# Description Create gates that allow for instant-teleportation between large distances. Gates can be always-open or triggered; they can share a network or be split into clusters; they can be hidden on a network or accessible to everybody. - Player permissions -- let players build their own networks. - Vault economy support -- can add costs for create, destroy and use. - Multiple custom gate configurations - Message customization ## Background This was originally TheDgtl's Bukkit port of the Stargate plugin for hMod by Dinnerbone. This is a fork of [PseudoKnight's fork](https://github.com/PseudoKnight/Stargate-Bukkit). This fork's main purpose is to create a clean version of Stargate compliant with Spigot 1.16, even if it means changing the entire project's previous structure. # Permissions ``` stargate.use -- Allow use of all gates linking to any world in any network (Override ALL network/world permissions. Set to false to use network/world specific permissions) stargate.world -- Allow use of gates linking to any world stargate.world.{world} -- Allow use of gates with a destination in {world}. Set to false to disallow use. stargate.network -- Allow use of gates on all networks stargate.network.{network} -- Allow use of all gates in {network}. Set to false to disallow use. stargate.option -- Allow use of all options stargate.option.hidden -- Allow use of 'H'idden stargate.option.alwayson -- Allow use of 'A'lways-On stargate.option.private -- Allow use of 'P'rivate stargate.option.free -- Allow use of 'F'ree stargate.option.backwards -- Allow use of 'B'ackwards stargate.option.show -- Allow use of 'S'how stargate.option.nonetwork -- Allow use of 'N'oNetwork stargate.option.random -- Allow use of 'Random' gates stargate.create -- Allow creating gates on any network (Override all create permissions) stargate.create.personal -- Allow creating gates on network {playername} stargate.create.network -- Allow creating gates on any network stargate.create.network.{networkname} -- Allow creating gates on network {networkname}. Set to false to disallow creation on {networkname} stargate.create.gate -- Allow creation of any gate layout stargate.create.gate.{gatefile} -- Allow creation of only {gatefile} gates stargate.destroy -- Allow destruction gates on any network (Orderride all destroy permissions) stargate.destroy.personal -- Allow destruction of gates owned by user only stargate.destroy.network -- Allow destruction of gates on any network stargate.destroy.network.{networkname} -- Allow destruction of gates on network {networkname}. Set to false to disallow destruction of {networkname} stargate.free -- Allow free use/creation/destruction of gates stargate.free.use -- Allow free use of Stargates stargate.free.create -- Allow free creation of Stargates stargate.free.destroy -- Allow free destruction of Stargates stargate.admin -- Allow all admin features (Hidden/Private only so far) stargate.admin.private -- Allow use of Private gates not owned by user stargate.admin.hidden -- Allow access to Hidden gates not ownerd by user stargate.admin.reload -- Allow use of /sg reload ``` ## Default Permissions ``` stargate.use -- Everyone stargate.create -- Op stargate.destroy -- Op stargate.option -- Op stargate.free -- Op stargate.admin -- Op ``` # Instructions ## Building a gate: This is the default gate configuration. See the Custom Gate Layout section on how to change this. ``` OO O O - These are Obsidian blocks. You need 10. O O - Place a sign on either of these two blocks of Obsidian. O O OO ``` ### Sign Layout: - Line 1: Gate Name (Max 12 characters) - Line 2: Destination Name \[Optional] (Max 12 characters, used for fixed-gates only) - Line 3: Network name \[Optional] (Max 12 characters) - Line 4: Options \[Optional] : - 'A' for always-on fixed gate - 'H' for hidden networked gate - 'P' for a private gate - 'F' for a free gate - 'B' is for a backwards facing gate (You will exit the back) - 'S' is for showing an always-on gate in the network list - 'N' is for hiding the network name - 'R' is for random gates. These follow standard permissions of gates, but have a random exit location every time a player enters. The options are the single letter, not the word. So to make a private hidden gate, your 4th line would be 'PH'. #### Gate networks: - Gates are all part of a network, by default this is "central". - You can specify (and create) your own network on the