2012-05-17 22:11:16 -04:00
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc = [[GREEN]]**Graceful Landing**
Acrobatics.Combat.Proc = [[GWYRDD]] **osgoi\'r**
Acrobatics.DodgeChance = [[RED]]Dodge Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Effect.0 = Roll
Acrobatics.Effect.1 = Reduces or Negates fall damage
Acrobatics.Effect.2 = Graceful Roll
Acrobatics.Effect.3 = Twice as effective as a normal Roll
Acrobatics.Effect.4 = Dodge
Acrobatics.Effect.5 = Reduce attack damage by half
Acrobatics.Listener = Acrobateg
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance = [[RED]]Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance = [[RED]]Graceful Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Text = **Rolled**
Acrobatics.SkillName = ACROBATEG
Acrobatics.Skillup = [[MELYN]] Acrobateg sgil cynyddu {0}. Cyfanswm ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance = [[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance = [[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus = [[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0 = Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1 = Increases damage done with bows
Archery.Effect.2 = Daze (Players)
Archery.Effect.3 = Disorients foes and deals 4 DMG
Archery.Effect.4 = Arrow Retrieval
Archery.Effect.5 = Chance to retrieve arrows from corpses
Archery.Listener = Archery:
Archery.SkillName = ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup = [[MELYN]] sgiliau Saethyddiaeth cynyddu {0}. Cyfanswm ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0 = Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1 = Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2 = Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3 = Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4 = Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5 = Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
Axes.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR AXE**
Axes.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR AXE**
Axes.Combat.Cleave.Proc = [[DARK_RED]]Struck by CLEAVE!
Axes.Combat.CritStruck = [[DARK_RED]]You were CRITICALLY hit!
Axes.Combat.CritChance = [[RED]]Chance to critically strike: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit = [[RED]]CRITICAL HIT!
Axes.Combat.GI.Struck = [[COCH]] ** ** BRIFO GAN EFFAITH FWYAF
Axes.Combat.SS.Length = [[RED]]Skull Splitter Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Axes.Effect.0 = Skull Splitter (Ability)
Axes.Effect.1 = Deal AoE Damage
Axes.Effect.2 = Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3 = Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4 = Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5 = Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6 = Impact
Axes.Effect.7 = Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8 = Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9 = Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
Axes.Listener = Axes:
Axes.SkillName = AXES
Axes.Skills.SS.Off = [[RED]]**Skull Splitter has worn off**
Axes.Skills.SS.On = actifadu Penglog Llorweddol
Axes.Skills.SS.Refresh = [[GWYRDD]] Eich [[MELYN]] Penglog Llorweddol [[GWYRDD]] gallu ei hadnewyddu!
Axes.Skills.SS.Other.Off = [[RED]]Skull Splitter[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Skills.SS.Other.On = [[GWYRDD]] {0} [[TYWYLL_GWYRDD]] wedi defnyddio [[COCH]] Llorweddol Benglog!
Axes.Skillup = [[MELYN]] sgiliau Echelau cynyddu {0}. Cyfanswm ({1})
Excavation.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR SHOVEL**
Excavation.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR SHOVEL**
Excavation.Effect.0 = Giga Drill Breaker (ABILITY)
Excavation.Effect.1 = 3x Drop Rate, 3x EXP, +Speed
Excavation.Effect.2 = Treasure Hunter
Excavation.Effect.3 = Ability to dig for treasure
Excavation.Effect.Length = [[RED]]Giga Drill Breaker Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Excavation.Listener = Cloddio:
Excavation.SkillName = CLODDIO
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Off = [[RED]]**Giga Drill Breaker has worn off**
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.On = [[GREEN]]**GIGA DRILL BREAKER ACTIVATED**
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Other.Off = [[RED]]Giga Drill Breaker[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Giga Drill Breaker!
