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synced 2025-03-12 21:09:44 +01:00
Deleting the old files
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@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftChat
//Use: Encapsulates all chat commands added by this mod
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftChat {
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
protected static final int lineLength = 312;
//The array of colors to use
protected static final String[] rainbow = new String[] {
protected static final String[] xmas = new String[] {
//Function: gmsg
//Input: Player sender: The player sending the message
// String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void gmsg(Player sender, String msg){
if(sender != null && sender.isMuted())
sender.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "You have been muted.");
for (Player receiver : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
if (receiver == null) return;
if(vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(receiver) == null) return;
//Check if the person has the sender ignored
if(sender != null)
String[] message = applyColors(wordWrap(msg));
for(String out : message)
//Function: gmsg
//Input: String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void gmsg(String msg){gmsg(null, msg);}
//Function: sendMessage
//Input: Player sender: The player sending the message
// Player receiver: The player receiving the message
// String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void sendMessage(Player sender, Player receiver, String msg){
if(sender != null && sender.isMuted())
sender.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "You have been muted.");
//Check if the receiver has the sender ignored
if(vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(receiver) == null)
if(sender != null)
sendMessage(sender, sender, Colors.Rose + receiver.getName()
+ " has you on their ignore list.");
String[] message = applyColors(wordWrap(msg));
for(String out : message)
//Tell them if they are
//Function: sendMessage
//Input: Player receiver: The player receiving the message
// String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void sendMessage(Player receiver, String msg)
sendMessage(null, receiver, msg);
//Function: wordWrap
//Input: String msg: The message to be wrapped
//Output: String[]: The array of substrings
//Use: Cuts the message apart into whole words short enough to fit
// on one line
public static String[] wordWrap(String msg){
//Split each word apart
ArrayList<String> split = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String in : msg.split(" "))
//Create an arraylist for the output
ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
//While i is less than the length of the array of words
int len = 0;
//Create an arraylist to hold individual words
ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
//Loop through the words finding their length and increasing
//j, the end point for the sub string
while(!split.isEmpty() && split.get(0) != null && len <= lineLength)
int wordLength = msgLength(split.get(0)) + 4;
//If a word is too long for a line
if(wordLength > lineLength)
String[] tempArray = wordCut(len, split.remove(0));
//If the word is not too long to fit
len += wordLength;
if( len < lineLength)
//Merge them and add them to the output array.
out.add( etc.combineSplit(0,
words.toArray(new String[words.size()]), " ") + " " );
//Convert to an array and return
return out.toArray(new String[out.size()]);
//Function: msgLength
//Input: String str: The string to find the length of
//Output: int: The length on the screen of a string
//Use: Finds the length on the screen of a string. Ignores colors.
public static int msgLength(String str){
int length = 0;
//Loop through all the characters, skipping any color characters
//and their following color codes
for(int x = 0; x<str.length(); x++)
if(str.charAt(x) == '^' || str.charAt(x) == Colors.White.charAt(0))
if(colorChange(str.charAt(x + 1)) != null)
int len = charLength(str.charAt(x));
length += len;
return length;
//Function: wordCut
//Input: String str: The string to find the length of
//Output: String[]: The cut up word
//Use: Cuts apart a word that is too long to fit on one line
private static String[] wordCut(int lengthBefore, String str){
int length = lengthBefore;
//Loop through all the characters, skipping any color characters
//and their following color codes
String[] output = new String[2];
int x = 0;
while(length < lineLength && x < str.length())
int len = charLength(str.charAt(x));
if( len > 0)
length += len;
if(x > str.length())
x = str.length();
//Add the substring to the output after cutting it
output[0] = str.substring(0, x);
//Add the last of the string to the output.
output[1] = str.substring(x);
return output;
//Function: charLength
//Input: char x: The character to find the length of.
