package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent; import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue; public final class MobHealthbarUtils { private MobHealthbarUtils() {} /** * Fix issues with death messages caused by the mob healthbars. * * @param deathMessage The original death message * @param player The player who died * @return the fixed death message */ public static String fixDeathMessage(String deathMessage, Player player) { EntityDamageEvent lastDamageCause = player.getLastDamageCause(); String replaceString = lastDamageCause instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent ? StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(((EntityDamageByEntityEvent) lastDamageCause).getDamager().getType()) : "a mob"; return deathMessage.replaceAll("(?:(\u00A7(?:[0-9A-FK-ORa-fk-or]))*(?:[\u2764\u25A0]{1,10})){1,2}", replaceString); } /** * Handle the creation of mob healthbars. * @param target the targetted entity * @param damage damage done by the attack triggering this */ public static void handleMobHealthbars(LivingEntity target, double damage, mcMMO plugin) { if (mcMMO.isHealthBarPluginEnabled() || !mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getMobHealthbarEnabled()) { return; } if (isBoss(target)) { return; } // Don't mangle invalid entities, they're not going to be rendered anyways if (!target.isValid()) { return; } String originalName = target.getName(); String oldName = target.getCustomName(); /* * Store the name in metadata */ if(target.getMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_OLD_NAME_KEY).size() <= 0) target.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_OLD_NAME_KEY, new OldName(originalName, plugin)); if (oldName == null) { oldName = ""; } boolean oldNameVisible = target.isCustomNameVisible(); String newName = createHealthDisplay(mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getMobHealthbarDefault(), target, damage); target.setCustomName(newName); target.setCustomNameVisible(true); int displayTime = mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getMobHealthbarTime(); if (displayTime != -1) { boolean updateName = !ChatColor.stripColor(oldName).equalsIgnoreCase(ChatColor.stripColor(newName)); if (updateName) { target.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_CUSTOM_NAME, new FixedMetadataValue(mcMMO.p, oldName)); target.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_NAME_VISIBILITY, new FixedMetadataValue(mcMMO.p, oldNameVisible)); } else if (!target.hasMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_CUSTOM_NAME)) { target.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_CUSTOM_NAME, new FixedMetadataValue(mcMMO.p, "")); target.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.METADATA_KEY_NAME_VISIBILITY, new FixedMetadataValue(mcMMO.p, false)); } mcMMO.p.getFoliaLib().getImpl().runAtEntityLater(target, new MobHealthDisplayUpdaterTask(target), (long) displayTime * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); // Clear health display after 3 seconds } } private static String createHealthDisplay(MobHealthbarType mobHealthbarType, LivingEntity entity, double damage) { double maxHealth = entity.getMaxHealth(); double currentHealth = Math.max(entity.getHealth() - damage, 0); double healthPercentage = (currentHealth / maxHealth) * 100.0D; int fullDisplay; ChatColor color = ChatColor.BLACK; String symbol; switch (mobHealthbarType) { case HEARTS: fullDisplay = Math.min((int) (maxHealth / 2), 10); color = ChatColor.DARK_RED; symbol = "❤"; break; case BAR: fullDisplay = 10; if (healthPercentage >= 85) { color = ChatColor.DARK_GREEN; } else if (healthPercentage >= 70) { color = ChatColor.GREEN; } else if (healthPercentage >= 55) { color = ChatColor.GOLD; } else if (healthPercentage >= 40) { color = ChatColor.YELLOW; } else if (healthPercentage >= 25) { color = ChatColor.RED; } else if (healthPercentage >= 0) { color = ChatColor.DARK_RED; } symbol = "■"; break; default: return null; } int coloredDisplay = (int) Math.max(Math.ceil(fullDisplay * (healthPercentage / 100.0D)), 0.5); int grayDisplay = fullDisplay - coloredDisplay; StringBuilder healthbar = new StringBuilder(color + ""); for (int i = 0; i < coloredDisplay; i++) { healthbar.append(symbol); } healthbar.append(ChatColor.GRAY); for (int i = 0; i < grayDisplay; i++) { healthbar.append(symbol); } return healthbar.toString(); } /** * Check if a given LivingEntity is a boss. * * @param livingEntity The {@link LivingEntity} of the livingEntity to check * @return true if the livingEntity is a boss, false otherwise */ private static boolean isBoss(LivingEntity livingEntity) { switch (livingEntity.getType()) { case ENDER_DRAGON: case WITHER: return true; default: return false; } } }