import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; //===================================================================== //Class: vMinecraftChat //Use: Encapsulates all chat commands added by this mod //Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae //===================================================================== public class vMinecraftChat { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); protected static final int lineLength = 312; //===================================================================== //Function: gmsg //Input: String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players //Output: None //Use: Outputs a message to everybody //===================================================================== public static void gmsg(Player sender, String msg){ for (Player receiver : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) { if (receiver != null) { sendMessage(sender, receiver, msg); } } } //===================================================================== //Function: sendMessage //Input: String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players //Output: None //Use: Outputs a message to everybody //===================================================================== public static void sendMessage(Player sender, Player receiver, String msg){ String[] message = applyColors(wordWrap(msg)); for(String out : message) receiver.sendMessage(out + " "); } //===================================================================== //Function: wordWrap //Input: String msg: The message to be wrapped //Output: String[]: The array of substrings //Use: Cuts the message apart into whole words short enough to fit // on one line //===================================================================== public static String[] wordWrap(String msg){ //Split each word apart ArrayList split = new ArrayList(); for(String in : msg.split(" ")) split.add(in); //Create an arraylist for the output ArrayList out = new ArrayList(); //While i is less than the length of the array of words while(!split.isEmpty()){ int len = 0; //Create an arraylist to hold individual words ArrayList words = new ArrayList(); //Loop through the words finding their length and increasing //j, the end point for the sub string while(!split.isEmpty() && split.get(0) != null && len <= lineLength) { int wordLength = msgLength(split.get(0)) + 4; //If a word is too long for a line if(wordLength > lineLength) { String[] tempArray = wordCut(len, split.remove(0)); words.add(tempArray[0]); split.add(tempArray[1]); } //If the word is not too long to fit len += wordLength; if( len < lineLength) words.add(split.remove(0)); } //Merge them and add them to the output array. out.add( etc.combineSplit(0, words.toArray(new String[out.size()]), " ") ); } //Convert to an array and return return out.toArray(new String[out.size()]); } //===================================================================== //Function: msgLength //Input: String str: The string to find the length of //Output: int: The length on the screen of a string //Use: Finds the length on the screen of a string. Ignores colors. //===================================================================== private static int msgLength(String str){ int length = 0; //Loop through all the characters, skipping any color characters //and their following color codes for(int x = 0; x 0) length += len; else x++; } return length; } //===================================================================== //Function: wordCut //Input: String str: The string to find the length of //Output: String[]: The cut up word //Use: Cuts apart a word that is too long to fit on one line //===================================================================== private static String[] wordCut(int lengthBefore, String str){ int length = lengthBefore; //Loop through all the characters, skipping any color characters //and their following color codes String[] output = new String[2]; int x = 0; while(length < lineLength && x < str.length()) { int len = charLength(str.charAt(x)); if( len > 0) length += len; x++; } //Add the substring to the output after cutting it output[0] = str.substring(0, x); //Add the last of the string to the output. output[1] = str.substring(x); return output; } //===================================================================== //Function: charLength //Input: char x: The character to find the length of. //Output: int: The length of the character //Use: Finds the visual length of the character on the screen. //===================================================================== private static int charLength(char x) { if("i.:,;|!".indexOf(x) != -1) return 2; else if("l'".indexOf(x) != -1) return 3; else if("tI[]".indexOf(x) != -1) return 4; else if("fk{}<>\"*()".indexOf(x) != -1) return 5; else if("abcdeghjmnopqrsuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890\\/#?$%-=_+&".indexOf(x) != -1) return 6; else if("@~".indexOf(x) != -1) return 7; else if(x==' ') return 4; else return -1; } //===================================================================== //Function: rainbow //Input: String msg: The string to colorify //Output: String: The rainbowed result //Use: Rainbowifies a string; //===================================================================== public static String rainbow(String msg){ String temp = ""; //The array of colors to use String[] rainbow = new String[] {Colors.Red, Colors.Rose, Colors.Gold, Colors.Yellow, Colors.LightGreen, Colors.Green, Colors.Blue, Colors.Navy, Colors.DarkPurple, Colors.Purple, Colors.LightPurple}; int counter=0; //Loop through the message applying the colors for(int x=0; x " + message); return true; } return false; } //===================================================================== //Function: quote //Input: Player player: The player talking // String message: The message to apply the effect to //Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled //Use: Displays a message as a quote //===================================================================== public static boolean quote(Player player, String message) { //Format the name String playerName = Colors.White + "<" + getName(player) + Colors.White + "> "; if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().greentext()) { //Log the chat log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> " + message); //Output the message gmsg(player, playerName + Colors.LightGreen + message); return true; } return false; } //===================================================================== //Function: rage //Input: Player player: The player talking // String message: The message to apply the effect to //Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled //Use: Displays a message in red //===================================================================== public static boolean rage(Player player, String message) { //Format the name String playerName = Colors.White + "<" + getName(player) + Colors.White +"> "; if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().FFF()) { log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message); //Output the message gmsg(player, playerName + Colors.Red + message); return true; } return false; } //===================================================================== //Function: quakeColors //Input: Player player: The player talking // String message: The message to apply the effect to //Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled //Use: Displays a message in red //===================================================================== public static boolean quakeColors(Player player, String message) { //Format the name String playerName = Colors.White + "<" + getName(player) + Colors.White +"> "; if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().quakeColors()) { //Log the chat log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message); //Output the message gmsg(player, playerName + message); //Loop through the string finding the color codes and inserting them return true; } return false; } //===================================================================== //Function: emote //Input: Player player: The player talking // String message: The message to apply the effect to //Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled //Use: /me but with our custom colors applied //===================================================================== public static boolean emote(Player player, String message) { gmsg(player, "* " + getName(player) + " " + Colors.White + message); return true; } //===================================================================== //Function: applyColors //Input: String[] message: The lines to be colored //Output: String[]: The lines, but colorful //Use: Colors each line //===================================================================== public static String[] applyColors(String[] message) { if(message != null && message[0] != null && !message[0].isEmpty()){ //The color to start the line with String recentColor = Colors.White; //Go through each line int counter = 0; for(String msg: message) { //Start the line with the most recent color String temp = recentColor; //Loop through looking for a color code for(int x = 0; x< msg.length(); x++) { //If the char is a ^ or � if(msg.charAt(x) == '^' || msg.charAt(x) == Colors.White.charAt(0)) { if(x != msg.length() - 1) { //If the following character is a color code if(vMinecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1)) != null) { //Set the most recent color to the new color recentColor = vMinecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1)); //Add the color temp += recentColor; //Skip these chars x++; //Otherwise ignore it. } else { temp += msg.charAt(x); } //Insert the character } else { temp += msg.charAt(x); } } else { temp += msg.charAt(x); } } //Replace the message with the colorful message message[counter] = temp; counter++; } } return message; } //===================================================================== //Function: applyColors //Input: String message: The line to be colored //Output: String: The line, but colorful //Use: Colors a line //===================================================================== public static String applyColors(String message) { return applyColors(message, Colors.White); } //===================================================================== //Function: applyColors //Input: String message: The line to be colored // String color: The color to start the line with //Output: String: The line, but colorful //Use: Colors a line //===================================================================== public static String applyColors(String message, String color) { if(message != null && !message.isEmpty()) { //The color to start the line with if(color == null) color = Colors.White; //Start the line with the most recent color String temp = color; //Loop through looking for a color code for(int x = 0; x< message.length(); x++) { //If the char is a ^ or '�' if(message.charAt(x) == '^' || message.charAt(x) == Colors.White.charAt(0)) { if(x != message.length() - 1) { //If the following character is a color code if(vMinecraftChat.colorChange(message.charAt(x+1)) != null) { //Set the most recent color to the new color color = vMinecraftChat.colorChange(message.charAt(x+1)); //Add the color temp += color; //Skip these chars x++; //Otherwise ignore it. } else { temp += message.charAt(x); } //Insert the character } else { temp += message.charAt(x); } //Insert the character } else { temp += message.charAt(x); } } message = temp; } return message; } }