Excavation.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Excavation skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Fishing.Ability.Info = [[RED]]Magic Hunter: [[GRAY]] **Improves With Treasure Hunter Rank**
Fishing.Ability.Locked.0 = DAN GLO HYD 150 + SKILL (YSGYTLAETH)
Fishing.Ability.Rank = [[RED]]Treasure Hunter Rank: [[YELLOW]]{0}/5
Fishing.Ability.Shake = [[RED]]Shake: [[YELLOW]]Tear items off mobs, mutilating them in the process ;_;
2012-11-12 16:18:27 -08:00
Fishing.Ability.FD = [[RED]]Fisherman''s Diet: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}
2012-05-17 22:11:16 -04:00
Fishing.Effect.0 = Treasure Hunter (Passive)
Fishing.Effect.1 = Fish up misc. objects
Fishing.Effect.2 = Magic Hunter
Fishing.Effect.3 = Find Enchanted Items
Fishing.Effect.4 = Shake (vs. Entities)
Fishing.Effect.5 = Shake items off of mobs w/ fishing pole
2012-11-12 16:18:27 -08:00
Fishing.Effect.6 = Fisherman's Diet
Fishing.Effect.7 = Improves hunger restored from fished foods
2012-05-17 22:11:16 -04:00
Fishing.Enchant.Chance = [[RED]]Magic Hunter Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Fishing.ItemFound = [[GRAY]]Treasure found!
Fishing.Listener = Fishing:
Fishing.MagicFound = [[GRAY]]You feel a touch of magic with this catch...
Fishing.SkillName = FISHING
Fishing.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Fishing skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance = [[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD = [[RED]]Farmers Diet: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length = [[RED]]Green Terra Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance = [[RED]]Green Thumb Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail = [[RED]]**GREEN THUMB FAIL**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage = [[RED]]Green Thumb Stage: [[YELLOW]] Wheat grows in stage {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh = [[GREEN]]**GREEN THUMB**
Herbalism.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR HOE**
Herbalism.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR HOE**
Herbalism.Effect.0 = Green Terra (ABILITY)
Herbalism.Effect.1 = Spread the Terra, 3x Drops
Herbalism.Effect.2 = Green Thumb (Wheat)
Herbalism.Effect.3 = Auto-Plants wheat when harvesting
Herbalism.Effect.4 = Green Thumb (Cobble/Stone Brick/Dirt)
Herbalism.Effect.5 = Make bricks mossy, or make grass grow
Herbalism.Effect.6 = Farmer\'s Diet
Herbalism.Effect.7 = Improves hunger restored from farmed foods
Herbalism.Effect.8 = Double Drops (All Herbs)
Herbalism.Effect.9 = Double the normal loot
Herbalism.Listener = Meddygaeth lysieuol:
Herbalism.SkillName = HERBALISM
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Off = [[RED]]**Green Terra has worn off**
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.On = [[GREEN]]**GREEN TERRA ACTIVATED**
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Refresh = [[GWYRDD]] Eich [[MELYN]] Gwyrdd Terra [[GWYRDD]] gallu ei hadnewyddu!
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Other.Off = [[COCH]] gwyrdd terra [[GWYRDD]] wedi gwisgo i ffwrdd ar gyfer [[MELYN]] {0}
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Green Terra!
Herbalism.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Herbalism skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Mining.Ability.Length = [[COCH]] Hyd Torri\'r Super: [[MELYN]] {0} s
Mining.Ability.Locked.0 = LOCKED UNTIL 125+ SKILL (BLAST MINING)
Mining.Ability.Locked.1 = LOCKED UNTIL 250+ SKILL (BIGGER BOMBS)
Mining.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR PICKAXE**
Mining.Ability.Ready = [[GWYRDD]] ** CHI\'N BAROD EICH PICKAXE **
Mining.Effect.0 = Super Breaker (ABILITY)
Mining.Effect.1 = Speed+, Triple Drop Chance
Mining.Effect.2 = Double Drops
Mining.Effect.3 = Double the normal loot
Mining.Effect.4 = Blast Mining
Mining.Effect.5 = Bonuses to mining with TNT
Mining.Effect.6 = Bigger Bombs
Mining.Effect.7 = Increases TNT explosion radius
Mining.Effect.8 = Demolitions Expertise
Mining.Effect.9 = Decreases damage from TNT explosions
Mining.Effect.Decrease = [[RED]]Demolitions Expert Damage Decrease: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance = [[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Listener = Mwyngloddio:
Mining.SkillName = MINING
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Off = [[RED]]**Super Breaker has worn off**
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.On = [[GREEN]]**SUPER BREAKER ACTIVATED**
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.Off = [[RED]]Super Breaker[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Super Breaker!
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh = [[GWYRDD]] Eich [[MELYN]] Super Torri\'r [[GWYRDD]] gallu ei hadnewyddu!