//Output: int: The length of the character
//Use: Finds the visual length of the character on the screen.
private static int charLength(char x)
if("i.:,;|!".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 2;
else if("l'".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 3;
else if("tI[]".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 4;
else if("fk{}<>\"*()".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 5;
else if("abcdeghjmnopqrsuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890\\/#?$%-=_+&^".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 6;
else if("@~".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 7;
else if(x==' ')
return 4;
return -1;
//Function: rainbow
//Input: String msg: The string to colorify
//Output: String: The rainbowed result
//Use: Rainbowifies a string;
public static String rainbow(String msg){
String temp = "";
int counter=0;
//Loop through the message applying the colors
for(int x=0; x<msg.length(); x++)
temp += rainbow[counter]+msg.charAt(x);
if(msg.charAt(x)!=' ') counter++;
if(counter==rainbow.length) counter = 0;
return temp;
//Function: xmas
//Input: String msg: The string to colorify
//Output: String: The xmas colored result
//Use: Makes a string more festive
public static String xmas(String msg){
String temp = "";
int counter=0;
//Loop through the message applying the colors
for(int x=0; x<msg.length(); x++)
temp += xmas[counter]+msg.charAt(x);
if(msg.charAt(x)!=' ') counter++;
if(counter==xmas.length) counter = 0;
return temp;
//Function: getName
//Input: Player player: The player to get name as color
//Output: String: The name colored
//Use: Returns the colored name;
public static String getName(Player player){
//Add the nickname or the name if there is none
String output = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getNick();
output = player.getName();
//Add the color if there is one
if(player.getColor() != null && player.getColor() != "")
output = player.getColor().substring(0,2) + output;
//Add the tag if there is one
output = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getTag() + output;
//Add the suffix if there is one
output += vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getSuffix();
output = Colors.White + output;
/*if(playerPrefix != null && !playerPrefix.isEmpty())
output = applyColors(playerPrefix.substring(1)) + output;*/
//Return the name
return output;
//Function: colorChange
//Input: char colour: The color code to find the color for
//Output: String: The color that the code identified
//Use: Finds a color giving a color code
public static String colorChange(char colour)
String color = "";
case '0':
color = Colors.Black;
case '1':
color = Colors.Navy;
case '2':
color = Colors.Green;
case '3':
color = Colors.Blue;
case '4':
color = Colors.Red;
case '5':
color = Colors.Purple;
case '6':
color = Colors.Gold;
case '7':
color = Colors.LightGray;
case '8':
color = Colors.Gray;
case '9':
color = Colors.DarkPurple;
case 'a':
color = Colors.LightGreen;
case 'b':
color = Colors.LightBlue;
case 'c':
color = Colors.Rose;
case 'd':
color = Colors.LightPurple;
case 'e':
color = Colors.Yellow;
case 'f':
color = Colors.White;
case 'A':
color = Colors.LightGreen;
case 'B':
color = Colors.LightBlue;
case 'C':
color = Colors.Rose;
case 'D':
color = Colors.LightPurple;
case 'E':
color = Colors.Yellow;
case 'F':
color = Colors.White;
case 'R':
color = "^r";
case 'r':
color = "^r";
case 'x':
color = "^x";
case 'X':
color = "^x";
color = null;
return color;
//Function: adminChat
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Sends messages only to admins
public static boolean adminChat(Player player, String message){
//Check if the player can use this feature
if(player.isAdmin() || player.canUseCommand("/adminchat"))
//Special formatting for adminchat {Username}
String adminchat = Colors.DarkPurple + "{" + getName(player)
+ Colors.DarkPurple +"} ";
//Cut off the @ prefix
message = message.substring(1, message.length());
//Get the player from the playerlist to send the message to.
