package net.knarcraft.stargate.config; /** * A ConfigOption represents one of the available config options */ public enum ConfigOption { /** * The language used for player-interface text */ LANGUAGE("language", "The language used for all signs and all messages to players", "en"), /** * The folder for portal files */ PORTAL_FOLDER("folders.portalFolder", "The folder containing the portal databases", "plugins/Stargate/portals/"), /** * The folder for gate files */ GATE_FOLDER("folders.gateFolder", "The folder containing all gate files", "plugins/Stargate/gates/"), /** * The max number of portals on a single network */ MAX_GATES_EACH_NETWORK("gates.maxGatesEachNetwork", "The max number of stargates in a single network", 0), /** * The network used if not specified */ DEFAULT_GATE_NETWORK("gates.defaultGateNetwork", "The network used when no network is specified", "central"), /** * Whether to remember the lastly used destination */ REMEMBER_DESTINATION("gates.cosmetic.rememberDestination", "Whether to remember the last destination used", false), /** * Whether to sort the network destinations */ SORT_NETWORK_DESTINATIONS("gates.cosmetic.sortNetworkDestinations", "Whether to sort destinations by name", false), /** * The main color to use for all signs */ MAIN_SIGN_COLOR("gates.cosmetic.mainSignColor", "The main text color of all stargate signs", "BLACK"), /** * The color to use for highlighting sign text */ HIGHLIGHT_SIGN_COLOR("gates.cosmetic.highlightSignColor", "The text color used for highlighting stargate signs", "WHITE"), /** * Whether to destroy portals when any blocks are broken by explosions */ DESTROYED_BY_EXPLOSION("gates.integrity.destroyedByExplosion", "Whether stargates should be destroyed by explosions", false), /** * Whether to verify each portal's gate layout after each load */ VERIFY_PORTALS("gates.integrity.verifyPortals", "Whether to verify that portals match their gate layout on load", false), /** * Whether to protect the entrance of portals */ PROTECT_ENTRANCE("gates.integrity.protectEntrance", "Whether to protect stargates' entrances", false), /** * Whether to enable BungeeCord support */ ENABLE_BUNGEE("gates.functionality.enableBungee", "Whether to enable BungeeCord support", false), /** * Whether to enable vehicle teleportation */ HANDLE_VEHICLES("gates.functionality.handleVehicles", "Whether to enable vehicle teleportation", true), /** * Whether to enable teleportation of empty vehicles */ HANDLE_EMPTY_VEHICLES("gates.functionality.handleEmptyVehicles", "Whether to enable teleportation of empty vehicles", true), /** * Whether to enable teleportation of creatures using vehicles */ HANDLE_CREATURE_TRANSPORTATION("gates.functionality.handleCreatureTransportation", "Whether to enable teleportation of vehicles containing non-player creatures", true), /** * Whether to allow creatures to teleport alone, bypassing any access restrictions */ HANDLE_NON_PLAYER_VEHICLES("gates.functionality.handleNonPlayerVehicles", "Whether to enable teleportation of non-empty vehicles without a player", true), /** * Whether to enable teleportations of creatures on a leash */ HANDLE_LEASHED_CREATURES("gates.functionality.handleLeashedCreatures", "Whether to enable players to teleport a creature on a leash", true), USE_ECONOMY("economy.useEconomy", "Whether to use economy to incur fees when stargates are used, created or destroyed", false), CREATE_COST("economy.createCost", "The cost of creating a new stargate", 0), DESTROY_COST("economy.destroyCost", "The cost of destroying a stargate. Negative to refund", 0), USE_COST("economy.useCost", "The cost of using (teleporting through) a stargate", 0), TO_OWNER("economy.toOwner", "Whether any teleportation fees should go to the owner of the used stargate", false), CHARGE_FREE_DESTINATION("economy.chargeFreeDestination", "Whether to require payment if the destination is free, but the entrance stargate is not", true), FREE_GATES_GREEN("economy.freeGatesGreen", "Whether to use green coloring to mark all free stargates", false), DEBUG("debugging.debug", "Whether to enable debugging output", false), PERMISSION_DEBUG("debugging.permissionDebug", "Whether to enable permission debugging output", false); private final String configNode; private final String description; private final Object defaultValue; private final OptionDataType dataType; /** * Instantiates a new config option * * @param configNode
The full path of this config option's config node
* @param descriptionThe description of what this config option does
* @param defaultValueThe default value of this config option
*/ ConfigOption(String configNode, String description, Object defaultValue) { this.configNode = configNode; this.description = description; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; if (defaultValue instanceof String) { this.dataType = OptionDataType.STRING; } else if (defaultValue instanceof Boolean) { this.dataType = OptionDataType.BOOLEAN; } else if (defaultValue instanceof Integer) { this.dataType = OptionDataType.INTEGER; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown config data type encountered."); } } /** * Gets a config option given its name * * @param nameThe name of the config option to get
* @returnThe corresponding config option, or null if the name is invalid
*/ public static ConfigOption getByName(String name) { for (ConfigOption option : ConfigOption.values()) { if (option.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return option; } } return null; } /** * Gets the name of this config option * * @returnThe name of this config option
*/ public String getName() { if (!this.configNode.contains(".")) { return this.configNode; } String[] pathParts = this.configNode.split("\\."); return pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; } /** * Gets the data type used for storing this config option * * @returnThe data type used
*/ public OptionDataType getDataType() { return this.dataType; } /** * Gets the config node of this config option * * @returnThis config option's config node
*/ public String getConfigNode() { return this.configNode; } /** * Gets the description of what this config option does * * @returnThe description of this config option
*/ public String getDescription() { return this.description; } /** * Gets this config option's default value * * @returnThis config option's default value
*/ public Object getDefaultValue() { return this.defaultValue; } }