Mining.Skillup = [[MELYN]] sgiliau Mwyngloddio cynyddu {0}. Cyfanswm ({1})
Mining.Blast.Boom = [[GRAY]]**BOOM**
Mining.Blast.Effect.0 = +35% ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.1 = +40% ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.2 = +45% ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3 = +50% ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4 = +55% ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5 = +60% ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6 = +65% ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7 = +70% ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase = [[COCH]] Chwyth Cynnydd Radiws [[MELYN]] {0}
Mining.Blast.Rank = [[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh = [[GWYRDD]] Eich [[MELYN]] Mwyngloddio Chwyth [[GWYRDD]] gallu ei hadnewyddu!
Repair.Effect.0 = Repair
Repair.Effect.1 = Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10 = Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.11 = Repair Gold Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.12 = Iron Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.13 = Repair Iron Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.14 = Stone Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.15 = Repair Stone Tools
Repair.Effect.2 = Repair Mastery
Repair.Effect.3 = Increased repair amount
Repair.Effect.4 = Super Repair
Repair.Effect.5 = Double effectiveness
Repair.Effect.6 = Diamond Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.7 = Repair Diamond Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.8 = Arcane Forging
Repair.Effect.9 = Atgyweiriwch eitemau sydd hud
Repair.Listener.Anvil = [[DARK_RED]]You have placed an anvil, anvils can repair tools and armor.
Repair.Listener = Atgyweirio:
Repair.SkillName = ATGYWEIRIO:
Repair.Skills.AdeptDiamond = [[TYWYLL_COCH]] Dydych chi ddim yn ddigon medrus i drwsio Diemwnt.
Repair.Skills.AdeptGold = [[TYWYLL COCH]] Dydych chi ddim yn ddigon medrus i drwsio Aur.
Repair.Skills.AdeptIron = [[DARK_RED]]You\'re not skilled enough to repair Iron.
Repair.Skills.AdeptStone = [[TYWYLL_COCH]] Dydych chi ddim yn ddigon medrus i drwsio cerrig.
2012-05-22 05:09:31 -04:00
Repair.Skills.Adept = [[RED]]You must be level [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]] to repair [[YELLOW]]{1}
2012-05-17 22:11:16 -04:00
Repair.Skills.FeltEasy = [[GRAY]]That felt easy.
Repair.Skills.FullDurability = [[GRAY]]That is at full durability.
Repair.Skills.Mastery = [[RED]]Repair Mastery: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} durability restored
Repair.Skills.StackedItems = [[DARK_RED]]You can\'t repair stacked items.
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance = [[RED]]Super Repair Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup = [[MELYN]] sgiliau Atgyweirio cynyddu {0}. Cyfanswm ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade = [[GRAY]]AF Downgrade Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success = [[GRAY]]AF Success Rate: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Arcane.Downgrade = [[RED]]Arcane power has decreased for this item.
Repair.Arcane.Fail = [[RED]]P\u0175er dirgel wedi gadael yr eitem barhaol
Repair.Arcane.Lost = [[RED]]You were not skilled enough to keep any enchantments.
Repair.Arcane.Perfect = [[GREEN]]You have sustained the arcane energies in this item.
Repair.Arcane.Rank = [[RED]]Arcane Forging: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}/4
Swords.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]] ** I LEIHAU EICH CLEDDYF **
Swords.Ability.Ready = [[GWYRDD]] ** CHI\'N BAROD EICH SWORD **
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance = [[RED]]Bleed Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Length = [[RED]]Bleed Length: [[YELLOW]]{0} ticks
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note = [[GRAY]]NOTE: [[YELLOW]]1 Tick happens every 2 seconds
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped = [[GRAY]] y gwaedu wedi [[GWYRDD]] rhoi\'r gorau i [[GRAY]]!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding = [[GWYRDD]]** GELYN GWAEDU\'N**
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance = [[RED]]Counter Attack Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit = [[DARK_RED]]Hit with a counter-attack!
Swords.Combat.Countered = [[GWYRDD]] ** GWRTH-YMOSOD **
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck = [[TYWYLL_COCH]] Taro gan Streiciau danheddog!
