import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; //===================================================================== //Class: vminecraftSettings //Use: Controls the settings for vminecraft //Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae //===================================================================== public class vminecraftSettings { //private final static Object syncLock = new Object(); protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private static volatile vminecraftSettings instance; //Invulnerability List //The feature settings static boolean toggle = true, adminChat = false, greentext = false, FFF = false, quakeColors = false, cmdFabulous = false, cmdPromote = false, cmdDemote = false, cmdWhoIs = false, cmdRules = false, cmdMasstp = false, cmdTp = false, cmdTphere = false, globalmessages = false, cmdSay = false, cmdWho = false, stopFire = false, stopTnt = false, cmdEzModo = false; //An array of players currently in ezmodo static ArrayList ezModo = new ArrayList(); //The max health for ezModo static int ezHealth = 30; private PropertiesFile properties; String file = ""; public String rules[] = new String[0]; //===================================================================== //Function: loadSettings //Input: None //Output: None //Use: Loads the settings from the properties //===================================================================== public void loadSettings() { File theDir = new File(""); if(!theDir.exists()){ String location = ""; properties = new PropertiesFile(""); FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write("#This plugin is modular\r\n"); writer.write("#Turn any features you don't want to false and they won't be running\r\n"); writer.write("#If you edit this file and save it, then use /reload it will reload the settings\r\n"); writer.write("greentext=true\r\n"); writer.write("quakeColors=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdTphere=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdFabulous=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdWhoIs=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdWho=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdPromote=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdDemote=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdMasstp=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdSay=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdTp=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdRules=true\r\n"); writer.write("globalmessages=true\r\n"); writer.write("FFF=true\r\n"); writer.write("adminchat=true\r\n"); writer.write("cmdEzModo=true\r\n"); writer.write("#Adding player names to this list will have them start off in ezmodo\r\n"); writer.write("ezModo=\r\n"); writer.write("#The health ezmodo people will have while in ezmodo. Don't set to 0\r\n"); writer.write("ezHealth=30\r\n"); writer.write("stopFire=false"); writer.write("stopTnt=false"); writer.write("rules=Rules@#1: No griefing@#2: No griefing\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e); } finally { try { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e); } } } else { properties = new PropertiesFile(""); try { properties.load(); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while loading", e); } } try { adminChat = properties.getBoolean("adminchat",true); greentext = properties.getBoolean("greentext",true); FFF = properties.getBoolean("FFF",true); quakeColors = properties.getBoolean("quakeColors",true); cmdFabulous = properties.getBoolean("cmdFabulous",true); cmdPromote = properties.getBoolean("cmdPromote",true); cmdDemote = properties.getBoolean("cmdDemote",true); cmdWhoIs = properties.getBoolean("cmdWhoIs",true); cmdWho = properties.getBoolean("cmdWho",true); cmdRules = properties.getBoolean("cmdRules",true); cmdTp = properties.getBoolean("cmdTp",true); cmdMasstp = properties.getBoolean("cmdMasstp",true); cmdTphere = properties.getBoolean("cmdTphere",true); globalmessages = properties.getBoolean("globalmessages",true); cmdSay = properties.getBoolean("cmdSay",true); cmdEzModo = properties.getBoolean("cmdEzModo",true); stopFire = properties.getBoolean("stopFire",true); stopTnt = properties.getBoolean("stopTNT",true); rules = properties.getString("rules", "").split("@"); String[] tempEz = properties.getString("ezModo").split(","); ezModo = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < tempEz.length; i++) ezModo.add(tempEz[i]); ezHealth = properties.getInt("ezHealth"); log.log(Level.INFO, "vminecraft plugin successfully loaded"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "vminecraft Error: ERROR LOADING PROPERTIES FILE"); } } //===================================================================== //Function: adminchat, greentext, FFF, quakeColors, cmdFabulous, // cmdPromote, cmdDemote, cmdWhoIs, cmdTp, cmdTphere, cmdSay // cmdRules, globalmessages, cmdMasstp, cmdEzModo //Input: None //Output: Boolan: If the feature is enabled //Use: Returns if the feature is enabled //===================================================================== public boolean adminchat() {return adminChat;} public boolean greentext() {return greentext;} public boolean FFF() {return FFF;} public boolean quakeColors() {return quakeColors;} public boolean cmdFabulous() {return cmdFabulous;} public boolean cmdPromote() {return cmdPromote;} public boolean cmdDemote() {return cmdDemote;} public boolean cmdWhoIs() {return cmdWhoIs;} public boolean cmdTp() {return cmdTp;} public boolean cmdTphere() {return cmdTphere;} public boolean cmdSay() {return cmdSay;} public boolean cmdRules() {return cmdRules;} public boolean globalmessages() {return globalmessages;} public boolean cmdMasstp() {return cmdMasstp;} public boolean cmdEzModo() {return cmdEzModo;} public boolean cmdWho() {return cmdWho;} public boolean stopFire() {return stopFire;} public boolean stopTnt() {return stopTnt;} //EzModo functions public boolean isEzModo(String playerName) {return ezModo.contains(playerName);} public void removeEzModo(String playerName) {ezModo.remove(ezModo.indexOf(playerName));} public void addEzModo(String playerName) {ezModo.add(playerName);} public int ezModoHealth() {return ezHealth;} public String ezModoList() {return ezModo.toString();} //===================================================================== //Function: getInstance //Input: None //Output: vminecraftSettings: The instance of the settings //Use: Returns the instance of the settings //===================================================================== public static vminecraftSettings getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new vminecraftSettings(); } return instance; } //===================================================================== //Function: getRules //Input: None //Output: String[]: The list of rules //Use: Gets the array containing the rules //===================================================================== public String[] getRules() { return rules; } }