for (Player p: etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
//If p is not null
if (p != null) {
//And if p is an admin or has access to adminchat send message
if (p.isAdmin() || (p.canUseCommand("/adminchat"))) {
sendMessage(player, p, adminchat + message);
//So you can read adminchat from the server console
log.log(Level.INFO, "@" + "<" + player.getName() + "> " + message);
return true;
return false;
public static boolean partyChat(Player player, String message){
String partychat = Colors.Green + "(" + getName(player) + Colors.Green + ") ";
for (Player p: etc.getServer().getPlayerList()){
if (p != null){
if (vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(p).inParty() && (vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(p).getParty().equals(vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getParty()))){
sendMessage(player, p, partychat + Colors.Green + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: quote
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message as a quote
public static boolean quote(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<" + getName(player)
+ Colors.White + "> ";
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().greentext()) {
//Log the chat
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> " + message);
//Output the message
gmsg(player, playerName + Colors.LightGreen + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: rage
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message in red
public static boolean rage(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<"
+ getName(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().FFF()) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message);
//Output the message
gmsg(player, playerName + Colors.Red + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: quakeColors
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message in red
public static boolean quakeColors(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<"
+ getName(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().quakeColors()) {
String color = vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).getColor();
//Log the chat
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> " + message);
//Output the message
gmsg(player, playerName + color + message);
//Loop through the string finding the color codes and inserting them
return true;
return false;
//Function: emote
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: /me but with our custom colors applied
public static boolean emote(Player player, String message)
gmsg(player, "* " + getName(player) + " " + Colors.White + message);
return true;
//Function: applyColors
//Input: String[] message: The lines to be colored
//Output: String[]: The lines, but colorful
//Use: Colors each line
public static String[] applyColors(String[] message)
if(message != null && message[0] != null && !message[0].isEmpty()){
//The color to start the line with
String recentColor = Colors.White;
//Go through each line
int counter = 0;
int i = 0;
boolean taste = false;
boolean xmasparty = false;
for(String msg: message)
//Start the line with the most recent color
String temp = "";
if(!recentColor.equals("^r") && recentColor != null)
temp += recentColor;
//Loop through looking for a color code
for(int x = 0; x< msg.length(); x++)
//If the char is a ^ or <EFBFBD>
if(taste || msg.charAt(x) == '^'
|| msg.charAt(x) == Colors.Red.charAt(0))
if(x != msg.length() - 1)
//If the following character is a color code
if(vMinecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1)) != null)
//Set the most recent color to the new color
recentColor = vMinecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1));
//If the color specified is rainbow
if(taste || recentColor.equals("^r"))
//Skip the quake code for rainbow
x += 2;
//Taste keeps it going with rainbow if there
//are more lines
taste = true;
//Loop through the message applying the colors
while(x < msg.length() && msg.charAt(x) != '^'
&& msg.charAt(x) != Colors.Red.charAt(0))
temp += rainbow[i] + msg.charAt(x);
if(msg.charAt(x) != ' ') i++;
if(i == rainbow.length) i = 0;
//If it reached another color instead of the end
if(x < msg.length() && msg.charAt(x) == '^'
|| x < msg.length()
&& msg.charAt(x) == Colors.Red.charAt(0) )
taste = false;
i = 0;
if(xmasparty || recentColor.equals("^x"))
//Skip the quake code for xmas
x += 2;
//Taste keeps it going with xmas if there
//are more lines
xmasparty = true;
//Loop through the message applying the colors
while(x < msg.length() && msg.charAt(x) != '^'
&& msg.charAt(x) != Colors.Red.charAt(0))
temp += xmas[i] + msg.charAt(x);
if(msg.charAt(x) != ' ') i++;
if(i == xmas.length) i = 0;
//If it reached another color instead of the end
if(x < msg.length() && msg.charAt(x) == '^'
|| x < msg.length()
&& msg.charAt(x) == Colors.Red.charAt(0) )
xmasparty = false;
i = 0;
//Add the color
temp += recentColor;
//Skip these chars
//Otherwise ignore it.
} else {
temp += msg.charAt(x);
//Insert the character
} else {
temp += msg.charAt(x);
} else {
temp += msg.charAt(x);
//Replace the message with the colorful message
message[counter] = temp;
return message;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftListener
//Use: The listener to catch incoming chat and commands
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftListener extends PluginListener {
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
//Function: disable
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Disables vMinecraft, but why would you want to do that? ;)
public void disable() {
log.log(Level.INFO, "vMinecraft disabled");
public void onPlayerMove(Player player, Location from, Location to) {
//Function: onChat
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// String message: The message to color
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks for quote, rage, and colors
public boolean onChat(Player player, String message){
//Quote (Greentext)
if (message.startsWith("@") ||
return vMinecraftChat.adminChat(player, message);
else if (message.startsWith(">"))
return vMinecraftChat.quote(player, message);
//Rage (FFF)
else if (message.startsWith("FFF"))
return vMinecraftChat.rage(player, message);
//Send through quakeColors otherwise
return vMinecraftChat.quakeColors(player, message);
//Function: onCommand
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// String[] split: The arguments
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks for exploits and runs the commands
public boolean onCommand(Player player, String[] split) {
//Copy the arguments into their own array.
