package; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Tameable; import org.bukkit.entity.Wolf; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TamingManager extends SkillManager { public TamingManager(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer) { super(mcMMOPlayer, SkillType.TAMING); } public boolean canUseThickFur() { return getSkillLevel() >= Taming.thickFurUnlockLevel && Permissions.thickFur(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseEnvironmentallyAware() { return getSkillLevel() >= Taming.environmentallyAwareUnlockLevel && Permissions.environmentallyAware(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseShockProof() { return getSkillLevel() >= Taming.shockProofUnlockLevel && Permissions.shockProof(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseHolyHound() { return getSkillLevel() >= Taming.holyHoundUnlockLevel && Permissions.holyHound(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseFastFoodService() { return getSkillLevel() >= Taming.fastFoodServiceUnlockLevel && Permissions.fastFoodService(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseSharpenedClaws() { return getSkillLevel() >= Taming.sharpenedClawsUnlockLevel && Permissions.sharpenedClaws(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseGore() { return Permissions.gore(getPlayer()); } public boolean canUseBeastLore() { return Permissions.beastLore(getPlayer()); } /** * Award XP for taming. * * @param entity The LivingEntity to award XP for */ public void awardTamingXP(LivingEntity entity) { switch (entity.getType()) { case HORSE: applyXpGain(Taming.horseXp); return; case WOLF: applyXpGain(Taming.wolfXp); return; case OCELOT: applyXpGain(Taming.ocelotXp); return; default: return; } } /** * Apply the Fast Food Service ability. * * @param wolf The wolf using the ability * @param damage The damage being absorbed by the wolf */ public void fastFoodService(Wolf wolf, double damage) { if (Taming.fastFoodServiceActivationChance > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(getActivationChance())) { double health = wolf.getHealth(); double maxHealth = wolf.getMaxHealth(); if (health < maxHealth) { double newHealth = health + damage; wolf.setHealth(Math.min(newHealth, maxHealth)); } } } /** * Apply the Gore ability. * * @param target The LivingEntity to apply Gore on * @param damage The initial damage * @param wolf The wolf using the ability */ public void gore(LivingEntity target, double damage, Wolf wolf) { if (!SkillUtils.activationSuccessful(getSkillLevel(), getActivationChance(), Taming.goreMaxChance, Taming.goreMaxBonusLevel)) { return; } BleedTimerTask.add(target, Taming.goreBleedTicks); if (target instanceof Player) { ((Player) target).sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Combat.StruckByGore")); } getPlayer().sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Combat.Gore")); damage = (damage * Taming.goreModifier) - damage; CombatUtils.dealDamage(target, damage, wolf, mcMMOPlayer, SkillType.TAMING); } public void sharpenedClaws(LivingEntity target, Wolf wolf) { CombatUtils.dealDamage(target, Taming.sharpenedClawsBonusDamage, wolf, mcMMOPlayer, SkillType.TAMING); } /** * Summon an ocelot to your side. */ public void summonOcelot() { if (!Permissions.callOfTheWild(getPlayer(), EntityType.OCELOT)) { return; } callOfTheWild(EntityType.OCELOT, Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWOcelotCost()); } /** * Summon a wolf to your side. */ public void summonWolf() { if (!Permissions.callOfTheWild(getPlayer(), EntityType.WOLF)) { return; } callOfTheWild(EntityType.WOLF, Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWWolfCost()); } /** * Summon a horse to your side. */ public void summonHorse() { if (!Permissions.callOfTheWild(getPlayer(), EntityType.HORSE)) { return; } callOfTheWild(EntityType.HORSE, Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWHorseCost()); } /** * Handle the Beast Lore ability. * * @param target The entity to examine */ public void beastLore(LivingEntity target) { Player player = getPlayer(); Tameable beast = (Tameable) target; String message = LocaleLoader.getString("Combat.BeastLore") + " "; if (beast.isTamed() && beast.getOwner() != null) { message = message.concat(LocaleLoader.getString("Combat.BeastLoreOwner", beast.getOwner().getName()) + " "); } message = message.concat(LocaleLoader.getString("Combat.BeastLoreHealth", target.getHealth(), target.getMaxHealth())); player.sendMessage(message); } public void processEnvironmentallyAware(Wolf wolf, double damage) { if (damage > wolf.getHealth()) { return; } Player owner = getPlayer(); wolf.teleport(owner); owner.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Taming.Listener.Wolf")); } /** * Handle the Call of the Wild ability. * * @param type The type of entity to summon. * @param summonAmount The amount of material needed to summon the entity */ private void callOfTheWild(EntityType type, int summonAmount) { Player player = getPlayer(); ItemStack heldItem = player.getItemInHand(); int heldItemAmount = heldItem.getAmount(); if (heldItemAmount < summonAmount) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Skills.NeedMore", StringUtils.getPrettyItemString(heldItem.getType()))); return; } if (!rangeCheck(type)) { return; } int amount = Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWAmount(type); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { LivingEntity entity = (LivingEntity) player.getWorld().spawnEntity(player.getLocation(), type); entity.setMetadata(mcMMO.entityMetadataKey, mcMMO.metadataValue); ((Tameable) entity).setOwner(player); switch (type) { case OCELOT: ((Ocelot) entity).setCatType(Ocelot.Type.getType(1 + Misc.getRandom().nextInt(3))); break; case WOLF: entity.setMaxHealth(20.0); entity.setHealth(entity.getMaxHealth()); break; default: break; } if (Permissions.renamePets(player)) { entity.setCustomName(LocaleLoader.getString("Taming.Summon.Name.Format", player.getName(), StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(type))); entity.setCustomNameVisible(true); } } player.setItemInHand(new ItemStack(heldItem.getType(), heldItemAmount - summonAmount)); player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Taming.Summon.Complete")); } private boolean rangeCheck(EntityType type) { double range = Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWRange(); Player player = getPlayer(); if (range == 0) { return true; } for (Entity entity : player.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range)) { if (entity.getType() == type) { player.sendMessage(Taming.getCallOfTheWildFailureMessage(type)); return false; } } return true; } }