third line of the sign when making a new gate. - Gates on one network will not see gates on the second network, and vice versa. - Gates on different worlds, but in the same network, will see eachother. #### Fixed gates: - Fixed gates go to only one set destination. - Fixed gates can be linked to other fixed gates, or normal gates. A normal gate cannot open a portal to a fixed gate however. - To create a fixed gate, specify a destination on the second line of the stargate sign. - Set the 4th line of the stargate sign to "A" to enable an always-open fixed gate. #### Hidden Gates: - Hidden gates are like normal gates, but only show on the destination list of other gates under certain conditions. - A hidden gate is only visible to the creator of the gate, or somebody with the stargate.hidden permission. - Set the 4th line of the stargate sign to 'H' to make it a hidden gate. ## Using a gate: - Right click the sign to choose a destination. - Right click the button to open up a portal. - Step through. ## Economy Support: The latest version of Stargate has support for Vault. Gate creation, destruction and use can all have different costs associated with them. You can also define per-gate layout costs. The default cost is assigned in the config.yml file, while the per-gate costs re defined in the .gate files. To define a certain cost to a gate just add these lines to your .gate file: ``` usecost=5 destroycost=5 createcost=5 toowner=true ``` # Custom Gate Layout You can create as many gate formats as you want, the gate layouts are stored in `plugins/Stargate/gates/`. The .gate file must be laid out a specific way, the first lines will be config information, and after a blank line you will lay out the gate format. Here is the default nether.gate file: ``` portal-open=NETHER_PORTAL portal-closed=AIR button=STONE_BUTTON X=OBSIDIAN -=OBSIDIAN XX X..X -..- X*.X XX ``` The keys `portal-open` and `portal-closed` are used to define the material in the gate when it is open or closed. The key `button` is used to define the type of button that is generated for this gate. It must be a button material. `X` and `-` are used to define block types for the layout (Any single-character can be used, such as `#`). In the gate format, you can see we use `X` to show where obsidian must be, `-` where the controls (Button/sign) are. You will also notice a `*` in the gate layout, this is the "exit point" of the gate, the block at which the player will teleport in front of. # Configuration ``` default-gate-network - The default gate network portal-folder - The folder your portal databases are saved in gate-folder - The folder containing your .gate files destroyexplosion - Whether to destroy a stargate with explosions, or stop an explosion if it contains a gates controls. useeconomy - Whether or not to use Economy createcost - The cost to create a stargate destroycost - The cost to destroy a stargate (Can be negative for a "refund" usecost - The cost to use a stargate chargefreedestination - Enable to allow free travel from any gate to a free gate freegatesgreen - Enable to make gates that won't cost the player money show up as green toowner - Whether the money from gate-use goes to the owner or nobody maxgates - If non-zero, will define the maximum amount of gates allowed on any network. chosenLanguage - The language to use (Included languages: en, de) destMemory - Whether to set the first destination as the last used destination for all gates ignoreEntrance - Set this option to true to not check the entrance of a gate on startup. This is a workaround for snowmen breaking gates. handleVehicles - Whether or not to handle vehicles going through gates. Set to false to disallow vehicles (Manned or not) going through gates. sortLists - If true, network lists will be sorted alphabetically. protectEntrance - If true, will protect from users breaking gate entrance blocks (This is more resource intensive than the usual check, and should only be enabled for servers that use solid open/close blocks) signColor: This allows you to specify the color of the gate signs. Valid colors: verifyPortals: Whether or not all the non-sign blocks are checked to match the gate layout when an old stargate is loaded at startup. debug: Whether to show massive debug output permdebug: Whether to show massive permission debug output ``` # Message Customization It is possible to customize all of the messages