String[] args = new String[split.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(split, 1, args, 0, args.length);
//Return the results of the command
int exitCode = vMinecraftCommands.cl.call(split[0], player, args);
if(exitCode == 0)
return false;
else if(exitCode == 1)
return true;
return false;
//Function: onHealthChange
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// int oldValue: The old health value;
// int newValue: The new health value
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks for exploits and runs the commands
public boolean onHealthChange(Player player,int oldValue,int newValue){
//Sets a player as dead
if (player.getHealth() < 1){
if (player.getHealth() > 1 && vMinecraftUsers.getProfile(player).isDead()){
Warp home = null;
if (etc.getDataSource().getHome(player.getName()) != null){
home = etc.getDataSource().getHome(player.getName());
player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Return here with /myspawn");
player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "The penalty for returning is the loss of inventory");
player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Set your own spawn with /sethome");
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(Colors.Gray + player.getName() + " " + vMinecraftSettings.randomDeathMsg());
return false;
public void onLogin(Player player){
vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "There are currently " + etc.getServer().getPlayerList().size() + " players online.");
public void onDisconnect(Player player){
public boolean onIgnite(Block block, Player player) {
//There are 3 ways fire can spread
//1 = lava, 2 = lighter, 3 = spread (other fire blocks)
//Stop lava from spreading
if(block.getStatus() == 1 && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().lavaSpread()){
return true;
//Stop fire from spreading fire
if (block.getStatus() == 3 && vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().stopFire()){
return true;
//Checking to see if any of the blocks fire is trying to spread to is on the "fireblockan" list
if (block.getStatus() == 3){
int x,
x = block.getX();
y = block.getY();
z = block.getZ();
//Finding out the blockid of the current blocks fire is trying to spread to
int blockid = etc.getServer().getBlockIdAt(x, y, z);
//Check to see the blockid doesn't match anything on the list
for(x = 0; x >= vMinecraftSettings.fireblockan.size(); x++){
if (vMinecraftSettings.fireblockan.get(x) == blockid){
return true;
//Stop players without permission from being able to set fires
if(block.getStatus() == 2 && !player.canUseCommand("/flint")){
return true;
return false;
public boolean onDamage(PluginLoader.DamageType type, BaseEntity attacker, BaseEntity defender, int amount) {
//Invincibility for EzModo players
Player dplayer = defender.getPlayer();
return true;
if(attacker != null && attacker.isPlayer()){
Player aplayer = attacker.getPlayer();
if(vMinecraftParty.inSameParty(aplayer, dplayer)){
return true;
} else{
return false;
else {
return false;
return false;
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
public class vMinecraftParty {
//Check if two players are in the same party
public static boolean inSameParty(Player playera, Player playerb){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static double getDistance(Player player1, Player player2)
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(player1.getX() - player2.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(player1.getY() - player2.getY(), 2)
+ Math.pow(player1.getZ() - player2.getZ(), 2));
public static void sendInvisible(Player player){
for (Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList())
if (vMinecraftParty.getDistance(player, p) <= vMinecraftSettings.range && p.getUser() != player.getUser())
p.getUser().a.b(new dv(player.getUser().g));
public static void sendNotInvisible(Player player){
for (Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList())
if (vMinecraftParty.getDistance(player, p) < vMinecraftSettings.range && p.getUser() != player.getUser())
p.getUser().a.b(new d(player.getUser()));
@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vminecraftSettings
//Use: Controls the settings for vminecraft
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftSettings {
//private final static Object syncLock = new Object();
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private static volatile vMinecraftSettings instance;
static int range;
//The feature settings
static boolean toggle = true,
adminChat = false,
greentext = false,
FFF = false,
quakeColors = false,
prefix = false,
suffix = false,
ignore = false,
colors = false,
nick = false,
playerspawn = false,
freeze = false,
lavaspread = false,
colorsrequirepermission = false,
cmdFabulous = false,
cmdPromote = false,
cmdDemote = false,
cmdWhoIs = false,
cmdRules = false,
cmdMasstp = false,
cmdTp = false,
cmdTphere = false,
globalmessages = false,
cmdSay = false,
cmdWho = false,
stopFire = false,
cmdHeal = false,
cmdSuicide = false,
cmdAdminToggle = false,
cmdEzModo = false;
//An array of players currently in ezmodo
static ArrayList<String> ezModo = new ArrayList<String>();
//An array of players currently frozen
static ArrayList<String> frozenplayers = new ArrayList<String>();
