package com.plotsquared.bukkit.util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Biome; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.block.Sign; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import org.bukkit.material.Sandstone; import org.bukkit.material.Step; import org.bukkit.material.Tree; import org.bukkit.material.WoodenStep; import org.bukkit.material.Wool; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Location; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotBlock; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotPlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.schematic.PlotItem; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.BlockManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MathMan; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.StringComparison; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.UUIDHandler; import com.plotsquared.bukkit.object.BukkitPlayer; public class BukkitUtil extends BlockManager { private static HashMap worlds = new HashMap<>(); private static String lastString = null; private static World lastWorld = null; private static Player lastPlayer = null; private static PlotPlayer lastPlotPlayer = null; public static void removePlayer(final String plr) { lastPlayer = null; lastPlotPlayer = null; UUIDHandler.getPlayers().remove(plr); } // These weren't being used, but they might be useful later, so I'm just commenting them out // private static int getMaxHeight(final String world) { // return getWorld(world).getMaxHeight(); // } // // private static void unloadChunkAt(String worldname, int X, int Z, boolean save, boolean safe) { // final World world = getWorld(worldname); // world.unloadChunk(X, Z, save, safe); // } // // private static void loadChunkAt(final String worldname, int X, int Z, boolean force) { // final World world = getWorld(worldname); // world.loadChunk(X, Z, force); // } // // private static Chunk getChunkAt(final String worldname, final int x, final int z) { // final World world = getWorld(worldname); // return world.getChunkAt(x, z); // } // // private static void teleportPlayer(final Player player, final Location loc) { // final org.bukkit.Location bukkitLoc = new org.bukkit.Location(getWorld(loc.getWorld()), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); // player.teleport(bukkitLoc); // } // // private static void setBiome(final String worldname, final int pos1_x, final int pos1_z, final int pos2_x, final int pos2_z, final String biome) { // final Biome b = Biome.valueOf(biome.toUpperCase()); // final World world = getWorld(worldname); // for (int x = pos1_x; x <= pos2_x; x++) { // for (int z = pos1_z; z <= pos2_z; z++) { // if (world.getBiome(x, z) == b) { // continue; // } // world.setBiome(x, z, b); // } // } // } // // private static void refreshChunk(final String name, final int x, final int z) { // World world = getWorld(name); // world.refreshChunk(x, z); // world.loadChunk(x, z); // } // // private static void regenerateChunk(final String world, final int x, final int z) { // World worldObj = getWorld(world); // Chunk chunk = worldObj.getChunkAt(x, z); // if (chunk.isLoaded() || chunk.load(false)) { // ChunkManager.manager.regenerateChunk(world, new ChunkLoc(x, z)); // } // } // // private static Location getLocationFull(final org.bukkit.Location loc) { // final String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); // return new Location(world, loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ(), loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch()); // } // // private static int getViewDistance() { // return Bukkit.getViewDistance(); // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// USED BY EVENT SYSTEM AND SUCH ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static PlotPlayer getPlayer(final OfflinePlayer op) { if (op.isOnline()) { return getPlayer(op.getPlayer()); } Player player = OfflinePlayerUtil.loadPlayer(op); player.loadData(); return new BukkitPlayer(player); } public static PlotPlayer getPlayer(final Player player) { if (player == lastPlayer) { return lastPlotPlayer; } String name = player.getName(); PlotPlayer pp = UUIDHandler.getPlayers().get(name); if (pp != null) { return pp; } lastPlotPlayer = new BukkitPlayer(player); UUIDHandler.getPlayers().put(name, lastPlotPlayer); lastPlayer = player; return lastPlotPlayer; } public static Location getLocation(final org.bukkit.Location loc) { return new Location(loc.getWorld().getName(), (int) loc.getX(), (int) loc.getY(), (int) loc.getZ()); } public static org.bukkit.Location getLocation(final Location loc) { return new org.bukkit.Location(getWorld(loc.getWorld()), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); } public static World getWorld(final String string) { if (string == lastString) { return lastWorld; } World world = worlds.get(string); if (world == null) { world = Bukkit.getWorld(string); worlds.put(string, world); } return world; } public static String getWorld(final Entity entity) { return entity.getWorld().getName(); } public static List getEntities(final String worldname) { return getWorld(worldname).getEntities(); } public static Location getLocation(final Entity entity) { final org.bukkit.Location loc = entity.getLocation(); final String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); return new Location(world, loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()); } public static Location getLocationFull(final Entity entity) { org.bukkit.Location loc = entity.getLocation(); return new Location(loc.getWorld().getName(), (int) loc.getX(), (int) loc.getY(), (int) loc.getZ(), loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// CLASS ONLY METHODS ////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void