Swords.Effect.0 = Counter Attack
Swords.Effect.1 = Reflect 50% of damage taken
Swords.Effect.2 = Serrated Strikes (ABILITY)
Swords.Effect.3 = 25% DMG AoE, Bleed+ AoE
Swords.Effect.4 = Serrated Strikes Bleed+
Swords.Effect.5 = 5 Tick Bleed
Swords.Effect.6 = Bleed
Swords.Effect.7 = Apply a bleed DoT
Swords.Listener = Swords:
Swords.SkillName = SWORDS
Swords.Skills.SS.Off = [[RED]]**Serrated Strikes has worn off**
Swords.Skills.SS.On = [[GWYRDD]] ** Streiciau danheddog actifadu **
Swords.Skills.SS.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Serrated Strikes [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Swords.Skills.SS.Other.Off = [[COCH]] Streiciau danheddog [[GWYRDD]] wedi gwisgo i ffwrdd ar gyfer [[MELYN]] {0}
Swords.Skills.SS.Other.On = [[GWYRDD]] {0} [[TYWYLL_GWYRDD]] wedi defnyddio [[COCH]] Streiciau danheddog!
Swords.SS.Length = [[RED]]Serrated Strikes Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Taming.Ability.Bonus.0 = Environmentally Aware
Taming.Ability.Bonus.1 = Wolves avoid danger
Taming.Ability.Bonus.2 = Ffwr Trwchus
Taming.Ability.Bonus.3 = 1/2 Damage, Fire Resistance
Taming.Ability.Bonus.4 = Shock Proof
Taming.Ability.Bonus.5 = Explosives do 1/6 normal damage
Taming.Ability.Bonus.6 = Sharpened Claws
Taming.Ability.Bonus.7 = +2 Damage
Taming.Ability.Bonus.8 = Fast Food Service
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9 = 50% Chance for heal on attack
Taming.Ability.Locked.1 = LOCKED UNTIL 250+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2 = LOCKED UNTIL 500+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
Taming.Ability.Locked.3 = LOCKED UNTIL 750+ SKILL (SHARPENED CLAWS)
Taming.Ability.Locked.4 = LOCKED UNTIL 50+ SKILL (FAST FOOD SERVICE)
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore = [[RED]]Gore Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Effect.0 = Beast Lore
Taming.Effect.1 = Bone-whacking inspects wolves & ocelots
Taming.Effect.10 = Shock Proof
Taming.Effect.11 = Explosive Damage Reduction
Taming.Effect.12 = Call of the Wild
Taming.Effect.13 = Summon an animal to your side
Taming.Effect.14 = [[GRAY]]COTW (Ocelot): Crouch and left-click with {0} Fish in hand
Taming.Effect.15 = [[GRAY]]COTW (Wolf): Crouch and left-click with {0} Bones in hand
Taming.Effect.16 = Fast Food Service
Taming.Effect.17 = Chance for wolves to heal on attack
Taming.Effect.2 = Gore
Taming.Effect.3 = Critical Strike that applies Bleed
Taming.Effect.4 = Sharpened Claws
Taming.Effect.5 = Damage Bonus
Taming.Effect.6 = Environmentally Aware
Taming.Effect.7 = Cactus/Lava Phobia, Fall DMG Immune
Taming.Effect.8 = Thick Fur
Taming.Effect.9 = DMG Reduction, Fire Resistance
Taming.Listener.Wolf = [[DARK_GRAY]] Eich sgrialu i blaidd yn \u00f4l i chi ...
Taming.Listener = Taming:
Taming.SkillName = TAMING
Taming.Skillup = [[MELYN]] sgiliau Ddofi cynyddu {0}.\u00a0Cyfanswm ({1})
Taming.Summon.Complete = [[GREEN]]Summoning complete
Taming.Summon.Fail.Ocelot = [[RED]]You have too many ocelots nearby to summon any more.
Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf = [[RED]]You have too many wolves nearby to summon any more.
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length = [[RED]]Berserk Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0 = Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1 = +{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect = [[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm = [[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0 = Berserk (ABILITY)
Unarmed.Effect.1 = +50% DMG, Breaks weak materials
Unarmed.Effect.2 = Disarm (Players)
Unarmed.Effect.3 = Drops the foes item held in hand
Unarmed.Effect.4 = Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Effect.5 = Hardens your arm over time
Unarmed.Effect.6 = Arrow Deflect
Unarmed.Effect.7 = Deflect arrows
Unarmed.Listener = Dim Arfau:
Unarmed.SkillName = UNARMED
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Off = [[COCH]] ** arno\'i hun wedi gwisgo i ffwrdd **
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.On = [[GREEN]]**BERSERK ACTIVATED**
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.Off = [[COCH]] arno\'i hun [[GWYRDD]] wedi gwisgo i ffwrdd ar gyfer [[MELYN]] {0}
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.On = [[GWYRDD]] {0} [[TYWYLL_GWYRDD]] wedi defnyddio [[COCH]] arno\'i hun!