//An array of players currently toggled for admin chat
static ArrayList<String> adminChatList = new ArrayList<String>();
//An array of blocks that won't catch on fire
static public ArrayList<Integer> fireblockan;
private PropertiesFile properties;
String file = "vminecraft.properties";
public String rules[] = new String[0];
public static String deathMessages[] = new String[0];
public static String ranks[] = new String[0];
//Function: loadSettings
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Loads the settings from the properties
public void loadSettings()
File theDir = new File("vminecraft.properties");
String location = "vminecraft.properties";
properties = new PropertiesFile("vminecraft.properties");
FileWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new FileWriter(location);
writer.write("#This plugin is modular\r\n");
writer.write("#Turn any features you don't want to false and they won't be running\r\n");
writer.write("#If you edit this file and save it, then use /reload it will reload the settings\r\n");
writer.write("#Chat Options\r\n");
writer.write("#Allows the use of color codes following ^ symbol\r\n");
writer.write("#Require per player permission for quakecolors\r\n");
writer.write("#use /coloruse to give players permission if this is enabled\r\n");
writer.write("#Text following a > will be colored green to mimic quoting of popular internet message boards\r\n");
writer.write("#Turns any chat message starting with FFF automagically blood red\r\n");
writer.write("#Admin Settings\r\n");
writer.write("#Enables or disables players spawning to their home location\r\n");
writer.write("#Enables or disables the admin only chat\r\n");
writer.write("#Lets non admins use admin chat if they have the /adminchat command permission\r\n");
writer.write("#Enables overriding of regular /tp and /tphere to make it so you can only teleport to players with lower permissions, and only bring players of lower permissions to you\r\n");
writer.write("#Mass Tp uses the same concept, anyone with this command only brings those with lower permissions to themselves\r\n");
writer.write("#Server Settings\r\n");
writer.write("#Enables or Disables the following commands, give groups/users permissions to use these commands for them to work\r\n");
writer.write("#Global Messages\r\n");
writer.write("#Enable or Disable sending announcements about sensitive commands to the entire server\r\n");
writer.write("#Adding player names to this list will have them start off in ezmodo\r\n");
writer.write("#Stop fire from spreading\r\n");
writer.write("#Stop lava from spreading fire");
writer.write("#Blocks disabled from fire");
writer.write("#Organize your player ranks from lowest to highest.\r\n");
writer.write("#Write the rules to be shown when /rules is used here, it works just like the MOTD does\r\n");
writer.write("rules=Rules@#1: No griefing@#2: No griefing\r\n");
writer.write("#The Random Death messages, seperate them by comma. All death messages start with the player name and a space.\r\n");
writer.write("deathMessages=is no more,died horribly,went peacefully\r\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e);
} else {
properties = new PropertiesFile("vminecraft.properties");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while loading vminecraft.properties", e);
try {
adminChat = properties.getBoolean("adminchat",true);
playerspawn = properties.getBoolean("playerspawn",true);
greentext = properties.getBoolean("QuotesAreGreen",true);
FFF = properties.getBoolean("FFF",true);
quakeColors = properties.getBoolean("ColoredChat",true);
colorsrequirepermission = properties.getBoolean("colorsrequirepermission",true);
prefix = properties.getBoolean("prefix",true);
suffix = properties.getBoolean("suffix",true);
ignore = properties.getBoolean("ignore",true);
colors = properties.getBoolean("colors",true);
nick = properties.getBoolean("nick",true);
freeze = properties.getBoolean("/freeze",true);
cmdFabulous = properties.getBoolean("/fabulous",true);
cmdPromote = properties.getBoolean("/promote",true);
cmdDemote = properties.getBoolean("/demote",true);
cmdWhoIs = properties.getBoolean("/whois",true);
cmdWho = properties.getBoolean("/who",true);
cmdRules = properties.getBoolean("/rules",true);
cmdTp = properties.getBoolean("/tp",true);
cmdMasstp = properties.getBoolean("/masstp",true);
cmdTphere = properties.getBoolean("/tphere",true);
cmdSuicide = properties.getBoolean("/suicide", true);
cmdHeal = properties.getBoolean("/heal",true);
cmdAdminToggle = properties.getBoolean("/adminchat", true);
globalmessages = properties.getBoolean("globalmessages",true);
cmdSay = properties.getBoolean("/say",true);
cmdEzModo = properties.getBoolean("/ezmodo",true);
stopFire = properties.getBoolean("stopFire",true);
lavaspread = properties.getBoolean("lavaspread",true);
rules = properties.getString("rules", "").split("@");
deathMessages = properties.getString("deathmessages", "").split(",");
String[] tempEz = properties.getString("ezModo").split(",");
String[] fireblocks = properties.getString("fireblocks").split(",");
fireblockan = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(String str : fireblocks)
ezModo = new ArrayList<String>();
