package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class FlatfileDatabaseManager implements DatabaseManager { private final HashMap> playerStatHash = new HashMap>(); private final List powerLevels = new ArrayList(); private long lastUpdate = 0; private final long UPDATE_WAIT_TIME = 600000L; // 10 minutes private final File usersFile; private static final Object fileWritingLock = new Object(); protected FlatfileDatabaseManager() { usersFile = new File(mcMMO.getUsersFilePath()); checkStructure(); updateLeaderboards(); } public void purgePowerlessUsers() { int purgedUsers = 0; mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purging powerless users..."); BufferedReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); // This code is O(n) instead of O(n²) synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] character = line.split(":"); Map skills = getSkillMapFromLine(character); boolean powerless = true; for (int skill : skills.values()) { if (skill != 0) { powerless = false; break; } } // If they're still around, rewrite them to the file. if (!powerless) { writer.append(line).append("\r\n"); } else { purgedUsers++; Misc.profileCleanup(character[0]); } } // Write the new file out = new FileWriter(usersFilePath); out.write(writer.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + usersFilePath + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString()); } finally { tryClose(in); tryClose(out); } } mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purged " + purgedUsers + " users from the database."); } public void purgeOldUsers() { int removedPlayers = 0; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purging old users..."); BufferedReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); // This code is O(n) instead of O(n²) synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] character = line.split(":"); String name = character[0]; OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name); boolean old = true; if (player != null) { old = (currentTime - player.getLastPlayed()) > PURGE_TIME; } if (!old) { writer.append(line).append("\r\n"); } else { removedPlayers++; Misc.profileCleanup(name); } } // Write the new file out = new FileWriter(usersFilePath); out.write(writer.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + usersFilePath + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString()); } finally { tryClose(in); tryClose(out); } } mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Purged " + removedPlayers + " users from the database."); } public boolean removeUser(String playerName) { boolean worked = false; BufferedReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Write out the same file but when we get to the player we want to remove, we skip his line. if (!worked && line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("User found, removing..."); worked = true; continue; // Skip the player } writer.append(line).append("\r\n"); } out = new FileWriter(usersFilePath); // Write out the new file out.write(writer.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + usersFilePath + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString()); } finally { tryClose(in); tryClose(out); } } Misc.profileCleanup(playerName); return worked; } public void saveUser(PlayerProfile profile) { String playerName = profile.getPlayerName(); BufferedReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { // Open the file in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); String line; // While not at the end of the file while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Read the line in and copy it to the output it's not the player we want to edit if (!line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) { writer.append(line).append("\r\n"); } else { // Otherwise write the new player information writer.append(playerName).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.MINING)).append(":"); writer.append(":"); writer.append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.MINING)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.WOODCUTTING)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.WOODCUTTING)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.REPAIR)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.UNARMED)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.EXCAVATION)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.ARCHERY)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.SWORDS)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.AXES)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.ACROBATICS)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.REPAIR)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.UNARMED)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.HERBALISM)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.EXCAVATION)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.ARCHERY)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.SWORDS)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.AXES)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.ACROBATICS)).append(":"); writer.append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.TAMING)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.TAMING)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.BERSERK)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.TREE_FELLER)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.SKULL_SPLITTER)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER)).append(":"); HudType hudType = profile.getHudType(); writer.append(hudType == null ? "STANDARD" : hudType.toString()).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillLevel(SkillType.FISHING)).append(":"); writer.append(profile.getSkillXpLevel(SkillType.FISHING)).append(":"); writer.append((int) profile.getSkillDATS(AbilityType.BLAST_MINING)).append(":"); writer.append(System.currentTimeMillis() / Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR).append(":"); MobHealthbarType mobHealthbarType = profile.getMobHealthbarType(); writer.append(mobHealthbarType == null ? Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault().toString() : mobHealthbarType.toString()).append(":"); writer.append("\r\n"); } } // Write the new file out = new FileWriter(usersFilePath); out.write(writer.