Stargate displays, including the [Stargate] prefix. You can find the strings in plugins/Stargate/lang/chosenLanguage.txt. If a string is removed, or left blank, it will default to the default english string. There are some special cases when it comes to messages. When you see %variableName%, you need to keep this part in your string, as it will be replaced with relevant values. The full list of strings is as follows: ``` prefix=[Stargate] teleportMsg=Teleported destroyMsg=Gate Destroyed invalidMsg=Invalid Destination blockMsg=Destination Blocked destEmpty=Destination List Empty denyMsg=Access Denied ecoDeduct=Deducted %cost% ecoRefund=Refunded %cost% ecoObtain=Obtained %cost% from Stargate %portal% ecoInFunds=Insufficient Funds ecoLoadError=Vault was loaded, but no economy plugin could be hooked into vaultLoadError=Economy is enabled but Vault could not be loaded. Economy disabled vaultLoaded=Vault v%version% found createMsg=Gate Created createNetDeny=You do not have access to that network createGateDeny=You do not have access to that gate layout createPersonal=Creating gate on personal network createNameLength=Name too short or too long. createExists=A gate by that name already exists createFull=This network is full createWorldDeny=You do not have access to that world createConflict=Gate conflicts with existing gate signRightClick=Right click signToUse=to use gate signRandom=Random signDisconnected=Disconnected bungeeDisabled=BungeeCord support is disabled. bungeeDeny=You do not have permission to create BungeeCord gates. bungeeEmpty=BungeeCord gates require both a destination and network. bungeeSign=Teleport to ``` # Changes #### \[Version] (WIP) EpicKnarvik97 fork - Changes entire path structure to a more modern and maven-compliant one - Changes package structure to net.knarcaft.stargate.* - Moves language files into the resources folder - Fixes some bugs caused by language files not being read as UTF-8 - Makes Blox into BlockLocation which now extends Location - Adds JavaDoc to a lot of the code - Adds Norwegian translation for both Norwegian languages - Adds missing dependency information to plugin.yml - Uses text from the language files in more places - Changes how backup language works, causing english strings to be shown if not available from the chosen language - Removes some pre-UUID code #### \[Version] PseudoKnight fork - Fix economy - Add custom buttons #### \[Version] PseudoKnight fork - Fix player relative yaw when exiting portal - Add color code support in lang files #### \[Version] PseudoKnight fork - Fix slab check for portal exits - Improve material checks for gate configuration #### \[Version] PseudoKnight fork - Update for 1.13/1.14 compatibility. This changes gate layouts to use new material names instead of numeric ids. You need to update your gate layout configs. - Adds "verifyPortals" config option, which sets whether an old stargate's blocks are verified when loaded. - Adds UUID support. (falls back to player names) #### \[Version] PseudoKnight fork - Removed iConomy support. Updated Vault support. Changed setting from "useiconomy" to "useeconomy". - Updated to support Metrics for 1.7.10 #### \[Version] - Fix personal gate permission check for players with mixed-case names #### \[Version] - Remove "Permissions" support, we now only support SuperPerms handlers. #### \[Version] - Make sure buttons stay where they should #### \[Version] - Do the Bungee check after the gate layout check. #### \[Version] - Actually remove the player from the BungeeQueue when they connect. Oops :) - Implement stargate.server nodes - Improve the use of negation. You can now negate networks/worlds/servers while using stargate.use permissions. #### \[Version] - Fixed an issue with portal material not showing up (Oh, that code WAS useful) #### \[Version] - Fixed an issue where water gates broke, oops #### \[Version] - Update BungeeCord integration for b152+ #### \[Version] - Remove my custom sign class. Stupid Bukkit team. - Will work with CB 1.4.5 builds, but now will break randomly due to Bukkit screwup - Update MetricsLite to R6 #### \[Version] - Optimize gate lookup in onPlayerMove - Resolve issue where Stargates would teleport players to the nether #### \[Version] - Added BungeeCord multi-server support (Requires Stargate-Bungee for BungeeCord) - Updated Spanish language file - Added basic plugin metrics via http://mcstats.org/ - Resolve issue