ranks = properties.getString("ranks").split(",");
range = properties.getInt("hiddendistance",1024);
log.log(Level.INFO, "vminecraft plugin successfully loaded");
catch (Exception e)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "vminecraft Error: ERROR LOADING PROPERTIES FILE {0}", e);
//Function: adminchat, greentext, FFF, quakeColors, cmdFabulous,
// cmdPromote, cmdDemote, cmdWhoIs, cmdTp, cmdTphere, cmdSay
// cmdRules, globalmessages, cmdMasstp, cmdEzModo
//Input: None
//Output: Boolan: If the feature is enabled
//Use: Returns if the feature is enabled
public boolean adminchat() {return adminChat;}
public boolean adminChatToggle() {return cmdAdminToggle;}
public boolean greentext() {return greentext;}
public boolean FFF() {return FFF;}
public boolean quakeColors() {return quakeColors;}
public boolean prefix() {return prefix;}
public boolean suffix() {return suffix;}
public boolean ignore() {return ignore;}
public boolean colors() {return colors;}
public boolean nick() {return nick;}
public boolean playerspawn() {return playerspawn;}
public boolean colorsreq() {return colorsrequirepermission;}
public boolean freeze() {return freeze;}
public boolean cmdFabulous() {return cmdFabulous;}
public boolean cmdPromote() {return cmdPromote;}
public boolean cmdDemote() {return cmdDemote;}
public boolean cmdWhoIs() {return cmdWhoIs;}
public boolean cmdTp() {return cmdTp;}
public boolean cmdTphere() {return cmdTphere;}
public boolean cmdSay() {return cmdSay;}
public boolean cmdRules() {return cmdRules;}
public boolean globalmessages() {return globalmessages;}
public boolean cmdMasstp() {return cmdMasstp;}
public boolean cmdWho() {return cmdWho;}
public boolean stopFire() {return stopFire;}
public boolean lavaSpread() {return lavaspread;}
public boolean cmdSuicide() {return cmdSuicide;}
public boolean cmdHeal() {return cmdHeal;}
public ArrayList<Integer> getFireBlockIds() {return fireblockan;}
public String[] getRanks() {return ranks;}
//EzModo methods
public boolean cmdEzModo() {return cmdEzModo;}
public boolean isEzModo(String playerName) {return ezModo.contains(playerName);}
public boolean isFrozen(String playerName) {return frozenplayers.contains(playerName);}
public boolean isAdminToggled(String playerName) {return adminChatList.contains(playerName);}
public void removeEzModo(String playerName) {ezModo.remove(ezModo.indexOf(playerName));}
public void removeAdminToggled(String playerName) {adminChatList.remove(adminChatList.indexOf(playerName));}
public void addEzModo(String playerName) {ezModo.add(playerName);}
public void addAdminToggled(String playerName) {adminChatList.add(playerName);}
public void addFrozen(String playerName) {frozenplayers.add(playerName);}
public void removeFrozen (String playerName) {frozenplayers.remove(frozenplayers.indexOf(playerName));}
public String ezModoList() {return ezModo.toString();}
//Random death message method
public static String randomDeathMsg() {
if (deathMessages == null) {
return "died";
return deathMessages[ (int) (Math.random() * deathMessages.length)];
//Function: getInstance
//Input: None
//Output: vminecraftSettings: The instance of the settings
//Use: Returns the instance of the settings
public static vMinecraftSettings getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new vMinecraftSettings();
return instance;
//Function: getRules
//Input: None
//Output: String[]: The list of rules
//Use: Gets the array containing the rules
public String[] getRules() {
return rules;
@ -1,633 +0,0 @@
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class vMinecraftUsers {
private static volatile vMinecraftUsers instance;
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private PropertiesFile properties;
String location = "vminecraft.users";
public static PlayerList players = new PlayerList();
public void loadUsers(){
File theDir = new File(location);
properties = new PropertiesFile(location);
FileWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new FileWriter(location);
writer.write("#Storage place for user information\r\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e);
} else {
properties = new PropertiesFile(location);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while loading " + location, e);
//Function: addUser
//Input: Player player: The player to create a profile for
//Output: none
//Use: Loads the profile for the specified player
public static void addUser(Player player){
//Function: removeUser
//Input: Player player: The player to stop following
//Output: none
//Use: Creates the player profile
public static void removeUser(Player player){
//Function: getProfile
//Input: Player player: The player to find the profile for
//Output: PlayerList.PlayerProfile: The profile
//Use: Gets the player profile
public static PlayerList.PlayerProfile getProfile(Player player){
return players.findProfile(player);
public static vMinecraftUsers getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new vMinecraftUsers();
return instance;
public static void getRow(){
//Class: PlayerList
//Use: Encapsulates the player list
//Author: cerevisiae
class PlayerList
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
ArrayList<PlayerProfile> players;
//Function: PlayerList
