2011-09-04 04:21:59 -05:00
# Dutch translation by Pluis65 v1.1
# To use: Set locale to nl
# Verander deze file alleen met Notepad++
# Geef fouten door aan pluis65@hotmail.com
# Last official edit: 8-7-2011
Combat.WolfExamine = [[GREEN]]**Je bekijkt de wolf met Wolfinspectie**
Combat.WolfShowMaster = [[DARK_GREEN]]Eigenaar van de wolf \: {0}
Combat.Ignition = [[RED]]**IGNITION**
Combat.BurningArrowHit = [[DARK_RED]]Je bent geraakt door een brandende pijl\!
Combat.TouchedFuzzy = [[DARK_RED]]Je raakte Fuzzy aan. Je voelt je duizelig.
Combat.TargetDazed = Doelwit was [[DARK_RED]]versuft
Combat.WolfNoMaster = [[GRAY]]Deze wolf heeft geen eigenaar...
Combat.WolfHealth = [[GREEN]]Deze wolf heeft {0} levens
Combat.StruckByGore = [[RED]]**VAST DOOR GESTOLD BLOED**
Combat.Gore = [[GREEN]]**GESTOLD BLOED**
Combat.ArrowDeflect = [[WHITE]]**PIJL AFWIJKING**
Item.ChimaeraWingFail = **CHIMAERA WING MISLUKT\!**
Item.ChimaeraWingPass = **CHIMAERA WING**
Item.InjuredWait = Je bent gewond en moet wachten. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Item.NeedFeathers = [[GRAY]]Je hebt meer veren nodig..
m.mccPartyCommands = [[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDOS--
m.mccParty = [party name] [[RED]]- Maak/Join getypte party
m.mccPartyQ = [[RED]]- Verlaat je huidige party
m.mccPartyToggle = [[RED]] - Doe party chat aan/uit
m.mccPartyInvite = [player name] [[RED]]- Stuur een uitnodiging voor je party
m.mccPartyAccept = [[RED]]- Accepteer party uitnodiging
m.mccPartyTeleport = [party member name] [[RED]]- Teleporteer naar je party medelid
m.mccOtherCommands = [[GREEN]]--ANDERE COMMANDOS--
m.mccStats = - Laat je levels zien
m.mccLeaderboards = - Topscores
m.mccMySpawn = - Teleporteer naar MySpawn
m.mccClearMySpawn = - Verwijder je MySpawn
m.mccToggleAbility = - Doe ability activatie aan/uit
m.mccAdminToggle = - Doe admin chat aan/uit
m.mccWhois = [playername] [[RED]]- Laat informatie zien over speler
m.mccMmoedit = [playername] [skill] [newvalue] [[RED]]- Verander levels
m.mccMcGod = - God Modus
m.mccSkillInfo = [skillname] [[RED]]- Laat informatie zien over een skill
m.mccModDescription = [[RED]]- Lees MOD beschrijving
m.SkillHeader = [[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]][]-----
m.XPGain = [[DARK_GRAY]]XP: [[WHITE]]{0}
m.EffectsTemplate = [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
m.AbilityLockTemplate = [[GRAY]]{0}
m.AbilityBonusTemplate = [[RED]]{0}: [[YELLOW]]{1}
m.Effects = EFFECTEN
m.YourStats = JOUW STATUS
m.SkillTaming = TEMMEN
m.XPGainTaming = Wolven krijgen schade
m.EffectsTaming1_0 = Wolfinspectie
m.EffectsTaming1_1 = Bone-meal inspecteert wolven
m.EffectsTaming2_0 = Gestold bloed
m.EffectsTaming2_1 = Critical Strike zorgt voor bloedingen
m.EffectsTaming3_0 = Scherpere klauwen
m.EffectsTaming3_1 = Geeft meer schade
m.EffectsTaming4_0 = Mileukennis
m.EffectsTaming4_1 = Geen cactus/lava schade, geen falldamage
m.EffectsTaming5_0 = Dikke huis
m.EffectsTaming5_1 = Minder schade, kan tegen vuur
m.EffectsTaming6_0 = Explosieschild
m.EffectsTaming6_1 = Minder explosie schade
m.AbilBonusTaming1_0 = Milieukennis
m.AbilBonusTaming1_1 = Wolven ontwijken gevaar (cactus, lava)
m.AbilBonusTaming2_0 = Dikkere huid