where language updating overwrote custom strings #### \[Version] - Resolve issue of language file being overwritten as ANSI instead of UTF8 #### \[Version] - Updated languages to include sign text (Please update any languages you are able!) - Resolved NPE due to Bukkit bug with signs - Resolved issue regarding new getTargetBlock code throwing an exception - Languages now auto-update based on the .JAR version (New entries only, doesn't overwrite customization) - New command "/sg about", will list the author of the current language file if available - Language now has a fallback to English for missing lines (It's the only language I can personally update on release) - Added Spanish (Thanks Manuestaire) and Hungarian (Thanks HPoltergeist) - Added portal.setOwner(String) API #### \[Version] - Resolve issue of right clicking introduced in 1.3.1/2 #### \[Version] - Removed try/catch, it was still segfaulting. - Built against 1.3.1 #### \[Version] - Wrap sign changing in try/catch. Stupid Bukkit #### \[Version] - Load chunk before trying to draw signs - Implement a workaround for BUKKIT-1033 #### \[Version] - Permission checking for 'R'andom gates. - Random now implies AlwaysOn - Added all languages to JAR #### \[Version] - Added 'R'andom option - This still follows the permission rules defined for normal gate usage - Added a bit more debug output #### \[Version] - Hopefully fix backwards gate exiting #### \[Version] - Reload all gates on world unload, this stops gates with invalid destinations being in memory. #### \[Version] - Check move/portal/interact/signchange events for cancellation #### \[Version] - Resolve issue with buttons on glass gates falling off - /sg reload can now be used ingame (stargate.admin.reload permission) #### \[Version] - Move blockBreak to HIGHEST priority, this resolves issues with region protection plugins #### \[Version] - Fixed issue with displaying iConomy prices - iConomy is now hooked on "sg reload" if not already hooked and enabled - iConomy is now unhooked on "sg reload" if hooked and disabled #### \[Version] - Button now activates if gate is opened, allowing redstone interaction - Fixed issue with sign line lengths. All sign text should now fit with color codes. #### \[Version] - Update API for StargateCommand - Resolved issue with block data on explosion - Added signColor option - Added protectEntrance option #### \[Version 0.7.6] - Moved gate opening/closing to a Queue/Runnable system to resolve server lag issues with very large gates #### \[Version] - PEX now returns accurate results without requiring use of the bridge. #### \[Version] - Added sortLists options #### \[Version] - Quick event fix for latest dev builds - Fix for sign ClassCastException #### \[Version] - Fixed an exploit with pistons to destroy gates #### \[Version] - Removed SignPost class - Resolved issues with signs in 1.2 #### \[Version] - Quick update to the custom event code, works with R5+ now. #### \[Version] - PEX is built of fail, if we have it, use bridge instead. #### \[Version] - Fix issue with private gates for players with long names #### \[Version] - Added another check for Perm bridges. #### \[Version] - Make sure our timer is stopped on disable - Move Event reg before loading gates to stop portal material vanishing #### \[Version] - Don't create button on failed creation #### \[Version] - Refactored creation code a bit - Added StargateCreateEvent, see Stargate-API for usage. - Added StargateDestroyEvent, see Stargate-API for usage. - Updated Event API to the new standard, please see: http://wiki.bukkit.org/Introduction_to_the_New_Event_System - Added handleVehicles option. - Added 'N'o Network option (Hides the network from the sign) #### \[Version] - Changed the implementation of StargateAccessEvent. - Disable Permissions if version is 2.7.2 (Common version used between bridges) - Fix long-standing bug with hasPermDeep check. Oops. #### \[Version] - Implement StargateAccessEvent, used for bypassing permission checks/denying access to gates. #### \[Version] - stargate.create.personal permission now also allows user to use personal gates #### \[Version] - Quick API update to add player to the activate event #### \[Version] - Fixed issue with non-air closed portal blocks - Added StargatePortalEvent/onStargatePortal event #### \[Version] - Added "ignoreEntrance" option to not check entrance to gate on integrity check (Workaround for