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tryClose(in); tryClose(out); } } } public List readLeaderboard(String skillName, int pageNumber, int statsPerPage) { updateLeaderboards(); List statsList = skillName.equalsIgnoreCase("all") ? powerLevels : playerStatHash.get(SkillType.getSkill(skillName)); int fromIndex = (Math.max(pageNumber, 1) - 1) * statsPerPage; return statsList.subList(Math.min(fromIndex, statsList.size()), Math.min(fromIndex + statsPerPage, statsList.size())); } public Map readRank(String playerName) { updateLeaderboards(); Map skills = new HashMap(); for (SkillType skill : SkillType.nonChildSkills()) { skills.put(, getPlayerRank(playerName, playerStatHash.get(skill))); } skills.put("ALL", getPlayerRank(playerName, powerLevels)); return skills; } public void newUser(String playerName) { BufferedWriter out = null; synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { // Open the file to write the player out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(), true)); // Add the player to the end out.append(playerName).append(":"); out.append("0:"); // Mining out.append(":"); out.append(":"); out.append("0:"); // Xp out.append("0:"); // Woodcutting out.append("0:"); // WoodCuttingXp out.append("0:"); // Repair out.append("0:"); // Unarmed out.append("0:"); // Herbalism out.append("0:"); // Excavation out.append("0:"); // Archery out.append("0:"); // Swords out.append("0:"); // Axes out.append("0:"); // Acrobatics out.append("0:"); // RepairXp out.append("0:"); // UnarmedXp out.append("0:"); // HerbalismXp out.append("0:"); // ExcavationXp out.append("0:"); // ArcheryXp out.append("0:"); // SwordsXp out.append("0:"); // AxesXp out.append("0:"); // AcrobaticsXp out.append(":"); out.append("0:"); // Taming out.append("0:"); // TamingXp out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("0:"); // DATS out.append("STANDARD").append(":"); // HUD out.append("0:"); // Fishing out.append("0:"); // FishingXp out.append("0:"); // Blast Mining out.append(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)).append(":"); // LastLogin out.append(Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault().toString()).append(":"); // Mob Healthbar HUD // Add more in the same format as the line above out.newLine(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tryClose(out); } } } public PlayerProfile loadPlayerProfile(String playerName, boolean create) { BufferedReader in = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { // Open the user file in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Find if the line contains the player we want. String[] character = line.split(":"); if (!character[0].equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) { continue; } PlayerProfile p = loadFromLine(character); in.close(); return p; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tryClose(in); } } if (create) { newUser(playerName); return new PlayerProfile(playerName, true); } return new PlayerProfile(playerName); } public void convertUsers(DatabaseManager destination) { BufferedReader in = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { // Open the user file in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] character = line.split(":"); try { destination.saveUser(loadFromLine(character)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tryClose(in); } } } public boolean checkConnected() { // Not implemented return true; } public List getStoredUsers() { ArrayList users = new ArrayList(); BufferedReader in = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { // Open the user file in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] character = line.split(":"); users.add(character[0]); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tryClose(in); } } return users; } /** * Update the leader boards. */ private void updateLeaderboards() { // Only update FFS leaderboards every 10 minutes.. this puts a lot of strain on the server (depending on the size of the database) and should not be done frequently if (System.currentTimeMillis() < lastUpdate + UPDATE_WAIT_TIME) { return; } String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Log when the last update was run powerLevels.clear(); // Clear old values from the power levels // Initialize lists List mining = new ArrayList(); List woodcutting = new ArrayList(); List herbalism = new ArrayList(); List excavation = new ArrayList(); List acrobatics = new ArrayList(); List repair = new ArrayList(); List swords = new ArrayList(); List axes = new ArrayList(); List archery = new ArrayList(); List unarmed = new ArrayList(); List taming = new ArrayList(); List fishing = new ArrayList(); BufferedReader in = null; // Read from the FlatFile database and fill our arrays with information synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); String line = ""; ArrayList players = new ArrayList(); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] data = line.split(":"); String playerName = data[0]; int powerLevel = 0; // Prevent the same player from being added multiple times (I'd like to note that this shouldn't happen...) if (players.contains(playerName)) { continue; } players.add(playerName); Map skills = getSkillMapFromLine(data); powerLevel += putStat(acrobatics, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.ACROBATICS)); powerLevel += putStat(archery, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.ARCHERY)); powerLevel += putStat(axes, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.AXES)); powerLevel += putStat(excavation, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.EXCAVATION)); powerLevel += putStat(fishing, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.FISHING)); powerLevel += putStat(herbalism, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.HERBALISM)); powerLevel += putStat(mining, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.MINING)); powerLevel += putStat(repair, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.REPAIR)); powerLevel += putStat(swords, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.SWORDS)); powerLevel += putStat(taming, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.TAMING)); powerLevel += putStat(unarmed, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.UNARMED)); powerLevel += putStat(woodcutting, playerName, skills.get(SkillType.WOODCUTTING)); putStat(powerLevels, playerName, powerLevel); } } catch (Exception e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + usersFilePath + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString()); } finally { tryClose(in); } } SkillComparator c = new