setBlock(final World world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final int id, final byte data) { try { BukkitSetBlockManager.setBlockManager.set(world, x, y, z, id, data); } catch (final Throwable e) { BukkitSetBlockManager.setBlockManager = new SetBlockSlow(); BukkitSetBlockManager.setBlockManager.set(world, x, y, z, id, data); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public boolean isWorld(final String world) { return getWorld(world) != null; } @Override public String getBiome(String world, int x, int z) { return getWorld(world).getBiome(x, z).name(); } @Override public void functionSetBlocks(final String worldname, final int[] x, final int[] y, final int[] z, final int[] id, final byte[] data) { final World world = getWorld(worldname); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { BukkitUtil.setBlock(world, x[i], y[i], z[i], id[i], data[i]); } } @Override public void functionSetSign(final String worldname, final int x, final int y, final int z, final String[] lines) { final World world = getWorld(worldname); final Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z); block.setType(Material.AIR); block.setTypeIdAndData(Material.WALL_SIGN.getId(), (byte) 2, false); final BlockState blockstate = block.getState(); if ((blockstate instanceof Sign)) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { ((Sign) blockstate).setLine(i, lines[i]); } ((Sign) blockstate).update(true); } } @Override public void functionSetBiomes(final String worldname, final int[] x, final int[] z, final String biomeStr) { final World world = getWorld(worldname); final Biome biome = Biome.valueOf(biomeStr.toUpperCase()); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { world.setBiome(x[i], z[i], biome); } } @Override public void functionSetBlock(final String worldname, final int x, final int y, final int z, final int id, final byte data) { BukkitUtil.setBlock(getWorld(worldname), x, y, z, id, data); } @Override public String[] getSign(final Location loc) { final Block block = getWorld(loc.getWorld()).getBlockAt(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); if (block != null) { if (block.getState() instanceof Sign) { final Sign sign = (Sign) block.getState(); return sign.getLines(); } } return null; } @Override public Location getSpawn(final String world) { final org.bukkit.Location temp = getWorld(world).getSpawnLocation(); return new Location(world, temp.getBlockX(), temp.getBlockY(), temp.getBlockZ(), temp.getYaw(), temp.getPitch()); } @Override public int getHeighestBlock(String world, int x, int z) { return getWorld(world).getHighestBlockAt(x, z).getY(); } @Override public int getBiomeFromString(final String biomeStr) { try { final Biome biome = Biome.valueOf(biomeStr.toUpperCase()); if (biome == null) { return -1; } return Arrays.asList(Biome.values()).indexOf(biome); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return -1; } } @Override public String[] getBiomeList() { final Biome[] biomes = Biome.values(); final String[] list = new String[biomes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < biomes.length; i++) { list[i] = biomes[i].name(); } return list; } @Override public PlotBlock getPlotBlockFromString(final String block) { final Material material = Material.valueOf(block.toUpperCase()); if (material == null) { return new PlotBlock((short) -1, (byte) 0); } return new PlotBlock((short) material.getId(), (byte) 0); } @Override public boolean addItems(String worldname, PlotItem items) { World world = getWorld(worldname); Block block = world.getBlockAt(items.x, items.y, items.z); if (block == null) { return false; } BlockState state = block.getState(); if (state != null && state instanceof InventoryHolder) { InventoryHolder holder = ((InventoryHolder) state); Inventory inv = holder.getInventory(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { ItemStack item = new ItemStack([i], items.amount[i],[i]); inv.addItem(item); } state.update(true); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isBlockSolid(PlotBlock block) { try { Material material = Material.getMaterial(; if (material.isBlock() && material.isSolid() && !material.hasGravity()) { Class data = material.getData(); if ((data.equals(MaterialData.class) && !material.isTransparent() && material.isOccluding()) || data.equals(Tree.class) || data.equals(Sandstone.class) || data.equals(Wool.class) || data.equals(Step.class) || data.equals(WoodenStep.class)) { switch (material) { case NOTE_BLOCK: case MOB_SPAWNER: { return false; } default: return true; } } } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override public String getClosestMatchingName(PlotBlock block) { try { return Material.getMaterial(; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public StringComparison.ComparisonResult getClosestBlock(String name) { try { double match; short id; byte data; String[] split = name.split(":"); if (split.length == 2) { data = Byte.parseByte(split[1]); name = split[0]; } else { data = 0; } if (MathMan.isInteger(split[0])) { id = Short.parseShort(split[0]); match = 0; } else { StringComparison.ComparisonResult comparison = new StringComparison(name, Material.values()).getBestMatchAdvanced(); match = comparison.match; id = (short); } PlotBlock block = new PlotBlock(id, data); StringComparison outer = new StringComparison(); return ComparisonResult(match, block); } catch (Exception e) {} return null; } @Override public PlotBlock getBlock(Location loc) { final World world = getWorld(loc.getWorld()); final Block block = world.getBlockAt(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); if (block == null) { return new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0); } return new PlotBlock((short) block.getTypeId(), block.getData()); } }