m.AbilBonusTaming2_1 = Halve schade, kan tegen vuur
m.AbilBonusTaming3_0 = Explosieschild
m.AbilBonusTaming3_1 = Explosies geven 1/6 van de normale schade
m.AbilBonusTaming4_0 = Scherpere klauwen
m.AbilBonusTaming4_1 = +2 Schade
m.TamingGoreChance = [[RED]]Kans op gestold bloed: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.SkillWoodCutting = HOUTHAKKEN
m.XPGainWoodCutting = Bomen omhakken
m.EffectsWoodCutting1_0 = Tree Feller (ABILITY)
m.EffectsWoodCutting1_1 = Laat bomen deels exploderen
m.EffectsWoodCutting2_0 = Leaf Blower
m.EffectsWoodCutting2_1 = Laat leaves verdwijnen
m.EffectsWoodCutting3_0 = Dubbele Drop
m.EffectsWoodCutting3_1 = Geeft een dubbele drop
m.AbilLockWoodCutting1 = GEBLOKEERD TOT 100+ SKILL (LEAF BLOWER)
m.AbilBonusWoodCutting1_0 = Leaf Blower
m.AbilBonusWoodCutting1_1 = Laat leaves verdwijnen
m.WoodCuttingDoubleDropChance = [[RED]]Dubbele Drop kans: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.WoodCuttingTreeFellerLength = [[RED]]Tree Feller lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
m.SkillArchery = BOOGSCHIETEN
m.XPGainArchery = Schiet op vijanden
m.EffectsArchery1_0 = Brandende pijl
m.EffectsArchery1_1 = 25% kans dat een vijand verbrand
m.EffectsArchery2_0 = Verdoof (Players)
m.EffectsArchery2_1 = Gedesorienteerde vijanden
m.EffectsArchery3_0 = Schade+
m.EffectsArchery3_1 = Verhoogt schade
m.EffectsArchery4_0 = Pijlen terugkrijgen
m.EffectsArchery4_1 = Kans dat dode vijanden pijlen droppen
m.ArcheryDazeChance = [[RED]]Kans op verdoving: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.ArcheryRetrieveChance = [[RED]]Kans om pijlen terug te krijgen: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.ArcheryIgnitionLength = [[RED]]Lengte van Brandende pijl: [[YELLOW]]{0} seconds
m.ArcheryDamagePlus = [[RED]]Schade+ (Rank{0}): [[YELLOW]]Bonus {0} schade
m.SkillAxes = BIJLEN
m.XPGainAxes = Val monsters aan met een bijl
m.EffectsAxes1_0 = Schedelsplijter (ABILITY)
m.EffectsAxes1_1 = Geef schade rond om je heen
m.EffectsAxes2_0 = Critical Strikes
m.EffectsAxes2_1 = Dubbele schade
m.EffectsAxes3_0 = Bijl Master (500 SKILL)
m.EffectsAxes3_1 = Verhoogt schade
m.AbilBonusAxes1_0 = Bijl Master
m.AbilBonusAxes1_1 = 4 schade extra
m.AxesCritChance = [[RED]]Kans op Critical Strikes: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.AxesSkullLength = [[RED]]Schedelsplijter lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
m.SkillSwords = ZWAARDEN
m.XPGainSwords = Val monsters aan met een zwaard
m.EffectsSwords1_0 = Terugkaats Aanval
m.EffectsSwords1_1 = Kaats 50% van de schade terug
m.EffectsSwords2_0 = Serrated Strikes (ABILITY)
m.EffectsSwords2_1 = 25% meer schade, kans op Bloeding+ om je heen
m.EffectsSwords3_0 = Serrated Strikes Bloeding+
m.EffectsSwords3_1 = Kans op extra bloeding bij vijanden
m.EffectsSwords4_0 = Pareren
m.EffectsSwords4_1 = Blokkeer vijandelijke aanval
m.EffectsSwords5_0 = 5 Tikken van Bloeding
m.EffectsSwords5_1 = Laat anderen bloeden
m.SwordsCounterAttChance = [[RED]]Kans op Terugkeer Aanval: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.SwordsBleedLength = [[RED]]Bloeding lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0} ticks
