package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.*; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MainUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.SetBlockQueue; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A plot manager with square plots which tesselate on a square grid with the following sections: ROAD, WALL, BORDER (wall), PLOT, FLOOR (plot) */ public abstract class ClassicPlotManager extends SquarePlotManager { @Override public boolean setComponent(final PlotWorld plotworld, final PlotId plotid, final String component, final PlotBlock[] blocks) { switch (component) { case "floor": { setFloor(plotworld, plotid, blocks); return true; } case "wall": { setWallFilling(plotworld, plotid, blocks); return true; } case "border": { setWall(plotworld, plotid, blocks); return true; } } return false; } public boolean setFloor(final PlotWorld plotworld, final PlotId plotid, final PlotBlock[] blocks) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location pos1 = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(plotworld.worldname, plotid).add(1, 0, 1); final Location pos2 = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(plotworld.worldname, plotid).add(1, 0, 1); pos1.setY(dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT); pos2.setY(dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, pos1, pos2, blocks); return true; } public boolean setWallFilling(final PlotWorld plotworld, final PlotId plotid, final PlotBlock[] blocks) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; if (dpw.ROAD_WIDTH == 0) { return false; } final Location bottom = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(plotworld.worldname, plotid); final Location top = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(plotworld.worldname, plotid).add(1, 0, 1); int x, z; z = bottom.getZ(); PseudoRandom random = new PseudoRandom(); for (x = bottom.getX(); x <= (top.getX() - 1); x++) { for (int y = 1; y <= dpw.WALL_HEIGHT; y++) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } } x = top.getX(); for (z = bottom.getZ(); z <= (top.getZ() - 1); z++) { for (int y = 1; y <= dpw.WALL_HEIGHT; y++) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } } z = top.getZ(); for (x = top.getX(); x >= (bottom.getX() + 1); x--) { for (int y = 1; y <= dpw.WALL_HEIGHT; y++) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } } x = bottom.getX(); for (z = top.getZ(); z >= (bottom.getZ() + 1); z--) { for (int y = 1; y <= dpw.WALL_HEIGHT; y++) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } } return true; } public boolean setWall(final PlotWorld plotworld, final PlotId plotid, final PlotBlock[] blocks) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; if (dpw.ROAD_WIDTH == 0) { return false; } final Location bottom = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(plotworld.worldname, plotid); final Location top = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(plotworld.worldname, plotid).add(1, 0, 1); int x, z; z = bottom.getZ(); PseudoRandom random = new PseudoRandom(); final int y = dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1; for (x = bottom.getX(); x <= (top.getX() - 1); x++) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } x = top.getX(); for (z = bottom.getZ(); z <= (top.getZ() - 1); z++) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } z = top.getZ(); for (x = top.getX(); x >= (bottom.getX() + 1); x--) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } x = bottom.getX(); for (z = top.getZ(); z >= (bottom.getZ() + 1); z--) { SetBlockQueue.setBlock(plotworld.worldname, x, y, z, blocks[random.random(blocks.length)]); } return true; } /** * PLOT MERGING */ @Override public boolean createRoadEast(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location pos1 = getPlotBottomLocAbs(plotworld,; final Location pos2 = getPlotTopLocAbs(plotworld,; final int sx = pos2.getX() + 1; final int ex = (sx + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; final int sz = pos1.getZ() - 1; final int ez = pos2.getZ() + 2; MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, Math.min(dpw.WALL_HEIGHT, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT) + 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, 257, ez), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, ez), new PlotBlock((short) 7, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, ez), dpw.WALL_FILLING); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 2, ez), dpw.WALL_BLOCK); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, ez), dpw.WALL_FILLING); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 2, ez), dpw.WALL_BLOCK); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, ez), dpw.ROAD_BLOCK); return true; } @Override public boolean createRoadSouth(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location pos1 = getPlotBottomLocAbs(plotworld,; final Location pos2 = getPlotTopLocAbs(plotworld,; final int sz = pos2.getZ() + 1; final int ez = (sz + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; final int sx = pos1.getX() - 1; final int ex = pos2.getX() + 2; MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, Math.min(dpw.WALL_HEIGHT, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT) + 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, 257, ez + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 0, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, 1, ez + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 7, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, sz + 1), dpw.WALL_FILLING); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 2, sz + 1), dpw.WALL_BLOCK); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 1, ez), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, ez + 1), dpw.WALL_FILLING); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, ez), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 