; ItemStack item = new ItemStack(mat, 1, (byte)0, damage); loc.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(loc, item); } } public static boolean isSwords(ItemStack is) { return is.getTypeId() == 268 || is.getTypeId() == 267 || is.getTypeId() == 272 || is.getTypeId() == 283 || is.getTypeId() == 276; } public static boolean isHoe(ItemStack is) { int id = is.getTypeId(); return id == 290 || id == 291 || id == 292 || id == 293 || id == 294; } public static boolean isShovel(ItemStack is){ return is.getTypeId() == 269 || is.getTypeId() == 273 || is.getTypeId() == 277 || is.getTypeId() == 284 || is.getTypeId() == 256; } public static boolean isAxes(ItemStack is){ if(is.getTypeId() == 271 || is.getTypeId() == 258 || is.getTypeId() == 286 || is.getTypeId() == 279 || is.getTypeId() == 275){ return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isMiningPick(ItemStack is) { if(is.getTypeId() == 270 || is.getTypeId() == 274 || is.getTypeId() == 285 || is.getTypeId() == 257 || is.getTypeId() == 278) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isGold(ItemStack is) { int i = is.getTypeId(); if(i == 283 || i == 284 || i == 285 || i == 286 || i == 294 || i == 314 || i == 315 || i == 316 || i == 317){ return true; } else { return false; } } public static void convertToMySQL() { if(!LoadProperties.useMySQL) return; String location = "plugins/mcMMO/FlatFileStuff/mcmmo.users"; try { //Open the user file FileReader file = new FileReader(location); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file); String line = ""; String playerName = null, mining = null, party = null, miningXP = null, woodcutting = null, woodCuttingXP = null, repair = null, unarmed = null, herbalism = null, excavation = null, archery = null, swords = null, axes = null, acrobatics = null, repairXP = null, unarmedXP = null, herbalismXP = null, excavationXP = null, archeryXP = null, swordsXP = null, axesXP = null, acrobaticsXP = null, taming = null, tamingXP = null; int id = 0, theCount = 0; while((line = in.readLine()) != null) { //Find if the line contains the player we want. String[] character = line.split(":"); playerName = character[0]; //Check for things we don't want put in the DB if(playerName == null || playerName.equals("null") || playerName.equals("#Storage place for user information")) continue; //Get Mining if(character.length > 1) mining = character[1]; //Party if(character.length > 3) party = character[3]; //Mining XP if(character.length > 4) miningXP = character[4]; if(character.length > 5) woodcutting = character[5]; if(character.length > 6) woodCuttingXP = character[6]; if(character.length > 7) repair = character[7]; if(character.length > 8) unarmed = character[8]; if(character.length > 9) herbalism = character[9]; if(character.length > 10) excavation = character[10]; if(character.length > 11) archery = character[11]; if(character.length > 12) swords = character[12]; if(character.length > 13) axes = character[13]; if(character.length > 14) acrobatics = character[14]; if(character.length > 15) repairXP = character[15]; if(character.length > 16) unarmedXP = character[16]; if(character.length > 17) herbalismXP = character[17]; if(character.length > 18) excavationXP = character[18]; if(character.length > 19) archeryXP = character[19]; if(character.length > 20) swordsXP = character[20]; if(character.length > 21) axesXP = character[21]; if(character.length > 22) acrobaticsXP = character[22]; if(character.length > 24) taming = character[24]; if(character.length > 25) tamingXP = character[25]; //Check to see if the user is in the DB id = mcMMO.database.GetInt("SELECT id FROM "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"users WHERE user = '" + playerName + "'"); //Prepare some variables /* if(myspawn != null && myspawn.length() > 0) { String[] split = myspawn.split(","); x = split[0]; y = split[1]; z = split[2]; } */ /* if(myspawnworld.equals("") || myspawnworld == null) myspawnworld = pluginx.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).toString(); */ if(id > 0) { theCount++; //Update the skill values mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"users SET lastlogin = " + 0 + " WHERE id = " + id); //if(getDouble(x) > 0 && getDouble(y) > 0 && getDouble(z) > 0) //mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"spawn SET world = '" + myspawnworld + "', x = " +getDouble(x)+", y = "+getDouble(y)+", z = "+getDouble(z)+" WHERE user_id = "+id); mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"skills SET " +" taming = taming+"+getInt(taming) +", mining = mining+"+getInt(mining) +", repair = repair+"+getInt(repair) +", woodcutting = woodcutting+"+getInt(woodcutting) +", unarmed = unarmed+"+getInt(unarmed) +", herbalism = herbalism+"+getInt(herbalism) +", excavation = excavation+"+getInt(excavation) +", archery = archery+" +getInt(archery) +", swords = swords+" +getInt(swords) +", axes = axes+"+getInt(axes) +", acrobatics = acrobatics+"+getInt(acrobatics) +" WHERE user_id = "+id); mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"experience SET " +" taming = "+getInt(tamingXP) +", mining = "+getInt(miningXP) +", repair = "+getInt(repairXP) +", woodcutting = "+getInt(woodCuttingXP) +", unarmed = "+getInt(unarmedXP) +", herbalism = "+getInt(herbalismXP) +", excavation = "+getInt(excavationXP) +", archery = " +getInt(archeryXP) +", swords = " +getInt(swordsXP) +", axes = "+getInt(axesXP) +", acrobatics = "+getInt(acrobaticsXP) +" WHERE user_id = "+id); } else { theCount++; //Create the user in the DB mcMMO.database.Write("INSERT INTO "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"users (user, lastlogin) VALUES ('" + playerName + "'," + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 +")"); id = mcMMO.database.GetInt("SELECT id FROM "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"users WHERE user = '" + playerName + "'"); mcMMO.database.Write("INSERT INTO "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"spawn (user_id) VALUES ("+id+")"); mcMMO.database.Write("INSERT INTO "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"skills (user_id) VALUES ("+id+")"); mcMMO.database.Write("INSERT INTO "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"experience (user_id) VALUES ("+id+")"); //Update the skill values mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"users SET lastlogin = " + 0 + " WHERE id = " + id); mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"users SET party = '"+party+"' WHERE id = " +id); /* if(getDouble(x) > 0 && getDouble(y) > 0 && getDouble(z) > 0) mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"spawn SET world = '" + myspawnworld + "', x = " +getDouble(x)+", y = "+getDouble(y)+", z = "+getDouble(z)+" WHERE user_id = "+id); */ mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"skills SET " +" taming = "+getInt(taming) +", mining = "+getInt(mining) +", repair = "+getInt(repair) +", woodcutting = "+getInt(woodcutting) +", unarmed = "+getInt(unarmed) +", herbalism = "+getInt(herbalism) +", excavation = "+getInt(excavation) +", archery = " +getInt(archery) +", swords = " +getInt(swords) +", axes = "+getInt(axes) +", acrobatics = "+getInt(acrobatics) +" WHERE user_id = "+id); mcMMO.database.Write("UPDATE "+LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix+"experience SET " +" taming = "+getInt(tamingXP) +", mining = "+getInt(miningXP) +", repair = "+getInt(repairXP) +", woodcutting = "+getInt(woodCuttingXP) +", unarmed = "+getInt(unarmedXP) +", herbalism = "+getInt(herbalismXP) +", excavation = "+getInt(excavationXP) +", archery = " +getInt(archeryXP) +", swords = " +getInt(swordsXP) +", axes = "+getInt(axesXP) +", acrobatics = "+getInt(acrobaticsXP) +" WHERE user_id = "+id); } } System.out.println("[mcMMO] MySQL Updated from users file, "+theCount+" items added/updated to MySQL DB"); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e); } } }