snowmen until event is pulled) #### \[Version] - Actually fixed "><" issue with destMemory #### \[Version] - Hopefully fixed "><" issue with destMemory #### \[Version 0.7.3] - Lava and water gates no longer destroy on reload - "sg reload" now closes gates before reloading - Added Vault support - Added missing "useiConomy" option in config #### \[Version] - Quick fix for an NPE #### \[Version 0.7.2] - Make it so you can still destroy gates in Survival mode #### \[Version 0.7.1] - Added destMemory option - Switched to sign.update() as Bukkit implemented my fix - Threw in a catch for a null from location for portal events #### \[Version 0.7.0] - Minecraft 1.0.0 support - New FileConfiguration implemented - Stop gates being destroyed on right-click in Creative mode - Fixed signs not updating with a hackish workaround until Bukkit is fixed #### \[Version 0.6.10] - Added Register support as opposed to iConomy #### \[Version 0.6.9] - Added UTF8 support for lang files (With or without BOM) #### \[Version 0.6.8] - Fixed unmanned carts losing velocity through gates - /sg reload now properly switches languages #### \[Version 0.6.7] - Added lang option - Removed language debug output - Added German language (lang=de) -- Thanks EduardBaer #### \[Version 0.6.6] - Added %cost% and %portal% to all eco* messages - Fixed an issue when creating a gate on a network you don't have access to #### \[Version 0.6.5] - Moved printed message config to a seperate file - Added permdebug option - Hopefully fix path issues some people were having - Fixed iConomy creation cost - Added 'S'how option for Always-On gates - Added 'stargate.create.gate' permissions #### \[Version 0.6.4] - Fixed iConomy handling #### \[Version 0.6.3] - Fixed (Not Connected) showing on inter-world gate loading - Added the ability to negate Network/World permissions (Use, Create and Destroy) - Fixed Lockette compatibility - More stringent verification checks #### \[Version 0.6.2] - Fixed an issue with private gates - Added default permissions #### \[Version 0.6.1] - Stop destruction of open gates on startup #### \[Version 0.6.0] - Completely re-wrote Permission handling (REREAD/REDO YOUR PERMISSIONS!!!!!!!!) - Added custom Stargate events (See Stargate-DHD code for use) - Fixed portal event cancellation - Umm... Lots of other small things. #### \[Version 0.5.5] - Added 'B'ackwards option - Fixed opening of gates with a fixed gate as a destination - Added block metadata support to gates #### \[Version 0.5.1] - Take into account world/network restrictions for Vehicles - Properly teleport empty vehicles between worlds - Properly teleport StoreageMinecarts between worlds - Take into account vehicle type when teleporting #### \[Version 0.5.0] - Updated the teleport method - Remove always-open gates from lists - Hopefully stop Stargate and Nether interference #### \[Version 0.4.9] - Left-click to scroll signs up - Show "(Not Connected)" on fixed-gates with a non-existant destination - Added "maxgates" option - Removed debug message - Started work on disabling damage for lava gates, too much work to finish with the current implementation of EntityDamageByBlock #### \[Version 0.4.8] - Added chargefreedestination option - Added freegatesgreen option #### \[Version 0.4.7] - Added debug option - Fixed gates will now show in the list of gates they link to. - iConomy no longer touched if not enabled in config #### \[Version 0.4.6] - Fixed a bug in iConomy handling. #### \[Version 0.4.5] - Owner of gate now isn't charged for use if target is owner - Updated for iConomy 5.x - Fixed random iConomy bugs #### \[Version 0.4.4] - Added a check for stargate.network.*/stargate.world.* on gate creation - Check for stargate.world.*/stargate.network.* on gate entrance - Warp player outside of gate on access denied #### \[Version 0.4.3] - Made some errors more user-friendly - Properly take into account portal-closed material #### \[Version 0.4.2] - Gates can't be created on existing gate blocks #### \[Version 0.4.1] - Sign option permissions - Per-gate iconomy target - /sg reload command - Other misc fixes #### \[Version 0.4.0] - Carts with no player can now go through gates. - You can set gates to send their cost to their owner. - Per-gate layout option for "toOwner". - Cleaned up the iConomy code a bit, messages should only be shown on actual deduction now. - Created separate 'stargate.free.