diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 82968f9..7903309 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ can share a network or be split into clusters; they can be hidden on a network o - **API available** -- using the API, a lot of behavior can be changed - **Button customization** -- a large amount of materials usable as buttons (buttons, wall corals, shulkers, chests) - **Config commands** -- All main config values can be changed from the commandline +- **RGB and dye support** -- Signs can use RGB colors as their default colors, and can also be dyed on a per-sign basis ## Background @@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ stargate.admin -- Allow all admin features (Hidden/Private bypass, BungeeCord, R stargate.admin.bungee -- Allow the creation of BungeeCord stargates (U option) stargate.admin.reload -- Allow use of the reload command stargate.admin.config -- Allows the player to change config values from the chat + stargate.admin.dye -- Allows this player to change the dye of any stargate's sign ``` ## Default Permissions @@ -304,8 +306,9 @@ gates: cosmetic: rememberDestination - Whether to set the first destination as the last used destination for all gates sortNetworkDestinations - If true, network lists will be sorted alphabetically. - mainSignColor - This allows you to specify the color of the gate signs. - highlightSignColor - This allows you to specify the color of the sign markings. + mainSignColor - This allows you to specify the color of the gate signs. Use a color code such as WHITE,BLACK,YELLOW or a hex color code such as '#ed76d9'. You need quotes around hex color codes. + highlightSignColor - This allows you to specify the color of the sign markings. Use a color code such as WHITE,BLACK,YELLOW or a hex color code such as '#ed76d9'. You need quotes around hex color codes. + perSignColors: - A list of per-sign color specifications. Format: "SIGN_TYPE:mainColor,highlight_color". The SIGN_TYPE is OAK for an oak sign, DARK_OAK for a dark oak sign and so on. The colors can be "default" to use the color specified in "mainSignColor" or "highlightSignColor", "inverted" to use the inverse color of the default color, a normal color such as BLACK,WHITE,YELLOW or a hex color code such as #ed76d9. integrity: destroyedByExplosion - Whether to destroy a stargate with explosions, or stop an explosion if it contains a gates controls. verifyPortals - Whether or not all the non-sign blocks are checked to match the gate layout when an old stargate is loaded at startup. @@ -390,6 +393,12 @@ portalInfoServer=Server: %server% # Changes +#### \[Version] EpicKnarvik97 fork + +- Adds support for RGB colors (use hex color codes) +- Adds support for dyed and glowing signs +- Adds support for specifying sign colors per sign type + #### \[Version] EpicKnarvik97 fork - Updates Java version to JDK 17