//Input: Player player: The player to create a profile object for
//Output: none
//Use: Initializes the ArrayList
public PlayerList() { players = new ArrayList<PlayerProfile>(); }
//Function: addPlayer
//Input: Player player: The player to add
//Output: None
//Use: Add a profile of the specified player
public void addPlayer(Player player)
players.add(new PlayerProfile(player));
//Function: removePlayer
//Input: Player player: The player to remove
//Output: None
//Use: Remove the profile of the specified player
public void removePlayer(Player player)
//Function: findProfile
//Input: Player player: The player to find's profile
//Output: PlayerProfile: The profile of the specified player
//Use: Get the profile for the specified player
public PlayerProfile findProfile(Player player)
for(PlayerProfile ply : players)
return ply;
return null;
//Class: PlayerProfile
//Use: Encapsulates all commands for player options
//Author: cerevisiae
class PlayerProfile
protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private String playerName,
private boolean dead,
char defaultColor;
String location = "vminecraft.users";
private ArrayList<String> ignoreList;
private commandList aliasList;
static final int EXIT_FAIL = 0,
//Function: PlayerProfile
//Input: Player player: The player to create a profile object for
//Output: none
//Use: Loads settings for the player or creates them if they don't
// exist.
public PlayerProfile(Player player)
//Declare things
playerName = player.getName();
tag = new String();
nickName = new String();
suffix = new String();
tpxyz = new String();
party = new String();
party = null;
defaultColor = 'f';
ignoreList = new ArrayList<String>();
aliasList = new commandList();
dead = false;
//Try to load the player and if they aren't found, append them
public boolean load()
try {
//Open the user file
FileReader file = new FileReader(location);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file);
String line = "";
while((line = in.readLine()) != null)
//Find if the line contains the player we want.
String[] character = line.split(":");
//Get the tag
if(character.length > 1)
tag = character[1];
//Get the nickname
if(character.length > 2)
nickName = character[2];
//Get the suffix
if(character.length > 3)
suffix = character[3];
//Get the color
if(character.length > 4)
defaultColor = character[4].charAt(0);
//Ignore previously ignored players
if(character.length > 5)
String[] ignores = character[5].split(",");
if(ignores.length > 0)
for(String ignore : ignores)
//Register the aliases
if(character.length > 6)
String[] allAliases = character[6].split(",");
if(allAliases.length > 0)
for(String singleAlias : allAliases)
String[] parts = singleAlias.split("@");
if(parts.length > 1)
aliasList.registerAlias(parts[0], parts[1]);
//XYZ TP Back value
//Not sure if declaring a double this way will work or not
if(character.length > 7)
tpxyz = character[7];
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading "
+ location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e);
return false;
// Function: save
// Input: none
// Output: None
// Use: Writes current values of PlayerProfile to disk
// Call this function to save current values
public void save()
try {
//Open the file
FileReader file = new FileReader(location);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file);
StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder();
String line = "";
//While not at the end of the file
while((line = in.readLine()) != null)
//Read the line in and copy it to the output it's not the player
//we want to edit
//Otherwise write the new player information
} else {
writer.append(playerName + ":");
writer.append(tag + ":");
writer.append(nickName + ":");
writer.append(suffix + ":");
writer.append(defaultColor + ":");
int i = 0;
for(String ignore : ignoreList)
if(i < ignoreList.size() - 1)
//Write the new file
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(location);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing to " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e);
public void addPlayer()
try {
//Open the file to write the player
FileWriter file = new FileWriter(location, true);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(file);
//Add the player to the end
out.append(playerName + ":");
out.append(tag + ":");
out.append(nickName + ":");
out.append(suffix + ":");
out.append(defaultColor + ":");
int i = 0;
for(String ignore : ignoreList)
if(i < ignoreList.size() - 1)
out.append(tpxyz + ":");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing to " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e);
//Function: isPlayer
//Input: None
//Output: Player: The player this profile belongs to
//Use: Finds if this profile belongs to a specified player
public boolean isPlayer(Player player)
return player.getName().equals(playerName);
//Function: isIgnored
//Input: Player player: Checks if a player is ignored
//Output: boolean: If they're ignored
//Use: Finds if the specified player is in the ignore list
public boolean isIgnored(Player player){
return ignoreList.contains(player.getName());
//Function: addIgnore
//Input: Player name: The player to ignore
//Output: boolean: If the player was successfully ignored
//Use: Ignores a player.