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Berserk [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Unarmed.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Unarmed skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Woodcutting.Ability.0 = Chwythwr o ddail
Woodcutting.Ability.1 = Chwythu i ffwrdd yn gadael
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop = [[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Length = [[RED]]Tree Feller Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Woodcutting.Ability.Locked.0 = DAN GLO HYD 100 SGILIAU (Chwythwr o ddail)
Woodcutting.Effect.0 = Tree Feller (ABILITY)
Woodcutting.Effect.1 = Make trees explode
Woodcutting.Effect.2 = Leaf Blower
Woodcutting.Effect.3 = Blow Away Leaves
Woodcutting.Effect.4 = Double Drops
Woodcutting.Effect.5 = Double the normal loot
Woodcutting.Listener = Woodcutting:
Woodcutting.SkillName = Torri coed
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Off = [[RED]]**Tree Feller has worn off**
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.On = [[GREEN]]**TREE FELLER ACTIVATED**
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Refresh = [[GWYRDD]] Eich [[MELYN]] Feller Coed [[GWYRDD]] gallu ei hadnewyddu!
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Other.Off = [[COCH]] Feller Coed [[GWYRDD]] wedi gwisgo i ffwrdd ar gyfer [[MELYN]] {0}
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Tree Feller!
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Splinter = [[COCH]] EICH AXE GWAHANU I DDWSINAU O DARNAU!
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFellerThreshold = [[RED]]That tree is too large!
Woodcutting.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Woodcutting skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Ability.Generic.Refresh = [[GREEN]]**ABILITIES REFRESHED!**
Ability.Generic.Template.Lock = [[GRAY]]{0}
Ability.Generic.Template = [[coch]]{0}: [[melyn]]{1}
Combat.ArrowDeflect = [[WHITE]]**ARROW DEFLECT**
Combat.BeastLore = [[GWYRDD]] ** bwystfil ll\u00ean **
Combat.BeastLoreHealth = [[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Iechyd ([[GWYRDD]] {0} [[TYWYLL_AQUA]] / {1})
Combat.BeastLoreOwner = [[DARK_AQUA]]Owner ([[RED]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Combat.BurningArrowHit = [[DARK_RED]]You were struck by a burning arrow!
Combat.Gore = [[GREEN]]**GORED**
Combat.Ignition = [[RED]]**IGNITION**
Combat.StruckByGore = [[RED]]**YOU HAVE BEEN GORED**
Combat.TargetDazed = Target was [[DARK_RED]]Dazed
Combat.TouchedFuzzy = [[DARK_RED]] cyffwrdd Fuzzy. Teimlo benysgafn.
mcMMO.Description = [[DARK_AQUA]]About the [[YELLOW]]mcMMO[[DARK_AQUA]] Project:,[[GOLD]]mcMMO is an [[RED]]open source[[GOLD]] RPG mod created in February 2011,[[GOLD]]by [[BLUE]]nossr50[[GOLD]]. The goal is to provide a quality RPG experience.,[[DARK_AQUA]]Tips:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Use [[RED]]/mcc[[GREEN]] to see commands,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Type [[RED]]/SKILLNAME[[GREEN]] to see detailed skill info,[[DARK_AQUA]]Developers:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]nossr50 [[BLUE]](Project Lead),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]GJ [[BLUE]](Senior Developer),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]NuclearW [[BLUE]](Developer),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]bm01 [[BLUE]](Developer),[[DARK_AQUA]]Useful Links:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]issues.mcmmo.org[[GOLD]] Bug Reporting,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]#mcmmo @ irc.esper.net[[GOLD]] IRC Chat,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]http://bit.ly/H6XwFb[[GOLD]] Bukkit Forum Thread
Commands.Ability.Off = Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On = Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off = Admin Sgwrs unig [[COCH]] Oddi ar
Commands.AdminChat.On = Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle = [[COCH]] - sgwrs gweinyddol Toggle
Commands.Disabled = [[COCH]] Mae\'r gorchymyn yn anabl.
Commands.DoesNotExist = [[COCH]] nid Chwaraewr yn bodoli yn y gronfa ddata!