SkillComparator(); Collections.sort(mining, c); Collections.sort(woodcutting, c); Collections.sort(repair, c); Collections.sort(unarmed, c); Collections.sort(herbalism, c); Collections.sort(excavation, c); Collections.sort(archery, c); Collections.sort(swords, c); Collections.sort(axes, c); Collections.sort(acrobatics, c); Collections.sort(taming, c); Collections.sort(fishing, c); Collections.sort(powerLevels, c); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.MINING, mining); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, woodcutting); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.REPAIR, repair); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.UNARMED, unarmed); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, herbalism); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, excavation); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, archery); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.SWORDS, swords); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.AXES, axes); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, acrobatics); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.TAMING, taming); playerStatHash.put(SkillType.FISHING, fishing); } /** * Checks that the file is present and valid */ private void checkStructure() { if (usersFile.exists()) { BufferedReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; String usersFilePath = mcMMO.getUsersFilePath(); synchronized (fileWritingLock) { try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(usersFilePath)); StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] character = line.split(":"); // If they're valid, rewrite them to the file. if (character.length >= 37) { writer.append(line).append("\r\n"); } else { // Placeholder, repair row if needed (I.E. when new skills are added and such) } } // Write the new file out = new FileWriter(usersFilePath); out.write(writer.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + usersFilePath + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString()); } finally { tryClose(in); tryClose(out); } } return; } usersFile.getParentFile().mkdir(); try { mcMMO.p.debug("Creating mcmmo.users file..."); new File(mcMMO.getUsersFilePath()).createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void tryClose(Closeable c) { if (c == null) return; try { c.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Integer getPlayerRank(String playerName, List statsList) { if (statsList == null) { return null; } int currentPos = 1; for (PlayerStat stat : statsList) { if ( { return currentPos; } currentPos++; } return null; } private int putStat(List statList, String playerName, int statValue) { statList.add(new PlayerStat(playerName, statValue)); return statValue; } private class SkillComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(PlayerStat o1, PlayerStat o2) { return (o2.statVal - o1.statVal); } } private PlayerProfile loadFromLine(String[] character) throws Exception { Map skills = getSkillMapFromLine(character); // Skill levels Map skillsXp = new HashMap(); // Skill & XP Map skillsDATS = new HashMap(); // Ability & Cooldown HudType hudType; MobHealthbarType mobHealthbarType; // TODO on updates, put new values in a try{} ? skillsXp.put(SkillType.TAMING, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[25])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.MINING, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[4])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.REPAIR, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[15])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[6])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.UNARMED, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[16])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[17])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[18])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[19])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.SWORDS, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[20])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.AXES, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[21])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[22])); skillsXp.put(SkillType.FISHING, (float) Integer.valueOf(character[35])); // Taming - Unused skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER, Integer.valueOf(character[32])); // Repair - Unused skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.TREE_FELLER, Integer.valueOf(character[28])); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.BERSERK, Integer.valueOf(character[26])); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA, Integer.valueOf(character[29])); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER, Integer.valueOf(character[27])); // Archery - Unused skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES, Integer.valueOf(character[30])); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SKULL_SPLITTER, Integer.valueOf(character[31])); // Acrobatics - Unused skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.BLAST_MINING, Integer.valueOf(character[36])); try { hudType = HudType.valueOf(character[33]); } catch (Exception e) { hudType = HudType.STANDARD; // Shouldn't happen unless database is being tampered with } try { mobHealthbarType = MobHealthbarType.valueOf(character[38]); } catch (Exception e) { mobHealthbarType = Config.getInstance().getMobHealthbarDefault(); } return new PlayerProfile(character[0], skills, skillsXp, skillsDATS, hudType, mobHealthbarType); } private Map getSkillMapFromLine(String[] character) { Map skills = new HashMap(); // Skill & Level skills.put(SkillType.TAMING, Integer.valueOf(character[24])); skills.put(SkillType.MINING, Integer.valueOf(character[1])); skills.put(SkillType.REPAIR, Integer.valueOf(character[7])); skills.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, Integer.valueOf(character[5])); skills.put(SkillType.UNARMED, Integer.valueOf(character[8])); skills.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, Integer.valueOf(character[9])); skills.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, Integer.valueOf(character[10])); skills.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, Integer.valueOf(character[11])); skills.put(SkillType.SWORDS, Integer.valueOf(character[12])); skills.put(SkillType.AXES, Integer.valueOf(character[13])); skills.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, Integer.valueOf(character[14])); skills.put(SkillType.FISHING, Integer.valueOf(character[34])); return skills; } }