2, ez + 1), dpw.WALL_BLOCK); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, ez), dpw.ROAD_BLOCK); return true; } @Override public boolean createRoadSouthEast(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location pos2 = getPlotTopLocAbs(plotworld,; final int sx = pos2.getX() + 1; final int ex = (sx + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; final int sz = pos2.getZ() + 1; final int ez = (sz + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, 257, ez), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 0, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, 1, ez), new PlotBlock((short) 7, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, ez), dpw.ROAD_BLOCK); return true; } @Override public boolean removeRoadEast(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location pos1 = getPlotBottomLocAbs(plotworld,; final Location pos2 = getPlotTopLocAbs(plotworld,; final int sx = pos2.getX() + 1; final int ex = (sx + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; final int sz = pos1.getZ(); final int ez = pos2.getZ() + 1; MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, Math.min(dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT) + 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, 257, ez + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, 1, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, ez), dpw.MAIN_BLOCK); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, sz + 1), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, ez), dpw.TOP_BLOCK); return true; } @Override public boolean removeRoadSouth(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location pos1 = getPlotBottomLocAbs(plotworld,; final Location pos2 = getPlotTopLocAbs(plotworld,; final int sz = pos2.getZ() + 1; final int ez = (sz + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; final int sx = pos1.getX(); final int ex = pos2.getX() + 1; MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, Math.min(dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT) + 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, 257, ez + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, ez + 1), dpw.MAIN_BLOCK); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx + 1, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, ez + 1), dpw.TOP_BLOCK); return true; } @Override public boolean removeRoadSouthEast(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location loc = getPlotTopLocAbs(dpw,; final int sx = loc.getX() + 1; final int ex = (sx + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; final int sz = loc.getZ() + 1; final int ez = (sz + dpw.ROAD_WIDTH) - 1; MainUtil.setSimpleCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, 257, ez + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0)); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, 1, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT, ez + 1), dpw.MAIN_BLOCK); MainUtil.setCuboidAsync(plotworld.worldname, new Location(plotworld.worldname, sx, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT, sz), new Location(plotworld.worldname, ex + 1, dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, ez + 1), dpw.TOP_BLOCK); return true; } /** * Finishing off plot merging by adding in the walls surrounding the plot (OPTIONAL)(UNFINISHED) */ @Override public boolean finishPlotMerge(final PlotWorld plotworld, final ArrayList plotIds) { final PlotId pos1 = plotIds.get(0); final PlotBlock block = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).CLAIMED_WALL_BLOCK; final PlotBlock unclaim = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).WALL_BLOCK; if (!block.equals(unclaim)) { setWall(plotworld, pos1, new PlotBlock[] { block }); } return true; } @Override public boolean finishPlotUnlink(final PlotWorld plotworld, final ArrayList plotIds) { final PlotBlock block = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).CLAIMED_WALL_BLOCK; final PlotBlock unclaim = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).WALL_BLOCK; for (final PlotId id : plotIds) { if ( != 0 || !block.equals(unclaim)) { setWall(plotworld, id, new PlotBlock[] { block }); } } return true; } @Override public boolean startPlotMerge(final PlotWorld plotworld, final ArrayList plotIds) { return true; } @Override public boolean startPlotUnlink(final PlotWorld plotworld, final ArrayList plotIds) { return true; } @Override public boolean claimPlot(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final PlotBlock unclaim = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).WALL_BLOCK; final PlotBlock claim = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).CLAIMED_WALL_BLOCK; if ( != 0 || !claim.equals(unclaim)) { setWall(plotworld,, new PlotBlock[] { claim }); } return true; } @Override public boolean unclaimPlot(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final PlotBlock unclaim = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).WALL_BLOCK; final PlotBlock claim = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).CLAIMED_WALL_BLOCK; if ( != 0 || !claim.equals(unclaim)) { setWall(plotworld,, new PlotBlock[] { unclaim }); } MainUtil.removeSign(plot); return true; } @Override public String[] getPlotComponents(final PlotWorld plotworld, final PlotId plotid) { return new String[] { "floor", "wall", "border" }; } /** * Remove sign for a plot */ @Override public Location getSignLoc(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot) { final ClassicPlotWorld dpw = (ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld; final Location bot = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(plotworld.worldname,; return new com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Location(plotworld.worldname, bot.getX(), dpw.ROAD_HEIGHT + 1, bot.getZ() - 1); } }