public boolean addIgnore(Player name)
return true;
return false;
//Function: removeIgnore
//Input: Player name: The player to unignore
//Output: boolean: If the player was successfully unignored
//Use: Stops ignoring a player.
public boolean removeIgnore(Player name)
return true;
return false;
//Function: removeIgnore
//Input: Player name: The player to unignore
//Output: boolean: If the player was successfully unignored
//Use: Stops ignoring a player.
public String[] listIgnore()
return ignoreList.toArray(new String[ignoreList.size()]);
//Function: addAlias
//Input: String command: The command to try to call
// String[] args: The arguments for the command
//Output: None
//Use: Adds a command
public void addAlias(String name, String callCommand)
aliasList.registerAlias(name, callCommand);
//Function: callAlias
//Input: String command: The command to try to call
// Player player: Checks if a player is ignored
// String[] args: The arguments for the command
//Output: int: Exit code
//Use: Attempts to call a command
public int callAlias(String command, Player player, String[] args)
//Attemt to call the function
return aliasList.call(command, player, args);
catch (Throwable e)
//The function wasn't found, returns fail
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: setTag
//Input: String newTag: The tag to set for the player
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player tag
public void setTag(String newTag)
tag = newTag;
//Function: setTpback
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player's tpback xyz coordinates
public void setTpback(String newtpback)
tpxyz = newtpback;
//Function: getTpxyz
//Input: None
//Output: Double: The player's tpback x coords
//Use: Gets the x value of tpback
public String getTpxyz()
return tpxyz;
//Function: getTag
//Input: None
//Output: String: The player tag
//Use: Gets a player tag
public String getTag() { return tag; }
//Function: setNick
//Input: String newTag: The nickname to set for the player
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player nickname
public void setNick(String newNick)
nickName = newNick;
public void setSilent(){
silent = true;
public void disableSilent(){
silent = false;
public boolean isSilent(){
return silent;
//Store the player's party
public void setParty(String newParty)
party = newParty;
//Retrieve the player's party
public String getParty() {return party;}
//Remove party
public void removeParty() {
party = null;
//Retrieve whether or not the player is in a party
public boolean inParty() {
if(party != null){
return true;
} else {
return false;
//Function: getNick
//Input: None
//Output: String: The player nickname
//Use: Gets a player nickname
public String getNick() { return nickName; }
//Function: setSuffix
//Input: String newTag: The suffix to set for the player
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player suffix
public void setSuffix(String newSuffix)
suffix = newSuffix;
//Function: getSuffix
//Input: None
//Output: String: The player suffix
//Use: Gets a player suffix
public String getSuffix() { return suffix; }
//Function: setColor
//Input: String newTag: The color to set for the player
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player color
public void setColor(String newColor)
defaultColor = newColor.charAt(0);
//Function: getColor
//Input: None
//Output: String: The player color
//Use: Gets a player color
public String getColor() {return vMinecraftChat.colorChange(defaultColor);}
//Function: setMessage
//Input: String newName: The name of the player they last messaged
// or recieved a message from.
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player tag
public void setMessage(Player newName){ lastMessage = newName.getName(); }
//Function: getMessage
//Input: None
//Output: String: The player name
//Use: Gets the name of the player they last messaged or recieved
// a message from.
public Player getMessage()
if(lastMessage != null)
return etc.getServer().matchPlayer(lastMessage);
return null;
//Function: isDead
//Input: None
//Output: boolean: If the player is dead or not
//Use: Gets the player is dead or not.
public boolean isDead() {return dead;}
//Function: isDead
//Input: boolean isded: if the player is dead or not.
//Output: None
//Use: Sets if the player is dead or not
public void isDead(boolean isded){dead = isded;}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user