2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
package com.gmail.nossr50.config.collectionconfigs;
2019-02-17 08:59:09 -08:00
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.ConfigCollection;
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.ItemType;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.MaterialType;
2019-02-17 08:59:09 -08:00
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.repair.repairables.Repairable;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.repair.repairables.RepairableFactory;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.ItemUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.SkillUtils;
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
import ninja.leaping.configurate.ConfigurationNode;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
2019-02-21 17:07:38 -08:00
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
* This config
2019-02-17 08:59:09 -08:00
public class RepairConfig extends ConfigCollection {
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
public static final String REPAIRABLES = "Repairables";
public static final String ITEM_ID = "ItemId";
public static final String MATERIAL_TYPE = "MaterialType";
public static final String REPAIR_MATERIAL = "RepairMaterial";
public static final String MAXIMUM_DURABILITY = "MaximumDurability";
public static final String ITEM_TYPE = "ItemType";
public static final String METADATA = "Metadata";
public static final String XP_MULTIPLIER = "XpMultiplier";
public static final String MINIMUM_LEVEL = "MinimumLevel";
public static final String MINIMUM_QUANTITY = "MinimumQuantity";
2019-02-25 16:39:49 -08:00
public RepairConfig(String fileName, boolean merge, boolean copyDefaults) {
2019-02-17 08:59:09 -08:00
//super(McmmoCore.getDataFolderPath().getAbsoluteFile(), fileName, false);
2019-02-25 16:39:49 -08:00
super(mcMMO.p.getDataFolder().getAbsoluteFile(), fileName, merge, copyDefaults, false);
2019-02-26 20:57:02 -08:00
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
* The version of this config
* @return
public double getConfigVersion() {
return 1;
2019-02-17 08:59:09 -08:00
public void register() {
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
//Grab the "keys" under the Repairables node
ArrayList<ConfigurationNode> repairChildrenNodes = new ArrayList<>(getChildren(REPAIRABLES));
//TODO: Remove Debug
if(repairChildrenNodes.size() <= 0) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("DEBUG: Repair MultiConfigContainer key list is empty");
for (ConfigurationNode repairNode : repairChildrenNodes) {
// Validate all the things!
List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
* Match the name of the key to a Material constant definition
String repairChildNodeName = repairNode.getString();
Material itemMaterial = Material.matchMaterial(repairChildNodeName);
if (itemMaterial == null) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Repair Invalid material: " + repairChildNodeName);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
* Determine Repair Material Type
MaterialType repairMaterialType = MaterialType.OTHER;
String repairMaterialTypeString = getRepairMaterialTypeString(repairChildNodeName);
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2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (hasNode(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, MATERIAL_TYPE)) {
ItemStack repairItem = new ItemStack(itemMaterial);
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (ItemUtils.isWoodTool(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.WOOD;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
else if (ItemUtils.isStoneTool(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.STONE;
else if (ItemUtils.isStringTool(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.STRING;
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
else if (ItemUtils.isLeatherArmor(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.LEATHER;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
else if (ItemUtils.isIronArmor(repairItem) || ItemUtils.isIronTool(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.IRON;
else if (ItemUtils.isGoldArmor(repairItem) || ItemUtils.isGoldTool(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.GOLD;
else if (ItemUtils.isDiamondArmor(repairItem) || ItemUtils.isDiamondTool(repairItem)) {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.DIAMOND;
else {
//If a material cannot be matched, try matching the material to its repair material type string from the config
try {
repairMaterialType = MaterialType.valueOf(repairMaterialTypeString.toUpperCase());
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
errorMessages.add("Repair Config: " + repairChildNodeName + " has an invalid " + MATERIAL_TYPE + " of " + repairMaterialTypeString);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
// Repair Material
String repairMaterialName = getRepairMaterialStringName(repairChildNodeName);
Material repairMaterial = (repairMaterialName == null ? repairMaterialType.getDefaultMaterial() : Material.matchMaterial(repairMaterialName));
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (repairMaterial == null) {
errorMessages.add(repairChildNodeName + " has an invalid repair material: " + repairMaterialName);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
// Maximum Durability
short maximumDurability = (itemMaterial != null ? itemMaterial.getMaxDurability() : getRepairableMaximumDurability(repairChildNodeName));
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (maximumDurability <= 0) {
maximumDurability = getRepairableMaximumDurability(repairChildNodeName);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (maximumDurability <= 0) {
errorMessages.add("Maximum durability of " + repairChildNodeName + " must be greater than 0!");
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
// Item Type
ItemType repairItemType = ItemType.OTHER;
String repairItemTypeString = "";
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if(hasNode(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, ITEM_TYPE))
repairItemTypeString = getStringValue(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, ITEM_TYPE);
repairItemTypeString = "OTHER";
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (!hasNode(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, ITEM_TYPE) && itemMaterial != null) {
ItemStack repairItem = new ItemStack(itemMaterial);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (ItemUtils.isMinecraftTool(repairItem)) {
repairItemType = ItemType.TOOL;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
else if (ItemUtils.isArmor(repairItem)) {
repairItemType = ItemType.ARMOR;
else {
try {
repairItemType = ItemType.valueOf(repairItemTypeString);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
errorMessages.add(repairChildNodeName + " has an invalid ItemType of " + repairItemTypeString);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
byte repairMetadata = -1;
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
//Set the metadata byte
repairMetadata = (byte) getIntValue(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, REPAIR_MATERIAL, METADATA);
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
int minimumLevel = getIntValue(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, MINIMUM_LEVEL);
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
double xpMultiplier = 1;
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if(hasNode(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, XP_MULTIPLIER))
xpMultiplier = getDoubleValue(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, XP_MULTIPLIER);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
// Minimum Quantity
int minimumQuantity = SkillUtils.getRepairAndSalvageQuantities(new ItemStack(itemMaterial), repairMaterial, repairMetadata);
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
if (minimumQuantity <= 0) {
minimumQuantity = getIntValue(REPAIRABLES, repairChildNodeName, MINIMUM_QUANTITY);
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
* Just make sure the values we may have just grabbed from the config aren't below 0
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
//Validate min level
if(minimumLevel < 0)
minimumLevel = 0;
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
//Validate XP Mult
if(xpMultiplier < 0)
xpMultiplier = 0;
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
//Validate Minimum Quantity
if (minimumQuantity <= 0) {
minimumQuantity = 2;
errorMessages.add("Minimum quantity for "+repairChildNodeName+" in repair config should be above 0");
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
Repairable repairable = RepairableFactory.getRepairable(itemMaterial, repairMaterial, repairMetadata, minimumLevel, minimumQuantity, maximumDurability, repairItemType, repairMaterialType, xpMultiplier);
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
2019-02-26 16:15:40 -08:00
for (String error : errorMessages) {
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00
2019-02-20 15:42:46 -08:00
private String getRepairMaterialTypeString(String key) {
return getStringValue(REPAIRABLES, key, MATERIAL_TYPE);
private short getRepairableMaximumDurability(String key) {
* Gets the Repair Material String Name defined in the config
* @param key the key name of the repairable child node under the Repairables parent node
* @return the Repair Material String Name defined in the config
private String getRepairMaterialStringName(String key) {
return getStringValue(REPAIRABLES, key, REPAIR_MATERIAL);
2019-02-16 16:09:48 -08:00