m.SwordsBleedChance = [[RED]]Kans op Bloeding: [[YELLOW]]{0} %
m.SwordsParryChance = [[RED]]Kans op Pareren: [[YELLOW]]{0} %
m.SwordsSSLength = [[RED]]Serrated Strikes lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
m.SwordsTickNote = [[GRAY]]NOTE: [[YELLOW]]1 tik per 2 seconden
m.SkillAcrobatics = ACROBATIEK
m.XPGainAcrobatics = Vallen
m.EffectsAcrobatics1_0 = Rollen
m.EffectsAcrobatics1_1 = Verminderd of voorkomt schade
m.EffectsAcrobatics2_0 = Perfecte Rol
m.EffectsAcrobatics2_1 = Twee keer zo effectief als Rollen
m.EffectsAcrobatics3_0 = Ontwijken
m.EffectsAcrobatics3_1 = 50% minder schade
m.AcrobaticsRollChance = [[RED]]Kans om te rollen: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.AcrobaticsGracefulRollChance = [[RED]]Kans op Perfecte Rol: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.AcrobaticsDodgeChance = [[RED]]Kans om te ontwijken: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.SkillMining = MIJNBOUW
m.XPGainMining = Hak steen & erts met een pickaxe
m.EffectsMining1_0 = Super Breeker (ABILITY)
m.EffectsMining1_1 = Hogere snelheid, Kans op 3x drop
m.EffectsMining2_0 = Dubbele Drops
m.EffectsMining2_1 = Dubbele van normale drop
m.MiningDoubleDropChance = [[RED]]Kans op Dubbele Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.MiningSuperBreakerLength = [[RED]]Super Breeker lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
m.SkillRepair = REPAREREN
m.XPGainRepair = Repareer tools en armor
m.EffectsRepair1_0 = Repareer
m.EffectsRepair1_1 = Repareer Iron Tools & Armor
m.EffectsRepair2_0 = Repareer Master
m.EffectsRepair2_1 = Vergroot de reparatiehoeveelheid
m.EffectsRepair3_0 = Super Repareren
m.EffectsRepair3_1 = Dubbel effectief
m.EffectsRepair4_0 = Diamond Repareren ({0}+ SKILL)
m.EffectsRepair4_1 = Repareer Diamond Tools & Armor
m.RepairRepairMastery = [[RED]]Repareer Master: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0}% durability restored
m.RepairSuperRepairChance = [[RED]]Kans op Super Repareren: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.SkillUnarmed = ONBEWAPEND
m.XPGainUnarmed = Val monsters aan met hand
m.EffectsUnarmed1_0 = Onbewapende gek (ABILITY)
m.EffectsUnarmed1_1 = +50% schade, hak zachte materialen weg
m.EffectsUnarmed2_0 = Ontwapen (Players)
m.EffectsUnarmed2_1 = Dropt het wapen van de vijand
m.EffectsUnarmed3_0 = Onbewapende held
m.EffectsUnarmed3_1 = Nog meer schade
m.EffectsUnarmed4_0 = Onbewapende leerling
m.EffectsUnarmed4_1 = Meer schade
m.EffectsUnarmed5_0 = Pijlafwijking
m.EffectsUnarmed5_1 = Laat pijlen afwijken
m.AbilLockUnarmed1 = GEBLOKEERD TOT 250+ SKILL (Onbewapende leerling)
m.AbilLockUnarmed2 = GEBLOKEERD TOT 500+ SKILL (Onbewapende held)
m.AbilBonusUnarmed1_0 = Onbewapende leerling
m.AbilBonusUnarmed1_1 = +2 meer schade
m.AbilBonusUnarmed2_0 = Onbewapende held
m.AbilBonusUnarmed2_1 = +4 meer schade
m.UnarmedArrowDeflectChance = [[RED]]Kans op Pijlafwijking: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.UnarmedDisarmChance = [[RED]]Kans op Ontwapening: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.UnarmedBerserkLength = [[RED]]Lengte van Onbewapende gek: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
m.SkillHerbalism = LANDBOUW
m.XPGainHerbalism = Verzamel kruiden en planten