Commands.GodMode.Disabled = [[YELLOW]]mcMMO Godmode Disabled
Commands.GodMode.Enabled = [[YELLOW]]mcMMO Godmode Enabled
Commands.GodMode.Forbidden = [mcMMO] God Mode not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Commands.Inspect = <player> [[RED]]- View detailed player info
Commands.Invite.Accepted = [[GWYRDD]] Gwahodd Derbyniwyd. Yr ydych wedi ymuno parti {0}
Commands.Invite.Success = [[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards = <skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod = [[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mmoedit = [chwaraewr] <skill> <newvalue> [[COCH]] - Targed addasu
Commands.ModDescription = [[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole = This command does not support console usage.
Commands.Other = [[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept = [[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off = Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On = Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands = [[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0 = [[COCH]] RHYBUDD: [[GWYRDD]] fod wedi derbyn gwahoddiad i barti {0} o {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1 = [[MELYN]] Math [[GWYRDD]]/accept[[MELYN]] i dderbyn y gwahoddiad
Commands.Party.Invite = <player> [[RED]]- Send party invite
Commands.Party.Join = Joined Party: {0}
Commands.Party.Kick = [[COCH]] oeddech yn cicio o blaid {0}!
Commands.Party.Leave = [[COCH]] Yr ydych wedi gadael y blaid honno
Commands.Party.Members = [[GREEN]]Party Members: {0}
Commands.Party.None = [[RED]]You are not in a party.
Commands.Party.Quit = [[RED]]- Leave your current party
Commands.Party.Teleport = <player> [[RED]]- Teleport to party member
Commands.Party.Toggle = [[RED]]- Toggle Party Chat
Commands.Party = <party-name> [[RED]]- Create/Join designated party
Commands.PowerLevel.Leaderboard = [[MELYN]] - mcMMO [[GLAS]] Lefel P\u0175er [[MELYN]] Arweinwyr--
Commands.PowerLevel = [[TYWYLL COCH]] LEFEL POWER: [[GWYRDD]] {0}
Commands.Skill.Invalid = [[RED]]That is not a valid skillname!
Commands.Skill.Leaderboard = [[YELLOW]]--mcMMO [[BLUE]]{0}[[YELLOW]] Leaderboard--
Commands.SkillInfo = /<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self = YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats = [[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility = [[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD = [[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites = [[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission = [[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote = [[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website = [[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty = [[GWYRDD]]Parti: {0}
Party.Forbidden = [mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0 = [[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
Party.Help.1 = [[RED]]To join a passworded party, use /party <party-name> <password>
Party.Help.2 = [[RED]]Consult /party ? for more information
Party.Help.3 = [[RED]]Use /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
Party.Help.4 = [[RED]]To lock or unlock your party, use /party <lock/unlock>
Party.Help.5 = [[RED]]To password protect your party, use /party password <password>
Party.Help.6 = [[COCH]] I gicio chwaraewr o\'ch plaid, <player> cic defnydd / parti
Party.Help.7 = [[RED]]To transfer ownership of your party, use /party owner <player>
Party.InformedOnJoin = {0} [[GREEN]] has joined your party
Party.InformedOnQuit = {0} [[GWYRDD]] wedi gadael eich plaid
Party.InvalidName = [[DARK_RED]]That is not a valid party name.
Party.IsLocked = [[RED]]This party is already locked!
Party.IsntLocked = [[RED]]This party is not locked!
Party.Locked = [[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.NotInYourParty = [[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
Party.NotOwner = [[DARK_RED]]You are not the party owner
Party.PasswordSet = [[GWYRDD]] Blaid cyfrinair wedi ei osod i {0}
Party.Player.Invalid = [[COCH]] Nid yw hynny\'n chwaraewr ddilys.
Party.Teleport.Dead = [[COCH]] Ni allwch teleport y chwaraewr yn farw.
Party.Teleport.Hurt = [[RED]]You\'ve been hurt in the last {0} seconds and cannnot teleport.
Party.Teleport.Player = [[GREEN]]You have teleported to {0}.
Party.Teleport.Target = [[GWYRDD]] {0} wedi teleported i chi.
Party.Unlocked = [[GRAY]] Blaid yn cael ei gloi
Commands.XPGain.Acrobatics = Falling
Commands.XPGain.Archery = Attacking Monsters
Commands.XPGain.Axes = Attacking Monsters
Commands.XPGain.Excavation = Cloddio a dod o hyd i drysorau
Commands.XPGain.Fishing = Pysgota (Ewch ffigur!)
