package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CustomToolConfig extends ConfigLoader { private boolean needsUpdate = false; public List customAxes = new ArrayList(); public List customBows = new ArrayList(); public List customHoes = new ArrayList(); public List customPickaxes = new ArrayList(); public List customShovels = new ArrayList(); public List customSwords = new ArrayList(); public HashMap customToolMap = new HashMap(); public List repairables = new ArrayList(); protected CustomToolConfig(String fileName) { super("mods", fileName); loadKeys(); } @Override protected void loadKeys() { loadTool("Axes", customAxes); loadTool("Bows", customBows); loadTool("Hoes", customHoes); loadTool("Pickaxes", customPickaxes); loadTool("Shovels", customShovels); loadTool("Swords", customSwords); if (needsUpdate) { needsUpdate = false; backup(); } } private void loadTool(String toolType, List materialList) { if (needsUpdate) { return; } ConfigurationSection toolSection = config.getConfigurationSection(toolType); if (toolSection == null) { return; } Set toolConfigSet = toolSection.getKeys(false); for (String toolName : toolConfigSet) { if (config.contains(toolType + "." + toolName + "." + ".ID")) { needsUpdate = true; return; } Material toolMaterial = Material.matchMaterial(toolName); if (toolMaterial == null) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Invalid material name. This item will be skipped. - " + toolName); continue; } boolean repairable = config.getBoolean(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Repairable"); Material repairMaterial = Material.matchMaterial(config.getString(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Repair_Material", "")); if (repairMaterial == null) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Incomplete repair information. This item will be unrepairable. - " + toolName); repairable = false; } if (repairable) { byte repairData = (byte) config.getInt(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Repair_Material_Data_Value", -1); int repairQuantity = Repair.getRepairAndSalvageQuantities(new ItemStack(toolMaterial), repairMaterial, repairData); if (repairQuantity == 0) { repairQuantity = config.getInt(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Repair_Material_Data_Quantity", 2); } short durability = toolMaterial.getMaxDurability(); if (durability == 0) { durability = (short) config.getInt(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Durability", 60); } repairables.add(RepairableFactory.getRepairable(toolMaterial, repairMaterial, repairData, 0, repairQuantity, durability, RepairItemType.TOOL, RepairMaterialType.OTHER, 1.0)); } double multiplier = config.getDouble(toolType + "." + toolName + ".XP_Modifier", 1.0); boolean abilityEnabled = config.getBoolean(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Ability_Enabled", true); int tier = config.getInt(toolType + "." + toolName + ".Tier", 1); CustomTool tool = new CustomTool(tier, abilityEnabled, multiplier); materialList.add(toolMaterial); customToolMap.put(toolMaterial, tool); } } }