package; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.*; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import*; import; import; import; import; import; public class m { public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); /** * Gets a capitalized version of the target string. * * @param target String to capitalize * @return the capitalized string */ public static String getCapitalized(String target) { String firstLetter = target.substring(0,1); String remainder = target.substring(1); String capitalized = firstLetter.toUpperCase() + remainder.toLowerCase(); return capitalized; } /** * Gets the int represented by this string. * * @param string The string to parse * @return the int represented by this string */ public static int getInt(String string) { if (isInt(string)) { return Integer.parseInt(string); } else { return 0; } } /** * Checks to see if an entity is currently invincible. * * @param le The LivingEntity to check * @param event The event the entity is involved in * @return true if the entity is invincible, false otherwise */ public static boolean isInvincible(LivingEntity le, EntityDamageEvent event) { /* * So apparently if you do more damage to a LivingEntity than its last damage int you bypass the invincibility. * So yeah, this is for that. */ if (le.getNoDamageTicks() > le.getMaximumNoDamageTicks() / 2.0F && event.getDamage() <= le.getLastDamage()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets the power level of a player. * * @param player The player to get the power level of * @param PP The profile of the player * @return the power level of the player */ public static int getPowerLevel(Player player, PlayerProfile PP) { int powerLevel = 0; for (SkillType type : SkillType.values()) { if (type.getPermissions(player)) { powerLevel += PP.getSkillLevel(type); } } return powerLevel; } /** * Simulate a block break event. * * @param block The block to break * @param player The player breaking the block * @param shouldArmSwing true if an armswing event should be fired, false otherwise * @return true if the event wasn't cancelled, false otherwise */ public static boolean blockBreakSimulate(Block block, Player player, Boolean shouldArmSwing) { //Support for NoCheat if (shouldArmSwing) { PlayerAnimationEvent armswing = new PlayerAnimationEvent(player); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(armswing); } FakeBlockBreakEvent event = new FakeBlockBreakEvent(block, player); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the upgrade tier of the item in hand. * * @param inHand The item to check the tier of * @return the tier of the item */ public static Integer getTier(ItemStack inHand) { int tier = 0; if (Repair.isWoodTools(inHand)) { tier = 1; } else if (Repair.isStoneTools(inHand)) { tier = 2; } else if (Repair.isIronTools(inHand)) { tier = 3; } else if(Repair.isGoldTools(inHand)) { tier = 1; } else if(Repair.isDiamondTools(inHand)) tier = 4; return tier; } /** * Determine if two locations are near each other. * * @param first The first location * @param second The second location * @param maxDistance The max distance apart * @return true if the distance between first and second is less than maxDistance, false otherwise */ public static boolean isNear(Location first, Location second, int maxDistance) { double relX = first.getX() - second.getX(); double relY = first.getY() - second.getY(); double relZ = first.getZ() - second.getZ(); double dist = (relX * relX) + (relY * relY) + (relZ * relZ); if (dist < maxDistance * maxDistance) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Determine if a string represents an Integer * * @param string String to check * @return true if the string is an Integer, false otherwise */ public static boolean isInt(String string) { try { Integer.parseInt(string); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nFE) { return false; } } /** * Drop items at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The items to drop * @param quantity The amount of items to drop */ public static void mcDropItems(Location location, ItemStack is, int quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { mcDropItem(location, is); } } /** * Randomly drop an item at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The item to drop * @param chance The percentage chance for the item to drop */ public static void mcRandomDropItem(Location location, ItemStack is, double chance) { if (Math.random() * 100 < chance) { mcDropItem(location, is); } } /** * Randomly drop items at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the items at * @param is The item to drop * @param chance The percentage chance for the item to drop * @param quantity The amount of items to drop */ public static void mcRandomDropItems(Location location, ItemStack is, int chance, int quantity) { for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { mcRandomDropItem(location, is, chance); } } /** * Drop an item at a given location. * * @param location The location to drop the item at * @param itemStack The item to drop */ public static void mcDropItem(Location location, ItemStack itemStack) { // We can't get the item until we spawn it and we want to make it cancellable, so we have a custom event. McMMOItemSpawnEvent event = new McMMOItemSpawnEvent(location, itemStack); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } else { location.