Commands.XPGain.Herbalism = Perlysiau cynaeafu
Commands.XPGain.Mining = Mwyngloddio Cerrig a Mwyn
Commands.XPGain.Repair = Repairing
Commands.XPGain.Swords = Angenfilod ymosod
Commands.XPGain.Taming = Anifeiliaid Taming, neu ymladd \u00e2\'ch bleiddiaid
Commands.XPGain.Unarmed = Attacking Monsters
Commands.XPGain.WoodCutting = Chopping down trees
Commands.XPGain = [[DARK_GRAY]] Cael Profiad: [[GWYN]] {0}
Commands.xplock.locked = [[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked = [[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
Commands.xprate.over = [[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
Commands.xprate.proper.0 = [[RED]]Proper usage to change the XP rate is /xprate <integer> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1 = [[RED]]Proper usage to restore the XP rate to default is /xprate reset
Commands.xprate.proper.2 = [[RED]]Please specify true or false to indicate if this is an xp event or not
Commands.xprate.started.0 = [[GOLD]]XP EVENT FOR mcMMO HAS STARTED!
Commands.xprate.started.1 = [[GOLD]]mcMMO XP RATE IS NOW {0}x!
XPRate.Event = [[AUR]] mcMMO ar hyn o bryd mewn digwyddiad gyfradd XP! Gyfradd yn XP {0} x!
Effects.Effects = EFFEITHIAU
Effects.Level = [[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template = [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics = [[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery = Canllaw yn dod yn fuan ...
Guides.Axes = Guide coming soon...
Guides.Excavation = [[DARK_AQUA]] Amdanom Cloddio:\n[[MELYN]] Cloddio yn y weithred o gloddio hyd faw i ddod o hyd drysorau.\n[[MELYN]] Trwy gloddio y tir y byddwch yn dod o hyd i drysorau.\n[[MELYN]] Po fwyaf y byddwch yn gwneud hyn y trysorau mwy gallwch ddod o hyd.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Profiad Ennill:\n[[MELYN]] I ennill XP yn y sgil mae\'n rhaid i chi gloddio \u00e2 rhaw mewn llaw.\n[[MELYN]] Dim ond rhai deunyddiau yn cael ei godi am drysorau ac XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Deunyddiau Cyt\u00fbn:\n[[MELYN]] Tywod Soul Glaswellt, Baw, Tywod, Clay, Gravel, myseliwm,\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut i ddefnyddio Torri\'r Drill Giga:\n[[MELYN]] Gyda rhaw yn llaw dde glicio i yn barod i\'ch offeryn.\n[[MELYN]] Unwaith yn y cyflwr hwn sydd gennych am 4 eiliad i wneud\n[[MELYN]] cysylltiad \u00e2 gwaith cloddio deunyddiau sy\'n gydnaws bydd hyn yn\n[[MELYN]] Activate Torri\'r Drill Giga.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Beth yw Torri\'r Drill Giga?\n[[MELYN]] Drill Giga Torri\'r yn gallu gyda cooldown\n[[MELYN]] ynghlwm wrth sgiliau Cloddio. Mae\'n deirgwaith eich cyfle\n[[MELYN]] o ddod o hyd i drysorau ac yn galluogi toriad sydyn\n[[MELYN]] ar ddeunyddiau Cloddio.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut mae Drysor Hunter gweithio?\n[[MELYN]] Bob trysor posibl ar gyfer cloddio wedi ei hun\n[[MELYN]] sgiliau lefel ofynnol iddo ollwng, o ganlyniad, mae\'n\n[[MELYN]] anodd dweud faint y mae\'n ei helpu chi.\n[[MELYN]] Dim ond yn cadw mewn cof bod yr uwch eich sgiliau Cloddio\n[[MELYN]] yw, y trysorau yn fwy y gellir ei weld.\n[[MELYN]] A hefyd yn cadw mewn cof bod pob math o Cloddio\n[[MELYN]] deunydd gydnaws ei restr unigryw ei hun o drysorau.\n[[MELYN]] Mewn geiriau eraill y byddwch yn dod o hyd i drysorau gwahanol yn Baw\n[[MELYN]] nag y byddech yn Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Nodiadau am Cloddio:\n[[] MELYN] diferion Cloddio yn hollol customizeable\n[[MELYN]] Felly canlyniadau yn amrywio gweinydd \u00e2\'r gweinydd.
Guides.Fishing = Guide coming soon...