{use/create/destroy}' permissions. #### \[Version 0.3.5] - Added 'stargate.world.*' permissions - Added 'stargate.network.*' permissions - Added 'networkfilter' config option - Added 'worldfilter' config option #### \[Version 0.3.4] - Added 'stargate.free' permission - Added iConomy cost into .gate files #### \[Version 0.3.3] - Moved sign update into a schedule event, should fix signs #### \[Version 0.3.2] - Updated to latest RB - Implemented proper vehicle handling - Added iConomy to vehicle handling - Can now set cost to go to creator on use #### \[Version 0.3.1] - Changed version numbering. - Changed how plugins are hooked into. #### \[Version 0.30] - Fixed a bug in iConomy checking. #### \[Version 0.29] - Added iConomy support. Currently only works with iConomy 4.4 until Niji fixes 4.5 - Thanks @Jonbas for the base iConomy implementation #### \[Version 0.28] - Fixed an issue with removing stargates during load #### \[Version 0.27] - Fixed portal count on load #### \[Version 0.26] - Added stargate.create.personal for personal stargate networks - Fixed a bug with destroying stargates by removing sign/button #### \[Version 0.25] - Fixed a bug with worlds in subfolders - Fixed gates being destroyed with explosions - Added stargate.destroy.owner #### \[Version 0.24] - Fixed a loading bug in which invalid gates caused file truncation #### \[Version 0.23] - Added a check to make sure "nethergate.gate" exists, otherwise create it #### \[Version 0.22] - Fixed multi-world stargates causing an NPE #### \[Version 0.21] - Code cleanup - Added a few more errors when a gate can't be loaded - Hopefully fixed path issue on some Linux installs #### \[Version 0.20] - Fixed the bug SIGN_CHANGE exception when using plugins such as Lockette #### \[Version 0.19] - Set button facing on new gates, fixes weirdass button glitch - Beginning of very buggy multi-world support #### \[Version 0.18] - Small permissions handling update. #### \[Version 0.17] - Core GM support removed, depends on FakePermissions if you use GM. #### \[Version 0.16] - Fixed Permissions, will work with GroupManager, Permissions 2.0, or Permissions 2.1 - Left-clicking to activate a stargate works again #### \[Version 0.15] - Built against b424jnks -- As such nothing lower is supported at the moment. - Moved gate destruction code to onBlockBreak since onBlockDamage no longer handles breaking blocks. - Removed long constructor. #### \[Version 0.14] - Fixed infinite loop in fixed gates. - Fixed gate destination will not open when dialed into. #### \[Version 0.13] - Fixed gates no longer show in destination list. #### \[Version 0.12] - Implemented fixed destination block using * in .gate file. This is the recommended method of doing an exit point for custom gates, as the automatic method doesn't work in a lot of cases. - Split networks up in memory, can now use same name in different networks. As a result, fixed gates must now specify a network. - Added the ability to have a private gate, which only you can activate. Use the 'P' option to create. - Fixed but not AlwaysOn gates now open the destination gate. - Fixed gates now show their network. Existing fixed gates are added to the default network (Sorry! It had to be done) #### \[Version 0.11] - Fuuuu- Some code got undid and broke everything. Fixed. #### \[Version 0.10] - Hopefully fixed the "No position found" bug. - If dest > origin, any blocks past origin.size will drop you at dest[0] - Switched to scheduler instead of our own thread for closing gates and deactivating signs - No longer depend on Permissions, use it as an option. isOp() used as defaults. #### \[Version 0.09] - Gates can now be any shape #### \[Version 0.08] - Gates can now consist of any material. - You can left or right click the button to open a gate - Gates are now initialized on sign placement, not more right clicking! #### \[Version 0.07] - Fixed where the default gate is saved to. #### \[Version 0.06] - Forgot to make gates load from new location, oops #### \[Version 0.05] - Moved Stargate files into the plugins/Stargate/ folder - Added migration code so old gates/portals are ported to new folder structure - Create default config.yml if it doesn't exist - Fixed removing a gate, it is now completely removed #### \[Version 0.04] - Updated to multi-world Bukkit #### \[Version 0.03] - Changed package to net.TheDgtl.* - Everything now uses Blox instead of Block objects - Started on vehicle code, but it's still buggy