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(location, itemStack); } } /** * Convert FlatFile data to MySQL data. */ public static void convertToMySQL() { if (!LoadProperties.useMySQL) { return; } Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleAsyncDelayedTask(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("mcMMO"), new Runnable() { public void run() { String location = "plugins/mcMMO/FlatFileStuff/mcmmo.users"; try { //Open the user file FileReader file = new FileReader(location); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file); String line = ""; String playerName = null; String party = null; String mining = null; String woodcutting = null; String repair = null; String unarmed = null; String herbalism = null; String excavation = null; String archery = null; String swords = null; String axes = null; String acrobatics = null; String taming = null; String fishing = null; String miningXP = null; String woodCuttingXP = null; String repairXP = null; String unarmedXP = null; String herbalismXP = null; String excavationXP = null; String archeryXP = null; String swordsXP = null; String axesXP = null; String acrobaticsXP = null; String tamingXP = null; String fishingXP = null; int id = 0; int theCount = 0; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { //Find if the line contains the player we want. String[] character = line.split(":"); playerName = character[0]; //Check for things we don't want put in the DB if (playerName == null || playerName.equals("null") || playerName.equals("#Storage place for user information")) { continue; } if (character.length > 1) { mining = character[1]; } if (character.length > 3) { party = character[3]; } if (character.length > 4) { miningXP = character[4]; } if (character.length > 5) { woodcutting = character[5]; } if (character.length > 6) { woodCuttingXP = character[6]; } if (character.length > 7) { repair = character[7]; } if (character.length > 8) { unarmed = character[8]; } if (character.length > 9) { herbalism = character[9]; } if (character.length > 10) { excavation = character[10]; } if (character.length > 11) { archery = character[11]; } if (character.length > 12) { swords = character[12]; } if (character.length > 13) { axes = character[13]; } if (character.length > 14) { acrobatics = character[14]; } if (character.length > 15) { repairXP = character[15]; } if (character.length > 16) { unarmedXP = character[16]; } if (character.length > 17) { herbalismXP = character[17]; } if (character.length > 18) { excavationXP = character[18]; } if (character.length > 19) { archeryXP = character[19]; } if (character.length > 20) { swordsXP = character[20]; } if (character.length > 21) { axesXP = character[21]; } if (character.length > 22) { acrobaticsXP = character[22]; } if (character.length > 24) { taming = character[24]; } if (character.length > 25) { tamingXP = character[25]; } if (character.length > 34) { fishing = character[34]; } if (character.length > 35) { fishingXP = character[35]; } //Check to see if the user is in the DB id = mcMMO.database.getInt("SELECT id FROM " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users WHERE user = '" + playerName + "'"); if (id > 0) { theCount++; //Update the skill values mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users SET lastlogin = " + 0 + " WHERE id = " + id); mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "skills SET " + " taming = taming+" + getInt(taming) + ", mining = mining+" + getInt(mining) + ", repair = repair+" + getInt(repair) + ", woodcutting = woodcutting+" + getInt(woodcutting) + ", unarmed = unarmed+" + getInt(unarmed) + ", herbalism = herbalism+" + getInt(herbalism) + ", excavation = excavation+" + getInt(excavation) + ", archery = archery+" + getInt(archery) + ", swords = swords+" + getInt(swords) + ", axes = axes+" + getInt(axes) + ", acrobatics = acrobatics+" + getInt(acrobatics) + ", fishing = fishing+" + getInt(fishing) + " WHERE user_id = " + id); mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "experience SET " + " taming = " + getInt(tamingXP) + ", mining = " + getInt(miningXP) + ", repair = " + getInt(repairXP) + ", woodcutting = " + getInt(woodCuttingXP) + ", unarmed = " + getInt(unarmedXP) + ", herbalism = " + getInt(herbalismXP) + ", excavation = " + getInt(excavationXP) + ", archery = " + getInt(archeryXP) + ", swords = " + getInt(swordsXP) + ", axes = " + getInt(axesXP) + ", acrobatics = " + getInt(acrobaticsXP) + ", fishing = " + getInt(fishingXP) + " WHERE user_id = " + id); } else { theCount++; //Create the user in the DB mcMMO.database.write("INSERT INTO " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users (user, lastlogin) VALUES ('" + playerName + "'," + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + ")"); id = mcMMO.database .getInt("SELECT id FROM " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users WHERE user = '" + playerName + "'"); mcMMO.database.write("INSERT INTO " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "skills (user_id) VALUES (" + id + ")"); mcMMO.database.write("INSERT INTO " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "experience (user_id) VALUES (" + id + ")"); //Update the skill values mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users SET lastlogin = " + 0 + " WHERE id = " + id); mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users SET party = '" + party + "' WHERE id = " + id); mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "skills SET " + " taming = " + getInt(taming) + ", mining = " + getInt(mining) + ", repair = " + getInt(repair) + ", woodcutting = " + getInt(woodcutting) + ", unarmed = " + getInt(unarmed) + ", herbalism = " + getInt(herbalism) + ", excavation = " + getInt(excavation) + ", archery = " + getInt(archery) + ", swords = " + getInt(swords) + ", axes = " + getInt(axes) + ", acrobatics = " + getInt(acrobatics) + ", fishing = " + getInt(fishing) + " WHERE user_id = " + id); mcMMO.database.write("UPDATE " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "experience SET " + " taming = " + getInt(tamingXP) + ", mining = " + getInt(miningXP) + ", repair = " + getInt(repairXP) + ", woodcutting = " + getInt(woodCuttingXP) + ", unarmed = " + getInt(unarmedXP) + ", herbalism = " + getInt(herbalismXP) + ", excavation = " + getInt(excavationXP) + ", archery = " + getInt(archeryXP) + ", swords = " + getInt(swordsXP) + ", axes = " + getInt(axesXP) + ", acrobatics = " + getInt(acrobaticsXP) + ", fishing = " + getInt(fishingXP) + " WHERE user_id = " + id); } } System.out.println("[mcMMO] MySQL Updated from users file, " + theCount + " items added/updated to MySQL DB"); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e); } } }, 1); } }