Guides.Herbalism = Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining = [[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Amdanom Mwyngloddio\n[[MELYN]] Mwyngloddio yn cynnwys cerrig a mwyngloddio mwynau.\u00a0Mae\'n darparu taliadau bonws\n[[MELYN]] i faint o ddeunyddiau gollwng wrth gloddio.\n\n[[TYWYLL_AQUA]] profiad a gafwyd\n[[MELYN]] I ennill XP yn y sgil, rhaid i chi gloddio gyda pickaxe mewn llaw.\n[[MELYN]] Dim ond rhai blociau wobr XP.\n\n[[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Deunyddiau Cyd-fynd\n[[MELYN]] Cerrig, Mwyn Glo, Haearn Mwyn, Mwyn Aur, Diemwnt Mwyn, Redstone Mwyn,\n[[MELYN]] Lapis Mwyn, Obsidian, Mossy cobl Cerrig, Ender Cerrig,\n[[MELYN]], carreg Glow ac Uffern Cerrig.\n\n[[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Sut i ddefnyddio Torri\'r Super\n[[MELYN]] Gyda pickaxe yn eich llaw, dde chlecia at barod eich offeryn.\n[[MELYN]] Unwaith yn y cyflwr hwn, mae gennych tua 4 eiliad i gysylltu\n[[MELYN]] gyda deunyddiau Mwyngloddio cydnaws, a fydd yn activate Super\n[[MELYN]] Torri\'r.\n\n[[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Beth yw Super Torri\'r?\n[[MELYN]] Super Torri\'r yn gallu gyda cooldown ynghlwm wrth y Mwyngloddio\n[[MELYN]] sgiliau.\u00a0Mae\'n treblu\'r eich cyfle o eitemau ychwanegol ollwng a\n[[MELYN]] yn galluogi egwyl yn syth ar ddeunyddiau Mwyngloddio.\n\n[[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Sut i ddefnyddio Mwyngloddio Blast\n[[MELYN]] Gyda ffrwydrwr mewn llaw, sy\'n dur fflint at ball,\n[[MELYN]] de-gliciwch ar TNT o bellter.\u00a0Bydd hyn yn achosi i\'r TNT\n[[MELYN]] i ffrwydro ar unwaith.\n\n[[TYWYLL_AQUA]] Sut mae Mwyngloddio Chwyth?\n[[MELYN]] Mwyngloddio Blast yn gallu gyda cooldown ynghlwm wrth y Mwyngloddio\n[[MELYN]] sgiliau.\u00a0Mae\'n rhoi taliadau bonws wrth cloddio \u00e2 TNT ac yn caniat\u00e1u i chi\n[[MELYN]] i anghysbell ffrwydro TNT.\u00a0Mae tair rhan i Blast Mwyngloddio.\n[[MELYN]] Mae\'r rhan gyntaf yn Bomiau Bigger, sy\'n cynyddu\'r radiws chwyth.\n[[MELYN]] Yr ail yw Dymchweliadau Arbenigol, sy\'n lleihau difrod\n[[MELYN]] o ffrwydradau TNT.\u00a0Mae\'r drydedd ran yn syml yn cynyddu\'r\n[[MELYN]] swm y mwynau gostwng o TNT a lleihau\'r\n[[MELYN]] malurion gollwng.
Guides.Repair = Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords = Canllaw yn dod yn fuan ...
Guides.Taming = Canllaw yn dod yn fuan ...
Guides.Unarmed = Guide coming soon...
Guides.Woodcutting = Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline = [[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats = mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
Inspect.Stats = [[GREEN]]mcMMO Stats for [[YELLOW]]{0}
Inspect.TooFar = [[RED]]You are too far away to inspect that player!
Item.ChimaeraWing.Fail = **CHIMAERA WING FAILED!**
Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass = **CHIMAERA ADAIN**
Item.Injured.Wait = You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed = [[TYWYLL_COCH]] Rydych wedi cael eich diarfogi!
Skills.Header = [[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]][]-----
Skills.NeedMore = [[TYWYLL_COCH]] y bydd angen mwy o
Skills.Stats = [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired = [[COCH]] Yr ydych yn rhy flinedig i ddefnyddio\'r gallu eto.
Stats.Header.Combat = [[AUR]] - = GWRTHSEFYLL SGILIAU = -
Stats.Header.Gathering = [[AUR]] -= CASGLU SGILIAU = = -
Stats.Header.Misc = [[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
Stats.Own.Stats = [[GWYRDD]][mcMMO] Ystadegau