m.EffectsHerbalism1_0 = Groene Aarde (ABILITY)
m.EffectsHerbalism1_1 = 3x meer XP en kans op 3x drop
m.EffectsHerbalism2_0 = Groene vingers (Wheat)
m.EffectsHerbalism2_1 = Plant wheat bij het oogsten
m.EffectsHerbalism3_0 = Groene vingers (Cobble)
m.EffectsHerbalism3_1 = Maakt van cobblestone moss-stone met seeds
m.EffectsHerbalism4_0 = Voedsel+
m.EffectsHerbalism4_1 = Verhoogt de heling van brood en stews
m.EffectsHerbalism5_0 = Dubbele Drop (Alle planten)
m.EffectsHerbalism5_1 = Dubbele drop van planten
m.HerbalismGreenTerraLength = [[RED]]Groene Aarde lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
m.HerbalismGreenThumbChance = [[RED]]Kans op Groene vingers: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.HerbalismGreenThumbStage = [[RED]]Groene vingers periode: [[YELLOW]] Wheat groeit in periode {0}
m.HerbalismDoubleDropChance = [[RED]]Kans op Dubbele Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.HerbalismFoodPlus = [[RED]]Voedsel+ (Rank{0}): [[YELLOW]]Bonus {0} heling
m.SkillExcavation = UITGRAVING
m.XPGainExcavation = Graven
m.EffectsExcavation1_0 = Giga Drilboor (ABILITY)
m.EffectsExcavation1_1 = 3x drop, 3x XP, hogere snelheid
m.EffectsExcavation2_0 = Schatzoeker
m.EffectsExcavation2_1 = Mogelijkheid om schatten te zoeken
m.ExcavationGreenTerraLength = [[RED]]Giga Drilboor lengte: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
mcBlockListener.PlacedAnvil = [[DARK_RED]]Je hebt een aambeeld geplaatst. Hierop kun je tools en armor repareren.
mcEntityListener.WolfComesBack = [[DARK_GRAY]]Je wolf dribbelt terug naar je...
mcPlayerListener.AbilitiesOff = Ability activatie is uit
mcPlayerListener.AbilitiesOn = Ability activatie is aan
mcPlayerListener.AbilitiesRefreshed = [[GREEN]]**ABILITIES HERLADEN\!**
mcPlayerListener.AcrobaticsSkill = Acrobatiek:
mcPlayerListener.ArcherySkill = Boogschieten:
mcPlayerListener.AxesSkill = Bijlen:
mcPlayerListener.ExcavationSkill = Uitgraving:
mcPlayerListener.GodModeDisabled = [[YELLOW]]Godmodus uitgeschakeld
mcPlayerListener.GodModeEnabled = [[YELLOW]]Godmodus ingeschakeld
mcPlayerListener.GreenThumb = [[GREEN]]**GROENE VINGERS**
mcPlayerListener.GreenThumbFail = [[RED]]**GROENE VINNGERS MISLUKT**
mcPlayerListener.HerbalismSkill = Landbouw:
mcPlayerListener.MiningSkill = Mijnbouw:
mcPlayerListener.MyspawnCleared = [[DARK_AQUA]]Myspawn is verwijderd.
mcPlayerListener.MyspawnNotExist = [[RED]]Plaats Myspawn eerst door op een bed te drukken.
mcPlayerListener.MyspawnSet = [[DARK_AQUA]]Myspawn is geplaatst op je huidige locatie.
mcPlayerListener.MyspawnTimeNotice = Je moet {0}m {1}s wachten voordat je myspawn kan gebruiken.
mcPlayerListener.NoPermission = Je hebt geen permissie.
mcPlayerListener.NoSkillNote = [[DARK_GRAY]]Als je geen toegang hebt tot een skill wordt hij hier niet weergegeven.
mcPlayerListener.NotInParty = [[RED]]Je zit niet in een party.
mcPlayerListener.InviteSuccess = [[GREEN]]Uitnodiging succesvol verzonden.
mcPlayerListener.ReceivedInvite1 = [[RED]]BERICHT: [[GREEN]]Je bent uitgenodigd voor de party {0} door {1}
mcPlayerListener.ReceivedInvite2 = [[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/{0}[[YELLOW]] om de uitnodiging te accepteren.
