Even more locale.

This commit is contained in:
GJ 2012-04-20 00:03:03 -04:00
parent ea350c30c8
commit 46d7212d1b
2 changed files with 83 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -13,42 +13,40 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.gmail.nossr50.Users;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcPermissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.commands.CommandHelper;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.LoadProperties;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.mcLocale;
public class McremoveCommand implements CommandExecutor {
String location = "plugins/mcMMO/FlatFileStuff/mcmmo.users";
private final String LOCATION = "plugins/mcMMO/FlatFileStuff/mcmmo.users";
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
Player player = null;
String playerName;
String usage = ChatColor.RED + "Correct usage is /mcremove <playername>"; //TODO: Needs more locale.
String success;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
if (player != null && !mcPermissions.getInstance().mcremove(player)) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "[mcMMO] " + ChatColor.DARK_RED + mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.NoPermission"));
if (CommandHelper.noCommandPermissions(sender, "mcmmo.tools.mcremove")) {
return true;
if(args.length == 0)
sender.sendMessage("Correct usage is /mcremove [Player Name]"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
switch (args.length) {
case 1:
playerName = args[0];
success = ChatColor.GREEN + playerName + "was successfully removed from the database!"; //TODO: Locale
return true;
String playerName = args[0]; //Player that we are going to remove
//If the server is using MySQL
/* MySQL */
if (LoadProperties.useMySQL) {
int userId = 0;
userId = mcMMO.database.getInt("SELECT id FROM " + LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users WHERE user = '" + playerName + "'");
if (userId > 0) {
//Remove user from tables
mcMMO.database.write("DELETE FROM "
+ LoadProperties.MySQLdbName + "."
+ LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "users WHERE "
@ -74,43 +72,49 @@ public class McremoveCommand implements CommandExecutor {
+ LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "experience WHERE "
+ LoadProperties.MySQLtablePrefix + "experience.user_id=" + userId);
sender.sendMessage("User "+playerName+" removed from MySQL DB!"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
} else {
sender.sendMessage("Unable to find player named "+playerName+" in the database!");
} else {
else {
else {
if (removeFlatFileUser(playerName)) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+"[mcMMO] It worked! User was removed.");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"[mcMMO] Couldn't find the user, remember its case sensitive!");
else {
//Force PlayerProfile stuff to update
if(Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(playerName) != null && Users.players.containsKey(playerName.toLowerCase()))
Player player = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(playerName);
sender.sendMessage("[mcMMO] mcremove operation completed."); //TODO: Needs more locale.
if (player != null && Users.players.containsKey(playerName.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
private boolean removeFlatFileUser(String playerName) {
boolean worked = false;
try {
FileReader file = new FileReader(location);
FileReader file = new FileReader(LOCATION);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file);
StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder();
String line = "";
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
/* Write out the same file but when we get to the player we want to remove we skip his line */
/* Write out the same file but when we get to the player we want to remove, we skip his line. */
if (!line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) {
} else {
else {
System.out.println("User found, removing...");
worked = true;
continue; //Skip the player
@ -118,12 +122,14 @@ public class McremoveCommand implements CommandExecutor {
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(location); //Write out the new file
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(LOCATION); //Write out the new file
return worked;
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString());
catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Exception while reading " + LOCATION + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)" + e.toString());
return worked;