mcPlayerListener.InviteAccepted = [[GREEN]]Uitnodiging geaccepteerd. Je bent nu lid van {0}
mcPlayerListener.NoInvites = [[RED]]Je hebt geen uitnodigingen
mcPlayerListener.YouAreInParty = [[GREEN]]Je zit in de party {0}
mcPlayerListener.PartyMembers = [[GREEN]]Party Leden
mcPlayerListener.LeftParty = [[RED]]Je hebt de party verlaten
mcPlayerListener.JoinedParty = Lid geworden van: {0}
mcPlayerListener.PartyChatOn = Alleen Party Chat [[GREEN]]aan
mcPlayerListener.PartyChatOff = Alleen Party Chat [[RED]]uit
mcPlayerListener.AdminChatOn = Alleen Admin Chat [[GREEN]]aan
mcPlayerListener.AdminChatOff = Alleen Admin Chat [[RED]]uit
mcPlayerListener.MOTD = [[BLUE]]Deze server werkt op mcMMO {0} type [[YELLOW]]/{1}[[BLUE]] voor hulp.
mcPlayerListener.WIKI = [[GREEN]]http://mcmmo.wikia.com[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Wiki
mcPlayerListener.PowerLevel = [[DARK_RED]]POWER LEVEL:
mcPlayerListener.PowerLevelLeaderboard = [[YELLOW]]--mcMMO[[BLUE]] Power Level [[YELLOW]]Highscore--
mcPlayerListener.SkillLeaderboard = [[YELLOW]]--mcMMO [[BLUE]]{0}[[YELLOW]] Highscore--
mcPlayerListener.RepairSkill = Repareren:
mcPlayerListener.SwordsSkill = Zwaarden:
mcPlayerListener.TamingSkill = Temmen:
mcPlayerListener.UnarmedSkill = Onbewapend:
mcPlayerListener.WoodcuttingSkill = Houthakken:
mcPlayerListener.YourStats = [[GREEN]][mcMMO] Status
Party.InformedOnJoin = {0} [[GREEN]] heeft je party gejoined
Party.InformedOnQuit = {0} [[GREEN]] heeft je party verlaten
Skills.YourGreenTerra = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Groene Aarde [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.YourTreeFeller = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Tree Feller [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.YourSuperBreaker = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Super Breeker [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.YourSerratedStrikes = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Serrated Strikes [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.YourBerserk = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Onbewapende gek [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.YourSkullSplitter = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Schedelsplijter [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.YourGigaDrillBreaker = [[GREEN]]Je [[YELLOW]]Giga Drilboor [[GREEN]]ability is opgeladen!
Skills.TooTired = [[RED]]Je bent te moe om die ability te gebruiken.
Skills.ReadyHoe = [[GREEN]]**JE TILT JE SCHOFFEL OP**
Skills.ReadyAxe = [[GREEN]]**JE TILT JE BIJL OP**
Skills.LowerAxe = [[GRAY]]**JE LAAT JE BIJL ZAKKEN**
Skills.ReadyFists = [[GREEN]]**JE BALT JE VUISTEN**
Skills.LowerFists = [[GRAY]]**JE LAAT JE VUISTEN ZAKKEN**
Skills.ReadyPickAxe = [[GREEN]]**JE TILT JE PICKAXE OP**
Skills.LowerPickAxe = [[GRAY]]**JE LAAT JE PICKAXE ZAKKEN**
Skills.ReadyShovel = [[GREEN]]**JE TILT JE SCHEP OP**
Skills.LowerShovel = [[GRAY]]**JE LAAT JE SCHEP ZAKKEN**
Skills.ReadySword = [[GREEN]]**JE TILT JE ZWAARD OP**
Skills.LowerSword = [[GRAY]]**JE LAAT JE ZWAARD ZAKKEN**
Skills.BerserkPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Onbewapende gek!
Skills.GreenTerraPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Groene Aarde!
Skills.TreeFellerPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Tree Feller!
Skills.SuperBreakerPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Super Breeker!
Skills.SerratedStrikesPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Serrated Strikes!
Skills.SkullSplitterPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Schedelsplijter!
Skills.GigaDrillBreakerOn = [[GREEN]]**GIGA DRILBOOR GEACTIVEERD**
Skills.GigaDrillBreakerPlayer = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] gebruikt [[RED]]Giga Drilboor!
Skills.GreenTerraOff = [[RED]]**Groene Aarde is uitgewerkt**
Skills.TreeFellerOff = [[RED]]**Tree Feller is uitgewerkt**
Skills.SuperBreakerOff = [[RED]]**Super Breeker is uitgewerkt**
Skills.SerratedStrikesOff = [[RED]]**Serrated Strikes is uitgewerkt**
Skills.BerserkOff = [[RED]]**Onbewapende gek is uitgewerkt**
Skills.SkullSplitterOff = [[RED]]**Schedelsplijter is uitgewerkt**
Skills.GigaDrillBreakerOff = [[RED]]**Giga Drilboor is uitgewerkt**
Skills.TamingUp = [[YELLOW]]Temmen skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.AcrobaticsUp = [[YELLOW]]Acrobatics skill verhoogt met {0}. Total ({1})
Skills.ArcheryUp = [[YELLOW]]Boogschieten skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.SwordsUp = [[YELLOW]]Zwaarden skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.AxesUp = [[YELLOW]]Bijlen skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.UnarmedUp = [[YELLOW]]Onbewapend skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.HerbalismUp = [[YELLOW]]Landbouw skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.MiningUp = [[YELLOW]]Mijnbouw skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.WoodcuttingUp = [[YELLOW]]Houthakken skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.RepairUp = [[YELLOW]]Repareren skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.ExcavationUp = [[YELLOW]]Uitgraven skill verhoogt met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Skills.FeltEasy = [[GRAY]]Dat was makkelijk.
Skills.StackedItems = [[DARK_RED]]Je kan geen gestackte items repareren
Skills.NeedMore = [[DARK_RED]]Je hebt te weinig
Skills.AdeptDiamond = [[DARK_RED]]Je bent niet goed genoeg om diamond te repareren.
Skills.FullDurability = [[GRAY]]Dat is nog helemaal heel.
Skills.Disarmed = [[DARK_RED]]Je bent ontwapend!
mcPlayerListener.SorcerySkill = Tovenarij:
m.SkillSorcery = TOVERNARIJ
Sorcery.HasCast = [[GREEN]]**UITROEPEN VAN**[[GOLD]]
Sorcery.Current_Mana = [[DARK_AQUA]]MP
Sorcery.SpellSelected = [[GREEN]]-=([[GOLD]]{0}[[GREEN]])=- [[RED]]([[GRAY]]{1}[[RED]])
Sorcery.Cost = [[RED]][COST] {0} MP
Sorcery.OOM = [[DARK_AQUA]][[[GOLD]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]][[DARK_GRAY]] Geen Mana meer [[YELLOW]]([[RED]]{0}[[YELLOW]]/[[GRAY]]{1}[[YELLOW]])
Sorcery.Water.Thunder = DONDER
Sorcery.Curative.Self = HEEL JEZELF
Sorcery.Curative.Other = HEEL EEN ANDER
Combat.BeastLore = [[GREEN]]**WOLFINSPECTIE**
Combat.BeastLoreOwner = [[DARK_AQUA]]Eigenaar ([[RED]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Combat.BeastLoreHealthWolfTamed = [[DARK_AQUA]]Levens ([[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/20)
Combat.BeastLoreHealthWolf = [[DARK_AQUA]]Levens ([[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/8)
mcMMO.Description = [[DARK_AQUA]]Q: WHAT IS IT?,[[GOLD]]mcMMO is an [[RED]]OPEN SOURCE[[GOLD]] RPG mod for Bukkit by [[BLUE]]nossr50,[[GOLD]]There are many skills added by mcMMO to Minecraft.,[[GOLD]]You can gain experience in many different ways,[[GOLD]]You will want to type [[GREEN]]/SKILLNAME[[GOLD]] to find out more about a skill.,[[DARK_AQUA]]Q: WHAT DOES IT DO?,[[GOLD]]As an example... in [[DARK_AQUA]]Mining[[GOLD]] you will receive benefits like,[[RED]]Double Drops[[GOLD]] or the ability [[RED]]Super Breaker[[GOLD]] which when,[[GOLD]]activated by right-click allows fast Mining during its duration,[[GOLD]]which is related to your skill level. Leveling [[BLUE]]Mining,[[GOLD]]is as simple as mining precious materials!,[[DARK_AQUA]]Q: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?,[[GOLD]]Almost all of the skills in [[GREEN]]mcMMO[[GOLD]] add cool new things!.,[[GOLD]]You can also type [[GREEN]]/{0}[[GOLD]] to find out commands,[[GOLD]]The goal of mcMMO is to provide a quality RPG experience.,[[DARK_AQUA]]Q: WHERE DO I SUGGEST NEW STUFF!?,[[GOLD]]On the mcMMO thread in the bukkit forums!,[[DARK_AQUA]]Q: HOW DO I DO THIS AND THAT?,[[RED]]PLEASE [[GOLD]]checkout the wiki! [[DARK_AQUA]]mcmmo.wikia.com
Party.Locked = [[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.IsntLocked = [[GRAY]]Party is not locked
Party.Unlocked = [[GRAY]]Party is unlocked
Party.Help1 = [[RED]]Proper usage is [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]<name>[[YELLOW]] or [[WHITE]]'q' [[YELLOW]]to quit
Party.Help2 = [[RED]]To join a passworded party use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]<name> <password>
Party.Help3 = [[RED]]Consult /{0} ? for more information
Party.Help4 = [[RED]]Use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]<name> [[YELLOW]]to join a party or [[WHITE]]'q' [[YELLOW]]to quit
Party.Help5 = [[RED]]To lock your party use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]lock
Party.Help6 = [[RED]]To unlock your party use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]unlock
Party.Help7 = [[RED]]To password protect your party use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]password <password>
Party.Help8 = [[RED]]To kick a player from your party use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]kick <player>
Party.Help9 = [[RED]]To transfer ownership of your party use [[YELLOW]]/{0} [[WHITE]]owner <player>
Party.NotOwner = [[DARK_RED]]You are not the party owner
Party.InvalidName = [[DARK_RED]]That is not a valid party name
Party.PasswordSet = [[GREEN]]Party password set to {0}
Party.CouldNotKick = [[DARK_RED]]Could not kick player {0}
Party.NotInYourParty = [[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
Party.CouldNotSetOwner = [[DARK_RED]]Could not set owner to {0}
Commands.xprate.proper = [[DARK_AQUA]]Proper usage is /{0} [integer] [true:false]
Commands.xprate.proper2 = [[DARK_AQUA]]Also you can type /{0} reset to turn everything back to normal
Commands.xprate.proper3 = [[RED]]Enter true or false for the second value
Commands.xprate.over = [[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
Commands.xprate.started = [[GOLD]]XP EVENT FOR mcMMO HAS STARTED!
Commands.xprate.started2 = [[GOLD]]mcMMO XP RATE IS NOW {0}x!!
Commands.xplock.locked = [[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked = [[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
2011-11-28 05:17:01 -08:00
Commands.xplock.invalid = [[RED]]That is not a valid skillname! Try /xplock mining
m.SkillAlchemy = ALCHEMY
m.SkillEnchanting = ENCHANTING
m.SkillFishing = FISHING
mcPlayerListener.AlchemySkill = Alchemy:
mcPlayerListener.EnchantingSkill = Enchanting:
mcPlayerListener.FishingSkill = Fishing:
Skills.AlchemyUp = [[YELLOW]]Alchemy skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Skills.EnchantingUp = [[YELLOW]]Enchanting skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Skills.FishingUp = [[YELLOW]]Fishing skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Repair.LostEnchants = [[RED]]You were not skilled enough to keep any enchantments.
Repair.ArcanePerfect = [[GREEN]]You have sustained the arcane energies in this item.
Repair.Downgraded = [[RED]]Arcane power has decreased for this item.
Repair.ArcaneFailed = [[RED]]Arcane power has permanently left the item.
m.EffectsRepair5_0 = Arcane Forging
m.EffectsRepair5_1 = Repair magic items
m.ArcaneForgingRank = [[RED]]Arcane Forging: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}/4
m.ArcaneEnchantKeepChance = [[GRAY]]AF Success Rate: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.ArcaneEnchantDowngradeChance = [[GRAY]]AF Downgrade Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
m.ArcaneForgingMilestones = [[GOLD]][TIP] AF Rank Ups: [[GRAY]]Rank 1 = 100+, Rank 2 = 250+,
m.ArcaneForgingMilestones2 = [[GRAY]] Rank 3 = 500+, Rank 4 = 750+